
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a unique code for a player's current state. Useful for detecting state changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="noContext">Omits team, pvp state, and name.</param>
        /// <param name="looksMatter">Includes appearance elements.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetVanillaSnapshotHash(Player player, bool noContext, bool looksMatter)
            int pow = 1;

            int Pow()
                pow *= 2;
                if (pow > 16777216)
                    pow = 1;


            int hash = EntityIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(player, noContext);
            int itemHash;

            hash += ("statLifeMax" + player.statLifeMax).GetHashCode() * Pow();
            hash += ("statManaMax" + player.statManaMax).GetHashCode() * Pow();
            hash += ("extraAccessory" + player.extraAccessory).GetHashCode() * Pow();
            hash += ("difficulty" + player.difficulty).GetHashCode() * Pow();

            if (!noContext)
                hash += ("team" + player.team).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("hostile" + player.hostile).GetHashCode() * Pow();                     //pvp?
                hash += ("name" + player.name).GetHashCode() * Pow();

            if (looksMatter)
                hash += ("Male" + player.Male).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("skinColor" + player.skinColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("hair" + player.hair).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("hairColor" + player.hairColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shirtColor" + player.shirtColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("underShirtColor" + player.underShirtColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("pantsColor" + player.pantsColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shoeColor" + player.shoeColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();

            for (int i = 0; i < player.inventory.Length; i++)
                Item item = player.inventory[i];
                if (item == null || !item.active || item.stack == 0)
                    itemHash = ("inv" + i).GetHashCode();
                    itemHash = i + ItemIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext, true);
                hash += itemHash * Pow();
            for (int i = 0; i < player.armor.Length; i++)
                Item item = player.armor[i];
                if (item == null || !item.active || item.stack == 0)
                    itemHash = ("arm" + i).GetHashCode();
                    itemHash = i + ItemIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext, true);
                hash += itemHash * Pow();
            for (int i = 0; i < player.bank.item.Length; i++)
                Item item = player.bank.item[i];
                if (item == null || !item.active || item.stack == 0)
                    itemHash = ("bank" + i).GetHashCode();
                    itemHash = i + ItemIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext, true);
                hash += itemHash * Pow();
            for (int i = 0; i < player.bank2.item.Length; i++)
                Item item = player.bank2.item[i];
                if (item == null || !item.active || item.stack == 0)
                    itemHash = ("bank2" + i).GetHashCode();
                    itemHash = i + ItemIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext, true);
                hash += itemHash;
            for (int i = 0; i < player.bank3.item.Length; i++)
                Item item = player.bank3.item[i];
                if (item == null || !item.active || item.stack == 0)
                    itemHash = ("bank3" + i).GetHashCode();
                    itemHash = i + ItemIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext, true);
                hash += itemHash * Pow();

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a hash value to uniquely identify a (vanilla) item instance by its field values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="noContext">Omits `owner`, `netID`, and `favorited` fields.</param>
        /// <param name="minimal">Uses only the item's unique ID (`GetUniqueKey(...)`), `prefix`, and `stack`.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetVanillaSnapshotHash(Item item, bool noContext, bool minimal)
            int pow = 1;

            int Pow()
                pow *= 2;
                if (pow > 16777216)
                    pow = 1;


            int hash = EntityIdentityLibraries.GetVanillaSnapshotHash(item, noContext);

            string id = ItemID.GetUniqueKey(item);

            hash += ("id" + id).GetHashCode() * Pow();
            hash += ("prefix" + item.prefix).GetHashCode() * Pow();
            hash += ("stack" + item.stack).GetHashCode() * Pow();

            if (!noContext)
                hash += ("netID" + item.netID).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("favorited" + item.favorited).GetHashCode() * Pow();

            if (!minimal)
                hash += ("mana" + item.mana).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("buyOnce"+item.buyOnce).GetHashCode()+ Pow();	//?
                hash += ("manaIncrease" + item.manaIncrease).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("lifeRegen" + item.lifeRegen).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("notAmmo" + item.notAmmo).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("ammo" + item.ammo).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shootSpeed" + item.shootSpeed).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("rare" + item.rare).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ( "noUseGraphic" + item.noUseGraphic ).GetHashCode()+ Pow();
                hash += ("useAmmo" + item.useAmmo).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shieldSlot" + item.shieldSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("stringColor" + item.stringColor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("balloonSlot" + item.balloonSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("faceSlot" + item.faceSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("neckSlot" + item.neckSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("noMelee" + item.noMelee).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("wingSlot" + item.wingSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("waistSlot" + item.waistSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shoeSlot" + item.shoeSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("frontSlot" + item.frontSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("backSlot" + item.backSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("handOffSlot" + item.handOffSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("ToolTip"+item.ToolTip).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("release"+item.release).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("buffTime" + item.buffTime).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("buy"+item.buy).GetHashCode() * Pow();	//?
                //hash += ("newAndShiny"+item.newAndShiny).GetHashCode() * Pow();	//?
                hash += ("reuseDelay" + item.reuseDelay).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("sentry" + item.sentry).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("summon" + item.summon).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("thrown" + item.thrown).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("ranged" + item.ranged).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("magic" + item.magic).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("melee" + item.melee).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("crit" + item.crit).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("DD2Summon" + item.DD2Summon).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shopCustomPrice" + (item.shopCustomPrice == null ? -1 : (int)item.shopCustomPrice)).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shopSpecialCurrency" + item.shopSpecialCurrency).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("uniqueStack" + item.uniqueStack).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("cartTrack" + item.cartTrack).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("mountType" + item.mountType).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("handOnSlot" + item.handOnSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("buffType" + item.buffType).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("noWet" + item.noWet).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("material" + item.material).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("vanity" + item.vanity).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("social" + item.social).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("value" + item.value).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("legSlot" + item.legSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("shoot" + item.shoot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("headSlot" + item.headSlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("holdStyle" + item.holdStyle).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //////hash += ("type"+item.type).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("keepTime"+item.keepTime).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("ownTime"+item.ownTime).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("ownIgnore"+item.ownIgnore).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("instanced" + item.instanced).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("paint" + item.paint).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("hairDye" + item.hairDye).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("expert" + item.expert).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("expertOnly" + item.expertOnly).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("useStyle" + item.useStyle).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("makeNPC" + item.makeNPC).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("fishingPole" + item.fishingPole).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("dye" + item.dye).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("wornArmor" + item.wornArmor).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("tileWand" + item.tileWand).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("spawnTime" + item.spawnTime).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("isBeingGrabbed"+item.isBeingGrabbed).GetHashCode()* Pow();
                //hash += ("beingGrabbed"+item.beingGrabbed).GetHashCode()* Pow();
                //hash += ("noGrabDelay"+item.noGrabDelay).GetHashCode()* Pow();
                hash += ("bodySlot" + item.bodySlot).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("flame" + item.flame).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("questItem" + item.questItem).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("bait" + item.bait).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("channel" + item.channel).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("mech" + item.mech).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("useAnimation" + item.useAnimation).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("defense" + item.defense).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                //hash += ("UseSound"+item.UseSound).GetHashCode()* Pow();
                hash += ("scale" + item.scale).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("glowMask" + item.glowMask).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("alpha" + item.alpha).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("color" + item.color).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("useTurn" + item.useTurn).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("autoReuse" + item.autoReuse).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("consumable" + item.consumable).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("potion" + item.potion).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("healMana" + item.healMana).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("knockBack" + item.knockBack).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("healLife" + item.healLife).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("placeStyle" + item.placeStyle).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("createWall" + item.createWall).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("createTile" + item.createTile).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("tileBoost" + item.tileBoost).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("hammer" + item.hammer).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("axe" + item.axe).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("pick" + item.pick).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("maxStack" + item.maxStack).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("useTime" + item.useTime).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("damage" + item.damage).GetHashCode() * Pow();
                hash += ("accessory" + item.accessory).GetHashCode() * Pow();
