Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CustomerLogIn(
            string logHeader,
            bool isFirstTime,
            string brokerMail
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin method: " + logHeader);
            string url = String.Concat(EnvironmentConfig.GetString("ENV_address"), BrandConfig.GetString("Brand_url"), IsRunLocal, BrandConfig.GetString("CustomerLogIn"));

            actionBot.WriteToLog("Nevigate to url: " + url);

            //Insert register customer's e-mail to the user name field.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("UserName"), brokerMail, "(user name field)");

            //Insert password to the password field. Default: '123456'
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("Password"), "123123", "(password field)");

            //Click on submit button.
            actionBot.Click(By.Id("loginSubmit"), "(login button)");

            if (isFirstTime)
                actionBot.Click(By.CssSelector("div.automation-popup-content > div.alignright > button.button"), "(automation - accept terms button)");

            actionBot.WriteToLog("End method: " + logHeader + Environment.NewLine);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void BrokerLogIn(
            string logHeader,
            string brokerMail
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin method: " + logHeader);


            //Navigate to broker log-in page.
            string url = String.Concat(EnvironmentConfig.GetString("ENV_address"), BrandConfig.GetString("Brand_url"), IsRunLocal, BrandConfig.GetString("BrokerLoginHost"));

            actionBot.WriteToLog("Nevigate to url: " + url);

            //Insert a registered broker's email address and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("LoginEmail"), brokerMail, "(registered broker email address)");

            //Insert a valid password to the password field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("LoginPassword"), "123456", "(password field)");

            //Click sign up.
            actionBot.Click(By.Id("LoginBrokerButton"), "(sign up button)");

            //Accept terms button only appears when terms are changed. TODO: check why this button shows up without terms change.
            try {
                actionBot.Click(By.Id("AcceptTermsButton"), "(accept terms button)", 2);
            } catch { }

            actionBot.WriteToLog("End method: " + logHeader + Environment.NewLine);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void LogIn(string logHeader, string user, string pass)
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin method: " + logHeader);
            string url = String.Concat(EnvironmentConfig.GetString("ENV_address"), BrandConfig.GetString("Brand_url"), IsRunLocal, "/Account/AdminLogOn");


            IWebElement userName = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("UserName"));


            IWebElement password = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Password"));


            IWebElement logIn = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("loginSubmitBtn"));

            actionBot.WriteToLog("End method: " + logHeader + Environment.NewLine);
        }//[email protected]
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This procedure follows C1202.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateNewBrokerAccount(
            string logHeader,
            string iFirmName,
            string iContactName,
            string iContactEmail,
            string iContactMobile,
            string iMobileCode,
            string iEstimatedMonthlyAppCount,
            string iEstimatedMonthlyClientAmount,
            string iPassword
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin method: " + logHeader);

            //Step 4 - Click create an account.
            string url = String.Concat(EnvironmentConfig.GetString("ENV_address"), BrandConfig.GetString("Brand_url"), IsRunLocal, BrandConfig.GetString("BrokerSignupHost"));

            actionBot.WriteToLog("Nevigate to url: " + url);

            //Step 5 - Insert company name to the company name field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("FirmName"), iFirmName, "(company name field)");

            //Step 6 - Insert contact person full name and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("ContactName"), iContactName, "(contact person full name)");

            //Step 7 - Insert a valid email address and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("ContactEmail"), iContactEmail, "(valid email addressma)");

            //Step 8 - Insert a valid number to the contact person mobile phone field and focus out. Mobile phone via work around is: 01111111111
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("ContactMobile"), iContactMobile, "(contact person mobile phone)");

            //Work around is to replace Step 13 - Insert valid CAPTCHA and focus out
            //Work around - configuration change in Table: [ezbob].[ConfigurationVariables] Parameter: Name='BrokerForceCaptcha' Value='0'
            actionBot.Click(By.Id("generateMobileCode"), "(generate mobile code button)");

            //Mobile code via work around is: 222222
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("MobileCode"), iMobileCode, "(valid mobile code)");

            //Step 9 - Insert any amount to the number of applications per month field and focus out.
            //actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("EstimatedMonthlyAppCount"), iEstimatedMonthlyAppCount, "(number of applications per month)");

            //Step 10 - Insert any amount to the value of credit per month field and focus out.
            //actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("EstimatedMonthlyClientAmount"), iEstimatedMonthlyClientAmount, "(value of credit per month)");

            //Check the FCA Registered check box.
            //actionBot.Click(By.XPath("//label[@for='FCARegistered']"), "(Click on the FCS Registered checkbox)");

            //Step 11 - Insert a valid password to the password field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("Password"), iPassword, "(password field)");

            //Step 12 - Insert the same password to the confirm password field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("Password2"), iPassword, "(confirm password)");

            By terms;
            By privacy;

            switch (BrandConfig.BaseName)
            case "UIAutomationTests.configs.Brand.Ezbob":
                terms   = By.Id("AgreeToTerms");
                privacy = By.Id("AgreeToPrivacyPolicy");

            case "UIAutomationTests.configs.Brand.Everline":
                terms   = By.XPath("//label[@for='AgreeToTerms']");
                privacy = By.XPath("//label[@for='AgreeToPrivacyPolicy']");

                terms   = By.Id("");
                privacy = By.Id("");

            //Step 14 - Check all required checkboxe's.
            actionBot.Click(terms, "(agree to terms checkBox)");

            actionBot.Click(privacy, "(agree to privacy policy checkBox)");

            //Step 15 - Click sign up.
            actionBot.Click(By.Id("SignupBrokerButton"), "(sign up button)");

            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin assert: Verify broker dashboard is displayed.");
            SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, By.Id("AddNewCustomer"));
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Positively asserted: Dashboard is displayed.");

            actionBot.WriteToLog("End method: " + logHeader + Environment.NewLine);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //This procedure follows C3.
        //origin - BrokerFillLead: when broker fills lead's wizard; ClientSignup: when accessing from main wizard page.
        public void PerformWizardStepOne(
            string logHeader,
            string origin,
            string emailAdress,
            string password,
            int secretQuestion,
            string secAnswer,
            string reqAmmount
            actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin method: " + logHeader);

            if (string.Equals("ClientSignup", origin))
                string url = String.Concat(EnvironmentConfig.GetString("ENV_address"), BrandConfig.GetString("Brand_url"), IsRunLocal, BrandConfig.GetString("WizardHost"));

                //Step 2 - Browse to OM app.
                actionBot.WriteToLog("Nevigate to url: " + url);

                //Step 3 - Insert a valid email address to the Email address field and focus out.
                actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("Email"), emailAdress, "(valid email address)");

            if (string.Equals("BrokerFillLead", origin))
                actionBot.WriteToLog("Begin assert: Verify e-mail address in wizard is: " + emailAdress);
                Assert.AreEqual(SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, By.Id("Email")).GetAttribute("value"), emailAdress);
                actionBot.WriteToLog("Positively asserted: e-mail addresses matched.");

            //Step 4 - Insert a valid password to the password field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("signupPass1"), password, "(password field)");

            //Step 5 - Insert the same password to the confirm password field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("signupPass2"), password, "(confirm password)");

            //Step 6 - Select secret question from the list.
            actionBot.SelectByIndex(By.Id("securityQuestion"), secretQuestion, "(secret question select)");

            //Step 7 - Insert answer in the Secret answer field and focus out.
            actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("SecurityAnswer"), secAnswer, "(secret answer field)");

            //IWebElement amount = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("amount"));

            if (String.Equals(origin, "ClientSignup"))  //This code is ilrelevant in case accessed from Broker-lead-fill

            //Step 8 - Insert number in the Mobile phone field and focus out.
                actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("mobilePhone"), "1111111111", "(contact person mobile phone)");

                //Step 9 - Click send activation code.
                actionBot.Click(By.Id("generateMobileCode"), "(generate mobile code button)");

                //Step 10 - Insert the authentication code. Workaround is: 222222
                actionBot.SendKeys(By.Id("mobileCode"), "222222", "(valid mobile code)");

            //Step 11 - Click continue.
            actionBot.Click(By.Id("signupSubmitButton"), "(continue button)");

            actionBot.WriteToLog("End method: " + logHeader + Environment.NewLine);