public void method_28(Enum31 enum31_1) { if (!Class193.smethod_0(enum31_1)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Compression method not supported"); } this.enum31_0 = enum31_1; }
public void method_28(Enum31 enum311) { if (!smethod_0(enum311)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Compression method not supported"); } _enum310 = enum311; }
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (this.class193_0 == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No open entry."); } if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer"); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "Cannot be negative"); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "Cannot be negative"); } if (buffer.Length - offset < count) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid offset/count combination"); } this.class192_0.vmethod_3(buffer, offset, count); this.long_0 += (long)count; Enum31 @enum = this.enum31_0; if (@enum != Enum31.const_0) { if (@enum != Enum31.const_1) { return; } base.Write(buffer, offset, count); return; } else { if (base.method_1() != null) { this.method_13(buffer, offset, count); return; } this.stream_0.Write(buffer, offset, count); return; } }
public Class193(string string_2, int int_2, int int_3, Enum31 enum31_1) { if (string_2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ZipEntry name"); } if (string_2.Length > 65535) { throw new ArgumentException("Name is too long", "name"); } if (int_2 != 0 && int_2 < 10) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("versionRequiredToExtract"); } this.method_19(DateTime.Now); this.string_0 = string_2; this.ushort_0 = (ushort)int_3; this.ushort_1 = (ushort)int_2; this.enum31_0 = enum31_1; }
public Class193(string string2, int int2, int int3, Enum31 enum311) { if (string2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ZipEntry name"); } if (string2.Length > 65535) { throw new ArgumentException("Name is too long", "name"); } if (int2 != 0 && int2 < 10) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("versionRequiredToExtract"); } method_19(DateTime.Now); _string0 = string2; _ushort0 = (ushort)int3; _ushort1 = (ushort)int2; _enum310 = enum311; }
public static extern bool SetWindowPos_2(HandleRef hWnd, HandleRef hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, Enum31 flags);
public static extern bool SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, Enum31 flags);
public void method_10(Class193 class1931) { if (class1931 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } if (_arrayList0 == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipOutputStream was finished"); } if (_class1930 != null) { method_11(); } if (_arrayList0.Count == 2147483647) { throw new ZipException("Too many entries for Zip file"); } var @enum = class1931.method_27(); var int_ = _int0; class1931.method_5(class1931.method_4() & 2048); _bool2 = false; var flag = true; if (@enum == Enum31.Const0) { class1931.method_5(class1931.method_4() & -9); if (class1931.method_23() >= 0L) { if (class1931.method_21() < 0L) { class1931.method_22(class1931.method_23()); } else if (class1931.method_21() != class1931.method_23()) { throw new ZipException("Method STORED, but compressed size != size"); } } else if (class1931.method_21() >= 0L) { class1931.method_24(class1931.method_21()); } if (class1931.method_21() < 0L || class1931.method_25() < 0L) { if (method_0()) { flag = false; } else { @enum = Enum31.Const1; int_ = 0; } } } if (@enum == Enum31.Const1) { if (class1931.method_21() == 0L) { class1931.method_24(class1931.method_21()); class1931.method_26(0L); @enum = Enum31.Const0; } else if (class1931.method_23() < 0L || class1931.method_21() < 0L || class1931.method_25() < 0L) { flag = false; } } if (!flag) { if (!method_0()) { class1931.method_5(class1931.method_4() | 8); } else { _bool2 = true; } } if (method_1() != null) { class1931.method_1(true); if (class1931.method_25() < 0L) { class1931.method_5(class1931.method_4() | 8); } } class1931.method_7(_long1); class1931.method_28(@enum); _enum310 = @enum; _long3 = -1L; if (_enum300 == Enum30.Const1 || (class1931.method_21() < 0L && _enum300 == Enum30.Const2)) { class1931.method_13(); } method_8(67324752); method_7(class1931.method_11()); method_7(class1931.method_4()); method_7((byte)@enum); method_8((int)class1931.method_17()); if (flag) { method_8((int)class1931.method_25()); if (class1931.method_15()) { method_8(-1); method_8(-1); } else { method_8(class1931.method_0() ? ((int)class1931.method_23() + 12) : ((int)class1931.method_23())); method_8((int)class1931.method_21()); } } else { if (_bool2) { _long2 = Stream0.Position; } method_8(0); if (_bool2) { _long3 = Stream0.Position; } if (class1931.method_15() && _bool2) { method_8(-1); method_8(-1); } else { method_8(0); method_8(0); } } var array = Class186.smethod_4(class1931.method_4(), class1931.method_20()); if (array.Length > 65535) { throw new ZipException("Entry name too long."); } var @class = new Class202(class1931.method_29()); if (class1931.method_15() && (flag || _bool2)) { @class.method_8(); if (flag) { @class.method_12(class1931.method_21()); @class.method_12(class1931.method_23()); } else { @class.method_12(-1L); @class.method_12(-1L); } @class.method_9(1); if ([email protected]_6(1)) { throw new ZipException("Internal error cant find extra data"); } if (_bool2) { _long3 = @class.method_4(); } } else { @class.method_13(1); } var array2 = @class.method_0(); method_7(array.Length); method_7(array2.Length); if (array.Length > 0) { Stream0.Write(array, 0, array.Length); } if (class1931.method_15() && _bool2) { _long3 += Stream0.Position; } if (array2.Length > 0) { Stream0.Write(array2, 0, array2.Length); } _long1 += 30 + array.Length + array2.Length; _class1930 = class1931; _class1920.vmethod_1(); if (@enum == Enum31.Const1) { Class1940.method_0(); Class1940.method_7(int_); } _long0 = 0L; if (class1931.method_0()) { if (class1931.method_25() < 0L) { method_12(class1931.method_17() << 16); return; } method_12(class1931.method_25()); } }
public static bool smethod_0(Enum31 enum31_1) { return(enum31_1 == Enum31.const_1 || enum31_1 == Enum31.const_0); }
public static bool smethod_0(Enum31 enum311) { return(enum311 == Enum31.Const1 || enum311 == Enum31.Const0); }
public static bool smethod_0(Enum31 enum31_1) { return enum31_1 == Enum31.const_1 || enum31_1 == Enum31.const_0; }
public void method_10(Class193 class193_1) { if (class193_1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } if (this.arrayList_0 == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ZipOutputStream was finished"); } if (this.class193_0 != null) { this.method_11(); } if (this.arrayList_0.Count == 2147483647) { throw new ZipException("Too many entries for Zip file"); } Enum31 @enum = class193_1.method_27(); int int_ = this.int_0; class193_1.method_5(class193_1.method_4() & 2048); this.bool_2 = false; bool flag = true; if (@enum == Enum31.const_0) { class193_1.method_5(class193_1.method_4() & -9); if (class193_1.method_23() >= 0L) { if (class193_1.method_21() < 0L) { class193_1.method_22(class193_1.method_23()); } else if (class193_1.method_21() != class193_1.method_23()) { throw new ZipException("Method STORED, but compressed size != size"); } } else if (class193_1.method_21() >= 0L) { class193_1.method_24(class193_1.method_21()); } if (class193_1.method_21() < 0L || class193_1.method_25() < 0L) { if (base.method_0()) { flag = false; } else { @enum = Enum31.const_1; int_ = 0; } } } if (@enum == Enum31.const_1) { if (class193_1.method_21() == 0L) { class193_1.method_24(class193_1.method_21()); class193_1.method_26(0L); @enum = Enum31.const_0; } else if (class193_1.method_23() < 0L || class193_1.method_21() < 0L || class193_1.method_25() < 0L) { flag = false; } } if (!flag) { if (!base.method_0()) { class193_1.method_5(class193_1.method_4() | 8); } else { this.bool_2 = true; } } if (base.method_1() != null) { class193_1.method_1(true); if (class193_1.method_25() < 0L) { class193_1.method_5(class193_1.method_4() | 8); } } class193_1.method_7(this.long_1); class193_1.method_28(@enum); this.enum31_0 = @enum; this.long_3 = -1L; if (this.enum30_0 == Enum30.const_1 || (class193_1.method_21() < 0L && this.enum30_0 == Enum30.const_2)) { class193_1.method_13(); } this.method_8(67324752); this.method_7(class193_1.method_11()); this.method_7(class193_1.method_4()); this.method_7((int)((byte)@enum)); this.method_8((int)class193_1.method_17()); if (flag) { this.method_8((int)class193_1.method_25()); if (class193_1.method_15()) { this.method_8(-1); this.method_8(-1); } else { this.method_8(class193_1.method_0() ? ((int)class193_1.method_23() + 12) : ((int)class193_1.method_23())); this.method_8((int)class193_1.method_21()); } } else { if (this.bool_2) { this.long_2 = this.stream_0.Position; } this.method_8(0); if (this.bool_2) { this.long_3 = this.stream_0.Position; } if (class193_1.method_15() && this.bool_2) { this.method_8(-1); this.method_8(-1); } else { this.method_8(0); this.method_8(0); } } byte[] array = Class186.smethod_4(class193_1.method_4(), class193_1.method_20()); if (array.Length > 65535) { throw new ZipException("Entry name too long."); } Class202 @class = new Class202(class193_1.method_29()); if (class193_1.method_15() && (flag || this.bool_2)) { @class.method_8(); if (flag) { @class.method_12(class193_1.method_21()); @class.method_12(class193_1.method_23()); } else { @class.method_12(-1L); @class.method_12(-1L); } @class.method_9(1); if ([email protected]_6(1)) { throw new ZipException("Internal error cant find extra data"); } if (this.bool_2) { this.long_3 = (long)@class.method_4(); } } else { @class.method_13(1); } byte[] array2 = @class.method_0(); this.method_7(array.Length); this.method_7(array2.Length); if (array.Length > 0) { this.stream_0.Write(array, 0, array.Length); } if (class193_1.method_15() && this.bool_2) { this.long_3 += this.stream_0.Position; } if (array2.Length > 0) { this.stream_0.Write(array2, 0, array2.Length); } this.long_1 += (long)(30 + array.Length + array2.Length); this.class193_0 = class193_1; this.class192_0.vmethod_1(); if (@enum == Enum31.const_1) { this.class194_0.method_0(); this.class194_0.method_7(int_); } this.long_0 = 0L; if (class193_1.method_0()) { if (class193_1.method_25() < 0L) { this.method_12(class193_1.method_17() << 16); return; } this.method_12(class193_1.method_25()); } }