Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void CalculateO18()
      EmassProfileBuilder builder = new EmassProfileBuilder(@"../../../data/ISOTOPE.DAT");

      AtomComposition light = new AtomComposition("C45H73N13O13");
      var res = builder.GetProfile(light, 2, 5);

      foreach (var r in res)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz, r.Intensity);

      AtomComposition O181 = new AtomComposition("(O18)1C45H73N13O12");
      var resH = builder.GetProfile(O181, 2, 5);

      foreach (var r in resH)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz, r.Intensity);

      AtomComposition O182 = new AtomComposition("(O18)2C45H73N13O11");
      var resH2 = builder.GetProfile(O182, 2, 5);

      foreach (var r in resH2)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz, r.Intensity);

      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("O18 - O16 = {0:0.0000}", Atom.O18.MonoMass - Atom.O.MonoMass));
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("2 * (C13 - C12) = {0:0.0000}", 2 * (Atom.C13.MonoMass - Atom.C.MonoMass)));
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("O18 - O181, ppm = {0:0.00}ppm", PrecursorUtils.mz2ppm(res[0].Mz, resH[0].Mz - res[2].Mz)));
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("O18 - O182, ppm = {0:0.00}ppm", PrecursorUtils.mz2ppm(res[0].Mz, resH2[0].Mz - res[4].Mz)));
      Console.WriteLine(string.Format("O181- O182, ppm = {0:0.00}ppm", PrecursorUtils.mz2ppm(resH[0].Mz, resH2[0].Mz - resH[2].Mz)));

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void CalculateO18_charge1()
      EmassProfileBuilder builder = new EmassProfileBuilder(@"../../../data/ISOTOPE.DAT");

      AtomComposition light = new AtomComposition("C45H73N13O13");
      var res = builder.GetProfile(light, 1, 5);

      var max = res.Max(m => m.Intensity);

      foreach (var r in res)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz - Atom.H.MonoMass, r.Intensity * 100 / max);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void Calculate()
      var calc = new EmassCalculator(@"../../../data/ISOTOPE.DAT");

      EmassProfileBuilder builder = new EmassProfileBuilder();

      AtomComposition light = new AtomComposition("C45H73N13O13");
      var res = builder.GetProfile(light, 2, 4);

      foreach (var r in res)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz, r.Intensity);

      AtomComposition heavy = new AtomComposition("(C13)6(N15)4C39H73N9O13");
      var resH = builder.GetProfile(heavy, 2, 4);

      foreach (var r in resH)
        Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0000}\t{1:0.000000}", r.Mz, r.Intensity);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public SilacQuantificationSummaryItem ReadFromFile(string filename)
            XElement root = XElement.Load(filename);

            var result = new SilacQuantificationSummaryItem(root.GetChildValue("SampleIsLight", true));

            result.RawFilename              = root.GetChildValue("RawFilename", "");
            result.SoftwareVersion          = root.GetChildValue("SoftwareVersion", "");
            result.PeptideSequence          = root.GetChildValue("PeptideSequence");
            result.Charge                   = root.GetChildValue("Charge", 2);
            result.SampleAtomComposition    = root.GetChildValue("SampleAtomComposition");
            result.ReferenceAtomComposition = root.GetChildValue("ReferenceAtomComposition");
            result.Ratio = root.GetChildValue("Ratio", 0.0);
            result.RegressionCorrelation = root.GetChildValue("Correlation", 0.0);
            result.SampleAbundance       = root.GetChildValue("SampleAbundance", 0.0);
            result.ReferenceAbundance    = root.GetChildValue("ReferenceAbundance", 0.0);

            result.SampleProfile = new List <Peak>();
            ReadProfile(root, "SampleProfile", result.SampleProfile);

            result.ReferenceProfile = new List <Peak>();
            ReadProfile(root, "ReferenceProfile", result.ReferenceProfile);

            var observed = root.Element("ObservedEnvelopes");

            result.ObservedEnvelopes = new SilacEnvelopes();
            foreach (var pkl in observed.Elements())
                var    peakList      = new SilacPeakListPair();
                int    scan          = Convert.ToInt32(pkl.Attribute("Scan").Value);
                double retentiontime = MyConvert.ToDouble(pkl.Attribute("Retentiontime").Value);
                peakList.Enabled      = Convert.ToBoolean(pkl.Attribute("Enabled").Value);
                peakList.IsIdentified = Convert.ToBoolean(pkl.Attribute("Identified").Value);

                var extended = pkl.Attribute("ExtendedIdentification");
                if (extended != null)
                    peakList.IsExtendedIdentification = Convert.ToBoolean(pkl.Attribute("ExtendedIdentification").Value);
                    peakList.IsExtendedIdentification = false;

                peakList.LightIntensity = MyConvert.ToDouble(pkl.Attribute("LightIntensity").Value);
                peakList.HeavyIntensity = MyConvert.ToDouble(pkl.Attribute("HeavyIntensity").Value);

                peakList.Light = new PeakList <Peak>();
                peakList.Light.ScanTimes.Add(new ScanTime(scan, retentiontime));

                peakList.Heavy = new PeakList <Peak>();
                peakList.Heavy.ScanTimes.Add(new ScanTime(scan, retentiontime));

                ReadPeakList(pkl, "LightPeakList", peakList.Light);
                ReadPeakList(pkl, "HeavyPeakList", peakList.Heavy);


            if (result.LightProfile[0].Mz == 0.0)
                EmassProfileBuilder builder = new EmassProfileBuilder();

                double minPercentage = 0.0001;

                AtomComposition acSample = new AtomComposition(result.SampleAtomComposition);
                result.SampleProfile = builder.GetProfile(acSample, result.Charge, minPercentage);

                AtomComposition acRef = new AtomComposition(result.ReferenceAtomComposition);
                result.ReferenceProfile = builder.GetProfile(acRef, result.Charge, minPercentage);


Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IEnumerable <string> Process()
            var annos      = new AnnotationFormat().ReadFromFile(boundaryFile);
            var aas        = new Aminoacids();
            var pbuilder   = new EmassProfileBuilder();
            var chroFormat = new ChromatographProfileTextWriter();

            foreach (var ann in annos)
                var chroFile = Path.Combine(ann.Annotations["ChroDirectory"] as string, ann.Annotations["ChroFile"] as string) + ".tsv";
                var peptide  = (ann.Annotations["PeptideId"] as string).StringBefore("_");
                var start    = double.Parse(ann.Annotations["ChroLeft"] as string);
                var end      = double.Parse(ann.Annotations["ChroRight"] as string);

                var chro         = chroFormat.ReadFromFile(chroFile);
                var chroFiltered = chro.Profiles.Where(l => l.RetentionTime >= start && l.RetentionTime <= end).ToArray();

                //all observed isotopimers, start from 1, transfer to zero-based
                var allIsotopics = (from f in chroFiltered
                                    from s in f
                                    select s.Isotopic - 1).Distinct().OrderBy(l => l).ToArray();

                //get minimum intensity of each isotopimer
                var minIntensities = (from iso in allIsotopics
                                      select(from f in chroFiltered
                                             where f.Count > iso
                                             select f[iso].Intensity).Min()).ToArray();

                //how many isotopic should I trust?
                var iso0   = (from f in chroFiltered select f.First().Intensity).ToArray();
                int maxIso = 1;
                for (int i = 2; i < allIsotopics.Length; i++)
                    var isoi = (from f in chroFiltered select f.Count > i ? f[i].Intensity : minIntensities[i]).ToArray();
                    var corr = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Correlation.Pearson(iso0, isoi);
                    if (corr < minPearsonCorrelation)
                        maxIso = i;
                var maxIsoArray = allIsotopics.Where(l => l <= maxIso).ToArray();

                //get observed profile in each scan
                var observedIons = (from f in chroFiltered
                                    select(from iso in maxIsoArray select f.Count > iso ? f[iso].Intensity : minIntensities[iso]).ToArray()).ToArray();

                var atomComposition = aas.GetPeptideAtomComposition(peptide);
                var hatom           = (int)(Math.Round(aas.ExchangableHAtom(peptide)));
                for (int h2 = 0; h2 < hatom; h2++)

                var profiles     = pbuilder.GetProfile(atomComposition, 1, 3);
                var isotopicIons = (from peak in profiles
                                    select new IsotopicIon()
                    Mz = peak.Mz,
                    Intensity = peak.Intensity,
