Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Add new catalog entry to proper scope
        // Risky: caller may not know where it went; maybe merge Global & Persistent?
        internal void AddEntry(string name, DataType datatype, EntryKinds kind, EntryFlags flags = EntryFlags.None, TypedValue value = null)
            var scope = (flags.HasFlag(EntryFlags.Persistent)) ? _catalog.PersistentVars : this;
            var entry = new CatalogEntry {
                Name     = name,
                DataType = datatype,
                Kind     = kind,
                Flags    = flags,
                Scope    = scope,
                Value    = value,

            // update catalog
            if (flags.HasFlag(EntryFlags.Persistent) && _catalog.SaveFlag)
                Logger.Assert(entry.Kind == EntryKinds.Type || entry.Value == null, entry);
                if (entry.Kind == EntryKinds.Type)
        protected override bool CreateChildren(bool diffOldChildren = false)
                if (_mergedDescriptor.PropertyType.IsValueType || EntryFlags.HasFlag(Flags.Immutable))


                var mergedProperties = MultiSelectRootGridEntry.PropertyMerger.GetMergedProperties(

                    CompModSwitches.DebugGridView.TraceVerbose && mergedProperties is null,
                    "PropertyGridView: MergedProps returned null!");

                if (mergedProperties is not null)

                bool expandable = Children.Count > 0;
                if (!expandable)
                    SetFlag(Flags.ExpandableFailed, true);

            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ReadEntry(UInt32 currentBlock, UInt32 offset, String currentPath)
            m_br.BaseStream.Seek((currentBlock * m_rootHeader.blockSize) + offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Check creation of directory.
            if (Directory.Exists(currentPath) == false)

            int entrycount = 0;

            bool lastEntry = false;

            while (lastEntry == false)
                // Entry.
                //Console.WriteLine("Entry: ");

                EntryHeader eh = new EntryHeader();

                // Flags.
                eh.flags = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Convert flags.
                EntryFlags entryFlags = EntryFlags.None;

                if ((eh.flags & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
                    entryFlags |= EntryFlags.LastEntryInDir;
                if ((eh.flags & 0x40000000) == 0x40000000)
                    entryFlags |= EntryFlags.LastEntryInBlock;

                if ((eh.flags & 0x07) == 0x07)
                    entryFlags |= EntryFlags.Directory;
                else if ((eh.flags & 0x06) == 0x06)
                    entryFlags |= EntryFlags.SpecialFile;
                else if ((eh.flags & 0x02) == 0x02)
                    entryFlags |= EntryFlags.File;

                if (entryFlags.HasFlag(EntryFlags.LastEntryInDir) == true)
                    lastEntry = true;

                // Identifier.
                eh.id = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Type.
                eh.type = m_br.ReadBytes(m_entryTypeSize);

                //Console.Write("Type: ");
                //for (int i = 0; i < m_entryTypeSize; i++)
                //  Console.Write((Char)eh.type[i]);

                // Block size.
                eh.blockSize = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // failsafe: Read error, return immediately.
                if (eh.blockSize != m_rootHeader.blockSize)


                // Length of the entry in bytes.
                eh.byteCount = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Length of the entry in blocks.
                eh.blockCount = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));
                //Console.WriteLine("BlockCount: " + eh.blockCount);

                // Burst.
                eh.burst = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Gap.
                eh.gap = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Filename.
                eh.filename = m_br.ReadBytes(m_filenameSize);

                //Console.Write("Filename: ");
                //for (int i = 0; i < m_filenameSize; i++)
                //  Console.Write((Char)eh.filename[i]);

                // Number of avatars.
                eh.avatarsCount = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));

                // Offset to the avatars, from the beginning of the disk, in blocks.
                eh.avatars = new UInt32[eh.avatarsCount + 1];
                //Console.Write("Locations of the avatars: ");
                for (int i = 0; i < eh.avatarsCount + 1; i++)
                    eh.avatars[i] = Util.ArrayToUint32(m_br.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt32)));
                    //Console.Write(eh.avatars[i] + " ");

                // Add entry header to the list.

                if (m_blocks.ContainsKey(currentBlock) == false)
                    m_blocks[currentBlock] = new BlockInfo();

                BlockInfo block = m_blocks[currentBlock];
                if (block.entryHeaders == null)
                    block.entryHeaders = new List <EntryHeader>();


                m_blocks[currentBlock] = block;

                //if (entryFlags.HasFlag(EntryFlags.SpecialFile) == true)
                //  Console.Write("Special File: ");
                //  for (int i = 0; i < m_filenameSize; i++)
                //    Console.Write((Char)eh.filename[i]);
                //  Console.Write(Environment.NewLine);

                // Create directory.
                if (entryFlags.HasFlag(EntryFlags.Directory) == true)
                    // Store the current position.
                    long currentPosition = m_br.BaseStream.Position;

                    // For the filename we need to convert from Byte ASCII to Unicode string and trim the padding ('\0').
                    Byte[] bytes   = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.ASCII, Encoding.Unicode, eh.filename);
                    String unicode = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes).Trim('\0');

                    String dirPath = currentPath + m_separator + unicode;

                    ReadDirectory(eh.avatars[0], 0, dirPath);

                    // Return to previous position.
                    m_br.BaseStream.Seek(currentPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                else // Write file.
                    // [CRIS] special case: Disc label is the header of the FileSystem referenced as a file. Do not create this file.
                    if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(eh.filename).Contains("Disc label") == false &&
                        Encoding.ASCII.GetString(eh.type).Equals("*lbl") == false)
                        // Store the current position.
                        long currentPosition = m_br.BaseStream.Position;

                        // For the filename we need to convert from Byte ASCII to Unicode string and trim the padding ('\0').
                        Byte[] bytes   = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.ASCII, Encoding.Unicode, eh.filename);
                        String unicode = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes).Trim('\0');

                        String filePath = currentPath + m_separator + unicode;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Writing '" + unicode + "'...");
                        ReadFile(eh.avatars[0], filePath, eh.byteCount);

                        // Return to previous position.
                        m_br.BaseStream.Seek(currentPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
 internal override object GetValueOwnerInternal()
 => _mergedDescriptor.PropertyType.IsValueType || EntryFlags.HasFlag(Flags.Immutable)
         ? base.GetValueOwnerInternal()
         : _mergedDescriptor.GetValues(_objects);