Ejemplo n.º 1
    private async void ExecuteQuery() {
      var serviceName = "http://localhost:7150/breeze/NorthwindIBModel/";
      var em = new EntityManager(serviceName);


      var query = "Employees";
      // var metadata = await client.FetchMetadata();

      var q = new EntityQuery<Foo.Customer>("Customers");
      var q2 = q.Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("C") && c.Orders.Any(o => o.Freight > 10));
      var q3 = q2.OrderBy(c => c.CompanyName).Skip(2);
      // var q3 = q2.Select(c => c.Orders); // fails
      // var q4 = q2.Select(c => new Dummy() { Orders = c.Orders}  );
      // var q4 = q2.Select(c => new { Orders = c.Orders });
      // var q4 = q3.Select(c => new { c.CompanyName, c.Orders });
      var x = await q3.Execute(em);
      //var q3 = q2.Expand(c => c.Orders);
      //var q4 = q3.OrderBy(c => c.CompanyName);
      //var zzz = q4.GetResourcePath();
      //var x = await q4.Execute(em);
      var addresses = x.Select(c => {
        var z = c.CompanyName;
        var cid = c.CustomerID;
        c.CompanyName = "Test123";
        return c.Address;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public async Task NullForeignKey() {
      await _emTask;
      var prod1 = new Product();
      prod1.ProductName = "Test";
      prod1.SupplierID = null;

      var q0 = new EntityQuery<Product>().Where(p => p.Supplier != null).Take(2).Expand(p => p.Supplier);
      var r0 = (await q0.Execute(_em1)).ToList();
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() == 2);
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.All(p => p.Supplier != null));
      var p0 = r0[0];
      var p1 = r0[1];
      var s0 = p0.Supplier;
      var s1 = p1.Supplier;

      p0.Supplier = null;
      Assert.IsTrue(p0.SupplierID == null);
      p1.SupplierID = null;
      Assert.IsTrue(p1.Supplier == null);
        public async Task QueryRoles()
            //Assert.Inconclusive("See comments in the QueryRoles test");

            // Issues:
            // 1.  When the RoleType column was not present in the Role entity in the database (NorthwindIB.sdf), 
            //     the query failed with "Internal Server Error".  A more explanatory message would be nice.  
            //     The RoleType column has been added (nullable int), so this error no longer occurs.
            // 2.  Comment out the RoleType property in the client model (Model.cs in Client\Model_Northwind.Sharp project lines 514-517).
            //     In this case, the client throws a null reference exception in CsdlMetadataProcessor.cs.
            //     This is the FIRST problem reported by the user.  A more informative message would be helpful.
            // Note that this condition causes many other tests to fail as well.
            // 3.  Uncomment the RoleType property in the client model.  Then the client throws in JsonEntityConverter.cs.
            //     This is the SECOND problem reported by the user.  This looks like a genuine bug that should be fixed.

            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName);
                // Metadata must be fetched before CreateEntity() can be called
                await manager.FetchMetadata();

                var query = new EntityQuery<Role>();
                var allRoles = await manager.ExecuteQuery(query);

                Assert.IsTrue(allRoles.Any(), "There should be some roles defined");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public async Task SaveCustomersAndNewOrder() {
      var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);

      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>("Customers").Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("A"));
      var custs = await q.Execute(em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(custs.Count() > 0, "should be some results");
      custs.ForEach(c => c.Fax = TestFns.MorphString(c.Fax));
      var cust1 = em1.CreateEntity<Customer>();
      cust1.CompanyName = "Test001";
      var cust1Key = cust1.EntityAspect.EntityKey;
      var order1 = em1.CreateEntity<Order>();
      var order1Key = order1.EntityAspect.EntityKey;

      order1.Customer = cust1;
      var custCount = em1.GetEntities<Customer>().Count();
      Assert.IsTrue(em1.HasChanges(), "hasChanges should be true");
      Assert.IsTrue(em1.GetChanges().Count() > 0, "should have changes");
      var saveResult = await em1.SaveChanges();
      Assert.IsTrue(saveResult.Entities.Count == custs.Count() + 2, "should have returned the correct number of entities");
      Assert.IsTrue(order1Key != order1.EntityAspect.EntityKey, "order1 entityKey should have changed");
      Assert.IsTrue(cust1Key != cust1.EntityAspect.EntityKey, "cust1 entityKey should have changed");
      Assert.IsTrue(order1.Customer == cust1, "cust attachment should be the same");
      Assert.IsTrue(cust1.Orders.Contains(order1), "order attachment should be the same");
      Assert.IsTrue(saveResult.KeyMappings[order1Key] == order1.EntityAspect.EntityKey, "keyMapping for order should be avail");
      Assert.IsTrue(saveResult.KeyMappings[cust1Key] == cust1.EntityAspect.EntityKey, "keyMapping for order should be avail");
      Assert.IsTrue(em1.GetEntities<Customer>().Count() == custCount, "should be the same number of custs");
      Assert.IsTrue(em1.HasChanges() == false, "hasChanges should be false");
      Assert.IsTrue(em1.GetChanges().Count() == 0, "should be no changes left");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task ParallelQueries() {
            var entityManager = new EntityManager(_serviceName);
            await entityManager.FetchMetadata();
            var idQuery = new EntityQuery<Customer>();
            var entities = await entityManager.ExecuteQuery(idQuery);

            var n = 20;
            var ids = entities.Select(c => c.CustomerID).Take(n).ToArray();

            // In case there aren't n customers available
            var actualCustomers = ids.Count();
            var numExecutions = 0;

            var tasks = ids.Select(id =>
                    var query = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Where(c => c.CustomerID == ids[0]);
                    return entityManager.ExecuteQuery(query);

                    // Best practice is to apply ToList() or ToArray() to the task collection immediately
                    // Realizing the collection more than once causes multiple executions of the anon method

            var numTasks = tasks.Count();

            // Result of WhenAll is an array of results from the individual anonymous method executions
            // Each individual result is a collection of customers 
            // (only one in this case because of the condition on CustomerId)
            var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            var numCustomers = results.Sum(customers => customers.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(actualCustomers, numTasks, "Number of tasks should be " + actualCustomers + ", not " + numTasks);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualCustomers, numExecutions, "Number of excutions should be " + actualCustomers + ", not " + numExecutions);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualCustomers, numCustomers, actualCustomers + " customers should be returned, not " + numCustomers);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public async Task CompositePred() {
      var entityManager = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);

      // Start with a base query for all Orders
      var baseQuery = new EntityQuery<Order>();

      // A Predicate is a condition that is true or false
      // Combine two predicates with '.And' to
      // query for orders with freight cost over $100
      // that were ordered after April 1, 1998
      var p1 = PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.Freight > 100);
      var p2 = PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.OrderDate > new DateTime(1998, 3, 1));
      var pred = p1.And(p2);
      var query = baseQuery.Where(pred);
      var orders = await entityManager.ExecuteQuery(query);
      Assert.IsTrue(orders.Any(), "There should be orders");
      Assert.IsTrue(orders.All(o => o.Freight > 100 && o.OrderDate > new DateTime(1998,3,1)), 
        "There should be the right orders");

      // Yet another way to ask the same question
      pred = PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.Freight > 100)
          .And(PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.OrderDate > new DateTime(1998, 3, 1)));
      var query2 = baseQuery.Where(pred);
      var orders2 = await entityManager.ExecuteQuery(query2);
      Assert.IsTrue(orders2.Count() == orders.Count());

      // Yet another way to ask the same question
      pred = PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.Freight > 100)
          .Or(PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.OrderDate > new DateTime(1998, 3, 1)));
      var query3 = baseQuery.Where(pred);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public EntityInfo TargetEntity; //for delete, insert, update

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public LinqCommand(EntityQuery query, LinqCommandType commandType, LinqCommandKind kind, EntityInfo targetEntity)
            Kind = kind;
              CommandType = commandType;
              Query = query;
              TargetEntity = targetEntity;
        public async Task SimpleConcurrencyFault() {


            // Query Alfred
            var entityManager1 = new EntityManager(_northwindServiceName);
            var query = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Where(c => c.CustomerID == _alfredsID);
            var alfred1 = (await entityManager1.ExecuteQuery(query)).FirstOrDefault();

            // Query a second copy of Alfred in a second entity manager
            var entityManager2 = new EntityManager(_northwindServiceName);
            var alfred2 = (await entityManager2.ExecuteQuery(query)).FirstOrDefault();

            // Modify and save the first Alfred
            alfred1.ContactTitle += "X";

            // Currently, this throws due to "changes to an original record may not be saved"
            // ...whatever that means
            var saveResult1 = await entityManager1.SaveChanges();

            // Attempt to modify and save the second Alfred
            alfred2.ContactName += "Y";
            try {
                var saveResult2 = await entityManager2.SaveChanges();
            catch (SaveException e) {
                var message = e.Message;
 // called by ObjectDataSource - set sort, grouping and filter info before calling load
 internal EntityQueryPagedCollectionView(EntityQuery query, int pageSize, int loadSize, 
   SortDescriptionCollection sortDescriptors, ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> groupDescriptors, IPredicateDescription filter) 
  : this(query, pageSize, loadSize, true, false) {
   sortDescriptors.ForEach(d => SortDescriptions.Add(d));
   groupDescriptors.ForEach(d=> GroupDescriptions.Add(d));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task RefreshAsync()
            var query = new EntityQuery<Person>();
            IEnumerable<Person> persons = await _entityManager.ExecuteQuery<Person>(query);
            Person = persons.FirstOrDefault();

            // TODO: Also get distastes, make it part of the same query.
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public async Task SimpleQuery() {
      await _emTask;
      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>();

      var results = await _em1.ExecuteQuery(q);

      Assert.IsTrue(results.Cast<Object>().Count() > 0);

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public async Task WithOnlyExpand() {
   await _emTask;
   var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Take(3);
   var r0 = await _em1.ExecuteQuery(q);
   var q1 = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Expand("Orders");
   var r1 = q1.ExecuteLocally(_em1);
   Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() == r1.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public async Task WithOnlyExpand() {
   var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);
   var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Take(3);
   var r0 = await em1.ExecuteQuery(q);
   var q1 = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Expand("Orders");
   var r1 = q1.ExecuteLocally(em1);
   Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() == r1.Count());
    public async Task QueryAbstractWithOr() {
      var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);
      var q = new EntityQuery<Fruit>().From("Fruits").Where(f => f.Name == "Apple" || f.Name == "Foo" || f.Name == "Papa");

      var r0 = await em1.ExecuteQuery(q);
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() > 0);
      var fruit1 = r0.First();
      Assert.IsTrue(fruit1 is Apple, "fruit should be an Apple");

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public async Task LoadNavigationPropertyNonscalar() {
   var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);
   TestFns.RunInWpfSyncContext( async () =>  {
     var q0 = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Where(c => c.Orders.Any()).Take(3);
     var r0 = await q0.Execute(em1);
     // Task.WaitAll(r0.Select(c => c.EntityAspect.LoadNavigationProperty("Orders")).ToArray());
     await Task.WhenAll(r0.Select(c => c.EntityAspect.LoadNavigationProperty("Orders")));
     Assert.IsTrue(r0.All(c => c.Orders.Count() > 0));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="WebDomainClientAsyncResult&lt;TContract&gt;"/> instance used for Query operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Optional <see cref="AsyncCallback"/> to invoke upon completion.</param>
        /// <param name="asyncState">Optional user state information that will be passed to the <paramref name="callback"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if <paramref name="domainClient"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if <paramref name="endOperationMethod"/> is null.</exception>
        private WebApiDomainClientAsyncResult(WebApiDomainClient domainClient, EntityQuery query, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
            : base(domainClient, callback, asyncState)
            // base class validates domainClient
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("query");

            _interfaceType = domainClient.ServiceInterfaceType;
            _operationName = query.QueryName;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public async Task SimplePred() {
      var entityManager = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);

      // Orders with freight cost over 300.
      var pred = PredicateBuilder.Create<Order>(o => o.Freight > 300);
      var query = new EntityQuery<Order>().Where(pred);
      var orders300 = await entityManager.ExecuteQuery(query);
      Assert.IsTrue(orders300.Any(), "There should be orders with freight cost > 300");
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public async Task CustomersStartingWith() {
      var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);

      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>("CustomersStartingWith").WithParameter("companyName", "A");
      var rp = q.GetResourcePath(em1.MetadataStore);
      var customers = await q.Execute(em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(customers.Count() > 0, "should be some results");
      Assert.IsTrue(customers.All(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("A")));

Ejemplo n.º 19
    public async Task SimpleQuery() {
      var em1 = await TestFns.NewEm(_serviceName);
      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>();

      var r0 = await em1.ExecuteQuery(q);

      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Cast<Object>().Count() > 0);
      var r1 = q.ExecuteLocally(em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() == r1.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public async Task MetadataMissingClrPropertyQuery() {

      var em = new EntityManager(_serviceName);
      em.MetadataStore.NamingConvention = new MorphedClassNamingConvention();
      em.MetadataStore.AllowedMetadataMismatchTypes = MetadataMismatchTypes.AllAllowable;
      var q = new EntityQuery<PartialFoo.Customer>().Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("B"));
      var r0 = await em.ExecuteQuery(q);
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() > 0);

Ejemplo n.º 21
    public async Task CustomersStartingWith() {
      await _emTask;

      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>("CustomersStartingWith").WithParameter("companyName", "A");
      var rp = q.GetResourcePath();
      var customers = await q.Execute(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(customers.Count() > 0, "should be some results");
      Assert.IsTrue(customers.All(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("A")));

Ejemplo n.º 22
    public async Task SimpleQuery() {
      await _emTask;
      var q = new EntityQuery<Customer>();

      var r0 = await _em1.ExecuteQuery(q);

      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Cast<Object>().Count() > 0);
      var r1 = q.ExecuteLocally(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r0.Count() == r1.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static EntityQuery AddWhereClause(EntityQuery entityQuery, LambdaExpression lambda) {
   // This works too - not sure which is faster or better
   //var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("Where", new Type[] { typeof(LambdaExpression) });
   //var query = method.Invoke(factory, new Object[] { lambda });
   //return (EntityQuery)query;
   var expr = BuildCallWhereExpr(entityQuery, lambda);
   var query = (EntityQuery)TypeFns.ConstructGenericInstance(typeof(EntityQuery<>),
     new Type[] { entityQuery.ElementType },
     expr, entityQuery);
   return query;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public async Task SimpleSelect() {
      await _emTask;

      var q1 = new EntityQuery<Order>().Select(o => o.Customer).Take(5);
      var r1 = await q1.Execute(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r1.Count() == 5);
      var ok = r1.All(c => c.GetType() == typeof(Customer));

Ejemplo n.º 25
    public async Task SimpleSelect2() {
      await _emTask;

      var q1 = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("C")).Expand("Orders").Select(c => c.Orders);
      var r1 = await q1.Execute(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r1.Count() > 0);
      //var ok = r1.All(c => c.GetType() == typeof(Customer));

Ejemplo n.º 26
    public async Task NonGenericQuery() {
      await _emTask;
      var q = new EntityQuery<Foo.Customer>("Customers");
      var q2 = q.Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("C")).Take(3);
      var q3 = (EntityQuery)q2;

      var results = await _em1.ExecuteQuery(q3);

      Assert.IsTrue(results.Cast<Object>().Count() == 3);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public async Task SimpleAnonEntityCollectionSelect() {
      await _emTask;

      var q1 = new EntityQuery<Customer>().Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("C")).Select(c => new { c.Orders });
      var r1 = await q1.Execute(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r1.Count() > 0);
      var ok = r1.All(r => r.Orders.Count() > 0);

Ejemplo n.º 28
    public async Task SimpleEntitySelect() {
      Assert.Inconclusive("Known issue with OData - use an anon projection instead");
      await _emTask;
      var q1 = new EntityQuery<Order>().Where(o => true).Select(o => o.Customer).Take(5);
      var r1 = await q1.Execute(_em1);
      Assert.IsTrue(r1.Count() == 5);
      var ok = r1.All(r => r.GetType() == typeof(Customer));

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public async Task CompanyNamesAndIds() {
   await _emTask;
   var q = new EntityQuery<Object>("CompanyNamesAndIds");
   var rp = q.GetResourcePath();
   var companyNamesAndIds = await q.Execute(_em1);
   Assert.IsTrue(companyNamesAndIds.Count() > 0, "should be some results");
   // each item is a JObject
   var companyNamesAndIdObjects = companyNamesAndIds.Cast<JObject>();
   var item = companyNamesAndIdObjects.First();
   var companyName = item["CompanyName"].ToObject<String>();
   var id = item["CustomerID"].ToObject<Guid>();
Ejemplo n.º 30
    public async Task SimpleCall() {
      var em1 = new EntityManager(_dataService);
      em1.MetadataStore.NamingConvention = new EdmundsNamingConvention();
      var initParameters = InitialParameters();
      var q = new EntityQuery<Make>().From("vehicle/makerepository/findall")
        .WithParameters(initParameters).With(new EdmundsJsonResultsAdapter());
      var r = await em1.ExecuteQuery(q);

 protected override void OnCreate()
     m_query = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <CollectionComponentSystemStateTag <T> >(), ComponentType.Exclude(new T().AssociatedComponentType));
 protected override void OnCreate()
     // Cached access to a set of ComponentData based on a specific query
     group = GetEntityQuery(typeof(EnemyTag), typeof(BulletTag), typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation) /*ComponentType.ReadOnly<Rotation>()*/, ComponentType.ReadOnly <MoveSpeed>());
        private LoadOperation <Web.Model.taxpayer> LoadTaxPayerEntities()
            EntityQuery <DocumentManager.Web.Model.taxpayer> lQuery = documentManagerContext.GetTaxpayerQuery();

Ejemplo n.º 34
 internal InsertQueryExecutor(EntityQuery <TBase> query, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction?transaction = null)
     : base(query, connection, transaction)
 protected override void OnCreateManager()
     _cubes = Entities
              .WithAll <RotationSpeed, Rotation>()
Ejemplo n.º 36
 protected override void OnStartRunning()
     this.sfxQuery = Entities.WithAll <SFX>().ToEntityQuery();
 protected override void OnCreate()
     dynamicQuery = GetEntityQuery(
         ComponentType.ReadWrite <RoomContentDynamicLinkSystemState>(),
         ComponentType.ReadWrite <RoomContent>());
Ejemplo n.º 38
 protected override void OnCreate()
     Group1 = GetEntityQuery(typeof(JustComponentNonExclude), ComponentType.Exclude <ZeroSizedComponent>());
     Group2 = GetEntityQuery(typeof(JustComponentNonExclude), ComponentType.Exclude <NonZeroSizedComponent>());
Ejemplo n.º 39
        void CastingHistoryReport_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int foundryId  = cmbFoundry.SelectedIndex == -1 ? -1 : ((Foundry)cmbFoundry.SelectedItem).ID;
            var coverageId = cmbCoverage.SelectedValue == null ? -1 : ((Coverage)cmbCoverage.SelectedValue).ID;

            List <FilmConsumptionReportRow> FilmConsumptionReportRowList = new List <FilmConsumptionReportRow>();

            EntityQuery <FilmConsumptionReportRow> query = ctx.GetCastingHistoryReportQuery(foundryId, txtRTNo.Text,
                                                                                            txtHeatNo.Text, txtFPNo.Text, coverageId);

            LoadOperation <FilmConsumptionReportRow> loadOp = ctx.Load(query, loadOpN =>
                foreach (var filmConsumptionReportRow in loadOpN.Entities)
                if (FilmConsumptionReportRowList.Count > 0)
                    reportTable = new DataTable("Report");
                    var cols    = reportTable.Columns;
                    var rows    = reportTable.Rows;

                    var headerRow = new DataRow();

                    var subHeaderRow = new DataRow();

                    AddTextColumn(reportTable, "ReportNo", "Report No");
                    AddTextColumn(reportTable, "ReportDate", "Report Date");
                    AddTextColumn(reportTable, "DateOfTest", "Date of Test");
                    AddTextColumn(reportTable, "RTNo", "RT No");

                    headerRow["ReportNo"]   = "Report No";
                    headerRow["ReportDate"] = "Report Date";
                    headerRow["DateOfTest"] = "Date of Test";
                    headerRow["RTNo"]       = "RT No";

                    subHeaderRow["ReportNo"]   = "";
                    subHeaderRow["ReportDate"] = "";
                    subHeaderRow["DateOfTest"] = "";
                    subHeaderRow["RTNo"]       = "";

                    int highestNoOfRepair = FilmConsumptionReportRowList.Select(p => p.ReshootNo).Max();

                    int rowIndexForFresh = 0;
                    foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                        var colName        = "Fresh" + row.Name;
                        headerRow[colName] = rowIndexForFresh == 0 ? "Fresh " : string.Empty;
                        AddTextColumn(reportTable, colName, colName);
                        subHeaderRow[colName] = row.Name;

                    //Repair columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                        int rowIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                            var colName = "Repair" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                            AddTextColumn(reportTable, colName, colName);
                            headerRow[colName]    = rowIndex == 0 ? "Repair " + (i + 1) : string.Empty;
                            subHeaderRow[colName] = row.Name;

                    //Reshoot columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                        int rowIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                            var colName = "Reshoot" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                            AddTextColumn(reportTable, colName, colName);
                            headerRow[colName]    = rowIndex == 0 ? "Reshoot " + (i + 1) : string.Empty;
                            subHeaderRow[colName] = row.Name;

                    //Retake columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                        int rowIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                            var colName = "Retake" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                            AddTextColumn(reportTable, colName, colName);
                            headerRow[colName]    = rowIndex == 0 ? "Retake " + (i + 1) : string.Empty;
                            subHeaderRow[colName] = row.Name;

                    //Retake columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                        int rowIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                            var colName = "Checkshot" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                            AddTextColumn(reportTable, colName, colName);
                            headerRow[colName]    = rowIndex == 0 ? "Checkshot " + (i + 1) : string.Empty;
                            subHeaderRow[colName] = row.Name;
                    int countForInnerLoop        = 0;
                    int noOfInnerLoops           = FilmConsumptionReportRowList.Where(p => p.ReshootNo != 0).Count();
                    List <RGReport> rgReportList = new List <RGReport>();

                    foreach (var filmConsumptionReportRow in FilmConsumptionReportRowList)
                        if (filmConsumptionReportRow.ReshootNo == 0)
                            EntityQuery <RGReport> queryInner = ctx.GetRGReportsOnRtNoAndReshootNoForReportQuery(filmConsumptionReportRow.RTNo,
                                                                                                                 (filmConsumptionReportRow.ReshootNo - 1));

                            LoadOperation <RGReport> loadOpInner = ctx.Load(queryInner, loadOpNInner =>
                                foreach (var rgReport in loadOpNInner.Entities)

                                if (noOfInnerLoops == countForInnerLoop)
                                    foreach (var filmConsumptionReportRowInner in FilmConsumptionReportRowList)
                                        string prevReportNo = "";
                                        DataRow dataRow     = null;
                                        string prevEnergy   = String.Empty;
                                        if (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReportNo != prevReportNo)
                                            if (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo == 0)
                                                dataRow                = new DataRow();
                                                dataRow["ReportNo"]    = prevReportNo = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReportNo; //set prevReportNo for next time
                                                dataRow["ReportDate"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.Date;
                                                dataRow["DateOfTest"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.DateOfTest;
                                                dataRow["RTNo"]        = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.RTNo;
                                                dataRow["FreshCo 60"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInCo;
                                                dataRow["FreshIr 192"] = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInIr;
                                                RGReport rgReport = rgReportList.Where(p => p.RTNo == filmConsumptionReportRowInner.RTNo &&
                                                                                       p.ReshootNo == (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo - 1)).FirstOrDefault();
                                                float repairAreaCo    = 0;
                                                float reshootAreaCo   = 0;
                                                float retakeAreaCo    = 0;
                                                float checkshotAreaCo = 0;
                                                float repairAreaIr    = 0;
                                                float reshootAreaIr   = 0;
                                                float retakeAreaIr    = 0;
                                                float checkshotAreaIr = 0;

                                                if (rgReport != null)
                                                    foreach (RGReportRow reportRow in rgReport.RGReportRows)
                                                        if (reportRow.RemarkID == 1)
                                                            if (reportRow.EnergyID == 1)
                                                                repairAreaCo += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                                repairAreaIr += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                        else if (reportRow.RemarkID == 3)
                                                            if (reportRow.EnergyID == 1)
                                                                reshootAreaCo += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                                reshootAreaIr += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                        else if (reportRow.RemarkID == 4)
                                                            if (reportRow.EnergyID == 1)
                                                                retakeAreaCo += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                                retakeAreaIr += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                        else if (reportRow.RemarkID == 5)
                                                            if (reportRow.EnergyID == 1)
                                                                checkshotAreaCo += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;
                                                                checkshotAreaIr += reportRow.FilmSize.Area * reportRow.FilmCount;

                                                dataRow                = new DataRow();
                                                dataRow["ReportNo"]    = prevReportNo = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReportNo; //set prevReportNo for next time
                                                dataRow["ReportDate"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.Date;
                                                dataRow["DateOfTest"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.DateOfTest;
                                                dataRow["RTNo"]        = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.RTNo;
                                                dataRow["FreshCo 60"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInCo;
                                                dataRow["FreshIr 192"] = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInIr;

                                                foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                                                    if (row.ID == 1)
                                                        dataRow["Repair" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]    = repairAreaCo;
                                                        dataRow["Reshoot" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]   = reshootAreaCo;
                                                        dataRow["Retake" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]    = retakeAreaCo;
                                                        dataRow["Checkshot" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name] = checkshotAreaCo;
                                                    else if (row.ID == 2)
                                                        dataRow["Repair" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]    = repairAreaIr;
                                                        dataRow["Reshoot" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]   = reshootAreaIr;
                                                        dataRow["Retake" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name]    = retakeAreaIr;
                                                        dataRow["Checkshot" + (filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReshootNo) + row.Name] = checkshotAreaIr;

                                    //totals row
                                    var totalRow            = new DataRow();
                                    totalRow["FreshCo 60"]  = rows.Select(p => (p["FreshCo 60"] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();
                                    totalRow["FreshIr 192"] = rows.Select(p => (p["FreshIr 192"] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();

                                    //Repair columns
                                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                                        int rowIndex = 0;
                                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                                            var colName       = "Repair" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                                            totalRow[colName] = rows.Select(p => (p[colName] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();

                                    //Reshoot columns
                                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                                        int rowIndex = 0;
                                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                                            var colName       = "Reshoot" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                                            totalRow[colName] = rows.Select(p => (p[colName] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();

                                    //Retake columns
                                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                                        int rowIndex = 0;
                                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                                            var colName       = "Retake" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                                            totalRow[colName] = rows.Select(p => (p[colName] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();

                                    //checkshot columns
                                    for (int i = 0; i < highestNoOfRepair; i++)
                                        int rowIndex = 0;
                                        foreach (var row in ctx.Energies)
                                            var colName       = "Checkshot" + (i + 1) + row.Name;
                                            totalRow[colName] = rows.Select(p => (p[colName] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();


                                    var ds = new DataSet("ReportDataSet");

                                    reportGrid.DataSource = ds;
                                    reportGrid.DataMember = "Report";
                                    busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                            }, false);

                    if (noOfInnerLoops == 0)
                        DataRow dataRow = null;
                        foreach (var filmConsumptionReportRowInner in FilmConsumptionReportRowList)
                            dataRow                = new DataRow();
                            dataRow["ReportNo"]    = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.ReportNo; //set prevReportNo for next time
                            dataRow["ReportDate"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.Date;
                            dataRow["DateOfTest"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.DateOfTest;
                            dataRow["RTNo"]        = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.RTNo;
                            dataRow["FreshCo 60"]  = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInCo;
                            dataRow["FreshIr 192"] = filmConsumptionReportRowInner.AreaInIr;

                        var totalRow = new DataRow();

                        totalRow["FreshCo 60"]  = rows.Select(p => (p["FreshCo 60"] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();
                        totalRow["FreshIr 192"] = rows.Select(p => (p["FreshIr 192"] as float?) ?? 0).Sum();

                        var ds = new DataSet("ReportDataSet");

                        reportGrid.DataSource = ds;
                        reportGrid.DataMember = "Report";
                        busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                    var ds      = new DataSet("ReportDataSet");
                    reportTable = new DataTable("Report");

                    reportGrid.DataSource = ds;
                    reportGrid.DataMember = "Report";
                    MessageBox.Show("No records found!!");
                    busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
            }, false);
 protected override void OnCreate()
     bubblesQuery = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <BubbleCmp>());
Ejemplo n.º 41
 protected override void OnCreate()
     m_Group      = GetEntityQuery(typeof(NodeSleeping));
     m_GroupTimer = GetEntityQuery(typeof(NodeTimer), typeof(ActionRunState));
Ejemplo n.º 42
 protected override void OnCreate()
     m_GroupTimer = GetEntityQuery(typeof(ActionRunState));
Ejemplo n.º 43
    protected override void Initialize(ref EntityQuery group)
        // We copy to list of incoming hitcollisions as it is not allowed to add entities while iterating componentarray
        var hitCollisionArray       = group.ToComponentArray <HitCollisionHistory>();
        var hitCollisionEntityArray = group.GetEntityArraySt();

        for (var iHitColl = 0; iHitColl < hitCollisionArray.Length; iHitColl++)
            var hitCollision       = hitCollisionArray[iHitColl];
            var hitCollisionEntity = hitCollisionEntityArray[iHitColl];

            var externalSetup = hitCollision.settings.collisionSetup != null;
            var colliderSetup = externalSetup ? hitCollision.settings.collisionSetup.transform : hitCollision.transform;

            // TODO (mogensh) cache and reuse collision setup from each prefab - or find better serialization format

            // Find and disable all all colliders on collisionOwner
            var sourceColliders = new List <Collider>();
            RecursiveGetCollidersInChildren(colliderSetup.transform, sourceColliders);
            foreach (var collider in sourceColliders)
                collider.enabled = false;

            // Create collider collection
            if (m_systemRoot != null)
                hitCollision.transform.SetParent(m_systemRoot.transform, false);

            var uniqueParents          = new List <Transform>(16);
            var colliderParents        = new List <Transform>(16);
            var capsuleColliders       = new List <CapsuleCollider>(16);
            var capsuleColliderParents = new List <Transform>(16);
            var sphereColliders        = new List <SphereCollider>(16);
            var sphereColliderParents  = new List <Transform>(16);
            var boxColliders           = new List <BoxCollider>(16);
            var boxColliderParents     = new List <Transform>(16);

            for (var i = 0; i < sourceColliders.Count; i++)
                var sourceCollider     = sourceColliders[i];
                var colliderParentBone = sourceCollider.transform.parent;
                if (externalSetup)
                    var skeleton       = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <Skeleton>(hitCollisionEntity);
                    var ownerBoneIndex = skeleton.GetBoneIndex(colliderParentBone.name.GetHashCode());
                    colliderParentBone = skeleton.bones[ownerBoneIndex];


                if (!uniqueParents.Contains(colliderParentBone))

                var capsuleCollider = sourceCollider as CapsuleCollider;
                if (capsuleCollider != null)
                    var boxCollider = sourceCollider as BoxCollider;
                    if (boxCollider != null)
                        var sphereCollider = sourceCollider as SphereCollider;
                        if (sphereCollider != null)

            hitCollision.collisiderParents =
                new TransformAccessArray(uniqueParents.ToArray());
            HitCollisionData.Setup(EntityManager, hitCollisionEntity, uniqueParents,
                                   hitCollision.settings.boundsRadius, hitCollision.settings.boundsHeight, capsuleColliders,
                                   capsuleColliderParents, sphereColliders, sphereColliderParents, boxColliders, boxColliderParents);
Ejemplo n.º 44
 protected override void OnCreate()
     playerQuery = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Player), ComponentType.ReadOnly <LocalToWorld>());
Ejemplo n.º 45
 protected override void OnCreate()
     SpawnGroup = GetEntityQuery(typeof(CharacterSpawnRequest));
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Search Searches for the entities as specified by the given query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Wallee.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="spaceId"></param>
        /// <param name="query">The query restricts the tokens which are returned by the search.</param>
        /// <returns>List&lt;Token&gt;</returns>
        public List <Token> Search(long?spaceId, EntityQuery query)
            ApiResponse <List <Token> > localVarResponse = SearchWithHttpInfo(spaceId, query);

Ejemplo n.º 47
 protected override void OnCreate()
     commandBufferSystem =
         World.GetOrCreateSystem <BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem>();
     query = GetEntityQuery(new ComponentType[] { typeof(TerrainSpawner) });
Ejemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// Search Searches for the entities as specified by the given query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Wallee.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="spaceId"></param>
        /// <param name="query">The query restricts the tokens which are returned by the search.</param>
        /// <returns>ApiResponse of List&lt;Token&gt;</returns>
        public ApiResponse <List <Token> > SearchWithHttpInfo(long?spaceId, EntityQuery query)
            // verify the required parameter 'spaceId' is set
            if (spaceId == null)
                throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'spaceId' when calling TokenService->Search");
            // verify the required parameter 'query' is set
            if (query == null)
                throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'query' when calling TokenService->Search");

            var    localVarPath         = "/token/search";
            var    localVarPathParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarQueryParams  = new List <KeyValuePair <String, String> >();
            var    localVarHeaderParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(this.Configuration.DefaultHeader);
            var    localVarFormParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarFileParams   = new Dictionary <String, FileParameter>();
            Object localVarPostBody     = null;

            // to determine the Content-Type header
            String[] localVarHttpContentTypes = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpContentType = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes);

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] localVarHttpHeaderAccepts = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpHeaderAccept = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts);

            if (localVarHttpHeaderAccept != null)
                localVarHeaderParams.Add("Accept", localVarHttpHeaderAccept);

            if (spaceId != null)
                localVarQueryParams.AddRange(this.Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToKeyValuePairs("", "spaceId", spaceId));                  // query parameter
            if (query != null && query.GetType() != typeof(byte[]))
                localVarPostBody = this.Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(query); // http body (model) parameter
                localVarPostBody = query; // byte array

            // make the HTTP request
            IRestResponse localVarResponse = (IRestResponse)this.Configuration.ApiClient.CallApi(localVarPath,
                                                                                                 Method.POST, localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFileParams,
                                                                                                 localVarPathParams, localVarHttpContentType);

            int localVarStatusCode = (int)localVarResponse.StatusCode;

            if (ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception exception = ExceptionFactory("Search", localVarResponse);
                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;

            return(new ApiResponse <List <Token> >(localVarStatusCode,
                                                   localVarResponse.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value.ToString()),
                                                   (List <Token>) this.Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(localVarResponse, typeof(List <Token>))));
Ejemplo n.º 49
 protected override void OnCreate()
     m_DataQuery = GetEntityQuery(typeof(ThrowingArmsSharedDataComponent));
Ejemplo n.º 50
 protected override void OnCreateManager()
     _query = Entities.WithAll <Health>().ToEntityQuery();
Ejemplo n.º 51
    protected override void OnCreate()

        FocusablesQuery = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <CameraFocus>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly <Translation>());
 protected override void OnCreate()
     GravityQuery          = GetEntityQuery(typeof(PhysicsStep));
     inputDefinitionsClass = new InputDefinitionsClass();
     groupIndexSystem      = World.GetOrCreateSystem <GroupIndexSystem>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Search Searches for the entities as specified by the given query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Wallee.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="spaceId"></param>
        /// <param name="query">The query restricts the external transfer bank transactions which are returned by the search.</param>
        /// <returns>List&lt;ExternalTransferBankTransaction&gt;</returns>
        public List <ExternalTransferBankTransaction> Search(long?spaceId, EntityQuery query)
            ApiResponse <List <ExternalTransferBankTransaction> > localVarResponse = SearchWithHttpInfo(spaceId, query);

Ejemplo n.º 54
        protected override void OnCreate()
            m_endEcbSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem <EndSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem>();

            m_bedGroup = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <Bed>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly <Translation>());
Ejemplo n.º 55
 public BlackboardDataQuery([NotNull] ComponentTypeSet set, Func <IEnumerable <ComponentType>, EntityQuery> createEntityQuery)
     Set   = set;
     Query = createEntityQuery(Set);
Ejemplo n.º 56
 protected override void OnCreate()
     TimeQuery = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <GlobalGameTime>());
Ejemplo n.º 57
        public static QueryResponse UpsertUrlAsAreaSubscription(EntityManager entMan, RecordManager recMan, Guid areaId, string url, string label, int weight, string iconName)
            #region << Init >>
            var result = new QueryResponse();
            result.Success = false;
            result.Message = "unknown error";
            var areaList              = new List <EntityRecord>();
            var selectedArea          = new EntityRecord();
            var areaSubscriptionsText = "";
            var selectedEntity        = new Entity();
            var selectedDetailsView   = new RecordView();
            var selectedCreateView    = new RecordView();
            var selectedList          = new RecordList();
            //Get areas
            EntityQuery   query    = new EntityQuery("area");
            QueryResponse response = recMan.Find(query);
            if (!response.Success || !response.Object.Data.Any())
                result.Success = false;
                result.Message = response.Message;
            areaList = response.Object.Data;

            selectedArea = null;
            foreach (var area in areaList)
                if ((Guid)area["id"] == areaId)
                    selectedArea = area;

            if (selectedArea == null)
                result.Success = false;
                result.Message = "There is no area with id " + areaId;


            areaSubscriptionsText = (string)selectedArea["attachments"];
            var areaSubscriptionsJsonObject = new JArray();
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(areaSubscriptionsText))
                areaSubscriptionsJsonObject = JArray.Parse(areaSubscriptionsText);
            var subscriptionToBeAdded = new JObject();
            //Check if there is already a subscription for this entity
            bool subscriptionFound = false;
            foreach (var areaSubscription in areaSubscriptionsJsonObject)
                //Yes - updated the view and list with the supplied
                if ((string)areaSubscription["url"] == url)
                    subscriptionFound = true;
                    subscriptionToBeAdded["label"]    = label;
                    subscriptionToBeAdded["iconName"] = iconName;
                    subscriptionToBeAdded["weight"]   = weight;
            //No - create new subscription and Add it to the list
            if (!subscriptionFound)
                subscriptionToBeAdded["name"]        = null;
                subscriptionToBeAdded["label"]       = label;
                subscriptionToBeAdded["labelPlural"] = null;
                subscriptionToBeAdded["iconName"]    = iconName;
                subscriptionToBeAdded["weight"]      = weight;
                subscriptionToBeAdded["url"]         = url;
                //Add details view
                subscriptionToBeAdded["view"] = null;
                //Add create view
                subscriptionToBeAdded["create"] = null;
                //Add list
                subscriptionToBeAdded["list"] = null;
            //Save area
            selectedArea["attachments"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(areaSubscriptionsJsonObject);
            QueryResponse updateAreaResponse = recMan.UpdateRecord("area", selectedArea);
            if (!updateAreaResponse.Success)
                result.Success = false;
                result.Message = "There is problem updating the area with id" + areaId;

            result.Success = true;
            result.Message = "Subscription successfully upserted";
        protected override void OnCreate()
            m_HybridRenderedQuery = GetEntityQuery(HybridUtils.GetHybridRenderedQueryDesc());

            m_IsFirstFrame = true;
Ejemplo n.º 59
 protected override void OnCreateManager()
     Group = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Grenade.Settings), typeof(Grenade.InternalState));
Ejemplo n.º 60
 protected override void OnCreate()
     m_LineGroup        = GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadWrite <LineRendererComponentData>());
     m_LineRenderSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem <LineRenderSystem>();