Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to login to the Site
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Task <LoginResponse> Login(string emailAddress, string password, bool passwordIsHashed = false)
            // initial value
            LoginResponse loginResponse = new LoginResponse();

            // local
            Artist artist = null;

            // If the emailAddress string exists
            if (TextHelper.Exists(emailAddress))
                // Create a new instance of a 'Gateway' object, and set the connectionName
                Gateway gateway = new Gateway(Connection.Name);

                // load the sites
                artist = gateway.FindArtistByEmailAddress(emailAddress);

                // if the artist exists
                if (NullHelper.Exists(artist))
                    // get the key
                    string key = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue("BlazorImageGallery");

                    // if the key was found
                    if (TextHelper.Exists(key))
                        // can this artist be verified
                        bool isVerified = CryptographyHelper.VerifyHash(password, key, artist.PasswordHash, passwordIsHashed);

                        // if the password hashes match
                        if (isVerified)
                            // The user did login
                            loginResponse.Success = true;

                            // Set the artist
                            loginResponse.Artist = artist;
                            // Set the message
                            loginResponse.Message = "The passwords do not match.";
                        // Set the message
                        loginResponse.Message = "The Environment BlazorImageGallery Key was not found.";

            // return the list
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the app.config file to
        /// load the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ConnectToDatabase(DataManager dataManager)
            // locals
            string methodName = "ConnectToDatabase";
            string objectName = "AuthenticationManager";

            // Create variable for a possible CustomException
            CustomException exception = null;

                // If connection is not set
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString))
                    // if the connectionName is set
                    if (TextHelper.Exists(dataManager.ConnectionName))
                        // Set the ConnectionString (requires DataJuggler.Core.UltimateHelper version 1.3.5 or greater)
                        dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue(dataManager.ConnectionName);

                // check if database is already connected
                if (dataManager.DataConnector.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    // close connection and reopen (there should not be any open connections here)
                    // I have been thinking of a bulk insert feature in the future, but that is not for this method
                    // To Do: Log Error 'Database Connection Was Already Open'

                // Open Connection
            catch (Exception error)
                // If ErrorProcessor exists
                if (this.ErrorProcessor != null)
                    // Log this error
                    this.ErrorProcessor.LogError(methodName, objectName, error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Process New User Sign Up
        /// </summary>
        public async void ProcessNewUserSignUp(object userObject)
            // get the user
            User user = userObject as User;

            // if the user exists
            if (NullHelper.Exists(user))
                // Get the KeyCode
                string keyCode = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue(Connection.Name);

                // If the keyCode string exists
                if (TextHelper.Exists(keyCode))
                    // Set the PasswordHash, this takes the longest time
                    user.PasswordHash = CryptographyHelper.GeneratePasswordHash(Password, keyCode, 3);

                    // if the password hash was created
                    if (TextHelper.Exists(user.PasswordHash))
                        // save the user
                        bool saved = await UserService.SaveUser(ref user);

                        // if saved
                        if ((saved) && (HasParentIndexPage))
                            // Force the user to login, see if they entered real data
                            // Show a messagge
                            ValidationMessage = "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again with a different password.";
                        // Show a messagge
                        ValidationMessage = "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again with a different password.";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to verify a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstRender"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected async override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
            // if there is not a logged in user
            if (!HasLoggedInUser)
                // locals
                string emailAddress       = "";
                string storedPasswordHash = "";

                    // get the values from local storage if present
                    bool rememberLogin = await ProtectedLocalStore.GetAsync <bool>("RememberLogin");

                    // if rememberLogin is true
                    if (rememberLogin)
                        emailAddress = await ProtectedLocalStore.GetAsync <string>("EmailAddress");

                        storedPasswordHash = await ProtectedLocalStore.GetAsync <string>("PasswordHash");

                        // If the emailAddress string exists
                        if (TextHelper.Exists(emailAddress))
                            // Attempt to find this user
                            User user = await UserService.FindUserByEmailAddress(emailAddress);

                            // If the user object exists
                            if (NullHelper.Exists(user))
                                // get the key
                                string key = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue("BlazorChat");

                                // if the key was found
                                if (TextHelper.Exists(key))
                                    // can this artist be verified
                                    bool isVerified = CryptographyHelper.VerifyHash(storedPasswordHash, key, user.PasswordHash, true);

                                    // if the value for isVerified is true
                                    if (isVerified)
                                        // Set the LoggedInuser
                                        LoggedInUser = user;
                catch (Exception error)
                    // for debugging only
                    DebugHelper.WriteDebugError("OnAfterRenderAsync", "Login.cs", error);

            // call the base
            await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);

            // if the value for HasLoggedInUser is true
            if ((HasLoggedInUser) && (firstRender))
                // Refresh the UI
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the app.config file to
        /// load the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ConnectToDatabase(DataManager dataManager)
            // locals
            string methodName = "ConnectToDatabase";
            string objectName = "AuthenticationManager";

            // Create variable for a possible CustomException
            CustomException exception = null;

                // If connection is not set
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString))
                    // if the connectionName is set
                    if (TextHelper.Exists(dataManager.ConnectionName))
                        // Set the ConnectionString (requires DataJuggler.Core.UltimateHelper version 1.3.5 or greater)
                        dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue(dataManager.ConnectionName);
                        // this is for environments using a web.config or app.config.

                        // For Dot Net Core / Blazor or any new projects, Environment Variables are now the
                        // recommended way to store connection strings.

                        // Read Configuration File

                        // If the configuration is valid
                        if (this.Configuration.IsValid)
                            // if the ConnectionString exists
                            if (this.Configuration.HasConnectionString)
                                // Set the connection string using Integrated Secrity (Windows Authentication)
                                dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString = this.Configuration.ConnectionString;
                                // set the server
                                string serverName = this.Configuration.DatabaseServer;

                                // set the databaseName
                                string databaseName = this.Configuration.DatabaseName;

                                // If integrated security is set to true
                                if (this.Configuration.IntegratedSecurity)
                                    // Set the connection string using Integrated Secrity (Windows Authentication)
                                    dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString = dataManager.DataConnector.BuildConnectionString(serverName, databaseName);
                                    // set the userName
                                    string userName = this.Configuration.DatabaseUserName;

                                    // set the password
                                    string password = this.Configuration.DatabasePassword;

                                    // build the connectionstring for Sql Server Authentication
                                    dataManager.DataConnector.ConnectionString = dataManager.DataConnector.BuildConnectionString(serverName, databaseName, userName, password);

                // check if database is already connected
                if (dataManager.DataConnector.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    // close connection and reopen (there should not be any open connections here)
                    // I have been thinking of a bulk insert feature in the future, but that is not for this method
                    // To Do: Log Error 'Database Connection Was Already Open'

                // Open Connection
            catch (Exception error)
                // If ErrorProcessor exists
                if (this.ErrorProcessor != null)
                    // Only create a new configuration error if it does not already exist.
                    if (error as CustomException == null)
                        // If the configuration is not valid
                        if (!this.Configuration.IsValid)
                            // Create Instance of configurationError
                            exception = new InvalidConfigurationException(methodName, objectName, error);
                            // Create Instance of dataConnectionError
                            exception = new DataConnectionFailedException(methodName, objectName, error);

                    // Log this error
                    this.ErrorProcessor.LogError(methodName, objectName, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Process New User Sign Up
        /// </summary>
        public async void ProcessVerifyPassword(object userObject)
                // cast the object as a signUpModel object
                User user = userObject as User;

                // If the user object exists
                if (NullHelper.Exists(user))
                    // Get the KeyCode
                    string keyCode = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue(Connection.Name);

                    // verify the user is logged in
                    bool verified = CryptographyHelper.VerifyHash(password, keyCode, user.PasswordHash);

                    // if not verified
                    if (!verified)
                        // Set the message
                        ValidationMessage = "The credentials entered were either not found or invalid.";

                        // hide the progress
                        ShowProgress = false;
                        // Set the LoggedInUser on this page
                        LoggedInUser = user;

                        // Set the LoggedInUser
                        ParentIndexPage.LoggedInUser = user;

                        // if the value for RememberLogin is true
                        if (RememberLogin)
                            // Save the login details in local protected storage
                            await HandleRememberPassword();

                        // Update the login information for this user
                        user.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now;

                        // add to their total logins

                        // Save the user
                        bool saved = await UserService.SaveUser(ref user);

                        // Set the Logged In User
                        ParentIndexPage.LoggedInUser = user;

                        // Return to the Main Screen, and now you can enter chat
                    // Set the message
                    ValidationMessage = "The credentials entered were either not found or invalid.";

                    // hide the progress
                    ShowProgress = false;
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only for now
                DebugHelper.WriteDebugError("ProcessVerifyPassword", "Login.razor.cs", error);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Process New User Sign Up
        /// </summary>
        public async void ProcessNewUserSignUp(object signUpObject)
            // cast the object as a signUpModel object
            this.SignUpModel = signUpObject as SignUpModel;

            // if the value for HasSignUpModel is true
            if (HasSignUpModel)
                // locals
                string passwordHash = "";
                bool   abort        = false;
                message = "";

                // create a new Artist
                this.Artist = new Artist();

                // get the key
                string key = EnvironmentVariableHelper.GetEnvironmentVariableValue("BlazorImageGallery");

                // if the key was found
                if (TextHelper.Exists(key, password))
                    // get the encryptedPassword
                    passwordHash = CryptographyHelper.GeneratePasswordHash(password, key, 3);

                // set the artistPath
                string artistPath = Path.Combine("wwwroot/Images/Gallery", displayName.Replace(" ", ""));

                // saves going to the database to lookup if the artist exists
                if (Directory.Exists(artistPath))
                    // abort due to artist already exists
                    abort = true;

                    // Set the message
                    Message = "This artist already exists. Sign in if this is you.";

                    // if the value for HasProgressBar is true
                    if (HasProgressBar)
                        // Stop and hide
                    // create the artistFolder

                // if we should continue
                if (!abort)
                    // set the bound properties
                    artist.EmailAddress   = signUpModel.EmailAddress;
                    artist.PasswordHash   = passwordHash;
                    artist.CreatedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    artist.Active         = true;
                    artist.Name           = signUpModel.DisplayName;
                    artist.CreatedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    artist.LastUpdated    = DateTime.Now;
                    artist.FolderPath     = artistPath;
                    artist.ProfilePicture = signUpModel.ProfilePictureUrl;
                    artist.Active         = true;

                    // Validate this artist
                    bool isValid = ValidateArtist();

                    // if isValid
                    if (isValid)
                        // perform the save
                        bool saved = await ArtistService.SaveArtist(ref artist);

                        // if saved
                        if (saved)
                            // Get the loginResponse
                            this.LoginResponse = await ArtistService.Login(artist.EmailAddress, artist.PasswordHash, true);

                            // The SignUp is complete
                            SignUpComplete = true;