Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IQueryable <TeamPlayer> GetLeagueLadder(string leagueName, DateTime date)
            var ret = new Dictionary <string, TeamPlayer>();

            var tournamentEvent =
                GetQuery <TournamentEvent>(x => x.Tournament.TournamentName == leagueName &&
                                           EntityFunctions.AddDays(x.StartDate, -10) <= date &&
                                           date <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(x.EndDate, 10))

            GetQuery <Match>(x => x.TournamentEvent.EventName == tournamentEvent.EventName)
            .Include(x => x.TeamsPlayerA)
            .Include(x => x.TeamsPlayerB)
            .ForEach(x =>
                if (!ret.ContainsKey(x.TeamsPlayerA.Slug))
                    ret.Add(x.TeamsPlayerA.Slug, x.TeamsPlayerA);
                if (!ret.ContainsKey(x.TeamsPlayerB.Slug))
                    ret.Add(x.TeamsPlayerB.Slug, x.TeamsPlayerB);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult HetThoiGianDangKy()
            //lọc ra danh sách từ ngày đăng ký dến DateTime.Now > 7
            var list = db.CHITIETDANGKY.Where(d => d.NGAY_DK < EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7) && d.XACNHAN == false);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static IQueryable <Associate> AssociateAvailability(AssociateSearchModel search, IQueryable <Associate> associates)
            if (search.AvailableFrom.HasValue && search.AvailableTo.HasValue)
                associates = from a in associates
                             where !a.Individual.Any(i => i.StartDate < search.AvailableTo.Value && (
                                                         i.EndDate.Value > search.AvailableFrom.Value ||
                                                         (EntityFunctions.AddDays(i.EndDate.Value, (i.NoticeAmount * -1)) > search.AvailableFrom.Value && i.NoticeIntervalId == (int)NoticeIntervalEnum.Days) ||
                                                         (EntityFunctions.AddDays(i.EndDate.Value, (i.NoticeAmount * -7)) > search.AvailableFrom.Value && i.NoticeIntervalId == (int)NoticeIntervalEnum.Weeks) ||
                                                         (EntityFunctions.AddMonths(i.EndDate.Value, (i.NoticeAmount * -1)) > search.AvailableFrom.Value && i.NoticeIntervalId == (int)NoticeIntervalEnum.Months)
                             select a;

            if (search.NoticePeriod.HasValue && search.NoticeIntervalId.HasValue)
                associates = from a in associates
                             where a.Individual.Any(i => (i.Role.NoticeIntervalId == search.NoticeIntervalId.Value || i.NoticeIntervalId == search.NoticeIntervalId.Value) &&
                                                    ((i.Role.NoticeAmount == null && i.NoticeAmount == null) || i.Role.NoticeAmount <= search.NoticePeriod.Value || i.NoticeAmount <= search.NoticePeriod.Value))
                             select a;

Ejemplo n.º 4
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (var ctx = new MyContext())
         if (!ctx.Entities.Any())
             ctx.Entities.Add(new MyEntity()
                 Date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)
             ctx.Entities.Add(new MyEntity()
                 Date = new DateTime(2012, 10, 1)
             ctx.Entities.Add(new MyEntity()
                 Date = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12)
         var q = from e in ctx.Entities
                 where e.Date > EntityFunctions.AddDays(new DateTime(2012, 10, 1), 10)
                 select e;
         foreach (var entity in q)
             Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", entity.Id, entity.Date);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual ActionResult Index()
            IQueryable <DogEvent> events =
                    f => f.EventDate > DateTime.UtcNow && f.EventDate < EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 7));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public TournamentEvent GetTournamentEventFromTournamentAndYear(int year, string tournamentName)
            var tournamentEvent = GetQuery <TournamentEvent>(
                t => t.Tournament.TournamentName == tournamentName &&
                (EntityFunctions.AddDays(t.StartDate, 3)).Value.Year == year)//for tennis

Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ActionResult InTime()
     using (var ctx = new AuctionSiteDBEntities())
         int Iduser = CurrentContext.GetCurUser().ID;
         var list   = ctx.Products.Where(p => ((p.UserID == Iduser) &&
                                               (DateTime.Now <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime))))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public IEnumerable <Employee> GetEmployeeFree(DateTime datePick, int time)
            var emps = Context.Tours.Where(t => (t.TimeStart >= datePick && t.TimeStart <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(datePick, time)) ||
                                           EntityFunctions.AddDays(t.TimeStart, t.Time) >= datePick &&
                                           EntityFunctions.AddDays(t.TimeStart, t.Time) <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(datePick, time))
                       .Select(e => e.EmployeeId);

            var employees = Context.Employees.Where(e => !emps.Contains(e.Id)).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 9
 public List <Attendance> GetAttendancesForEmployee(Employee e)
     using (var db = new SystemContext())
         List <Attendance> attendances = (from a in db.Attendances
                                          where a.Employee.Id == e.Id &&
                                          a.LoginDate <= DateTime.Now &&
                                          a.LoginDate >= EntityFunctions.AddDays(a.LoginDate, -7)
                                          select a).ToList <Attendance>();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IEnumerable <Tournament> GetDaysTournaments(DateTime matchDate, string sport)
            var tournaments = GetQuery <TournamentEvent>(t => EntityFunctions.AddDays(t.StartDate, 0) <= matchDate &&
                                                         EntityFunctions.AddDays(t.EndDate, 0) >= matchDate &&
                                                         t.Tournament.Competition.Sport.SportName == sport

                                                         /* &&
                                                          * t.TournamentInProgress*/)
                              .Select(t => t.Tournament)

Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the days difference.
 /// </summary>
 public void GetDaysDiff()
     int exportedFilesRemainingDays = int.Parse(Utils.GetSystemValue("ExportedFilesRemainingDays"));
     int completedStatusCodeId      = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("ExportFileStatus", "COMPLETED");
     var x = (from ef in DataContext.ExportFiles
              where ef.ExportFileStatusCodeId == completedStatusCodeId && ef.IsActive
              select new
         cd = ef.CreatedDate,
         ad = EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays),
         x = (EntityFunctions.DiffDays(EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays), Utils.Now))
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DateTimeOffsetAddDays()
            DateTimeOffset offset = stored.AddDays(-1);

#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           DbFunctions.AddDays(x.Offset, -1) == offset);
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           EntityFunctions.AddDays(x.Offset, -1) == offset);

        public void DateTimeAddDays()
            DateTime date = stored.AddDays(-1);

#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           DbFunctions.AddDays(x.DateTime, -1) == date);
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Where(x =>
                           EntityFunctions.AddDays(x.DateTime, -1) == date);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult MarkItemsAsRead(string timeFrame)
            IQueryable <SubscriptionPost> subscriptionPostsUnread = _dbContext.SubscriptionPosts
                                                                    .Where(x => x.Subscription.UserSubscriptions
                                                                           .Any(y => y.User.Email == WebSecurity.CurrentUserName) &&
                                                                           !x.PostsRead.Any(y => y.UserSubscription.User.Email == WebSecurity.CurrentUserName &&
                                                                                            y.SubscriptionPost.Id == x.Id));

            switch (timeFrame)
            case "DAY":
                subscriptionPostsUnread =
                    .Where(x => x.PublishDateUTC <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.UtcNow, -1));

            case "WEEK":
                subscriptionPostsUnread =
                    .Where(x => x.PublishDateUTC <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.UtcNow, -7));

            case "MONTH":
                subscriptionPostsUnread =
                    .Where(x => x.PublishDateUTC <= EntityFunctions.AddMonths(DateTime.UtcNow, -1));

            foreach (var subscriptionPost in subscriptionPostsUnread)
                var userSubscription = subscriptionPost.Subscription.UserSubscriptions
                                       .Single(x => x.User.Email == WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);
                var postRead = new PostRead
                    ReadOnUTC        = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SubscriptionPost = subscriptionPost,
                    UserSubscription = userSubscription
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Form_Request_SqlFunctions()

            var      context = new ExampleModel(DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient());
            DateTime monday  = new DateTime(2018, 4, 2);
            MyEntity test    = new MyEntity {
                Id = 1, Name = "Example", WeekDay = (int)DayOfWeek.Monday


            var count = context.MyEntities.Count();

            var find = context.MyEntities.Where(x => monday < EntityFunctions.AddDays(monday, 1)).FirstOrDefault();
        public void DateTimeFunction()
            Context context = new Context(SetUpCodeFirst.Connection);
            IQueryable <TableWithSeveralFieldsType> insertedRecord = GetInsertedRecordQueryable(context);

            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Year }).First().Year, 1969);
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Month }).First().Month, 09);
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Day }).First().Day, 15);

            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Hour }).First().Hour, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Minute }).First().Minute, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Second }).First().Second, 19);

#pragma warning disable 618
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { Date = EntityFunctions.AddDays(c.MyDateTime, 4) }).First().Date.Value.Day, 19);
            Assert.AreEqual(insertedRecord.Select(c => new { ElapsedDays = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.MyDateTime, c.MyDateTime) }).First().ElapsedDays.Value, 0);
#pragma warning restore 618

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public Dictionary <string, int> CalculateWeeklyExpense()
            List <Operation> lstEmployee = new List <Operation>();

            Dictionary <string, int> dictWeeklySum = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            int foodSum = db.Operations.Where
                              (cat => cat.type == "Food" && (cat.creationDate > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7)))
                          .Sum(cat => (int?)cat.amount) ?? 0;

            int shoppingSum = db.Operations.Where
                                  (cat => cat.type == "Shopping" && (cat.creationDate > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7)))
                              .Sum(cat => (int?)cat.amount) ?? 0;

            int travelSum = db.Operations.Where
                                (cat => cat.type == "Travel" && (cat.creationDate > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7)))
                            .Sum(cat => (int?)cat.amount) ?? 0;

            int healthSum = db.Operations.Where
                                (cat => cat.type == "Health" && (cat.creationDate > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7)))
                            .Sum(cat => (int?)cat.amount) ?? 0;

            //int travelSum = db.Operations.Where
            //   (cat => cat.type == "Travel" && (cat.creationDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28)))
            //   .Select(cat => cat.amount)
            //   .Sum();

            //int healthSum = db.Operations.Where
            //   (cat => cat.type == "Health" && (cat.creationDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28)))
            //   .Select(cat => cat.amount)
            //   .Sum();

            dictWeeklySum.Add("Food", foodSum);
            dictWeeklySum.Add("Shopping", shoppingSum);
            dictWeeklySum.Add("Travel", travelSum);
            dictWeeklySum.Add("Health", healthSum);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void TotalTask_Status()
            ViewBag.Users = db.tbl_securityUserMaster.Count(p => p.employeeID != "-1");

            if (sUser_ID != "")
                decimal dCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.status_ID == "1" && p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.NewStatus_Count = dCount;

                DateTime dtNow          = DateTime.Now.Date;
                decimal  dDeadlineCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.DeadlineDate >= dtNow && p.DeadlineDate <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(dtNow, 7) && p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Deadline_Count = dDeadlineCount;

                decimal dDueCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => DateTime.Now > p.DeadlineDate && p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID).Count();
                ViewBag.Due_Count = dDueCount;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        static void Querying()
            using (var ctx = new ProjectsContext())
                var bigProject = ctx.Projects.Find(1);

                var usersInProjectWithLINQ = (from r in ctx.Resources
                                              from p in ctx.Projects
                                              where p.Name == "Big Project" &&
                                              r.ProjectResources.Select(x => x.Project).Contains(p)
                                              select r).ToList();

                var projectsByName           = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.Name == "Big Project").ToList();
                var customersWithoutProjects = ctx.Customers.Where(c => c.Projects.Any() == false).ToList();

                var resourcesKnowingVBOrCS = ctx.Technologies.Where(t => t.Name == "VB.NET" || t.Name == "C#").SelectMany(x => x.Resources).Select(x => x.Name).ToList();

                var resourcesGroupedByProjectRole = ctx.Projects.SelectMany(x => x.ProjectResources).Select(x => new { Role = x.Role, Resource = x.Resource.Name }).GroupBy(x => x.Role).Select(x => new { Role = x.Key, Resources = x }).ToList();

                //grouping and counting
                var projectsByCustomer = ctx.Projects.GroupBy(x => x.Customer).Select(x => new { Customer = x.Key.Name, Count = x.Count() }).ToList();

                //top 10 customers having more projects in descending order
                var top10CustomersWithMoreProjects = ctx.Projects.GroupBy(x => x.Customer.Name).Select(x => new { x.Key, Count = x.Count() }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).Take(10).ToList();

                //grouping by date part and counting
                var countOfProjectsByMonth = ctx.Projects.GroupBy(x => EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.Start.Year, x.Start.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0)).Select(x => new { Month = x.Key, Count = x.Count() }).ToList();

                //group and count the days between two dates
                var projectsGroupedByDurationDays = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.End != null).GroupBy(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(x.Start, x.End.Value)).Select(x => new { Duration = x.Key, List = x }).ToList();

                //order by extension method
                var technologiesSortedByName = ctx.Technologies.OrderBy("Name").ThenBy("TechnologyId").ToList();

                //create a base query
                var projectsQuery = from p in ctx.Projects select p;

                //add sorting
                var projectsSortedByDateQuery = projectsQuery.OrderBy(x => x.Start);

                //execute and get the sorted results
                var projectsSortedByDateResults = projectsSortedByDateQuery.ToList();

                //add paging
                var projectsWithPagingQuery = projectsQuery.OrderBy(x => x.Start).Take(5).Skip(0);

                //execute and get the first 5 results
                var projectsWithPagingResults = projectsWithPagingQuery.ToList();

                //add a restriction
                var projectsStartingAWeekAgoQuery = projectsQuery.Where(x => x.Start >= EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Today, -7));

                //execute and get the projects that started a week ago
                var projectsStartingAWeekAgoResults = projectsStartingAWeekAgoQuery.ToList();

                //eager load properties
                var resourcesIncludingTechnologies = ctx.Resources.Include(x => x.Technologies).ToList();

                var projectsIncludingCustomers = ctx.Projects.Include("Customer").ToList();

                var roles = ctx.Resources.SelectMany(x => x.ProjectResources).Where(x => x.Resource.Name == "Ricardo Peres").Select(x => x.Role).Distinct().ToList();

                //check existence
                var existsProjectBySomeCustomer = ctx.Projects.Any(x => x.Customer.Name == "Some Customer");

                var numberOfClosedProjects = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.End != null && x.End < DateTime.Now).Count();

                var averageProjectDuration = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.End != null).Average(x => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(x.Start, x.End));

                var sumProjectDurationsByCustomer = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.End != null).Select(x => new { Customer = x.Customer.Name, Days = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(x.Start, x.End) }).GroupBy(x => x.Customer).Select(x => new { Customer = x.Key, Sum = x.Sum(y => y.Days) }).ToList();

                //return the resources and project names only
                var resourcesXprojects = ctx.Projects.SelectMany(x => x.ProjectResources).Select(x => new { Resource = x.Resource.Name, Project = x.Project.Name }).ToList();

                //return the customer names and their project counts
                var customersAndProjectCount = ctx.Customers.Select(x => new { x.Name, Count = x.Projects.Count() }).ToList();

                var usersKnowingATechnology  = (from r in ctx.Resources where r.Technologies.Any(x => (ctx.Technologies.Where(t => t.Name == "ASP.NET")).Contains(x)) select r).ToList();
                var usersKnowingATechnology2 = (from r in ctx.Resources where r.Technologies.Any(x => (from t in ctx.Technologies where t.Name == "ASP.NET" select t).Contains(x)) select r).ToList();

                var customersToFind     = new String[] { "Some Customer", "Another Customer" };
                var projectsOfCustomers = ctx.Projects.Where(x => customersToFind.Contains(x.Customer.Name)).ToList();

                var location = DbGeography.FromText("POINT(41 8)");

                var area = DbGeography.MultiPointFromText("MULTIPOINT(53.095124 -0.864716, 53.021255 -1.337128, 52.808019 -1.345367, 52.86153 -1.018524)", 4326);

                /*var pointInsideArea = ctx.Venues.Where(x => area.Intersects(x.Location)).ToList();
                 * var venuesAndDistanceToLocation = (from v in ctx.Venues
                 *                        orderby v.Location.Distance(location)
                 *                        select new { Venue = v, Distance = v.Location.Distance(location) }).ToList();*/

                ObjectContext octx = (ctx as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;

                var usersInProjectWithESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Resource>("SELECT VALUE pr.Resource FROM ProjectResources AS pr WHERE pr.Project.Name = @name", new ObjectParameter("name", "Big Project")).ToList();

                var usersKnowingATechnologyESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Resource>("SELECT VALUE r FROM Resources AS r WHERE EXISTS (SELECT VALUE t FROM Technologies AS t WHERE t.Name = @name AND r IN t.Resources)", new ObjectParameter("name", "ASP.NET")).ToList();

                var userTechnologiesESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Technology>("FLATTEN(SELECT VALUE r.Technologies FROM Resources AS r)").ToList();

                var pagedResourcesESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Resource>("SELECT VALUE r FROM Resources AS r ORDER BY r.Name SKIP 5 LIMIT(5)").ToList();

                //paging with parameters
                var pagedResourcesWithParametersESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Resource>("SELECT VALUE r FROM Resources AS r ORDER BY r.Name SKIP @skip LIMIT(@limit)", new ObjectParameter("skip", 5), new ObjectParameter("limit", 5)).ToList();

                var lastProjectESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Project>("SELECT VALUE TOP(1) p FROM Projects AS p ORDER BY p.Start DESC").SingleOrDefault();

                var projectsStartingInADateIntervalESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Project>("SELECT VALUE p FROM Projects AS P WHERE p.Start BETWEEN @start AND @end", new ObjectParameter("start", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14)), new ObjectParameter("end", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7))).ToList();

                var projectsStartingInSetOfDatesESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Project>("SELECT VALUE p FROM Projects AS P WHERE p.Start IN MULTISET(DATETIME '2013-12-25 0:0:0', DATETIME '2013-12-31 0:0:0')").ToList();

                var projectNameAndDurationESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Object>("SELECT p.Name, DIFFDAYS(p.Start, p.[End]) FROM Projects AS p WHERE p.[End] IS NOT NULL").ToList();

                var numberOfClosedProjectsESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Int32>("SELECT VALUE COUNT(p.ProjectId) FROM Projects AS p WHERE p.[End] IS NOT NULL AND p.[End] < @now", new ObjectParameter("now", DateTime.Now)).Single();

                var customersAndProjectCountIndicatorESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Object>("SELECT p.Customer.Name, COUNT(p.Name) FROM Projects AS p GROUP BY p.Customer").ToList();

                var customersAndProjectRangeESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Object>("SELECT p.Customer.Name, CASE WHEN COUNT(p.Name) > 10 THEN 'Lots' ELSE 'Few' END AS Amount FROM Projects AS p GROUP BY p.Customer").ToList();

                if (customersAndProjectRangeESQL.Any() == true)
                    var r         = customersAndProjectRangeESQL.OfType <IExtendedDataRecord>().First();
                    var nameIndex = r.GetOrdinal("Name");
                    var name      = r.GetString(nameIndex);

                //max number of days
                var maxDurationESQL = octx.CreateQuery <Int32?>("SELECT VALUE MAX(DIFFDAYS(p.Start, p.[End])) FROM Projects AS p WHERE p.[End] IS NOT NULL").SingleOrDefault();

                //string contains
                var technologiesContainingNetESQL = octx.CreateQuery <String>("SELECT VALUE t.Name FROM Technologies AS T WHERE CONTAINS(t.Name, '.NET')").ToList();

                var projectFromSQL = ctx.Projects.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Project WHERE Name = @p0", "Big Project").ToList();

                //stored procedure
                var projectFromProcedure = ctx.Projects.SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM dbo.GetProjectById(@p0)", 1).SingleOrDefault();

                var result = ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE Project SET [End] = null WHERE ProjectId = {0}", 100);

                //current date and time
                var now = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <DateTime>("SELECT GETDATE()").Single();

                var model = ctx.Database.SqlQuery(typeof(Byte[]), "SELECT Model FROM __MigrationHistory").OfType <Object>().Single();

                //call function
                var serverTimestamp = ctx.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT GETDATE()");

                //update records
                var updateCount = ctx.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE ProjectDetail SET Budget = Budget * 1.1 WHERE ProjectId = {0}", 1);

                var projectsBetweenTodayAndBeforeToday = ctx.Projects.Between(x => x.Start, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today).ToList();

                //projects with 10 to 20 resources
                var projectsWithTwoOrThreeResources = ctx.Projects.Select(x => new { x.Name, ResourceCount = x.ProjectResources.Count() }).Between(x => x.ResourceCount, 10, 20).ToList();

                //extension method
                var soundex = ctx.Projects.Select(x => x.Name.Soundex()).ToList();

                //first level cache
                var user = ctx.Resources.Local.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Technologies.Any(y => y.Name == "ASP.NET"));

                //no caching
                var technologies = ctx.Technologies.AsNoTracking().ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 ///  Method to Get the Beat Details info on the basis of status id
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="statusID">represent 0 if rejected, 1 if approved</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IList <CoveragePlan> GetBeatInfoDetails(int statusID)
     return(SmartDostDbContext.CoveragePlans.Where(c => (EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(c.CoverageDate) >= EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(c.CoverageDate) <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 15)) && c.IsCoverage == false && c.StatusID == statusID).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Run()
            using (var context = new Context(SetUpCodeFirst.Connection))
                TableWithSeveralFieldsType table = new TableWithSeveralFieldsType()
                    MyInt      = 10,
                    MyString   = " My current string with leading and trailing spaces ",
                    MyDateTime = new DateTime(1969, 09, 15, 20, 03, 19)


                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Select(c => new { c.MyDateTime.Day }).First().Day);
#pragma warning disable 618
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Select(c => new { Date = EntityFunctions.AddDays(c.MyDateTime, 4) }).First());
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Select(c => new { ElapsedDays = EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.MyDateTime, c.MyDateTime) }).First().ElapsedDays.Value);
#pragma warning restore 618

                // ReSharper disable StringIndexOfIsCultureSpecific.1
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Select(c => c.MyString.IndexOf(CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Substring(5, 4))).First());
                // ReSharper restore StringIndexOfIsCultureSpecific.1

                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Where(c => c.MyString.Contains(CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Substring(3, 5))).First());
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Where(c => c.MyString.StartsWith(CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Substring(3, 5))).FirstOrDefault());
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Where(c => c.MyString.StartsWith(CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Substring(0, 5))).First());
                string stringEnd = CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Substring(CanonicalFunctionsTest1.MyStringValue.Length - 5, 5);
                //Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Where(c => c.MyString.EndsWith(CanonicalFunctionsTest.MYSTRINGVALUE.Substring(CanonicalFunctionsTest.MYSTRINGVALUE.Length - 5, 5))).First());
                Console.WriteLine(context.TableWithSeveralFieldsTypes.Where(c => c.MyString.EndsWith(stringEnd)).First());
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public List <Pelicula> listarPeliculasYEstrenos()
            // obtengo todas las carteleras que esten vigentes actualmente y las que tengan fecha de estreno hasta 30 dias a partir del dia de la fecha.
            List <Cartelera> carteleras = ctx.Carteleras.Where(carte => carte.FechaInicio <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 30) && carte.FechaFin >= DateTime.Now).ToList();

            // Las meto en un hashset para evitar duplicados
            HashSet <Pelicula> peliculas = new HashSet <Pelicula>();

            foreach (var carte in carteleras)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public IList <Contas_a_Receber> RecuperaDadosEmAbertoCliente(Cliente cliente)
            using (testeEntities2 contexto = new testeEntities2())
                var contasreceber = new Contas_a_Receber();
                if (contasreceber.valor_a_receber == 0)
                    var recebe = contexto.Contas_a_Receber.Where(p => p.data_a_receber.Value < EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Today, -30)).
                                 Select(p => new Contas_a_Receber()
                        id_cliente      = p.id_cliente,
                        data_a_receber  = p.data_a_receber,
                        valor_a_receber = p.valor_a_receber

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public IEnumerable <Report> GetAllReportsLastWeek()
            var _context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            return(_context.Reports.Where(r => r.Creation > EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, -7)).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public List <Messages> LoadMessages(string FromUserName, string ToUserName, DateTime startDate)
            List <Messages> msgs = new List <Messages>();

                using (var ctx = new TTContext())
                    IQueryable <Messages> msg = ctx.Messages.Where(c => (c.FromUser == FromUserName && c.ToUser == ToUserName) || (c.FromUser == ToUserName && c.ToUser == FromUserName) && (c.CreateDate <= startDate && c.CreateDate >= EntityFunctions.AddDays(startDate, -1)));
                    msgs = msg.ToList();
            catch (Exception)

Ejemplo n.º 26
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <Product> SetPrice = new List <Product>();

            using (var ctx = new AuctionSiteDBEntities())
                var listget = ctx.Auctions.ToList();
                var listmax = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.Bought == false && (DateTime.Now <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime))).OrderByDescending(p => p.PriceDisplay).ToList().Take(5);
                var listend = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.Bought == false && (DateTime.Now <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime)))
                              .OrderBy(p => (EntityFunctions.DiffSeconds(DateTime.Now, EntityFunctions.AddDays(p.TimePost, p.IntervalTime)))).ToList().Take(5);
                var TopSetPriceList = listget.GroupBy(a => a.IDPro).OrderByDescending(a => a.Key).ToList().Take(5);
                foreach (var id in TopSetPriceList)
                    Product pro = ctx.Products.Where(p => p.ID == id.Key && p.Bought == false).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pro != null)

                HomeVM vm = new HomeVM();
                vm.MostSettingPrice = new List <Product>();
                vm.MaxPrice         = new List <Product>();
                vm.EndDate          = new List <Product>();
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void TotalTask_Status()
            //decimal dCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID && p.status_ID == "1").Count();
            decimal dCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.status_ID == "1").Count();

            ViewBag.NewStatus_Count = dCount;

            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //decimal dDeadlineCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID && p.DeadlineDate >= dtNow && p.DeadlineDate <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(dtNow, 7)).Count();
            decimal dDeadlineCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.DeadlineDate >= dtNow && p.DeadlineDate <= EntityFunctions.AddDays(dtNow, 7)).Count();

            ViewBag.Deadline_Count = dDeadlineCount;

            //decimal dDueCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => p.assignedUser_ID == sUser_ID && DateTime.Now > p.DeadlineDate).Count();
            decimal dDueCount = db.tbl_pmsTxTask.Where(p => DateTime.Now > p.DeadlineDate).Count();

            ViewBag.Due_Count = dDueCount;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private List <LiabilitiesExpenseViewModel> GetExpenseList(DateTime date, string driverC, int liabilitiesNo)
            //var result = (from o in _containerRepository .GetAllQueryable()
            //				join d in _dispatchRepository.GetAllQueryable()
            //				on new { o.OrderD, o.OrderNo, o.DetailNo } equals new { d.OrderD, d.OrderNo, d.DetailNo }
            //				join e in _expenseDetailRepository.GetAllQueryable()
            //				on new { d.OrderD, d.OrderNo, d.DetailNo, d.DispatchNo } equals new { e.OrderD, e.OrderNo, e.DetailNo, e.DispatchNo }
            //				join m in _expenseRepository.GetAllQueryable()
            //				on e.ExpenseC equals m.ExpenseC
            //				where (d.DriverC == driverC &&
            //				d.TransportD < EntityFunctions.AddDays(date,1) &&
            //				e.PaymentMethodI == Constants.CASH)
            //				select new LiabilitiesExpenseViewModel()
            //				{
            //					ContainerNo = o.ContainerNo,
            //					TransportD =d.TransportD,
            //					ContainerSizeN = o.ContainerSizeI == Constants.CONTAINERSIZE1 ? Constants.CONTAINERSIZE1N :
            //									 o.ContainerSizeI == Constants.CONTAINERSIZE2 ? Constants.CONTAINERSIZE2N :
            //									 Constants.CONTAINERSIZE3N,
            //					ExpenseC = m.ExpenseC,
            //					ExpenseN =m.ExpenseN,
            //					Amount = e.Amount
            //				}
            //			);

            var result = (from e in _expenseDetailRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          join d in _dispatchRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on new { e.OrderD, e.OrderNo, e.DetailNo, e.DispatchNo } equals new { d.OrderD, d.OrderNo, d.DetailNo, d.DispatchNo } into ed
                          from d in ed.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join o in _containerRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on new { d.OrderD, d.OrderNo, d.DetailNo } equals new { o.OrderD, o.OrderNo, o.DetailNo } into edo
                          from o in edo.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join or in _orderRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on new { e.OrderD, e.OrderNo } equals new { or.OrderD, or.OrderNo } into edor
                          from or in edor.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join c in _customerRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on new { or.CustomerMainC, or.CustomerSubC } equals new { c.CustomerMainC, c.CustomerSubC } into cedor
                          from c in cedor.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join m in _expenseRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on e.ExpenseC equals m.ExpenseC into mcedor
                          from m in mcedor.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          join f in _liabilitiesItemRepository.GetAllQueryable()
                          on new { e.OrderD, e.OrderNo, e.DetailNo, e.DispatchNo, e.ExpenseNo } equals new { f.OrderD, f.OrderNo, f.DetailNo, f.DispatchNo, f.ExpenseNo } into fmcedor
                          from f in fmcedor.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          where (d.DriverC == driverC &&
                                 d.TransportD < EntityFunctions.AddDays(date, 1) &&
                                 e.PaymentMethodI == Constants.CASH) &&
                          (f == null || (f.LiabilitiesD == date && f.LiabilitiesNo == liabilitiesNo))
                          select new LiabilitiesExpenseViewModel()
                OrderD = e.OrderD,
                OrderNo = e.OrderNo,
                DetailNo = e.DetailNo,
                DispatchNo = e.DispatchNo,
                ExpenseNo = e.ExpenseNo,
                ContainerNo = o.ContainerNo,
                TransportD = d.TransportD,
                ContainerSizeI = o.ContainerSizeI,
                //ContainerSizeN = o.ContainerSizeI == Constants.CONTAINERSIZE1 ? Constants.CONTAINERSIZE1N :
                //				 o.ContainerSizeI == Constants.CONTAINERSIZE2 ? Constants.CONTAINERSIZE2N :
                //				 Constants.CONTAINERSIZE3N,
                ExpenseC = m.ExpenseC,
                ExpenseN = m.ExpenseN,
                //Amount = e.Amount,
                Amount = (e.Amount ?? 0) + (e.TaxAmount ?? 0),
                TaxAmount = e.TaxAmount,
                CustomerN = c != null ? c.CustomerN : "",
                LiabilitiesStatusI = f == null ? "0" : f.LiabilitiesStatusI,
                LiabilitiesD = f == null ? (DateTime?)null : f.LiabilitiesD,
                LiabilitiesNo = f == null ? 0 : f.LiabilitiesNo

            //var previousDate = _liabilitiesRepository.Query(i => i.DriverC == driverC && i.LiabilitiesI == "1" && i.LiabilitiesD < date).OrderBy("LiabilitiesD desc").FirstOrDefault();

            //if (previousDate != null)
            //	return result.AsQueryable().Where(i => i.TransportD >= previousDate.LiabilitiesD).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public NotificationResultViewModel SendUpcomingBoxNotifications()
                int notificationsSent = 0;

                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                    var upcomingDeliveries = from sd in ent.SubscriptionDeliveries
                                             where sd.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Pending &&
                                             sd.Subscription.GiftId == null &&
                                             sd.Subscription.SubscriptionStateCV == CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed &&
                                             EntityFunctions.AddDays(sd.DeliveryDate.Value, -daysBefore).Value < DateTime.Now &&
                                             !sd.SubscriptionDeliveryMessages.Any(m => m.DeliveryMessageTypeCV == CodeValues.DeliveryMessageType.Upcoming)
                                             select new
                        SubscriptionDelivery = sd,
                        Name       = sd.Subscription.User.FirstName,
                        Token      = sd.Subscription.Token,
                        Email      = sd.Subscription.User.Email,
                        LangIso    = sd.Subscription.User.Language.IsoCode,
                        CountryIso = sd.Subscription.User.Country.IsoCode,
                        Address    = sd.Subscription.Address,
                        Products   = from m in sd.SubscriptionDeliveryModels
                                     select new
                            ProductName = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == m.Model.Product.TitleTrId && tt.LanguageId == sd.Subscription.User.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                            ModelName   = m.Model.Name,
                            Quantity    = m.Quantity,
                            Price       = m.Model.ShopPrice,
                            TotalPrice  = m.Model.ShopPrice * m.Quantity

                    var notificationMails = new List <UpcomingBoxNotificationMail>();

                    foreach (var del in upcomingDeliveries)
                        var itemsTotal   = Utilities.GetDeliveryTotal(del.SubscriptionDelivery);
                        var shippingFee  = Utilities.CalculateShippingFee(itemsTotal);
                        var couponAmount = Utilities.CalculateCouponAmount(itemsTotal, del.SubscriptionDelivery);
                        var total        = itemsTotal + shippingFee - couponAmount;
                        var couponLabel  = Utilities.GetCouponLabel(del.SubscriptionDelivery.Coupon);

                        var products         = new List <MailProduct>();
                        var notificationMail = new UpcomingBoxNotificationMail()
                            Name        = del.Name,
                            Email       = del.Email,
                            Token       = del.Token,
                            LanguageIso = del.LangIso,
                            CountryIso  = del.CountryIso,
                            Address     = new MailAddress()
                                City       = del.Address.City,
                                Street     = del.Address.Street,
                                Province   = del.Address.Province,
                                PostalCode = del.Address.PostalCode
                            SubTotal     = itemsTotal,
                            Total        = total,
                            ShippingFee  = shippingFee,
                            CouponAmount = couponAmount,
                            CouponLabel  = couponLabel

                        foreach (var prod in del.Products)
                            products.Add(new MailProduct()
                                ModelName   = prod.ModelName,
                                ProductName = prod.ProductName,
                                Price       = prod.Price,
                                Quantity    = prod.Quantity,
                                TotalPrice  = prod.TotalPrice

                        notificationMail.Products = products;

                        ShipmentRepository.StoreDeliveryMessage(del.SubscriptionDelivery, CodeValues.DeliveryMessageType.Upcoming);



                return(new NotificationResultViewModel()
                    NotificationsSent = notificationsSent,
                    EndedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    ElapsedTime = sw.Elapsed,
                    MessageType = CodeValues.DeliveryMessageType.Upcoming
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all pending delete exported files after a defined period.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>pending delete file requests.</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Data.ExportFile> GetGeneratedOldExportFiles()
            //check if a record already exisit
            int completedStatusCodeId      = Utils.GetCodeIdByCodeValue("ExportFileStatus", "COMPLETED");
            int exportedFilesRemainingDays = int.Parse(Utils.GetSystemValue("ExportedFilesRemainingDays"));

            //Get completed records that are older than the defined days in "ExportedFilesRemainingDays" as a systemvalue

            return(DataContext.ExportFiles.Where(ef => ef.ExportFileStatusCodeId == completedStatusCodeId &&
                                                 ef.IsActive && EntityFunctions.DiffDays(EntityFunctions.AddDays(ef.CreatedDate, exportedFilesRemainingDays), Utils.Now) >= 0));