Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Guid Create(int organisationId, int centreId, int categoryId, string studentCode, string studentName, string description, string fileName, byte[] contents)
            var newGuid  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var category =
                .FirstOrDefault(e => e.DocumentTypeId == categoryId);
            var centre            = _nidanDataService.RetrieveCentre(organisationId, centreId, e => true);
            var basePath          = CreateCentreBase(category.BasePath, centre.Name);
            var categoryFileName  = string.Concat(category.Name, "_", newGuid, "_", fileName);
            var employeeDirectory = GetStudentDirectory(basePath, studentCode) ?? CreateStudentDirectory(basePath, studentName, studentCode);
            var categoryDirectory = Path.Combine(employeeDirectory, category.Name);
            var filePath          = Path.Combine(categoryDirectory, categoryFileName);

            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, contents);
            var document = new Entity.Document()
                OrganisationId  = organisationId,
                CentreId        = centreId,
                DocumentTypeId  = categoryId,
                StudentCode     = studentCode,
                CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date,
                Description     = description,
                FileName        = fileName,
                Location        = filePath,
                StudentName     = studentName,
                Guid            = newGuid

            _nidanDataService.Create <Entity.Document>(organisationId, document);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <ValidationResult <Document> > CreateWorkerDocument(Document documentMeta, int personnelId, List <int> clientPersonnelIds, string userId)
            var validationResult = new ValidationResult <Document>();

            //upload document to document service
            var documentCategoryId = documentMeta.DocumentCategoryId;
            var documentCategories = await this.RetrieveDocumentCategoriesAsync();

            var documentCategory = documentCategories.FirstOrDefault(e => e.DocumentCategoryId == documentCategoryId);

            if (documentCategory == null)
                return(validationResult.Error("Document category not found"));

            var apiDocument = _mapper.Map <Entity.Document>(documentMeta);

            apiDocument.Product         = "Egharpay";
            apiDocument.PersonnelId     = personnelId.ToString();
            apiDocument.CreatedBy       = userId;
            apiDocument.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var documentGuid = CreateDocument(documentCategory, personnelId.ToString(), "Test", documentMeta.Description, documentMeta.Filename, documentMeta.Bytes);

            if (documentGuid == null)
                return(validationResult.Error("Document could not be saved, please try again"));

            // create a worker document - if we have clientPersonnelIds, we need a worker document for each one
            var personnelDocument = new Entity.Document()
                DocumentTypeId = documentCategoryId.Value,
                Guid           = documentGuid,
                PersonnelId    = personnelId.ToString(),
                FileName       = documentMeta.Filename
