Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected internal virtual void OnInitialSpawn(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     if (InitialSpawn != null)
         InitialSpawn(this, e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Post-spawn handling.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The event.</param>
 public void SpawnHandle(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     Character = PhysEnt.OriginalObject as CharacterController;
     if (double.IsNaN(StandardGroundForce))
         StandardGroundForce = Character.TractionForce;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void OnSpawn(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     if (e.EventCanceled)
     _plugin.Server.Broadcast(e.Entity.GetType() + " Spawned");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Post-spawn handling.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The event.</param>
 public void SpawnHandle(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     if (ForcePosition)
         POPJ = new PointOnPlaneJoint(null, PhysEnt.SpawnedBody, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.Zero);
     RAJ = new RevoluteAngularJoint(null, PhysEnt.SpawnedBody, Vector3.UnitZ);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void OnSpawn(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     foreach (EventListener el in Plugins)
         if (el.Event == Event.EntitySpawn)
             IEntityListener l = el.Listener as IEntityListener;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns an entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object command is sent from</param>
        /// <param name="e">EventArgs that contain position, name, entityID and max number</param>
        private void Spawn(Entity sender, BoxArgs e)
            EntitySpawnEventArgs args = e as EntitySpawnEventArgs;
            //get current count of entities of this type
            int currentNum = entities.Count(entity => entity.EntityName.Contains(args.Name) &&
                                            entity.EntityID == args.EntityID);

            Entity potential = new Enemy(this, args.Position, args.Name + currentNum, args.EntityID, args.Direction, args.Bounds);

            if (args.Type == EntityType.Enemy && CheckForCollisions(potential))
            //entities.Add(new NPC(this, args.Position, args.Name + currentNum, args.EntityID));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void DoSpawn(WorldManager world, HashSet <int> chunksToSpawnIn, Mob[] mobEntities, List <WeightedValue <MobType> > mobGroup, int maximumMobs, bool inWater = false)
            // Based on original server spawn logic and minecraft wiki (http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Spawn)

            // Check that we haven't already reached the maximum number of this type of mob
            if (mobGroup.Count > 0 && (mobEntities.Where(e => mobGroup.Where(mob => mob.Value == e.Type).Any()).Count() <= maximumMobs * chunksToSpawnIn.Count / 256))
                foreach (var packedChunk in chunksToSpawnIn)
                    MobType         mobType           = mobGroup.SelectRandom(world.Server.Rand);
                    UniversalCoords packSpawnPosition = GetRandomPointInChunk(world, UniversalCoords.FromPackedChunkToX(packedChunk), UniversalCoords.FromPackedChunkToZ(packedChunk));

                    byte?blockId = world.GetBlockId(packSpawnPosition);

                    if (blockId == null)

                    BlockBase blockClass = BlockHelper.Instance.CreateBlockInstance((byte)blockId);

                    if (!blockClass.IsOpaque && ((!inWater && blockClass.Type == BlockData.Blocks.Air) || (inWater && blockClass.IsLiquid))) // Lava is Opaque, so IsLiquid is safe to use here for water & still water
                        int spawnedCount = 0;
                        int x            = packSpawnPosition.WorldX;
                        int y            = packSpawnPosition.WorldY;
                        int z            = packSpawnPosition.WorldZ;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                            // Every 4th attempt reset the coordinates to the centre of the pack spawn
                            if (i % 4 == 0)
                                x = packSpawnPosition.WorldX;
                                y = packSpawnPosition.WorldY;
                                z = packSpawnPosition.WorldZ;

                            const int distance = 6;

                            x += world.Server.Rand.Next(distance) - world.Server.Rand.Next(distance);
                            y += world.Server.Rand.Next(1) - world.Server.Rand.Next(1);
                            z += world.Server.Rand.Next(distance) - world.Server.Rand.Next(distance);

                            if (CanMobTypeSpawnAtLocation(mobType, world, x, y, z))
                                AbsWorldCoords spawnPosition = new AbsWorldCoords(x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5);

                                // Check that no player is within a radius of 24 blocks of the spawnPosition
                                if (world.GetClosestPlayer(spawnPosition, 24.0) == null)
                                    // Check that the squared distance is more than 576 from spawn (24 blocks)
                                    if (spawnPosition.ToVector().DistanceSquared(new AbsWorldCoords(world.Spawn).ToVector()) > 576.0)
                                        Mob newMob = MobFactory.Instance.CreateMob(world, world.Server,
                                                                                   mobType) as Mob;

                                        if (newMob == null)

                                        newMob.Position = spawnPosition;
                                        newMob.Yaw      = world.Server.Rand.NextDouble() * 360.0;
                                        // Finally apply any mob specific rules about spawning here
                                        if (newMob.CanSpawnHere())
                                            EntitySpawnEventArgs e = new EntitySpawnEventArgs(newMob, newMob.Position);
                                            world.Server.PluginManager.CallEvent(Event.EntitySpawn, e);
                                            if (e.EventCanceled)
                                            newMob.Position = e.Location;
                                            //End Event

                                            MobSpecificInitialisation(newMob, world, spawnPosition);

                                            if (spawnedCount >= newMob.MaxSpawnedPerGroup)
                                                // This chunk is full - move to the next
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates list of all strucutures in area by reading from specified area id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="areaID">ID of area to load</param>
        /// <returns>List of drawable elements in array</returns>
        private void loadArea(string areaID)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"Content\areas\" + areaID + ".xml");

            //create new lists for area
            drawElements = new List <IDrawable>();
            entities     = new List <Entity>();
            sheets       = new List <Spritesheet>();
            //create new eventboxes, replacing old ones if necessary
            if (boxes != null)
                boxes.ForEach(box => box.UnloadBox());
            boxes = new List <EventBox>();

            //loads main menu
            menu = new Menu(doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("Menu").First().Value);
            foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("Area").Descendants("Sheets").Descendants("SheetID"))
                sheets.Add(new Spritesheet(element.Value));

            if (doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("BGM").Count() > 0 &&
                doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("BGM").First().Element("MusicID").Value != "None")    //load bgm if is contained in xml
                background = Content.Load <Song>("sound/music/" + doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("BGM").First().Element("MusicID").Value);
                if (MediaPlayer.State != MediaState.Playing || MediaPlayer.Queue.ActiveSong.Name != background.Name)
                    MediaPlayer.Volume      = .3f;
                    MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = bool.Parse(doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("BGM").First().Element("Loop").Value);

            foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("Area").Descendants("Tile"))           //load tiles
                drawElements.Add(Tile.LoadFromXML(element, sheets));

            foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("Area").Descendants("Structure"))           //load structures
                drawElements.Add(Structure.LoadFromXML(element, sheets));

            foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("Area").Elements("Entity"))
                EntityType      type      = (EntityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityType), element.Element("Type").Value);
                SpriteDirection direction = (SpriteDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(SpriteDirection), element.Element("Direction").Value);

                string entityID = element.Element("EntityID").Value;
                string name     = element.Element("Name").Value;

                RectangleF bounds = RectangleF.FromArray(element.Element("Bounds").Value.Split(','));

                string[] pos      = element.Element("Position").Value.Split(',');
                Vector2  position = new Vector2(float.Parse(pos[0]), float.Parse(pos[1]));

                EntitySpawnEventArgs args = new EntitySpawnEventArgs(entityID, name, type, 1, direction, position, bounds);
                Spawn(User, args);

            foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("Area").Descendants("Player").Elements("EventBox"))           //load player event boxes
                RectangleF         rect      = RectangleF.FromArray(element.Element("Box").Value.Split(','));
                EventBox.Condition condition = null;
                if (element.Elements("Condition").Count() > 0)
                    string methodString = element.Element("Condition").Value;
                    condition = (EventBox.Condition)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventBox.Condition), this, methodString);
                if (element.Element("Method").Value == "OnNewAreaEnter")
                    Vector2          position = VectorEx.FromArray(element.Element("Position").Value.Split(','));
                    NewAreaEventArgs args     = new NewAreaEventArgs(element.Element("AreaID").Value, position);
                    boxes.Add(new EventBox(User, rect, OnNewAreaEnter, args, condition));
                else if (element.Element("Method").Value == "Spawn")
                    int             maxNum    = int.Parse(element.Element("MaxNum").Value);
                    Vector2         position  = VectorEx.FromArray(element.Element("Position").Value.Split(','));
                    EntityType      type      = (EntityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityType), element.Element("Type").Value);
                    SpriteDirection direction = (SpriteDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(SpriteDirection), element.Element("Direction").Value);

                    EntitySpawnEventArgs args =
                        new EntitySpawnEventArgs(element.Element("EntityID").Value,
                                                 element.Element("Name").Value, type, maxNum, direction,
                                                 position, RectangleF.FromArray(element.Element("Bounds").Value.Split(',')));
                    boxes.Add(new EventBox(User, rect, Spawn, args, null));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Use(IClient client, string commandName, string[] tokens)
            MobType type     = MobType.Sheep;
            int     amount   = 1;
            bool    validMob = false;

            if (tokens.Length > 1)
                Int32.TryParse(tokens[1], out amount);

            if (tokens.Length > 0)
                int mobId;
                Int32.TryParse(tokens[0], out mobId);
                string mobName = Enum.GetName(typeof(MobType), mobId);
                if (mobId == 0)
                    if (mobId.ToString() != tokens[0])
                        Enum.TryParse(tokens[0], true, out type);
                        validMob = true;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobName))
                    type     = (MobType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MobType), mobName);
                    validMob = true;
                validMob = true;

            if (amount < 1 || !validMob)

            IServer        server     = client.GetServer();
            AbsWorldCoords position   = client.GetOwner().Position;
            IMobFactory    mobFactory = server.GetMobFactory();

            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                var mob = mobFactory.CreateMob(client.GetOwner().GetWorld(), server, type, null);
                mob.Position = position;

                EntitySpawnEventArgs e = new EntitySpawnEventArgs(mob, mob.Position);
                server.GetPluginManager().CallEvent(Event.EntitySpawn, e);
                if (e.EventCanceled)
                mob.Position = e.Location;
                //End Event

 /// <summary>
 /// Fired on the secondary spawn event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">Event data.</param>
 public void OnSpawnSecond(EntitySpawnEventArgs e)
     PhysChar = Entity.GetProperty <EntityPhysicsProperty>().OriginalObject as CharacterController;