Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void useUpgradeTool()
        //Upgrade a turret when the player clicks on it

        //Enable upgrade icon
        Vector3 pos = MainCamera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);

        pos.x = (pos.x - 0.5f) * hudCanvas.sizeDelta.x;
        pos.y = (pos.y - 0.5f) * hudCanvas.sizeDelta.y;
        upgradeIcon.localPosition = pos;

        //Get the turret on the highlighted tile
        Turret turret = currentTile.GetComponent <Turret>();

        if (turret != null)
            //Check if turret can be upgraded
            if (turret.turretUpgrade != null)
                //Highlight green and get cost
                currentTile.GetComponent <ColorSwapper>().swapColour(Color.green);
                int cost = turret.upgradeCost;
                //If left mouse button clicked
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                    //If player can afford it
                    if (cost <= money)
                        //Update money and replace turret with new one
                        int oldCost = currentTile.costToRemove;
                        currentTile = mMap.swapTile(currentTile, turret.turretUpgrade, true, false);
                        //Add upgrade costs together so sell price can be calculated
                        currentTile.costToRemove = oldCost + cost;

                        turret = currentTile.GetComponent <Turret>();
                        showRange(turret, false);
                        sendMessage("Can't afford");
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                //Send message if turret already max level
                sendMessage("Max level");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Replace world tile with a new one
    public EnvironmentTile ReplaceEnviromentTile(EnvironmentTile current, EnvironmentTile replacment)
        Vector3 newPosition = GetRawPosition(current.PositionTile.x, current.PositionTile.y);

        EnvironmentTile tile = Instantiate(replacment, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity, transform);

        tile.Position     = current.Position;
        tile.PositionTile = current.PositionTile;

        SetTileRotation(ref tile, current.Rotation);

        if (mCharacter.CurrentPosition == current)
            mCharacter.CurrentPosition = tile;

        // Attach the tint shader to all the tile blocks
        foreach (Material m in tile.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials)
            m.shader           = TintShader;
            m.enableInstancing = true;

        // Add the tile to the global map
        mMap[current.PositionTile.x][current.PositionTile.y] = tile;

        // Setup connections between the new tile and its local tiles
        SetupConnections(current.PositionTile.x, current.PositionTile.y);
        if (current.PositionTile.x > 0)
            SetupConnections(current.PositionTile.x - 1, current.PositionTile.y);
        if (current.PositionTile.x < mMapGenerationPayload.size.x - 1)
            SetupConnections(current.PositionTile.x + 1, current.PositionTile.y);
        if (current.PositionTile.y > 0)
            SetupConnections(current.PositionTile.x, current.PositionTile.y - 1);
        if (current.PositionTile.y < mMapGenerationPayload.size.y - 1)
            SetupConnections(current.PositionTile.x, current.PositionTile.y + 1);

        // Remove the old tile and add the new one


Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void PlaceTile(EnvironmentTile tile)
        state = State.Open;

        if (moneyManager.TrySpend(towerDragging.cost))
            EnvironmentTile towerPlaced = environment.SwapTile(towerDragging.tile, tile.position2D, false);

            towerPlaced.GetComponent <Tower>().Activate();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private IEnumerator DoUpgrade(EnvironmentTile tile)
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
            yield return(null);
        ManagePlacement script = tile.GetComponent <ManagePlacement>();

        tile.IsAccessible = true;
        busy = false;
        yield return(null);
    // Func for reverting a tile to be accessible
    public void RevertTile(int x, int y)
        // Get transform position
        finalPosition = mMap[x][y].transform.position;

        // Create new prefab for new tile (set to flat grass plane)
        EnvironmentTile prefabA = AccessibleTiles[0];

        // Make a tile in reference to the map pos tile
        var t = mMap[x][y];

        // Change mesh to be flat grass
        t.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh  = prefabA.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
        t.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = prefabA.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials;

        // Make tile accessible and define as type 'ground'
        t.IsAccessible = true;
        t.Type         = string.Format("ground");

        // Delete extraneous objects (e.g. a rock on-top of the tile)
        foreach (Transform child in t.transform)

        // Replace tile in map tile list
        if (mAll.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(mMap[x][y])) != -1)
            mAll[mAll.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(mMap[x][y]))] = t;

        // Remove this tile from the forager check list

        // Change this tile to be the new accessible tile
        mMap[x][y] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void GatherActionList()
        if (mCurrentHoveredTile != null)
            EnvironmentTile tile = mCurrentHoveredTile.transform.GetComponent <EnvironmentTile>();

            foreach (Material m in tile.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials)
                m.SetColor("_Tint", new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f));

            if (tile != null)
                Entity[] entitiesOnTile = Environment.instance.GetEntitiesAt(tile.PositionTile);

                foreach (Entity e in entitiesOnTile)
                    AttachTileActionsToSelector(e.GetComponents <TileAction>(), tile);

                AttachTileActionsToSelector(tile.GetComponents <TileAction>(), tile);

                Item item = mCharacter.GetHandItem();
                if (item != null)
                    foreach (var action in item.GetComponents <TileAction>())
                        action.environmentTile = tile;
                        if (action.Valid(mCharacter))
                            // We must instantiate a instance of the current action.
                            // The reason for this is a edge case when you have a item action that has reference to a tile,
                            // then you select the option multiple times. Only the last one will be recognized and the
                            // tile highlighting will go crazy as it is pointing to unknown tiles
                            TileAction actionInstance = TileAction.Instantiate(action);
                            actionInstance.environmentTile = tile;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void placePathways(EnvironmentTile tile)
        //Create a path at the given tile, mark as a path
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !tile.isPaddock && !tile.isPath && tile.IsAccessible)
            if (currency.sufficientFunds(pathCost))
                tile.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[1].color = new Color32(196, 136, 75, 1);
                tile.isPath = true;


                for (int i = 0; i < shops.Count; i++)
                    shops[i].GetComponent <ConcessionStand>().checkTiles();

Ejemplo n.º 8
    // Finish off a tile and initialize the environment tile
    private void FinalizeTile(ref EnvironmentTile tile, int x, int y, Vector3 position)
        // Attach the tint shader to all the tile blocks
        foreach (Material m in tile.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials)
            m.shader = TintShader;

        tile.PositionTile = new Vector2Int(x, y);

        tile.Position = new Vector3(position.x + (TileSize / 2), TileHeight, position.z + (TileSize / 2));

        tile.gameObject.name = string.Format("Tile({0},{1})", x, y);

        if (mMap[x][y] != null)

        mMap[x][y] = tile;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private void Generate()
        // Setup the map of the environment tiles according to the specified width and height
        // Generate tiles from the list of accessible and inaccessible prefabs using a random
        // and the specified accessible percentage
        mMap       = new EnvironmentTile[Size.x][];
        properties = new Properties[Size.x][];

        int     halfWidth  = Size.x / 2;
        int     halfHeight = Size.y / 2;
        Vector3 position   = new Vector3(-(halfWidth * TileSize), 0.0f, -(halfHeight * TileSize));
        bool    start      = false;

        // Initial map value setup
        for (int x = 0; x < Size.x; ++x)
            mMap[x]       = new EnvironmentTile[Size.y];
            properties[x] = new Properties[Size.y];
            for (int y = 0; y < Size.y; ++y)
                if (x == Size.x / 2 && y == Size.y / 2)
                    start = true;
                bool isAccessible            = start || Random.value < AccessiblePercentage;
                List <EnvironmentTile> tiles = isAccessible ? AccessibleTiles : InaccessibleTiles;
                if (tiles == AccessibleTiles)
                    properties[x][y].listType = 0;
                    properties[x][y].listType = 1;

                properties[x][y].tileType = Random.Range(0, tiles.Count);

                if (properties[x][y].listType == 1 && properties[x][y].tileType > 20)
                { // Is it unbreakabable?
                    properties[x][y].tileType -= 21;
                    properties[x][y].listType  = 2;
                    tiles = UnbreakableTiles;
                else if (properties[x][y].listType == 1 && properties[x][y].tileType == 20)
                { // Grass tile should just be picked up, not broken down
                    properties[x][y].listType = 3;

                EnvironmentTile prefab = tiles[properties[x][y].tileType];
                EnvironmentTile tile   = Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity, transform);            // Instantiate it
                // Give it all its properties
                tile.Position = new Vector3(position.x + (TileSize / 2), TileHeight, position.z + (TileSize / 2)); // Give it a position
                if (properties[x][y].listType == 0)
                    tile.IsAccessible = true; // Make the tile something you can move on
                    if (properties[x][y].tileType > 0)
                        Transform[] grass = tile.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
                        for (int i = 1; i < grass.Length; ++i)
                            grass[i].Rotate(0.0f, Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0.0f);
                    tile.IsAccessible = false; // Or not
                    if (properties[x][y].listType == 1 || properties[x][y].listType == 2)
                        tile.child.Rotate(0.0f, Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0.0f, Space.World);

                tile.gameObject.name = string.Format("Tile({0},{1})", x, y); // Name it

                properties[x][y].pos.x = tile.Position.x;
                properties[x][y].pos.y = tile.Position.z;

                tile.xID = x;
                tile.yID = y;

                mMap[x][y] = tile;

                if (start)
                    playerTile          = tile.GetComponent <EnvironmentTile>();
                    Start               = tile;
                    mMap[x][y].occupant = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

                position.z += TileSize;
                start       = false;
            position.x += TileSize;
            position.z  = -(halfHeight * TileSize);

        GetComponentInParent <Game>().GetComponentInChildren <DoomsdayTimer>().enabled = true;

        // NPC setup
        for (int x = 0; x < Size.x; x++)
        { // Prepare for chickens
            for (int y = 0; y < Size.y; y++)
                if (Random.value > 0.999f)
                {                       // It has to be really low because otherwise it gets super laggy
                    GameObject chicken; // This is all just the general creation process
                    chicken = Instantiate(NPC[0], GetComponentInParent <Game>().transform);
                    chicken.transform.position = new Vector3(mMap[x][y].Position.x, 2.0f, mMap[x][y].Position.z);
                    chicken.GetComponent <CharacterManager>().currentTile = mMap[x][y];
                    chicken.GetComponent <Character>().CurrentPosition    = mMap[x][y];
                    mMap[x][y].occupant = chicken;
                    // Give it a tile too, so I can keep track of it for later
                    chicken.GetComponent <CharacterManager>().currentTile.xID = x;
                    chicken.GetComponent <CharacterManager>().currentTile.yID = y;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    private void doGameUpdate()
        //If a tile was selected in the last frame then restore its colour
        if (currentTile != null && currentTile.canBeDestroyed && !currentTile.IsAccessible)
            currentTile.GetComponent <ColorSwapper>().restoreColour();
        //If a turret was selected in the last frame then hide its range
        if (currentTurret != null)
            showRange(currentTurret, false);
        //Get the current tile that the mouse is hovering over
        tileIsHighlighted = getMouseTile();

        //If the place tool is being used
        if (objectToPlace != null)
            //disable the object
            //Rotate the object if rotate key pressed
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
                tileRotation = (tileRotation + 1) % 4;
                objectToPlace.transform.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 90);

        //Disable mouse icons

        //If mouse is hovering over a tile
        if (tileIsHighlighted)
            currentTurret = currentTile.GetComponent <Turret>();

            //If place tool is being used
            if (isUsingPlaceTool)
                if (!startPlaced)
            //If destroy tool is being used
            else if (isUsingDestroyTool)
            //If a turret is highlighted show its range
            else if (currentTurret != null)
                showRange(currentTurret, true);

            //If upgrade tool is being used
            if (isUsingUpgradeTool)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))

        if (!isDoingWave && startPlaced)
            //Start wave when timer reaches 0
            timeUntilWave -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (timeUntilWave <= 0)
                //Update timer text
                nextWaveCountdown.text = "Next wave in " + (int)timeUntilWave;
                nextWaveBonus.text     = "<< Start now for bonus $" + calculateNextWaveBonus();
Ejemplo n.º 11
    // Preform the pause, inventory manipulation and tile change
    public virtual IEnumerator DoCollection(Entity entity, EnvironmentTile tile)
        // Turn towards the tile
        entity.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tile.Position - entity.CurrentPosition.Position, Vector3.up);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ActionTime));

        ItemInstance[] items = FindValidItemGroup(entity);

        if (items != null)
            // Handle all item removals first as we may be in a case where a item gets removed only for just enough space to be made
            // for the newly inserted items
            foreach (ItemInstance itemInstance in items)
                switch (itemInstance.mode)
                case ItemMode.Take:
                case ItemMode.HandItem:
                    // If the item is marked to not be consumed on use, continue
                    if (!itemInstance.item.consumeOnUse)

                    float chanceRandom = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    // Check to see if the random chance of the item being used comes true
                    // Set to less then or equals as the random.range is set to min inclusive and it could be 0.0f
                    if (chanceRandom <= itemInstance.chance)
                        entity.RemoveFromInventory(itemInstance.item, itemInstance.count);

            // Now preform all item insertions
            foreach (ItemInstance itemInstance in items)
                switch (itemInstance.mode)
                case ItemMode.Give:

                    float chanceRandom = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    // Check to see if the random chance of the item being dropped comes true
                    // Set to less then or equals as the random.range is set to min inclusive and it could be 0.0f
                    if (chanceRandom <= itemInstance.chance)
                        if (!entity.AddToInventory(itemInstance.item, itemInstance.count))
                            // Drop on the floor?

        // Do we have a tile to replace the current one with?
        if (ReplacmentTiles.Length > 0)
            // Replace the tile, choosing a random new tile to go in its place
            EnvironmentTile newTile = Environment.instance.ReplaceEnviromentTile(tile, ReplacmentTiles[Random.Range(0, ReplacmentTiles.Length)]);

            // If the tile is set to be recursive then call the tile action collection on the new instance
            if (Recursive && newTile.GetComponent <TileActionCollection>() != null)
                TileActionCollection newAction = newTile.GetComponent <TileActionCollection>();
                newAction.environmentTile = newTile;
                //newAction.environmentTile = tile;
                // Verify that there is a new action is valid
                if (newAction != null && newAction.Valid(entity))

                    yield return(newAction.DoCollection(entity, newTile));
    // Make a specific tile inaccessible (at point x,y and of specific type)
    // Types (more for possible expansion):
    // 0 = rocks
    // 1 = stone
    // 2 = trees
    // 3 = logs
    // 4 = water
    // 5 = player base
    // 6 = enemy base
    public void MakeTileInaccessible(int x, int y, int type)
        // Get transform pos of where to make inaccessible
        finalPosition = mMap[x][y].transform.position;

        // Create new tile initially to the first inaccessible tile type in list
        EnvironmentTile prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[0];

        // Define what type of inaccessible tile this will be
        switch (type)
        case 0: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[Random.Range(4, 10)]; break;       // Rocks

        case 1: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[Random.Range(10, 16)]; break;      // Stone

        case 2: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[Random.Range(2, 4)]; break;        // Trees

        case 3: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[Random.Range(0, 2)]; break;        // Logs

        case 4: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[16]; break;                        // Water

        case 5: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[17]; break;                        // Player Base

        case 6: prefabNa = InaccessibleTiles[18]; break;                        // Enemy Base

        // Get reference to tile on map
        var t = mMap[x][y];

        // Change mesh of tile to be the type of inaccessible tile
        t.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh  = prefabNa.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
        t.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = prefabNa.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials;

        // Using rocks and player/enemy base objects, requires instantiation of extra object (e.g the actual rock)
        if (type == 0 || type == 5 || type == 6)
            Instantiate(prefabNa.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>(), finalPosition, mMap[x][y].transform.rotation, t.transform);

        // Make this tile not accessible
        t.IsAccessible = false;

        // Define tile type string and health (if appropriate)
        switch (type)
        case 0: t.Type = "rock";
            t.Health   = 100; break;

        case 1: t.Type = "stone";
            t.Health   = 100; break;

        case 2: t.Type = "tree";
            t.Health   = 100; break;

        case 3: t.Type = "logs";
            t.Health   = 100; break;

        case 4: t.Type = "water"; break;

        case 5: t.Type = "player base"; break;

        case 6: t.Type = "enemy base"; break;

        default: t.Type = "error"; break;

        // Replace tile in the map tile list
        if (mAll.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(mMap[x][y])) != -1)
            mAll[mAll.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(mMap[x][y]))] = t;

        // Change this tile to be the new inaccessible tile
        mMap[x][y] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    void clearDebris(EnvironmentTile tile)
        //Only change the tile is it is appropriate
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Ray screenClick = MainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (tile != null)
                if (!tile.IsAccessible && !tile.isPaddock)
                    //Remove the object on top of the tile and set it to accessible
                    if (tile.gameObject.transform.childCount > 0)
                        if (tile.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <ConcessionStand>())
                            //Give back shop money

                            //Delete the object

                            tile.IsAccessible = true;
                        else if (tile.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).tag == "Decoration")
                            //Give back the money for destoying decorations
                            //Delete the object

                            tile.IsAccessible = true;
                        else if (currency.sufficientFunds(5))
                            //clearing debris costs money

                            //Delete the object

                            tile.IsAccessible = true;
                else if (tile.isPath)
                    tile.isPath       = false;
                    tile.IsAccessible = true;
                    int ran = Random.Range(0, grassColours.Count);
                    tile.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[1].color = grassColours[ran];
            else if (Physics.Raycast(screenClick, out mRaycastHits[0]))
                if (mRaycastHits[0].transform.tag == "Paddock")
                    deletingObject = mRaycastHits[0].transform.gameObject;