Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void UpdateEmployeeLocations(string[] selectedLocations, EmployeeModel employeeToUpdate)
            if (selectedLocations == null)
                employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations = new List <EmployeeLocations>();

            var selectedLocationsHS = new HashSet <string>(selectedLocations);

            if (employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations != null)
                var employeeLocations = new HashSet <int>
                                            (employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Select(c => c.Location.LocationID));
                foreach (var location in _context.Locations)
                    if (selectedLocationsHS.Contains(location.LocationID.ToString()))
                        if (!employeeLocations.Contains(location.LocationID))
                            employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Add(new EmployeeLocations
                                EmployeeModelID = employeeToUpdate.ID,
                                LocationID      = location.LocationID,
                                Employee        = employeeToUpdate,
                                Location        = location
                        if (employeeLocations.Contains(location.LocationID))
                            EmployeeLocations locationToRemove = employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.LocationID == location.LocationID);
                employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations = new List <EmployeeLocations>();
                foreach (var location in _context.Locations)
                    if (selectedLocationsHS.Contains(location.LocationID.ToString()))
                        employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Add(new EmployeeLocations
                            EmployeeModelID = employeeToUpdate.ID,
                            Employee        = employeeToUpdate,
                            LocationID      = location.LocationID,
                            Location        = location
        private static List <EmployeeLocations> SetEmployeeLocations()
            int c = 1;

            foreach (EmployeeModel employee in employees)
                EmployeeLocations el = new EmployeeLocations {
                    EmployeeLocationsID = c, LocationID = 1, EmployeeModelID = employee.ID
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <EmployeeLocations> SetEmployeeLocations(ApplicationDbContext context)
            employees = context.EmployeeModel.ToList();
            locations = context.Locations.ToList();

            foreach (EmployeeModel employee in employees)
                int t     = 3;
                int range = locations.Count() - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                    int id = RandomID(range) + 1;
                    EmployeeLocations el = new EmployeeLocations {
                        LocationID = id, EmployeeModelID = employee.ID
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update employee locations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedLocations">Locations selected by user</param>
        /// <param name="employeeToUpdate">Employee Model for updating</param>
        private void UpdateEmployeeLocations(string[] selectedLocations, EmployeeModel employeeToUpdate)
            // of none selected, set to empty list and return
            if (selectedLocations == null)
                employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations = new List<EmployeeLocations>();

            var selectedLocationsHS = new HashSet<string>(selectedLocations); // get hashed set of selected locations

            // if no existing locations create new list and set 
            if (employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations != null)
                // create hash set to store locations in
                var employeeLocations = new HashSet<int>

                (employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Select(c => c.Location.LocationID));

                // go trough each location
                foreach (var location in _context.Locations)
                    // if location was selected add to employee locations
                    if (selectedLocationsHS.Contains(location.LocationID.ToString()))
                        if (!employeeLocations.Contains(location.LocationID))
                            // add locations
                            employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Add(new EmployeeLocations
                                EmployeeModelID = employeeToUpdate.ID,
                                LocationID = location.LocationID,
                                Employee = employeeToUpdate,
                                Location = location
                        // remove location if not selected
                        if (employeeLocations.Contains(location.LocationID))
                            EmployeeLocations locationToRemove = employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.FirstOrDefault(i => i.LocationID == location.LocationID);
                // cteate list of employee locations
                employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations = new List<EmployeeLocations>();

                // go trough each location
                foreach (var location in _context.Locations)
                    // if location is selected add to users locations
                    if (selectedLocationsHS.Contains(location.LocationID.ToString()))
                        employeeToUpdate.EmployeeLocations.Add(new EmployeeLocations
                            EmployeeModelID = employeeToUpdate.ID,
                            Employee = employeeToUpdate,
                            LocationID = location.LocationID,
                            Location = location
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,Name,LastName,DoB,Gender,EMail,PhoneNumber,Admin,LoginID,Experience,ProfileImage,SupervisorID")] EmployeeModel employeeModel, string[] selectedSkills, string[] selectedFunctions, string[] selectedLocations, EmployeeViewModel model)
            // check if user is loggen in and user is an admin.
            if (signInManager.IsSignedIn(User) && _context.EmployeeModel.Single(x => x.EMail == User.Identity.Name).Admin)
                //employeeModel = setSupervisor(employeeModel);
                if (selectedSkills != null)
                    // create list of skills
                    employeeModel.EmployeeSkills = new List<EmployeeSkill>();

                    // assign selected skills
                    foreach (var skill in selectedSkills)
                        // create employee skill and add to list
                        var skillToAdd = new EmployeeSkill
                            EmployeeModelID = employeeModel.ID,
                            Employee = employeeModel,
                            SkillID = int.Parse(skill),
                            Skill = _context.Skill.Single(s => s.SkillID == int.Parse(skill))

                        //add to list

                // only if no list if selected functions is given
                if (selectedFunctions != null)
                    // get list of functions 
                    employeeModel.EmployeeFunctions = new List<EmployeeFunction>();

                    // populate selected functions
                    foreach (var function in selectedFunctions)
                        var functionToAdd = new EmployeeFunction
                            EmployeeID = employeeModel.ID,
                            Employee = employeeModel,
                            FunctionID = int.Parse(function),
                            Function = _context.Function.Single(s => s.FunctionID == int.Parse(function))

                        employeeModel.EmployeeFunctions.Add(functionToAdd); // add to list

                // only if no list if selected locations is given
                if (selectedLocations != null)
                    // get locations of employee
                    employeeModel.EmployeeLocations = new List<EmployeeLocations>();

                    // populate selected locations
                    foreach (var location in selectedLocations)
                        var locationToAdd = new EmployeeLocations
                            EmployeeModelID = employeeModel.ID,
                            Employee = employeeModel,
                            LocationID = int.Parse(location),
                            Location = _context.Locations.Single(s => s.LocationID == int.Parse(location))
                        employeeModel.EmployeeLocations.Add(locationToAdd); // add to list

                string uniqueFileName = null; // will store generated filename

                // If the Photo property on the incoming model object is not null, then the user
                // has selected an image to upload.
                if (model.ProfileImage != null)
                    // The image must be uploaded to the images folder in wwwroot
                    // To get the path of the wwwroot folder we are using the inject
                    // HostingEnvironment service provided by ASP.NET Core
                    string uploadsFolder = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath, "images");
                    // To make sure the file name is unique we are appending a new
                    // GUID value and and an underscore to the file name
                    uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + model.ProfileImage.FileName;
                    string filePath = Path.Combine(uploadsFolder, uniqueFileName);
                    // Use CopyTo() method provided by IFormFile interface to
                    // copy the file to wwwroot/images folder
                    model.ProfileImage.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));

                employeeModel.ProfileImage = uniqueFileName; // set profile image to uploaded filename

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //redirect admin to register page
                    return Redirect("/Identity/Account/Register?email=" + employeeModel.EMail);

                    //return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));

                // call populate functions

                return View(employeeModel);
                return Forbid(); // user is either not logged nor an admin, show forbidden page.