Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void GameOnOnGameLoad(object sender, EventArgs args)
            TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription
                FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType

            enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy);
            Q          = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q);
            W          = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E          = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R          = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);

            Config = new Menu("OneKeyToWin AIO", "OneKeyToWin_AIO " + Player.CharacterName, true);

            #region MENU ABOUT OKTW

            var about = new Menu("aboutoktw", "About OKTW©");
            about.Add(new MenuBool("debug", "Debug"));
            about.Add(new MenuBool("debugChat", "Debug Chat"));
            about.Add(new Menu("0", "OneKeyToWin© by Sebby"));
            about.Add(new Menu("1", "visit joduska.me"));
            about.Add(new Menu("2", "DONATE: [email protected]"));
            about.Add(new MenuBool("print", "OKTW NEWS in chat", true));


            Config.Add(new MenuList <string>("AIOmode", "AIO mode", new[] { "Utility and Champion", "Only Champion", "Only Utility" }, Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0

            AIOmode = Config.GetValue <MenuList <string> >("AIOmode").Index;

            if (AIOmode != 1)
                var utilityDraws = new Menu("utilitydraws", "Utility, Draws OKTW©");
                var gankTimer    = new Menu("ganktimer", "GankTimer");
                gankTimer.Add(new MenuBool("enabled", "Enabled", true));
                gankTimer.Add(new Menu("1", "RED - be careful"));
                gankTimer.Add(new Menu("2", "ORANGE - you have time"));
                gankTimer.Add(new Menu("3", "GREEN - jungler visible"));
                gankTimer.Add(new Menu("4", "CYAN jungler dead - take objectives"));

            var predictionmode = new Menu("predictionmode", "Prediction Mode");
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("Qpred", "Q Prediction MODE", new[] { "SDK", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded (outdated)", "Exory prediction" })
                Index = 1
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("QHitChance", "Q Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("Wpred", "W Prediction MODE", new[] { "SDK", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded (outdated)", "Exory prediction" })
                Index = 1
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("WHitChance", "W Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("Epred", "E Prediction MODE", new[] { "SDK", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded (outdated)", "Exory prediction" })
                Index = 1
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("EHitChance", "E Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("Rpred", "R Prediction MODE", new[] { "SDK", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded (outdated)", "Exory prediction" })
                Index = 1
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuList <string>("RHitChance", "R Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            predictionmode.Add(new MenuBool("debugPred", "Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION"));

            if (AIOmode != 2)
                var extraSet = new Menu("extraSet", "Extra settings OKTW©");
                extraSet.Add(new MenuBool("supportMode", "Support Mode", false, Player.CharacterName));
                extraSet.Add(new MenuBool("comboDisableMode", "Disable auto-attack in combo mode", false, Player.CharacterName));
                extraSet.Add(new MenuBool("manaDisable", "Disable mana manager in combo", false, Player.CharacterName));
                extraSet.Add(new MenuBool("collAA", "Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision", true, Player.CharacterName));
                extraSet.Add(new MenuBool("harassLaneclear", "Skill-Harass in lane clear", true));
                extraSet.GetValue <MenuBool>("supportMode").Value = false;

                #region LOAD CHAMPIONS


                var player = Config[Player.CharacterName] as Menu;
                if (player == null)
                    player = new Menu(Player.CharacterName, Player.CharacterName);
                var farm = player["farm"] as Menu;
                if (farm == null)
                    farm = new Menu("farm", "Farm");
                var spellsfarmtoggle = new Menu("spellsfarmtoggle", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE");
                spellsfarmtoggle.Add(new MenuBool("spellFarm", "OKTW spells farm", true));
                spellsfarmtoggle.Add(new MenuList <string>("spellFarmMode", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE MODE", new[] { "Scroll down", "Scroll press", "Key toggle", "Disable" })
                    Index = 1
                spellsfarmtoggle.Add(new MenuKeyBind("spellFarmKeyToggle", "Key toggle", Keys.N, KeyBindType.Toggle));
                spellsfarmtoggle.Add(new MenuBool("showNot", "Show notification", true));
                spellsfarmtoggle.GetValue <MenuBool>("spellFarm").Permashow(true);

            foreach (var hero in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                if (IsJungler(hero))
                    jungler = hero;

            if (AIOmode != 1)
                new Core.Activator().LoadOKTW();
                new Core.AutoLvlUp().LoadOKTW();
                new Core.OKTWdraws().LoadOKTW();
                new Core.OKTWtracker().LoadOKTW();
                new Core.OKTWward().LoadOKTW();

            Config.Add(new Menu("aiomodes", "!!! PRESS F5 TO RELOAD MODE !!!"));

            Game.OnUpdate  += Game_OnUpdate;
            Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Variables.Orbwalker.OnAction += Orbwalker_OnAction;

            if (Config["aboutoktw"].GetValue <MenuBool>("print").Value)
                Chat.PrintChat("<font size='30'>OneKeyToWin</font> <font color='#b756c5'>by Sebby</font>");
                Chat.PrintChat("<font color='#b756c5'>OKTW NEWS: </font>" + OktwNews);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void CreateMenu()
            Menu = new Menu("Evade", "Evade#", true);

            // Create the evade spells submenus.
            evadeSpells = new Menu("evadeSpells", "Evade spells");
            foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                var subMenu = new Menu(spell.Name, spell.Name);

                subMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("DangerLevel" + spell.Name, "Danger level", spell.DangerLevel, 1, 5));

                if (spell.IsTargetted && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellValidTargets.AllyWards))
                    subMenu.Add(new MenuBool("WardJump" + spell.Name, "WardJump", true));

                subMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Enabled" + spell.Name, "Enabled", true));


            // Create the skillshots submenus.
            skillShots = new Menu("Skillshots", "Skillshots");
            foreach (var hero in GameObjects.Heroes)
                if (hero.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team || TestOnAllies)
                    foreach (var spell in SpellDatabase.Spells)
                        if (String.Equals(spell.ChampionName, hero.CharacterName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            var subMenu = new Menu(spell.MenuItemName, spell.MenuItemName);

                            subMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("DangerLevel" + spell.MenuItemName, "Danger level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5));
                            subMenu.Add(new MenuBool("IsDangerous" + spell.MenuItemName, "Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous));
                            subMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Draw" + spell.MenuItemName, "Draw", true));
                            subMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Enabled" + spell.MenuItemName, "Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault));


            shielding = new Menu("Shielding", "Ally shielding");
            foreach (var ally in GameObjects.AllyHeroes)
                if (!ally.IsMe)
                    shielding.Add(new MenuBool("shield" + ally.CharacterName, "Shield " + ally.CharacterName, true));

            collision = new Menu("Collision", "Collision");
            collision.Add(new MenuBool("MinionCollision", "Minion collision", false));
            collision.Add(new MenuBool("HeroCollision", "Hero collision", false));
            collision.Add(new MenuBool("YasuoCollision", "Yasuo wall collision", true));
            collision.Add(new MenuBool("EnableCollision", "Enabled", false));

            drawings = new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            drawings.Add(new MenuColor("EnabledColor", "Enabled spell color", Color.White));
            drawings.Add(new MenuColor("DisabledColor", "Disabled spell color", Color.Red));
            drawings.Add(new MenuColor("MissileColor", "Missile color", Color.LimeGreen));
            drawings.Add(new MenuSlider("Border", "Border Width", 2, 1, 5));
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("EnableDrawings", "Enabled", true));

            misc = new Menu("Misc", "Misc");
            misc.Add(new MenuList <string>("BlockSpells", "Block spells while evading", new[] { "No", "Only dangerous", "Always" })
                Index = 1
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("DisableFow", "Disable fog of war dodging", false));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("ShowEvadeStatus", "Show Evade Status", false));
            if (ObjectManager.Player.Hero == Champion.Olaf)
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("DisableEvadeForOlafR", "Automatic disable Evade when Olaf's ulti is active!", true));

            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Enabled", "Enabled", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle)
                Active = true
            }).Permashow(true, "Evade");
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("OnlyDangerous", "Dodge only dangerous", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press)).Permashow();
