Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void RemovePersonnelTest()
            Ship  ship = new Ship(ShipLayout.Small, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Cabin cabinWithEngineAlien = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Part  engineSupportUnit    = new EngineCabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Cabin cabinWithHumans1     = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Cabin cabinWithHumans2     = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Cabin cockpit = ship.GetCockpit() as Cabin;

            //crew is empty by default
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cockpit.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabinWithEngineAlien.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabinWithHumans1.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabinWithHumans2.Personnel);

            Assert.Equal(0, ship.CrewCount);

            ship.AddPart(cabinWithEngineAlien, 5, 6);
            ship.AddPart(engineSupportUnit, 5, 7);
            ship.AddPart(cabinWithHumans1, 6, 5);
            ship.AddPart(cabinWithHumans2, 4, 5);

            ship.AddAlien(5, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien);
            //FillCabisn sets all cabins' personnel (where its not set already) to humandouble
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cockpit.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.EngineAlien, cabinWithEngineAlien.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabinWithHumans1.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabinWithHumans2.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(7, ship.CrewCount);

            //trying to remove 3 crewmembers should succeed
            Assert.Equal(3, ship.RemovePersonnel(3));

            //the removed personnel are prioritised to be the humans outside the cockpit
            Assert.Equal(4, ship.CrewCount);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.EngineAlien, cabinWithEngineAlien.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cockpit.Personnel);

            //trying to remove further 2, keeping cockpit personnel intact if possible
            Assert.Equal(2, ship.RemovePersonnel(2));
            Assert.Equal(2, ship.CrewCount);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabinWithEngineAlien.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cockpit.Personnel);

            //trying to remove 3 more, this will empty the cockpit as well
            //there were only 2 members left
            Assert.Equal(2, ship.RemovePersonnel(3));
            Assert.Equal(0, ship.CrewCount);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cockpit.Personnel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AlienTest()
            //ship not able to house alien crew
            Ship invalidShip = new Ship(ShipLayout.Small, PlayerColor.Blue);
            //ship able to house alien crew
            Ship validShip = new Ship(ShipLayout.Small, PlayerColor.Blue);

            Cabin       cabin       = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            EngineCabin engineCabin = new EngineCabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);

            //parts connected right next to the cockpit(5,5)
            //on the cockpit's right side is the engineCabin, right below that the other cabin
            validShip.AddPart(engineCabin, 5, 6);
            validShip.AddPart(cabin, 6, 6);

            foreach (Personnel pc in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Personnel)))
                //invalidShip can't house any kind of alien, validShip can house engine aliens
                //(can house humans, which is included, in the Personnel enum, but it auto-returns false)
                if (pc != Personnel.EngineAlien)

            //trying to insert right personnel to the wrong cabin
            Assert.False(validShip.AddAlien(5, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien));

            //to the cockpit, which even though would be valid as a cabin, but the cockpit explicitly must have humans as personel
            Assert.False(validShip.AddAlien(5, 5, Personnel.EngineAlien));

            //trying to add humans or a laseralien, which's requirement is not met
            foreach (Personnel pc in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Personnel)))
                if (pc != Personnel.EngineAlien)
                    Assert.False(validShip.AddAlien(6, 6, pc));

            //adding the actual alien
            Assert.True(validShip.AddAlien(6, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien));

            //only one alien of each type can be housed
            Assert.False(validShip.AddAlien(6, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void PandemicTest()
            Ship  ship       = new Ship(ShipLayout.Small, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Cabin cabin1     = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Cabin cabin2     = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Cabin cabin3     = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Part  alienCabin = new EngineCabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);

            //insert cabins, two of them to the right of the cockpit one after another
            ship.AddPart(cabin1, 5, 6);
            ship.AddPart(cabin2, 5, 7);
            //the aliencabin and the cabin right below the 5,6 cabin
            ship.AddPart(alienCabin, 6, 6);
            ship.AddPart(cabin3, 7, 6);

            ship.AddAlien(5, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien);

            //check is cabins are correctly filled to begin with
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.EngineAlien, cabin1.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabin2.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabin3.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, (ship.GetCockpit() as Cabin).Personnel);

            //apply the pandemic,

            //this should remove one human from cabin2 and the cockpit, and the alien from cabin1, cabin3 should remain intact
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabin1.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanSingle, cabin2.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanSingle, (ship.GetCockpit() as Cabin).Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabin3.Personnel);

            //apply the pandemic again

            //since cabin 1 is empty, no crew members should be removed
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabin1.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanSingle, cabin2.Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanSingle, (ship.GetCockpit() as Cabin).Personnel);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.HumanDouble, cabin3.Personnel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void RemoveAlienCabinTest()
            Ship ship = new Ship(ShipLayout.Small, PlayerColor.Blue);
            //the alien itself is housed in the cabin, the neighbouring alienCabin is the requisite for the cabin to be able to house it
            Cabin cabin      = new Cabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);
            Part  alienCabin = new EngineCabin(Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal, Connector.Universal);

            //add the parts and the alien to the ship
            ship.AddPart(cabin, 5, 6);
            ship.AddPart(alienCabin, 5, 7);

            ship.AddAlien(5, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien);

            //the alien in fact got added
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.EngineAlien, cabin.Personnel);

            //remove the life support unit - the alien should get removed as well
            ship.RemovePartAtIndex(5, 7);
            Assert.Equal(Personnel.None, cabin.Personnel);

            //cabin can no longer house alien
            Assert.False(ship.AddAlien(5, 6, Personnel.EngineAlien));