Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static int Main2(params string [] args)
            var action   = Action.None;
            var embedder = new Embedder();

            CurrentEmbedder = embedder;

            var os = new OptionSet {
                { "c|compile", "Compiles the generated output", v => embedder.CompileCode = true },
                { "e|extension", "Compiles the generated output as extension safe api", v => embedder.Extension = true },
                { "nativeexception", "Compiles the generated output to throw native exceptions (Apple only)", v => embedder.NativeException = true },
                { "bitcode=", "Compiles the generated output with bitcode (default, true, false)", v => embedder.SetBitcode(v) },
                { "d|debug", "Build the native library with debug information.", v => embedder.Debug = true },
                { "gen=", $"Target generator (default {embedder.TargetLanguage})", v => embedder.SetTarget(v) },
                { "abi=", "A comma-separated list of ABIs to compile. If not specified, all ABIs applicable to the selected platform will be built. Valid values (also depends on platform): i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64.", (v) =>
                      embedder.ABIs.AddRange(v.Split(',').Select((a) => a.ToLowerInvariant()));
                  } },
                { "o|out|outdir=", "Output directory", v => embedder.OutputDirectory = v },
                { "p|platform=", $"Target platform (iOS, macOS [default], macos-[modern|full|system], watchOS, tvOS)", v => embedder.SetPlatform(v) },
                { "vs=", $"Visual Studio version for compilation (unsupported)", v => { throw new EmbeddinatorException(2, $"Option `--vs` is not supported"); } },
                { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", v => action = Action.Help },
                { "v|verbose", "generates diagnostic verbose output", v => ErrorHelper.Verbosity++ },
                { "version", "Display the version information.", v => action = Action.Version },
                { "target=", "The compilation target (staticlibrary, sharedlibrary, framework).", embedder.SetCompilationTarget },
                { "warnaserror:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes that should be reported as errors (if no warnings are specified all warnings are reported as errors).", v => {
                      try {
                          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                              foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                  ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Error, int.Parse(code));
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          ErrorHelper.Error(26, ex, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--warnaserror", ex.Message);
                  } },
                { "nowarn:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes to ignore (if no warnings are specified all warnings are ignored).", v => {
                      try {
                          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                              foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                  ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Disable, int.Parse(code));
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          ErrorHelper.Error(26, ex, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--nowarn", ex.Message);
                  } },

            var assemblies = os.Parse(args);

            if (action == Action.None && assemblies.Count > 0)
                action = Action.Generate;

            switch (action)
            case Action.None:
            case Action.Help:
                Console.WriteLine($"Embeddinator-4000 {Info.Version} ({Info.Branch}: {Info.Hash})");
                Console.WriteLine("Generates target language bindings for interop with managed code.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Usage: objcgen [options]+ ManagedAssembly1.dll [ManagedAssembly2.dll ...]");

            case Action.Version:
                Console.WriteLine($"Embeddinator-4000 v0.1 ({Info.Branch}: {Info.Hash})");

            case Action.Generate:
                try {
                    var result = embedder.Generate(assemblies);
                    if (embedder.CompileCode && (result == 0))
                        result = embedder.Compile();
                } catch (NotImplementedException e) {
                    throw new EmbeddinatorException(9, true, e, $"The feature `{e.Message}` is not currently supported by the tool");

                throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(99, "Internal error: invalid action {0}. Please file a bug report with a test case (https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000/issues)", action);