Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Shoot_EmptyCell_ToShooted_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.Stage = GameStage.Playing;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;
            UserBattleField  _UBF = _Game.UserBattleField;

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.User;
            _EBF.Boats         = new List <Boat>();
            _UBF.Boats         = new List <Boat>();

            Random r           = new Random();
            int    _cellNumber = r.Next(100);
            int    x           = (int)Math.Floor((double)_cellNumber / 10);
            int    y           = _cellNumber % 10;

            Cell _cell = _EBF.Cells[x, y];

            _cell.Style = CellStyle.Empty;


            Assert.AreEqual(_cell.Style, CellStyle.Shooted);
            Assert.AreEqual(_cell.IsInvisible, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void IsOver_UsersShot_True_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.User;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;


            foreach (var boat in _EBF.Boats)
                foreach (var cell in boat.Cells)
                    cell.Style = CellStyle.DeadCell;

                boat.State = BoatState.Dead;

            bool result = _Game.IsOver();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(_Game.Result, GameResult.Victory);
            Assert.AreEqual(_Game.Stage, GameStage.Finished);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ShootToUserBFAutomatically_WoundedBF_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.Computer;
            UserBattleField  _UBF = _Game.UserBattleField;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            foreach (var coordinates in _CellsCoordinates_CorrectlyFilled)
                _UBF.Cells[coordinates.Item1, coordinates.Item2].DrawCell();

            string err;

            _UBF.CheckArrangement(out err);

            Random      r      = new Random();
            List <Boat> _boats = _UBF.Boats.Where(b => b.Cells.Count > 1).ToList();
            int         index1 = r.Next(1, _boats.Count) - 1;
            Boat        _boat  = _boats[index1];

            int  index2       = r.Next(1, _boat.Cells.Count) - 1;
            Cell _cellToShoot = _boat.Cells[index2];

            _boat.Shoot(_cellToShoot); //now we have a wounded boat


            //Computer had to try to finish him
            List <Cell> _potentiallyshootedCells =
                _UBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                Where(c =>
                      (c.x == _cellToShoot.x &&
                       (c.y == (_cellToShoot.y - 1) || c.y == (_cellToShoot.y + 1))) ||

                      (c.y == _cellToShoot.y &&
                       (c.x == (_cellToShoot.x - 1) || c.x == (_cellToShoot.x + 1)))

            if (_potentiallyshootedCells.Where(c => (c.IsShooted == true)).Count() != 1)
            if (!_potentiallyshootedCells.Any(c =>
                                              (c.Style == CellStyle.Shooted ||
                                               c.Style == CellStyle.WoundedCell ||
                                               c.Style == CellStyle.DeadCell)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Shoot_WoundedBoat_ToDead_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.Stage = GameStage.Playing;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;
            UserBattleField  _UBF = _Game.UserBattleField;

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.User;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Boat _boat = new Boat(
                new List <Cell>
                new Cell(0, 0, _EBF),
                new Cell(0, 1, _EBF),
                new Cell(0, 2, _EBF),
                new Cell(0, 3, _EBF)

            _boat.State = BoatState.Wounded;

            foreach (var cell in _boat.Cells)
                cell.Style = CellStyle.WoundedCell;
            _EBF.Cells[0, 0] = _boat.Cells[0];
            _EBF.Cells[0, 1] = _boat.Cells[1];
            _EBF.Cells[0, 2] = _boat.Cells[2];
            _EBF.Cells[0, 3] = _boat.Cells[3];

            _UBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Random r           = new Random();
            int    _cellNumber = r.Next(_boat.Cells.Count);
            Cell   _cell       = _boat.Cells[_cellNumber];

            _cell.Style = CellStyle.HealthyCell;


            Assert.AreEqual(_boat.State, BoatState.Dead);

            foreach (var cell in _boat.Cells)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.DeadCell);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void RemoveFog_Test()
            Game             _Game = new Game();
            EnemyBattleField _EBF  = _Game.EnemyBattleField;


            int _InvisibleCellsQuantity =
                _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                Count(c => (c.IsInvisible == true));

            Assert.AreEqual(_InvisibleCellsQuantity, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void IsOver_UsersShot_False_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.User;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;


            bool result = _Game.IsOver();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ShootToUserBFAutomatically_NewBF_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.Computer;
            UserBattleField  _UBF = _Game.UserBattleField;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            foreach (var coordinates in _CellsCoordinates_CorrectlyFilled)
                _UBF.Cells[coordinates.Item1, coordinates.Item2].DrawCell();

            string err;

            _UBF.CheckArrangement(out err);


            List <Cell> _shootedCells =
                _UBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                Where(c => (c.IsShooted == true)).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(_shootedCells.Count, 1);

            if (_shootedCells.Count == 1)
                Assert.AreEqual(_shootedCells[0].Style, CellStyle.Shooted);
            else if (_shootedCells.Count > 1)
                Assert.AreEqual(_shootedCells.Where(c => c.Style == CellStyle.Shooted).Count(), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ArrangeAutomatically_Test()
            Game             _Game = new Game();
            EnemyBattleField _EBF  = _Game.EnemyBattleField;


            Assert.AreEqual(_EBF.Boats.Count, 10);

            int _TooLongCount = _EBF.Boats.Count(a => a.Cells.Count > 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(_TooLongCount, 0);

            int _BattlecruisersCount = _EBF.Boats.Count(a => a.Cells.Count == 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(_BattlecruisersCount, 1);

            int _CruisersCount = _EBF.Boats.Count(a => a.Cells.Count == 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(_CruisersCount, 2);

            int _DestroyersCount = _EBF.Boats.Count(a => a.Cells.Count == 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(_DestroyersCount, 3);

            int _TorpedoboatsCount = _EBF.Boats.Count(a => a.Cells.Count == 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(_TorpedoboatsCount, 4);

            //boats bend or touch
            if (!_EBF.Boats.All(b => (b.Cells.Select(c => c.x).Distinct().Count() == 1) ||
                                (b.Cells.Select(c => c.y).Distinct().Count() == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Shoot_HealthyCell_ToDead_Test()
            Game _Game = new Game();

            _Game.Stage = GameStage.Playing;
            EnemyBattleField _EBF = _Game.EnemyBattleField;
            UserBattleField  _UBF = _Game.UserBattleField;

            _Game.CurrentActor = Actor.User;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Boat _boat = new Boat(
                new List <Cell>
                new Cell(5, 8, _EBF)

            _boat.State          = BoatState.Healthy;
            _boat.Cells[0].Style = CellStyle.HealthyCell;

            _EBF.Cells[5, 8] = _boat.Cells[0];

            _UBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Cell _cell = _boat.Cells[0];


            Assert.AreEqual(_cell.Style, CellStyle.DeadCell);
            Assert.AreEqual(_cell.IsInvisible, false);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void SurroundBoat_InMiddle_Arranged_Test()
            Game             _Game = new Game();
            EnemyBattleField _EBF  = _Game.EnemyBattleField;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Boat _boat = new Boat(
                new List <Cell>
                new Cell(3, 5, _EBF)


            _boat.State = BoatState.Healthy;

            _boat.Cells[0].Style = CellStyle.HealthyCell;

            _EBF.Cells[3, 5] = _boat.Cells[0];

            _EBF.SurroundBoat(_boat, CellStyle.Empty, true);

            int minX = _boat.Cells.Min(c => c.x) - 1;
            int maxX = _boat.Cells.Max(c => c.x) + 1;
            int minY = _boat.Cells.Min(c => c.y) - 1;
            int maxY = _boat.Cells.Max(c => c.y) + 1;

            //asserts that neigbours marked correctly
            List <Cell> _neigbours =
                _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                    c => c.x >= minX && c.x <= maxX &&
                    c.y >= minY && c.y <= maxY &&
                    !(((c.x > minX) && (c.x < maxX)) && ((c.y > minY) && (c.y < maxY)))

            foreach (var cell in _neigbours)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsInvisible, true);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsSafeZone, true);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.Empty);

            //asserts that cells of boat weren't changed
            foreach (var cell in _boat.Cells)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.HealthyCell);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsInvisible, true);

            //asserts that other calles of BF weren't changed
            List <Cell> _others = _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                c => !(_boat.Cells.Contains(c)) &&

            foreach (var cell in _others)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsInvisible, true);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.Empty);

            //asserts that priority zone created
            List <Cell> _friendlyCells =
                _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                    c => c.x >= (minX - 1) && c.x <= (maxX + 1) &&
                    c.y >= (minY - 1) && c.y <= (maxY + 1) &&
                    !(((c.x > minX - 1) && (c.x < maxX + 1)) && ((c.y > minY - 1) && (c.y < maxY + 1)))

            foreach (var cell in _friendlyCells)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsBoatsFriendlyZone, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void SurroundBoat_NearWall_Shooted_Test()
            Game             _Game = new Game();
            EnemyBattleField _EBF  = _Game.EnemyBattleField;

            _EBF.Boats = new List <Boat>();

            Boat _boat = new Boat(
                new List <Cell>
                new Cell(0, 0, _EBF),
                new Cell(0, 1, _EBF),
                new Cell(0, 2, _EBF)


            _boat.State = BoatState.Healthy;

            foreach (var cell in _boat.Cells)
                cell.Style = CellStyle.HealthyCell;
            _EBF.Cells[0, 0] = _boat.Cells[0];
            _EBF.Cells[0, 1] = _boat.Cells[1];
            _EBF.Cells[0, 2] = _boat.Cells[2];

            _EBF.SurroundBoat(_boat, CellStyle.Shooted, false);

            int minX = _boat.Cells.Min(c => c.x) - 1;
            int maxX = _boat.Cells.Max(c => c.x) + 1;
            int minY = _boat.Cells.Min(c => c.y) - 1;
            int maxY = _boat.Cells.Max(c => c.y) + 1;

            //asserts that neigbours marked correctly
            List <Cell> _neigbours =
                _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                    c => c.x >= minX && c.x <= maxX &&
                    c.y >= minY && c.y <= maxY &&
                    !(((c.x > minX) && (c.x < maxX)) && ((c.y > minY) && (c.y < maxY)))

            foreach (var cell in _neigbours)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsInvisible, false);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.Shooted);

            //asserts that cells of boat weren't changed
            foreach (var cell in _boat.Cells)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.HealthyCell);

            //asserts that other calles of BF weren't changed
            List <Cell> _others = _EBF.Cells.Cast <Cell>().ToList().
                c => !(_boat.Cells.Contains(c)) &&

            foreach (var cell in _others)
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.IsInvisible, true);
                Assert.AreEqual(cell.Style, CellStyle.Empty);