Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void AddEmail(EmailDTO dto)
     var entity = dto.ToEntity();
     new MailSendService().PromoteMailQueueSend();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public IList<EmailDTO> GetMailToSend(int SendRegisterID,int SendContentID, int ConfigID)
        List<EmailDTO> listEmail = new List<EmailDTO>();
        EmailDTO eDTO = new EmailDTO();
        string Subject="";
        string Body="";
        string EmailFrom="";
        string HostName="";
        string UserNameSMTP="";
        string PasswordSMTP="";
        int Port=0;
        string NameSender="";
        bool SSL=false;
        //Lấy thông tin cấu hình mail gửi
        DataTable tableConfig = mcBUS.GetByID(ConfigID);
        if (tableConfig.Rows.Count > 0)
            HostName = tableConfig.Rows[0]["Server"].ToString();
            EmailFrom = tableConfig.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString();
            UserNameSMTP = tableConfig.Rows[0]["username"].ToString();
            PasswordSMTP = tableConfig.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString();
            Port = int.Parse(tableConfig.Rows[0]["Port"].ToString());
            NameSender = tableConfig.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
            SSL = bool.Parse(tableConfig.Rows[0]["isSSL"].ToString());
        // Lấy nội dung mail
        DataTable tableContent = scBUS.GetByID(SendContentID);
        if (tableContent.Rows.Count > 0)
            Subject = tableContent.Rows[0]["Subject"].ToString();
            Body = tableContent.Rows[0]["Body"].ToString();
        //Lấy nội dung để gửi
        DataTable table = srdBUS.GetByStatus(false,SendRegisterID);
        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            foreach (DataRow rowEmail in table.Rows)
                //Thông tin mail gửi
                eDTO.HostName = HostName;
                eDTO.MailFrom = EmailFrom;
                eDTO.UsernameSMTP = UserNameSMTP;
                eDTO.PasswordSMTP = PasswordSMTP;
                eDTO.Port = Port;
                eDTO.SSL = SSL;
                //Thông tin nội dung
                string eSubject = Subject.Replace("[khachhang]", rowEmail["CustomerName"].ToString());
                string eBody = Body.Replace("[khachhang]", rowEmail["CustomerName"].ToString());
                eBody += String.Format("<IMG height=1 src=\"http://EMAILMARKETING.1ONLINEBUSINESSSYSTEM.COM/emailtrack.aspx?emailsentID={0}\" width=1>", rowEmail["SendRegisterDetailId"]);
                eDTO.Subject = eSubject;
                eDTO.Content = eBody;
                eDTO.SendID = int.Parse(rowEmail["SendRegisterDetailId"].ToString());

        return listEmail;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private string ParseSingleTemplate(string template, EmailDTO emailDto)
            var dtoStringProperties = emailDto
                .Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string));

            foreach (var singleProperty in dtoStringProperties)
                string propertyValue = (string) singleProperty.GetValue(emailDto);
                template = template.Replace("{{" + singleProperty.Name + "}}", propertyValue);

            return template;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void UpdateEmail(EmailDTO dto)
     var entity = dto.ToEntity();
     var data = DbProvider.D<PromoteMsg>().FirstOrDefault(o=>o.InnerMsgType ==(int)MsgType.Email && o.ID == dto.Id);
     if(data == null) {
         throw new Exception("你所编辑的邮件不存在!请重新选择");
     data.SmsType = entity.SmsType;
     data.IsHtml = entity.IsHtml;
     data.SendTime = entity.SendTime;
     data.Title = entity.Title;
     data.Content = entity.Content;
     data.DealId = entity.DealId;
     data.SendType = entity.SendType;
     data.SendTypeId = entity.SendTypeId;
     data.SendDefineData = entity.SendDefineData;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public UserDataModel GetUser(UserDTO userDTO)
            UserDataModel userDataModel = null;

            if (userDTO != null)
                UserAddressDTO userAddressDTO     = (userDTO.UserAddresses != null) ? userDTO.UserAddresses.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                AddressDTO     oPrimaryAddressDTO = (userAddressDTO != null) ? userAddressDTO.Address : null;

                UserAccountDTO userAccountDTO = (userDTO.UserAddresses != null) ? userDTO.UserAccounts.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsActive == true) : null;

                UserPhoneDTO userPhoneDTO     = (userDTO.UserPhones != null) ? userDTO.UserPhones.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                PhoneDTO     oPrimaryPhoneDTO = (userPhoneDTO != null) ? userPhoneDTO.Phone : null;

                UserEmailDTO userEmailDTO     = (userDTO.UserEmails != null) ? userDTO.UserEmails.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                EmailDTO     oPrimaryEmailDTO = (userEmailDTO != null) ? userEmailDTO.Email : null;

                userDataModel = UserDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(userDTO, userAccountDTO, oPrimaryAddressDTO, oPrimaryPhoneDTO, oPrimaryEmailDTO);
                userDataModel.UserAddressID = (userAddressDTO != null) ? userAddressDTO.UserAddressID : 0;
                userDataModel.UserPhoneID   = (userPhoneDTO != null) ? userPhoneDTO.UserPhoneID : 0;
                userDataModel.UserEmailID   = (userEmailDTO != null) ? userEmailDTO.UserEmailID : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static EmailDTO ToDTO(this ClientEmail entity)
            if (entity is null)

            var email = new EmailDTO
                Id                = entity.Id,
                OriginalMailId    = entity.OriginalMailId,
                Subject           = entity.Subject,
                Sender            = entity.SenderEmail,
                DateReceived      = entity.DateReceived,
                Body              = entity.Body,
                EmailStatusId     = entity.StatusEmailId,
                EmailStatusName   = entity.Status?.StatusType,
                ModifiedOnDate    = entity.ModifiedOnDate,
                ModifiedByUserId  = entity.ModifiedByUserId,
                ApplicationStatus = entity.LoanApplication?.ApplicationStatus.ToString()

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <EmailDTO> UpdateEmailStatus(EmailDTO emailDTO, string newStatusName)
            var newEmailStatus = await this.emailStatusService.GetEmailStatusByNameAsync(newStatusName);

            var email = await this.context.Emails.Include(e => e.Status).FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == emailDTO.Id);

            if (email is null)
                Log.Information($"{DateTime.Now} Email with id {emailDTO.Id} has not found.");
                throw new Exception("Email is not found");

            var oldEmailStatus = email.Status.StatusType;

            email.StatusEmailId    = newEmailStatus.Id;
            email.ModifiedOnDate   = DateTime.Now;
            email.ModifiedByUserId = null;

            Log.Information($"{email.ModifiedOnDate} Updated Email with Id: {email.Id}, from: {oldEmailStatus} to {newEmailStatus.StatusType}.");
            await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public int Insertar(RequerimientoDTO entity)
            int retval = 0;

            if ((retval = daRequerimiento.Insertar(entity)) > 0)
                    using (WSNotificacion.INotificacionServiceChannel wsCliente = ObtenerServicioNotificacion())
                        EmailDTO emailDTO = new EmailDTO();
                        emailDTO.Destinatario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("rrhhMail");
                        emailDTO.Asunto       = "Nuevo Requerimiento de Personal";
                        emailDTO.TipoEmail    = TipoMensaje.Requerimiento;
                        emailDTO.Mensaje      = string.Format("Se ha generado un requerimiento para el cliente <b>{0}</b> con el perfil de <b>{1}</b> y su fecha de posible ingreso es <b>{2}</b>", entity.Cliente.RazonSocial, entity.Perfil, entity.FechaTentativa.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                }catch (Exception ex)
                    retval = -99;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public UserDataModel Get(UserDTO modelDTO)
            UserDataModel userDataModel = null;

            if (modelDTO != null)
                UserAddressDTO userAddressDTO     = (modelDTO.UserAddresses != null) ? modelDTO.UserAddresses.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                AddressDTO     oPrimaryAddressDTO = (userAddressDTO != null) ? userAddressDTO.Address : null;

                UserAccountDTO userAccountDTO = (modelDTO.UserAccounts != null) ? modelDTO.UserAccounts.FirstOrDefault(o => o.IsActive == true) : null;

                UserPhoneDTO userPhoneDTO     = (modelDTO.UserPhone != null) ? modelDTO.UserPhone.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                PhoneDTO     oPrimaryPhoneDTO = (userPhoneDTO != null) ? userPhoneDTO.Phone : null;

                UserEmailDTO userEmailDTO     = (modelDTO.UserEmails != null) ? modelDTO.UserEmails.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                EmailDTO     oPrimaryEmailDTO = (userEmailDTO != null) ? userEmailDTO.Email : null;

                List <ExperienceDTO>  userExpriencelDTO   = (modelDTO.Experiences != null) ? modelDTO.Experiences.ToList() : null;
                List <AchievementDTO> userAchievementlDTO = (modelDTO.Achievements != null) ? modelDTO.Achievements.ToList() : null;
                List <EducationDTO>   userEducationlDTO   = (modelDTO.Educations != null) ? modelDTO.Educations.ToList() : null;
                List <SkillDTO>       userSkillDTO        = (modelDTO.Skills != null) ? modelDTO.Skills.ToList() : null;
                List <LanguageDTO>    userLanguageDTO     = (modelDTO.Languages != null) ? modelDTO.Languages.ToList() : null;

                ImageDTO userImageDTO = (modelDTO.UserImages != null) ? modelDTO.UserImages.Where(x => x.IsPrimary == true).FirstOrDefault().Image : null;
                //ImageDTO oPrimaryImage = (userImageDTO != null) ? userImageDTO.UserImageID : null;

                userDataModel = UserDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(modelDTO, userAccountDTO, oPrimaryAddressDTO, oPrimaryPhoneDTO, oPrimaryEmailDTO, userExpriencelDTO, userAchievementlDTO, userEducationlDTO, userSkillDTO, userLanguageDTO, userImageDTO);
                userDataModel.UserAddressID = (userAddressDTO != null) ? userAddressDTO.UserAddressID : 0;
                userDataModel.AddressID     = (userAddressDTO != null) ? userAddressDTO.AddressID : 0;
                userDataModel.UserPhoneID   = (userPhoneDTO != null) ? userPhoneDTO.UserPhoneID : 0;
                userDataModel.PhoneID       = (userPhoneDTO != null) ? userPhoneDTO.PhoneID : 0;
                userDataModel.UserEmailID   = (userEmailDTO != null) ? userEmailDTO.UserEmailID : 0;
                userDataModel.EmailID       = (userEmailDTO != null) ? userEmailDTO.EmailID : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostEmail(Email email)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Message", "The email details are not valid!");

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            Email lastEmail = await db.Emails.OrderByDescending(u => u.id).FirstAsync();

            EmailDTO adddto = new EmailDTO();

            adddto.id            = lastEmail.id;
            adddto.account       = lastEmail.account;
            adddto.preferredFlag = lastEmail.preferredFlag;
            adddto.emailTypeId   = lastEmail.emailTypeId;
            adddto.emailType     = db.EmailTypes.First(adt => adt.emailTypeId == lastEmail.emailTypeId).emailType;
            adddto.traderId      = lastEmail.traderId;

            return(Ok <EmailDTO>(adddto));
        public async Task <ActionResult> SendPasswordResetLinkAsync([FromBody] EmailDTO emailModel, string resetPasswordLink)
                if (resetPasswordLink == null)
                    var message = "Password reset link not found";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    UserIdentityDTO user = await userService.GetByEmailAsync(emailModel.Email);

                    if (user == null)
                    if (!user.EmailConfirmed)
                        return(Forbid("Not allowed because email not confirmed"));
                    string token = JwtManager.GenerateToken(user, 0, 1);
                    await EmailService.SendPasswordResetEmail(user.Email, token, resetPasswordLink);

                    var message = "Token successfully sent";
                var mes = "Email is not valid";
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogInformation("Error :  {0}", e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Task SendEmailAsync(EmailDTO emailDto)
            var from = _senderOptions.Value.Account;
            var pass = _senderOptions.Value.Password;

            var client = new SmtpClient
                Host                  = _senderOptions.Value.Host,
                Port                  = _senderOptions.Value.Port,
                DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                UseDefaultCredentials = _senderOptions.Value.UseDefaultCredentials,
                Credentials           = (!_senderOptions.Value.UseDefaultCredentials) ? new NetworkCredential(@from, pass) : null,
                EnableSsl             = _senderOptions.Value.EnableSsl

            var mail = new MailMessage(@from, emailDto.RecepientEmail)
                Subject    = emailDto.Subject,
                Body       = emailDto.MessageText,
                IsBodyHtml = true,

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void EnviarEmailTransferencia(TransferenciaPrestador transferenciaPrestador, Prestador prestador)
            var empresaGrupo =

            var filial = _filialService.BuscarFilialNoRm(transferenciaPrestador.IdFilial.GetValueOrDefault(),

            var cliente = _prestadorRepository.ObterClienteAtivoPorIdCelulaEAcesso(

            var servico = ObterServicoPorId(transferenciaPrestador.IdServico.GetValueOrDefault());

            var localTrabalho = _prestadorRepository.ObterLocalTrabalhoPorId(

            if (empresaGrupo == null || filial == null || cliente == null || servico == null || localTrabalho == null)

            var parametros = DefinirParametrosEmail(transferenciaPrestador, prestador, empresaGrupo.Descricao,
                                                    filial.Descricao, cliente.Descricao, servico.Descricao, localTrabalho.Descricao);

            var email = new EmailDTO
                IdTemplate       = 9,
                RemetenteNome    = "Gestão de Transferências",
                Para             = ObterDestinatarioEmail(prestador.Celula.EmailResponsavel),
                ValoresParametro = parametros

 public static void Send(EmailDTO email, bool sendBccDefault = false, bool sendUsingSpam = false)
     InternalSend(email, sendBccDefault, sendUsingSpam);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void SendEmail(EmailDTO email)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected string RegistrarEmailQueue(EmailDTO dto)
 public HttpResponseMessage EmailList([FromBody] EmailDTO cqDTO)
     return(Emails(Request, cqDTO));
        internal HttpResponseMessage Emails(HttpRequestMessage request, EmailDTO cqDTO)
            string key;
            var    aur       = new AppUserRepository();
            var    companyId = 0;
            var    userId    = aur.ValidateUser(cqDTO.Key, out key, ref companyId);

            if (userId > 0)
                var ur = new EmailRepository();
                var u  = new Email();

                var predicate = ur.GetPredicate(cqDTO, u, companyId);
                var data      = ur.GetByPredicate(predicate);
                var col       = new Collection <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                data = data.OrderBy(x => x.EmailAddress).ToList();
                foreach (var item in data)
                    var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    dic.Add("EmailID", item.EmailID.ToString());
                    dic.Add("EmailAddress", item.EmailAddress);
                    dic.Add("ReceiveDailyReport", item.ReceiveDailyReport.ToString());
                    var ufdic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                var ur2 = new EmailListRepository();
                var u2  = new EmailList();

                var predicate2 = ur2.GetPredicate(cqDTO, u2, companyId);
                var data2      = ur2.GetByPredicate(predicate);
                var col2       = new Collection <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                data2 = data2.OrderBy(x => x.EmailListName).ToList();
                foreach (var item in data2)
                    var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    dic.Add("EmailListId", item.EmailListId.ToString());
                    dic.Add("EmailListName", item.EmailListName);
                    var ufdic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                //var ur3 = new ListEmailRepository();
                //var u3 = new ListEmail();

                //var predicate3 = ur3.GetPredicate(cqDTO, u3, companyId);
                //var data3 = ur3.GetByPredicate(predicate);
                //var col3 = new Collection<Dictionary<string, string>>();
                //data3 = data3.ToList();
                //foreach (var item in data3)

                //    var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //    dic.Add("ListId", item.ListId.ToString());
                //    dic.Add("EmailId", item.EmailId.ToString());
                //    col3.Add(dic);
                //    var ufdic = new Dictionary<string, string>();


                var retValList = new List <GenericDTO>();
                var retVal     = new GenericDTO
                    Key        = key,
                    ReturnData = col
                var retVal2 = new GenericDTO
                    Key        = key,
                    ReturnData = col2

                //var retVal3 = new GenericDTO
                //    Key = key,
                //    ReturnData = col3

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, retValList));
            var message = "validation failed";

            return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message));
 private List <DbValidationError> GetValidationErrors(EmailRepository pr, Email contact, EmailDTO cqDto, int YieldID, int userId)
        private HttpResponseMessage ProcessExistingEmailRecord(HttpRequestMessage request, EmailDTO cqDto, int contactId, string key, int EmailId, int userId)
            var ur   = new EmailRepository();
            var user = new Email();

            user = ur.GetById(contactId);

            var validationErrors = GetValidationErrors(ur, user, cqDto, EmailId, userId);

            if (validationErrors.Any())
                return(ProcessValidationErrors(request, validationErrors, key));


            cqDto.Key = key;
            return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, cqDto));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Task Send(EmailDTO dados) => Task.Run(() => _observers.ForEach(obs => obs.OnNext(dados)));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToEntity"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity"><see cref="Email"/> converted from <see cref="EmailDTO"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnEntity(this EmailDTO dto, Email entity);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public string UpdateEmail(EmailDTO email)
     securityService.UpdateUserProfile(new PartyId(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.Name), email.Email);
     return("Change password have done successfully");
 public void OnNext(EmailDTO value) => Enviar(value).Wait();
 public Task <bool> Enviar(EmailDTO email)
     base.Injector.Rabbit.Producer(email, FilasRabbit.EMAIL_ENVIADOS_COLETA);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public async Task SyncEmails()
            UserCredential credential;

            using (var stream = new FileStream("credentials.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                string credPath = "token.json";
                credential =
                        new FileDataStore(credPath, true)).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Credential file saved to: " + credPath);

            var service = new GmailService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                ApplicationName       = ApplicationName,

            var emailListResponse = await GetNewEmails(service);

            if (emailListResponse != null && emailListResponse.Messages != null)
                foreach (var email in emailListResponse.Messages)
                    var emailInfoRequest = service.Users.Messages.Get("*****@*****.**", email.Id);

                    var emailInfoResponse = await emailInfoRequest.ExecuteAsync();

                    if (emailInfoResponse != null)
                        string dateRecieved = emailInfoResponse.Payload.Headers
                                              .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Date")

                        string sender = emailInfoResponse.Payload.Headers
                                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "From")

                        //sender = ParseSender(sender);

                        string subject = emailInfoResponse.Payload.Headers
                                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Subject")

                        var str           = new StringBuilder();
                        var itemToResolve = emailInfoResponse.Payload.Parts[0];

                        if (itemToResolve.MimeType == "text/plain")

                        string body = str.ToString();

                        ICollection <AttachmentDTO> attachmentsOfEmail = new List <AttachmentDTO>();

                        if (!(itemToResolve.MimeType == "text/plain"))
                            attachmentsOfEmail = ParseAttachments(emailInfoResponse);

                        var emailDTO = new EmailDTO
                            RecievingDateAtMailServer = dateRecieved,
                            Sender      = sender,
                            Subject     = subject,
                            Body        = body,
                            Attachments = attachmentsOfEmail,
                            Status      = EmailStatusesEnum.NotReviewed

                        await emailService.CreateAsync(emailDTO);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"><see cref="EmailDTO"/> converted from <see cref="Email"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnDTO(this Email entity, EmailDTO dto);
        public BusinessDataModel Create(BusinessDataModel dataModel)
            if (dataModel != null)
                BusinessDTO        businessDTO        = new BusinessDTO();
                List <AddressDTO>  addressDTO         = new List <AddressDTO>();
                PhoneDTO           phoneDTO           = new PhoneDTO();
                EmailDTO           emailDTO           = new EmailDTO();
                BusinessUserMapDTO businessUserMapDTO = new BusinessUserMapDTO();

                businessDTO        = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToBusinessDTO(dataModel);
                phoneDTO           = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToPhoneDTO(dataModel);
                emailDTO           = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToEmailDTO(dataModel);
                addressDTO         = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToAddressDTO(dataModel);
                businessUserMapDTO = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToBusinessUserMapDTO(dataModel);

                if (businessDTO != null)
                    businessDTO = businessBL.Create(businessDTO);
                dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);
                if (dataModel.BusinessUserId != 0)
                    new BusinessUserMapBL().Create(new BusinessUserMapDTO()
                        BusinessID         = dataModel.BusinessID,
                        UserID             = dataModel.BusinessUserId,
                        BusinessUserTypeID = dataModel.BusinessUserMapTypeCodeId,
                        IsOwner            = true

                addressDTO = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToAddressDTO(dataModel);
                if (addressDTO != null)
                    List <AddressDTO> addressList = new List <AddressDTO>();
                    //addressDTO = addressDTO.Select(p => addressBL.Create(p)).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in addressDTO)

                    addressDTO = addressList;
                dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);
                if (dataModel.Addresses.Count() != 0)
                    new BusinessAddressBL().Create(new BusinessAddressDTO()
                        BusinessID = dataModel.BusinessID,
                        AddressID  = dataModel.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().AddressID,
                        IsPrimary  = true

                if (addressDTO.Count != 0)
                    phoneDTO = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToPhoneDTO(dataModel);
                    if (phoneDTO != null)
                        phoneDTO.AddressbookID = addressDTO.FirstOrDefault().AddressID;
                        phoneDTO = phonesBL.Create(phoneDTO);
                    dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);
                    new BusinessPhoneBL().Create(new BusinessPhoneDTO()
                        BusinessID = dataModel.BusinessID,
                        PhoneID    = dataModel.BusinessPhoneID,
                        IsPrimary  = true

                dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);
                emailDTO  = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToEmailDTO(dataModel);
                if (emailDTO != null)
                    emailDTO = emailsBL.Create(emailDTO);
                dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);
                new BusinessEmailBL().Create(new BusinessEmailDTO()
                    BusinessID = dataModel.BusinessID,
                    EmailID    = dataModel.BusinessEmailID,
                    IsPrimary  = true
                dataModel = BusinessDataModelAssembler.ToDataModel(businessDTO, addressDTO, phoneDTO, emailDTO, null, null, businessUserMapDTO, null);

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public async Task <bool> ReceivedBuyer(ReceivedBuyerDTO receivedBuyerDTO)
                using (var db = new SocialNetworkDeveloperContext())
                    using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                            var buyOrder = await db.OrdenesCompras.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdOrdenCompra == receivedBuyerDTO.IdBuyOrder);

                            if (buyOrder == null)

                            var buyer = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)buyOrder.IdUsuario);

                            buyOrder.EstadoOrdenCompra = 4; //recibido
                            db.Update(buyOrder).State  = EntityState.Modified;
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            //actualizacion orden de compra
                            var saleOrder = await db.OrdenesVentas.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdOrdenVenta == receivedBuyerDTO.IdSaleOrder);

                            if (saleOrder != null)
                                saleOrder.EstadoOrdenVenta = 4; //entregado
                                db.Update(saleOrder).State = EntityState.Modified;
                                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            //inserto raiting de publicacion
                            Rating rating = new Rating()
                                Rating1           = receivedBuyerDTO.Raiting,
                                FechaHoraCreacion = DateTime.Now,
                                IdPublicacion     = buyOrder.IdPublicacion,
                                IdUsuario         = buyOrder.IdUsuario
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            //actualizar publicación
                            //var publication = await _publicationServices.GetPublicationById((int)buyOrder.IdPublicacion);
                            var publication = await db.Publicaciones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdPublicacion == buyOrder.IdPublicacion);

                            //if (publication != null)
                            //    publication.Raiting = receivedBuyerDTO.Raiting;

                            //    db.Update(publication).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            //    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                            var seller = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)publication.IdUsuario);

                            EmailDTO emailDTO = new EmailDTO()
                                EmailBuyer     = buyer.CorreoElectronico,
                                EmailSeller    = seller.CorreoElectronico,
                                Title          = string.Format("Su compra/venta de la Publicacion {0} fue Entregada", publication.Titulo),
                                MessagesSeller = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> el comprador acaba de confirmar de recibido la mercaderia, gracias por utilizar SNB&S, 
                                                    Detalle de la Venta 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>
                                                    Cliente: <b>{3}</b>
                                                    Telefono: <b>{4}</b>
                                                    Total: <b>{5}</b>"
                                                               , seller.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrder.Cantidad, buyer.NombreCompleto, buyer.TelefonoContacto, saleOrder.TotalVenta),

                                MessagesBuyer = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> acaba de confirmar de recibido la mercaderia de su compra, gracias por utilizar SNB&S, 
                                                    Detalle De la Compra 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>
                                                    Total: <b>{3}</b>
                                                    Vendedor: <b>{4}</b>
                                                    Telefono: <b>{5}</b>"

                                                              , buyer.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrder.Cantidad, Math.Round((decimal)saleOrder.TotalVenta, 2), seller.NombreCompleto, seller.TelefonoContacto),
                            //si falla envio correo no registrar la aprobacion
                            var email = await _emailServices.SendEmail(emailDTO);

                            if (!email)
                                throw new Exception();

                            //envio sms twilio
                            var smsSeller = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(seller.TelefonoContacto, "Una Venta fue Entregada con Exito en SNB&S");

                            if (!smsSeller)
                                throw new Exception();

                            var smsBuyer = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(buyer.TelefonoContacto, "Acabas de Confirmar de Recibido tu Compra en SNB&S");

                            if (!smsBuyer)
                                throw new Exception();

                            await transaction.CommitAsync();

                        catch (Exception e)
                            log.ErrorFormat("Error al ejecutar transaccion para confirmar de recibido la mercaderia ReceivedBuyer() {0} : {1} ", e.Source, e.Message);

            catch (Exception e)
                log.ErrorFormat("Error al actualizar orden de compra a recibido ReceivedBuyer()  {0} : {1} ", e.Source, e.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <bool> RejectSale(StatusOrderDTO statusOrderDTO)
            using (var db = new SocialNetworkDeveloperContext())
                using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        var saleOrder = await db.OrdenesVentas.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdOrdenVenta == statusOrderDTO.IdSaleOrder);

                        if (saleOrder == null)

                        var publication = await _publicationServices.GetPublicationById((int)saleOrder.IdPublicacion);

                        var seller = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)publication.IdUsuario);

                        saleOrder.EstadoOrdenVenta = 3; //rechazada
                        db.Update(saleOrder).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        //actualizacion orden de compra
                        var buyOrder = await db.OrdenesCompras.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.IdOrdenCompra == statusOrderDTO.IdBuyOrder);

                        if (buyOrder != null)
                            buyOrder.EstadoOrdenCompra = 3; //rechazada
                            db.Update(buyOrder).State  = EntityState.Modified;
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                        var buyer = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)buyOrder.IdUsuario);

                        EmailDTO emailDTO = new EmailDTO()
                            EmailBuyer     = buyer.CorreoElectronico,
                            EmailSeller    = seller.CorreoElectronico,
                            Title          = string.Format("Su compra/venta de la Publicaicon {0} fue Rechazada", publication.Titulo),
                            MessagesSeller = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> su venta fue <b>rechazada</b> exitosamente, favor notificar al comprador el porque, 
                                                    Detalle de la Venta 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>
                                                    Cliente: <b>{3}</b>
                                                    Telefono: <b>{4}</b>
                                                    Total: <b>{5}</b>"
                                                           , seller.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrder.Cantidad, buyer.NombreCompleto, buyer.TelefonoContacto, Math.Round((decimal)saleOrder.TotalVenta, 2)),

                            MessagesBuyer = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> su compra fue <b>rechazada</b> por el vendedor, 
                                                    Detalle de la Compra 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>
                                                    Total: <b>{3}</b>
                                                    Vendedor: <b>{4}</b>
                                                    Telefono: <b>{5}</b>"

                                                          , buyer.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrder.Cantidad, Math.Round((decimal)saleOrder.TotalVenta, 2), seller.NombreCompleto, seller.TelefonoContacto),
                        //si falla envio correo no registrar la aprobacion
                        var email = await _emailServices.SendEmail(emailDTO);

                        if (!email)
                            throw new Exception();

                        //envio sms twilio
                        var smsSeller = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(seller.TelefonoContacto, "Acabas de Rechazar una venta en SNB&S");

                        if (!smsSeller)
                            throw new Exception();

                        var smsBuyer = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(buyer.TelefonoContacto, "Su compra fue Rechazada por el vendedor en SNB&S");

                        if (!smsBuyer)
                            throw new Exception();

                        await transaction.CommitAsync();

                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.ErrorFormat("Error al ejecutar transaccion para rechazar venta RejectSale()  {0} : {1} ", e.Source, e.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 31
        public async Task <ActionResult> RecoverPassword([FromBody] EmailDTO email)
            await _userService.RecoverPassword(email.Email);

Ejemplo n.º 32
        public async Task <bool> AddSale(SaleOrderDTO saleOrderDTO)
            using (var db = new SocialNetworkDeveloperContext())
                using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        var seller = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)saleOrderDTO.IdUsuario);

                        var buyer = await _userServices.GetUserByID((int)saleOrderDTO.IdComprador);

                        var publication = await _publicationServices.GetPublicationById((int)saleOrderDTO.IdPublicacion);

                        var saleOrder = _mapper.Map <OrdenesVenta>(saleOrderDTO);
                        saleOrder.FechaHoraOrdenVenta = DateTime.Now;
                        //saleOrder.TotalVentaConIva = saleOrderDTO.Cantidad * (publication.Precio + (publication.Precio * 0.13m));
                        saleOrder.TotalVenta       = saleOrderDTO.Cantidad * publication.Precio;
                        saleOrder.EstadoOrdenVenta = 1; //pendiente
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        //Creacion de orden de compra
                        OrdenesCompra objCompra = new OrdenesCompra()
                            IdOrdenVenta         = saleOrder.IdOrdenVenta,
                            IdPublicacion        = publication.IdPublicacion,
                            IdUsuario            = buyer.IdUsuario,
                            FechaHoraOrdenCompra = DateTime.Now,
                            //TotalCompraConIva = saleOrderDTO.Cantidad * (publication.Precio + (publication.Precio * 0.13m)),
                            TotalCompra       = saleOrderDTO.Cantidad * publication.Precio,
                            EstadoOrdenCompra = 1, //pendiente
                            Cantidad          = saleOrderDTO.Cantidad
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        EmailDTO emailDTO = new EmailDTO()
                            EmailBuyer     = buyer.CorreoElectronico,
                            EmailSeller    = seller.CorreoElectronico,
                            Title          = string.Format("Se Realizo una solicitud de compra/venta de la Publicaicon {0}", publication.Titulo),
                            MessagesSeller = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> se ha realizado una solicitud de venta a travez de nuestra aplicación, 
                                                    Detalle De la Venta 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>
                                                    Cliente: <b>{3}</b>
                                                    Telefono: <b>{4}</b>
                                                    Dirección Entrega: <b>{5}</b>
                                                    Comentario: <b>{6}</b>"
                                                           , seller.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrderDTO.Cantidad, buyer.NombreCompleto, buyer.TelefonoContacto, saleOrderDTO.DireccionEntrega, saleOrderDTO.Comentario),

                            MessagesBuyer = string.Format(@"Estimado/a <b>{0}</b> se ha realizado una solicitud de compra a travez de nuestra aplicación, 
                                                    Detalle De la Compra 
                                                    Publicación: <b>{1}</b>
                                                    Cantidad: <b>{2}</b>"

                                                          , buyer.NombreCompleto, publication.Titulo, saleOrderDTO.Cantidad),
                        //si falla envio correo no registrar la venta
                        var email = await _emailServices.SendEmail(emailDTO);

                        if (!email)
                            throw new Exception();

                        //envio sms twilio
                        var smsSeller = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(seller.TelefonoContacto, "Se Realizo una solicitud de compra/venta en SNB&S");

                        if (!smsSeller)
                            throw new Exception();

                        var smsBuyer = await _twilioServices.SendSMS(buyer.TelefonoContacto, "Acabas de realizar una solicitud de compra en SNB&S");

                        if (!smsBuyer)
                            throw new Exception();

                        await transaction.CommitAsync();

                    catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 static private void ResendThread()
     while (cmdStop == false)
             Log.WriteMsgLogs("Email Resending Process ...");
             IList <SuEmailResending> ResendMails = Factory.SuEmailResendingQuery.FindAllEmailResending();
             EmailSerializer          serailer    = new EmailSerializer();
             SMSSerializer            smsserialer = new SMSSerializer();
             foreach (SuEmailResending item in ResendMails)
                 bool success;
                 if (item.emailtype.Contains("SMS"))
                     success     = false;
                     item.status = "Retry";
                         SMSContainer sms = smsserialer.DeSerializeObject(item.mailcontent);
                         if (item.emailtype == "SMS")
                             success = Factory.SMSService.ReSend(sms.sms);
                         else if (item.emailtype == "SMS+Log")
                             success = Factory.SMSService.ReSend(sms.sms, sms.SMSLogid);
                         else if (item.emailtype == "SMS+Notify")
                             success = Factory.SMSService.ReSend(sms.sms, sms.NotifySMS);
                         if (success)
                             item.status = "Success";
                     catch (Exception e)
                         EmailDTO email = serailer.DeSerializeObject(item.mailcontent);
                         email.Status = 2;
                         item.status  = "Retry";
                         if (IsEmptyMailList(email.MailSendTo))
                             AddMailSendTo sendto = new AddMailSendTo();
                             sendto.Email = SS.DB.Query.ParameterServices.AdminEmailAddress;
                             sendto.Name  = SS.DB.Query.ParameterServices.AdminName;
                             email.Remark = "Send to email addresses is empty or invalid email format.";
                         email.IsMultipleReceiver = true;
                         success = Factory.EmailService.SendEmail(email);
                         if (success)
                             email.Status = 1;
                             item.status  = "Success";
                         //send completed then must keep log
                     catch (Exception e)
                 item.lastsenddate = DateTime.Now;
                 if (item.status == "Retry")
                     if (item.retry > ParameterServices.MaxRetry)
                         item.status = "Fail";
             Thread.Sleep(SS.DB.Query.ParameterServices.EmailFlushingDuration * 60000);
         catch (Exception e)
             Thread.Sleep(SS.DB.Query.ParameterServices.EmailFlushingDuration * 60000);
        private HttpResponseMessage ProcessNewEmailRecord(HttpRequestMessage request, EmailDTO uDto, string key, int EmailId, int userId)
            var ur   = new EmailRepository();
            var user = new Email();

            var validationErrors = GetValidationErrors(ur, user, uDto, EmailId, userId);

            if (validationErrors.Any())
                return(ProcessValidationErrors(request, validationErrors, key));

            user         = ur.Save(user);
            uDto.Key     = key;
            uDto.EmailID = user.EmailID.ToString();
            var response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, uDto);

            response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("Default", new
                id = user.EmailID