/// <summary> /// Constructor for Dialog dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> public DialogDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); mainForm = frm; Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Read dialog /// </summary> public ReadDataSourceDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); Construct(); this.EpiInterpreter = frm.EpiInterpreter; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Dialog dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> public DialogDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); mainForm = frm; Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for If Dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm"></param> public IfDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); Construct(); amf = frm; }
public RunTimeView(IEnterInterpreterHost pEnterClientInterface, Epi.View pView, int pParentRecordId, string pParentGlobalRecordId, IScope pScope = null) { // to do set the enter interpreter // application domain. Assembly a = Assembly.Load(pView.Project.EnterMakeviewIntepreter); // Get the type to use. Type myType = a.GetType(pView.Project.EnterMakeviewIntepreter + ".EpiInterpreterParser"); // Create an instance. if (pScope == null) { this.mEpiInterpreter = (IEnterInterpreter)Activator.CreateInstance(myType, new object[] { pEnterClientInterface }); } else { this.mEpiInterpreter = (IEnterInterpreter)Activator.CreateInstance(myType, new object[] { pEnterClientInterface, pScope }); } this.mEpiInterpreter.Context.Scope.Name = pView.Name; this.mEpiInterpreter.Host = pEnterClientInterface; this.EnterClientInterface = pEnterClientInterface; this.AfterStack = new Stack<KeyValuePair<EventActionEnum, StackCommand>>(); this.parentViewRecordId = pParentRecordId; this.parentViewGlobalRecordId = pParentGlobalRecordId; this.RecordNumberMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); this.mView = pView; this.mView.ForeignKeyField.CurrentRecordValueString = this.ParentGlobalRecordId; }
private void btneliminarEp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEpi.Text != "") { if (!moduloInicio.Existe("select IdEpi from pyme.trabajadorepis where IdEpi=" + idEpi + ";")) { if (MessageBox.Show("Este proceso borra el epi " + datagridEpi.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString().ToUpper() + " de la bd, lo quieres hacer S/N", "CUIDADO", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { using (var contexto = new MyDbContext()) { moduloInicio.OperarSql("delete from pyme.epicontrols where Epi_IdEpi=" + idEpi + ";"); Epi epi = contexto.Epis.Where(x => x.IdEpi == idEpi).FirstOrDefault(); contexto.Epis.Remove(epi); contexto.SaveChanges(); } datagridEpi.DataSource = moduloInicio.CargaGridyCombo("select*from pyme.epis"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No se puede,tiene trabajadores asociados"); } moduloInicio.LimpiarTexto(this); btnaltaEpi.Enabled = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("dar de alta o selecciona uno"); } }
private void btnModificarEpi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string nombreEpi = datagridEpi.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); if (txtEpi.Text != "") { if (!moduloInicio.Existe("select Nombre from pyme.epis where Nombre ='" + nombreEpi + "';")) { using (var contexto = new MyDbContext()) { Epi epi = contexto.Epis.Where(x => x.IdEpi == idEpi).FirstOrDefault(); epi.Nombre = txtEpi.Text; contexto.Epis.Add(epi); contexto.SaveChanges(); } datagridEpi.DataSource = moduloInicio.CargaGridyCombo("select*from pyme.epis"); } else { MessageBox.Show("El epi ya existe"); } moduloInicio.LimpiarTexto(this); btnaltaEpi.Enabled = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Selecciona un Epi"); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="pSourceProject">The Epi Info 2000 project to check</param> public UpgradeProblemDisplayDialog(Epi.Epi2000.Project pSourceProject) { InitializeComponent(); lvProblems.Items.Clear(); sourceProject = pSourceProject; this.errorList = new ImportExportErrorList(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Read dialog /// </summary> public ReadDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); Construct(); SourceProjectNames = new Hashtable(); if (frm.projectExplorer != null) { if (frm.projectExplorer.currentPage != null) { this.sourceProject = frm.projectExplorer.currentPage.view.Project; this.selectedProject = this.sourceProject; this.selectedDataSource = this.selectedProject; foreach (string s in this.sourceProject.GetNonViewTableNames()) { string key = s.ToUpper().Trim(); if (!SourceProjectNames.Contains(key)) { SourceProjectNames.Add(key, true); } } foreach (string s in this.sourceProject.GetViewNames()) { string key = s.ToUpper().Trim(); if (!SourceProjectNames.Contains(key)) { SourceProjectNames.Add(key, true); } } } } }
private void btnaltaEpi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEpi.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Introduce Epi"); txtEpi.Focus(); return; } if (!moduloInicio.Existe("select Nombre from pyme.epis where IdEpi=" + idEpi + ";")) { using (var contexto = new MyDbContext()) { Epi epi = new Epi { Nombre = txtEpi.Text.ToUpper() }; contexto.Epis.Add(epi); contexto.SaveChanges(); int idepis = moduloInicio.ObtenerId("select IdEpi from pyme.epis where Nombre='" + txtEpi.Text + "';"); moduloInicio.OperarSql("Insert into pyme.epicontrols(Epi_IdEpi,Control_IdControl) values(" + idepis + "," + idcont + ");"); } datagridEpi.DataSource = moduloInicio.CargaGridyCombo("select*from pyme.epis"); } else { MessageBox.Show("El epi ya existe"); } moduloInicio.LimpiarTexto(this); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm"></param> public DefineUserCommandDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); construct(); CheckForInputSufficiency(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Read dialog /// </summary> public ReadDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); Construct(); SourceProjectNames = new Hashtable(); if (frm.projectExplorer != null) { if (frm.projectExplorer.currentPage != null) { this.sourceProject = frm.projectExplorer.currentPage.view.Project; this.selectedProject = this.sourceProject; this.selectedDataSource = this.selectedProject; //--EI-48 //Adds datatable names to viewlist to enable other tables in project List<string> SourceViewnames = this.sourceProject.GetViewNames(); SourceNonViewnames = this.sourceProject.GetNonViewTableNames(); foreach(string str in SourceViewnames) { View MView = this.sourceProject.GetViewByName(str); DataTable ViewPages = MView.GetMetadata().GetPagesForView(MView.Id); foreach(DataRow dt in ViewPages.Rows) { string ViewdataTable = MView.TableName + dt[ColumnNames.PAGE_ID]; Sourcedatatables.Add(ViewdataTable); } if (SourceNonViewnames.Contains(str)) { SourceNonViewnames.Remove(str); } } foreach(string str in Sourcedatatables) { SourceViewnames.Add(str); if (SourceNonViewnames.Contains(str)) { SourceNonViewnames.Remove(str);} } //-- foreach (string s in this.sourceProject.GetNonViewTableNames()) { string key = s.ToUpper().Trim(); if (!SourceProjectNames.Contains(key)) { if (SourceViewnames.Contains(s)) { SourceProjectNames.Add(key, true); } } } foreach (string s in this.sourceProject.GetViewNames()) { string key = s.ToUpper().Trim(); if (!SourceProjectNames.Contains(key)) { SourceProjectNames.Add(key, true); } } } } }
private void CheckSourceProjectForProblems(Epi.Epi2000.Project sourceProject) { Epi.ImportExport.Epi2000.ProjectAnalyzer projectAnalyzer = new Epi.ImportExport.Epi2000.ProjectAnalyzer(sourceProject); projectAnalyzer.SetStatus += new UpdateStatusEventHandler(projectAnalyzer_SetStatus); projectAnalyzer.Analyze(); this.errorList = projectAnalyzer.ErrorList; }
public RepublishSurveyFields(string pOrganizationKey, Epi.View pView, string pTemplate) { InitializeComponent(); this.OrganizationKey = pOrganizationKey; this.view = pView; this.template = pTemplate; }
public LayerList(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map myMap, Epi.View view, Epi.Data.IDbDriver db, DashboardHelper dashboardHelper) { InitializeComponent(); this.myMap = myMap; this.view = view; this.db = db; this.dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm"></param> public RunSavedPGMDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); construct(); LoadPGMList(); CheckForInputSufficiency(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Dialog dialog that passes the project /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="project">The current project</param> public DialogDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm, Project project) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); mainForm = frm; this.project = project; Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the Relate Field Definition /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="page">The page</param> public RelateFieldDefinition(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm, Page page) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); this.memoryRegion = frm.EpiInterpreter; this.mode = FormMode.Create; this.page = page; }
public SocialNetworkGraph(Epi.View view, Epi.Data.IDbDriver db) { InitializeComponent(); this.db = db; this.view = view; this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(SocialNetworkGraph_Loaded); grdMain.SizeChanged += new SizeChangedEventHandler(grdMain_SizeChanged); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> public EditorToolWindow(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); declaredVariables = new Collection<string>(); this.txtTextArea.AcceptsTab = true; this.memoryRegion = frm.EpiInterpreter; }
/// <summary> /// TableToViewDialog /// </summary> /// <param name="pTableName">table name</param> /// <param name="pViewName">view name</param> /// <param name="pDbDriver">IDBDriver</param> /// <param name="pColumnMapping">Column mapping scheme</param> public TableToViewDialog(string pTableName, string pViewName, Epi.Data.IDbDriver pDbDriver, Dictionary<string, string> pColumnMapping) { InitializeComponent(); TableName = pTableName; ViewName = pViewName; DbDriver = pDbDriver; columnMapping = pColumnMapping; }
/// <summary> /// CoxPHGraphOptionsDialog constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="frm"></param> public CoxPHGraphOptionsDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm, List<string> lstGraphVariables, string txtGraph, bool bolCustGraph) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); lstGraphVars = lstGraphVariables; txtGraphType = txtGraph; bolCustomizeGraph = bolCustGraph; Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the class /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The parent form</param> /// <param name="field">The fied to be edited</param> public RelateFieldDefinition(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm, RelatedViewField field) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = FormMode.Edit; this.field = field; this.page = field.Page; this.memoryRegion = frm.EpiInterpreter; LoadFormData(); }
/// <summary> /// Oveloaded constructor for DefineVariableDialog which /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="showSave">Boolean to denote whether to show the Save Only button on the dialog</param> public DefineVariableDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm, bool showSave) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); if (showSave) { showSaveOnly = true; this.btnSaveOnly.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnSaveOnly_Click); } Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for QuitDialog. if showSave is true btnShowSaveOnly is enabled during form load. /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="showSave">Boolean to denote whether to display the Show Only button on the dialog</param> public QuitDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm, bool showSave) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); showSaveOnly = showSave; if (showSaveOnly) { this.btnSaveOnly.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnSaveOnly_Click); } Construct(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for AssignDialog. if showSave, enable the SaveOnly button /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="showSave">True or False to show Save Only button</param> public HelpDialog(Epi.Windows.Analysis.Forms.AnalysisMainForm frm, bool showSave) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); if (showSave) { showSaveOnly = true; this.btnSaveOnly.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnSaveOnly_Click); Construct(); } }
private void FillComboBox(Epi.View view) { cbxTime.Items.Clear(); foreach (Epi.Fields.Field f in view.Fields) { if ((f is Epi.Fields.DateField) || (f is Epi.Fields.DateTimeField) || (f is Epi.Fields.TimeField)) { cbxTime.Items.Add(f.Name); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Grid Columns Dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> /// <param name="fieldPage">The page containing the field</param> /// <param name="gridField">The grid's field</param> /// <param name="patternsDataView">The data view</param> /// <param name="formMode">The form mode</param> /// <param name="tempColumns">Temporary Columns</param> public GridColumnsDialog(MainForm frm, Page fieldPage, Epi.Fields.GridField gridField, DataView patternsDataView, FormMode formMode, List<GridColumnBase> tempColumns) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); page = fieldPage; grid = gridField; patterns = patternsDataView; mode = formMode; form = frm; gridColumns = tempColumns; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Command Design Dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> public CommandDesignDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { InitializeComponent(); this.EpiInterpreter = frm.EpiInterpreter; //dialogCommandProcessor = Module.GetService(typeof(ICommandProcessor)) as ICommandProcessor; //if (dialogCommandProcessor == null) //{ // throw new GeneralException("Command processor is required but not available."); //} }
public LayerAdder(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map myMap, Epi.View view, Epi.Data.IDbDriver db, DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, LayerList layerList, MapControl mapControl) { InitializeComponent(); this.myMap = myMap; this.view = view; this.db = db; this.dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper; this.layerList = layerList; this.mapControl = mapControl; AddItem(); }
public LayerListItem(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map myMap, Epi.View view, Epi.Data.IDbDriver db, DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, MapControl mapControl) { InitializeComponent(); this.myMap = myMap; this.view = view; this.db = db; this.dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper; this.mapControl = mapControl; cbxLayerType.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(cbxLayerType_SelectionChanged); cbxLayerType.SelectedIndex = 0; lblLayerType.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(FontColor); }
public void Render(Epi.View view) { try { if (!view.IsRelatedView) { this.currentView = view; } } catch (Exception ex) { //temporarily catch all } }
/// <summary> /// Dialog to select a tble /// </summary> /// <param name="frm">The main form</param> public TableSelectionDialog(Epi.Windows.MakeView.Forms.MakeViewMainForm frm) : base(frm) { // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); if (frm.projectExplorer != null) { if (frm.projectExplorer.currentPage != null) { this.project = frm.projectExplorer.currentPage.view.Project; this.MetaDataProvider = this.project.Metadata; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // 프롤로그 if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Story") == 0 || storyreview_0) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { index += 1; } switch (index) { case 0: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].SetActive(false); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); Talk.text = "사람의 손길이 닿지 않은 깊은 숲 속-"; break; case 1: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].SetActive(true); Talk.text = "그러니깐 내가 왜 그딴 짓을 해야하냐고 !"; break; case 2: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "두 남녀가 서로 목소리를 높이면서 언성을 벌이고 있었다."; break; case 3: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); Talk.text = "정말 ! 어쩔 수 없잖아 ! 이 근처에 인간이라곤 너밖에 없는데 !"; break; case 4: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "하 . . 왜 하필이면 이 넓고 넓은 세상에 굳이 여기까지 와서 . ."; break; case 5: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "남자는 짙은 한숨을 내쉬면서 진심으로 한탄스러운 표정을 지었다."; break; case 6: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk.text = "시간 없으니깐 한 번만 말할테니 잘 들어 ! 최근 정령들이 폭주하여 생태계를 파괴하고 있어." + "내 힘을 빌려줄테니 폭주하고 있는 정령들을 제압해줘 "; break; case 7: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "힘이라니. . 설마 니 등에 달린 콩알만한 날개로 하늘을 난다거나 불이라도 쏘는거야 ? " + "설마 그런 생뚱 맞은 이야길 지금 나더러 믿으라는 건 아니 . ."; break; case 8: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk.text = "뭐야, 어떻게 안거야 ? 너도 설마 드래곤이었어 ?"; break; case 9: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = ". . . 실화냐 ?"; break; case 10: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk.text = "[ 스페이스 ] 키를 누르면 날 수 있고, [ 마우스 왼쪽 ] 키를 누르면 기본 공격이야. "; //Talk.text = "[ 왼쪽 화면 ] 을 터치하면 날 수 있어. 공격은 내가 알아서 할테니깐 어떻게든 피하기만 해주면 돼."; break; case 11: Talk.text = "그리고 마나를 일정 이상 모았을 때 [ 마우스 오른쪽 ] 키를 누르면 강력한 불을 사용할 수 있어. "; //Talk.text = "그리고 마나를 일정 이상 모았을 때 [ Skill ] 버튼을 누르면 강력한 불을 사용할 수 있어. "; break; case 12: Talk.text = "굉장히 강력한 공격이지만, 마나를 많이 소모하니깐 정말 신중하게 써야해 !"; break; case 13: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "너 갑자기 누구한테 말하고 있는거야 ?"; break; case 14: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk.text = "응? 누구냐니, 이제 이 게임을 플레이 할 사람들한테 설명해주잖아"; break; case 15: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = ". . 아, 그러냐"; break; case 16: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk.text = "그럼 출발하자 ! 빨리 ! 이럴 시간 없다구 !"; break; case 17: PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); PrologueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk.text = "하아 . . 알았다고 . . 귀찮아 죽겠네 . ."; break; } if (index > 17) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Story", 1); index = 0; storyreview_0 = false; BGM.Play(); BGM_Story.Stop(); Stage.SetActive(true); Pro.SetActive(false); } } // 에필로그 if (storyreview_2) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { index += 1; } switch (index) { case 0: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(false); Talk2.text = "하아. ."; break; case 1: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "하루 종일 날아다니는 것도 굉장히 피곤하다는 사실을 오늘 체감했다. . " + "별로 알고 싶은 건 아니었지만 . ."; break; case 2: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); Talk2.text = "설마 하루만에 이 정도로 해낼 줄이야 . . 역시 나는 대단하다니깐 ! "; break; case 3: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . 아, 그러냐"; break; case 4: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "뭐, 힘을 빌린 것은 사실이고 . . 무엇보다 말할 기력도 없다."; break; case 5: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = ". . 뭐, 너도 조금은 칭찬해줄게. 물론 9 할 정도는 내 덕이지만"; break; case 6: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "그거 고맙구만"; break; case 7: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(true); Talk2.text = "아뇨, 정말 감사하게 생각해요. 덕분에 제일 문제였던 정령들을 무사히 정화 시킬 수 있었으니까요. "; break; case 8: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . . 누구?"; break; case 9: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "선배 ?!"; break; case 10: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "이 정도로 해낼 수 있었던 것을 보니 두 분의 합이 굉장히 잘 맞으신가 보네요"; break; case 11: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . . ?"; break; case 12: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "하 ?"; break; case 13: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "무슨 말도 안되는 소리를 . . 얘랑 나랑 합이 잘 맞다고 ? 어딜 봐서 ? 아니 그것보다 . ."; break; case 14: Talk2.text = "어째서인지 불길한 느낌이 든다 . ."; break; case 15: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "아직 생태계를 파괴하고 있는 정령들이 많아 걱정이 태산이었지만 . . . 두 분을 보니 조금은 " + "안심이 되는군요 !"; break; case 16: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "설마 . . 안돼 . . 제발 ' 앞으로도 잘 부탁해요 ' 라는 말만은 . ."; break; case 17: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "앞.으.로.도 잘 부탁해요~"; break; case 18: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "하 ?! 이런 음침하고 의욕 없는 남자랑 ?! 싫어 ! 절대로 싫다고 !"; break; case 19: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . . 거부권은요 ?"; break; case 20: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "뭐 . . 드래곤 이상의 속도로 도망치실 수 있으시다면 말리진 않겠지만 . ."; break; case 21: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . 하아"; break; case 22: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "남자는 짙은 한숨을 내쉬면서 진심으로 한탄스러운 표정을 지었다."; break; case 23: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].SetActive(false); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].SetActive(true); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk2.text = "싫어 ! 싫다구 ! 아직 정령이 얼마나 많이 남았는데 !"; break; case 24: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.dragongirl].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.angel].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = ". . 나도 싫다 . . 기구한 내 운명이 . ."; break; case 25: EpilogueNPC[(int)NPC.player].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk2.text = "[ Epilogue End Thank you ]"; break; } if (index > 25) { index = 0; storyreview_2 = false; BGM.Play(); BGM_Epi.Stop(); Stage.SetActive(true); Epi.SetActive(false); } } if (storyreview_3) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { index += 1; } switch (index) { case 0: for (int i = 0; i < ExtraNPC.Length; i++) { ExtraNPC[i].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[i].SetActive(false); } ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(true); Talk3.text = ". . . ."; break; case 1: ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "인적이 드문 숲 속에 인간이 아닌 듯한 한 여성이 멍한 표정으로 서있었고, 그녀가 바라보고 있는 곳에는 . ."; break; case 2: ExtraNPC[0].SetActive(true); Talk3.text = ". . . ."; break; case 3: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = ". . 어째서인지 내가 서있었다."; break; case 4: ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(false); Talk3.text = "뭐야, 아는 사이야 ?"; break; case 5: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "그럴 리가 있겠냐 . . 애초에 쟨 어떻게 봐도 인간이 아니잖아"; break; case 6: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "그러고보니 . ."; break; case 7: ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "이마에는 뿔도 있고 . . 등에도 이상한 게 달려있는 것을 보아 아마도 이 아인 . ."; break; case 8: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "너랑 같은 드래곤 아니야 ?"; break; case 9: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "음 . . 뭔가 비슷한 냄새가 나는 것 같기도 하고 . ."; break; case 10: ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "아까부터 계속 멍한 표정으로 멀뚱히 서있기만 했던 드래곤이 드디어 " + "잠이 덜 깬듯한 가라앉은 목소리로 말했다."; break; case 11: ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = ". . . 너희들이지 ?"; break; case 12: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "아닌데요."; break; case 13: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "불길한 냄새가 코를 찌르기 시작했다. ' 저 애랑 엮이면 무조건 귀찮아질거다 . . ' 라고" + " 내 육감이 말해주는 듯한 느낌이다."; break; case 14: Talk3.text = "내게 무슨 용무가 있는 지는 모르겠지만 . . 무조건 피하는 게 상책이다. " + "여지껏 불길한 예감은 . . 틀린 적이 없었다."; break; case 15: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = ". . . 아니 . . 너희들이 맞아"; break; case 16: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "그럼 왜 묻는거야 . . ."; break; case 17: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "뭐야, 할 말이라도 있다면 확실하게 말하라구"; break; case 18: ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = ". . . 너희들의 실적 . . 듣고 왔어"; break; case 19: ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "아니, 그게 그렇게까지 소문이 났다고 ? 대체 누가 . . "; break; case 20: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = ". . . 아, 그 여자 . ."; break; case 21: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(false); Talk3.text = "하하핫 ! 벌써 나의 무용담이 그렇게 유명해지다니~ 역시 나야 ! "; break; case 22: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = ". . . 하아"; break; case 23: ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = ". . . 그래서 너희들에게 . . 부탁이 있는데 . ."; break; case 24: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = ". . . 거부권 . . 은 있을리가 없지 . ."; break; case 25: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "이게 부탁인가 . . 명령이지 . . 정말이지 드래곤들은 지들 멋대로 하는구만 . ."; break; case 26: ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "뭐, 멀리서 내 이름을 듣고 찾아왔다면야~ 못 들어줄 것도 없지 !"; break; case 27: ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = ". . 봐, 지들 멋대로 한다는 내 말이 맞지 ?"; break; case 28: ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); BGM_Extra.Stop(); BGM_Extra2.Play(); Talk3.text = ". . . 그 전에 . . 실력을 . . 시험해보겠어"; break; case 29: ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); ExtraNPC[2].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = ". . . 뭐? 자, 잠깐 ! 갑자기 !?"; break; case 30: ExtraNPC[1].SetActive(true); ExtraNPC[2].SetActive(false); ExtraNPC[0].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1f); Talk3.text = "에?! 갑자기 뭐야!?"; break; case 31: ExtraNPC[1].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); Talk3.text = "당황할 틈도 없이 그녀는 망설이지 않고 우리에게 달려들었고, 아무래도 나는 또 다시 " + "귀찮은 일에 휘말린 모양이다 . ."; break; } if (index > 31) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Story", 4); index = 0; storyreview_3 = false; BGM.Play(); BGM_Extra2.Stop(); Stage.SetActive(true); Extra.SetActive(false); } } }