/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GeneticSharp.Domain.GeneticAlgorithm"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="population">The chromosomes population.</param>
        /// <param name="fitness">The fitness evaluation function.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The selection operator.</param>
        /// <param name="crossover">The crossover operator.</param>
        /// <param name="mutation">The mutation operator.</param>
        public GeneticAlgorithm(
            IPopulation population,
            IFitness fitness,
            ISelection selection,
            ICrossover crossover,
            IMutation mutation)
            ExceptionHelper.ThrowIfNull("population", population);
            ExceptionHelper.ThrowIfNull("fitness", fitness);
            ExceptionHelper.ThrowIfNull("selection", selection);
            ExceptionHelper.ThrowIfNull("crossover", crossover);
            ExceptionHelper.ThrowIfNull("mutation", mutation);

            Population  = population;
            Fitness     = fitness;
            Selection   = selection;
            Crossover   = crossover;
            Mutation    = mutation;
            Reinsertion = new ElitistReinsertion();
            Termination = new GenerationNumberTermination(1);

            CrossoverProbability = DefaultCrossoverProbability;
            MutationProbability  = DefaultMutationProbability;
            TimeEvolving         = TimeSpan.Zero;
            State        = GeneticAlgorithmState.NotStarted;
            TaskExecutor = new LinearTaskExecutor();
        public IReinsertion Elitist()
            var target = new ElitistReinsertion();

            target.SelectChromosomes(new Population(10, 10, new TspChromosome(_numberOfCities)), new List <IChromosome>(), _parents);
        public void SelectChromosomes_offspringSizeLowerThanMinSize_Selectoffspring()
            var target = new ElitistReinsertion();

            var population = new Population(6, 8, MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (2));
            var offspring  = new List <IChromosome> ()
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (2),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (2),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (3),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (4)

            var parents = new List <IChromosome> ()
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (5),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (6),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (7),
                MockRepository.GenerateStub <ChromosomeBase> (8)

            parents [0].Fitness = 0.2;
            parents [1].Fitness = 0.3;
            parents [2].Fitness = 0.5;
            parents [3].Fitness = 0.7;

            var selected = target.SelectChromosomes(population, offspring, parents);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, selected.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, selected [0].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, selected [1].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, selected [2].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, selected [3].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, selected [4].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, selected [5].Length);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static IAlgoritmo CriaAlgoritmoGenetico(Dictionary <string, string[]> dict, List <string> flat, Problema problema)
            int         populacaoMin, populacaoMax;
            IPopulation population;

            ISelection   selection;
            ICrossover   crossover;
            IMutation    mutation;
            ITermination termination;
            IReinsertion reinsertion;
            float        crossoverProbability, mutationProbability;

            var p = dict.ValueOrDefault("p", "50,100").Split(new[] { ',' });

            if (p.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(p[0], out populacaoMin) || !int.TryParse(p[1], out populacaoMax))
                throw new ArgumentException("Faixa de população inválida.");

            population = new Population(populacaoMin, populacaoMax, new CromossomoViajante(problema.Mapa.Locais.Count));

            switch (dict.ValueOrDefault("s", "t"))
            case "e":
                selection = new EliteSelection();

            case "r":
                selection = new RouletteWheelSelection();

            case "s":
                selection = new StochasticUniversalSamplingSelection();

            case "t":
                selection = new TournamentSelection();

                throw new ArgumentException("Seleção inválida.");

            switch (dict.ValueOrDefault("c", "o"))
            case "s":
                crossover = new CutAndSpliceCrossover();

            case "c":
                crossover = new CycleCrossover();

            case "o":
                crossover = new OrderedCrossover();

            case "ob":
                crossover = new OrderBasedCrossover();

            case "op":
                crossover = new OnePointCrossover();

            case "pm":
                crossover = new PartiallyMappedCrossover();

            case "p":
                crossover = new PositionBasedCrossover();

            case "tpa":
                crossover = new ThreeParentCrossover();

            case "tp":
                crossover = new TwoPointCrossover();

            case "u":
                crossover = new UniformCrossover();

                throw new ArgumentException("Crossover inválido.");

            switch (dict.ValueOrDefault("m", "r"))
            case "d":
                mutation = new DisplacementMutation();

            case "f":
                mutation = new FlipBitMutation();

            case "i":
                mutation = new InsertionMutation();

            case "s":
                mutation = new PartialShuffleMutation();

            case "r":
                mutation = new ReverseSequenceMutation();

            case "t":
                mutation = new TworsMutation();

            case "u":
                mutation = new UniformMutation();

                throw new ArgumentException("Mutação inválida.");

            switch (dict.ValueOrDefault("t", "s"))
            case "s":
                termination = new FitnessStagnationTermination();

            case "t":
                termination = new FitnessThresholdTermination();

            case "g":
                termination = new GenerationNumberTermination();

                throw new ArgumentException("Terminação inválida.");

            switch (dict.ValueOrDefault("e", "e"))
            case "e":
                reinsertion = new ElitistReinsertion();

            case "p":
                reinsertion = new PureReinsertion();

            case "u":
                reinsertion = new UniformReinsertion();

                throw new ArgumentException("Reinserção inválida.");

            if (!float.TryParse(dict.ValueOrDefault("cp", "0,75"), out crossoverProbability))
                throw new ArgumentException("Probabilidade de crossover inválida.");

            if (!float.TryParse(dict.ValueOrDefault("mp", "0,25"), out mutationProbability))
                throw new ArgumentException("Probabilidade de mutação inválida.");

            return(new AlgoritmoGenetico(problema, population, selection, crossover, crossoverProbability, mutation, mutationProbability, termination, reinsertion));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static DynamoGeneticAlgorithm CreateGeneticAlgorithm(Population population,
                                                                    [DefaultArgument("Evo.DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.Default()")] object selection,
                                                                    [DefaultArgument("Evo.DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.Default()")] object crossover,
                                                                    [DefaultArgument("Evo.DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.Default()")] object mutation,
                                                                    [DefaultArgument("Evo.DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.Default()")] object termination,
                                                                    [DefaultArgument("Evo.DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.Default()")] int?selectionSize,
                                                                    double crossoverProbability = DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.DefaultCrossoverProbability,
                                                                    double mutationProbability  = DynamoGeneticAlgorithm.DefaultMutationProbability)
            IChromosome    exemplaryChromome = population.CurrentGeneration.Chromosomes[0];
            ChromosomeType chromosomeType    = 0;

            if (exemplaryChromome is BinaryChromosome)
                chromosomeType = ((BinaryChromosome)exemplaryChromome).ChromosomeType;
            else if (exemplaryChromome is CombinatorialChromosome)
                chromosomeType = ((CombinatorialChromosome)exemplaryChromome).ChromosomeType;
            else if (exemplaryChromome is DoubleChromosome)
                chromosomeType = ((DoubleChromosome)exemplaryChromome).ChromosomeType;

            ISelection selectionMethod = null;

            if (selection == null)
                selectionMethod = new EliteSelection();
                if (selection is EliteSelection)
                    selectionMethod = selection as EliteSelection;
                else if (selection is RouletteWheelSelection)
                    selectionMethod = selection as RouletteWheelSelection;
                else if (selection is StochasticUniversalSamplingSelection)
                    selectionMethod = selection as StochasticUniversalSamplingSelection;
                else if (selection is TournamentSelection)
                    selectionMethod = selection as TournamentSelection;
                    throw new CrossoverException("Invalid selection input. A valid object returned by a node of the Selections category should be used.");

            ICrossover crossoverMethod = null;

            if (crossover == null)
                crossoverMethod = new UniformCrossover(0.5f);
                if (crossover is AlternatingPositionCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Alternating-position Crossover (AP) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as AlternatingPositionCrossover;
                else if (crossover is CutAndSpliceCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Cut and Splice Crossover (AP) can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as CutAndSpliceCrossover;
                else if (crossover is CycleCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Cycle Crossover (CX) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as CycleCrossover;
                else if (crossover is OnePointCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The One-point Crossover can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as OnePointCrossover;
                else if (crossover is OrderBasedCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Order Based Crossover (OX2) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as OrderBasedCrossover;
                else if (crossover is OrderedCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Ordered Crossover (OX1) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as OrderedCrossover;
                else if (crossover is PartiallyMappedCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Partially-mapped Crossover (PMX) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as PartiallyMappedCrossover;
                else if (crossover is PositionBasedCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.CombinatorialChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Position Based Crossover (POS) can be only used with combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are not combinatorial chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as PositionBasedCrossover;
                else if (crossover is SimulatedBinaryCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Simulated Binary Crossover (SBX) can be only used with double chromosomes. The specified individuals are not double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as SimulatedBinaryCrossover;
                else if (crossover is ThreeParentCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Three-parent Crossover can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as ThreeParentCrossover;
                else if (crossover is TwoPointCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Two-point Crossover can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as TwoPointCrossover;
                else if (crossover is UniformCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Uniform Crossover can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as UniformCrossover;
                else if (crossover is VotingRecombinationCrossover)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Voting Recombination Crossover (VR) can be only used with binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    crossoverMethod = crossover as VotingRecombinationCrossover;
                    throw new CrossoverException("Invalid crossover input. A valid object returned by a node of the Crossovers category should be used.");

            IMutation mutationMethod = null;

            if (mutation == null)
                mutationMethod = new FlipBitMutation();
                if (mutation is DisplacementMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Displacement Mutation can be only used on binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as DisplacementMutation;
                else if (mutation is FlipBitMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.BinaryChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Flip Bit Mutation can be only used on binary chromosomes. The specified individuals are not binary chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as FlipBitMutation;
                else if (mutation is GaussianMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Gaussian Mutation can be only used on double chromosomes. The specified individuals are not double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as GaussianMutation;
                else if (mutation is InsertionMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Displacement Mutation can be only used on binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as InsertionMutation;
                else if (mutation is PartialShuffleMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Displacement Mutation (PSM) can be only used on binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as PartialShuffleMutation;
                else if (mutation is PolynomialMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Polynomial Mutation can be only used on double chromosomes. The specified individuals are not double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as PolynomialMutation;
                else if (mutation is ReverseSequenceMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Displacement Mutation (RSM) can be only used on binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as ReverseSequenceMutation;
                else if (mutation is TworsMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType == ChromosomeType.DoubleChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Displacement Mutation can be only used on binary and combinatorial chromosomes. The specified individuals are double chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as TworsMutation;
                else if (mutation is UniformMutation)
                    if (chromosomeType != ChromosomeType.BinaryChromosome)
                        throw new CrossoverException("The Uniform Mutation can be only used on binary chromosomes. The specified individuals are not binary chromosomes.");
                    mutationMethod = mutation as UniformMutation;
                    throw new CrossoverException("Invalid mutation input. A valid object returned by a node of Mutations category should be used.");

            ElitistReinsertion reinsertionMethod = new ElitistReinsertion();

            ITermination terminationMethod = null;

            if (termination == null)
                terminationMethod = new FitnessStagnationTermination(100);
                if (termination is FitnessStagnationTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as FitnessStagnationTermination;
                else if (termination is FitnessThresholdTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as FitnessThresholdTermination;
                else if (termination is GenerationNumberTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as GenerationNumberTermination;
                else if (termination is TimeEvolvingTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as TimeEvolvingTermination;
                else if (termination is AndTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as AndTermination;
                else if (termination is OrTermination)
                    terminationMethod = termination as OrTermination;
                    throw new CrossoverException("Invalid termination input. An object returned by nodes of Terminations library should be used.");

            if (selectionSize == null)
                selectionSize = (int)Math.Round(0.5 * population.MaxSize);
            else if (!(selectionSize is int))
                throw new CrossoverException("Defined selection size is not an integer.");
            else if (selectionSize > population.MaxSize)
                throw new CrossoverException("Selection size cannot be greater than population size.");

            var algorithm = new DynamoGeneticAlgorithm(population, selectionMethod, crossoverMethod, mutationMethod, reinsertionMethod, terminationMethod)
                SelectionSize        = (int)selectionSize,
                CrossoverProbability = (float)crossoverProbability,
                MutationProbability  = (float)mutationProbability,

                Timer = Stopwatch.StartNew()

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Solve(Maze maze)
            const int   NumberOfGenes = 5000;
            const float MutationRate  = 0.02f;
            const float CrossOverRate = 0.6f;
            var         selection     = new EliteSelection();
            var         crossover     = new UniformCrossover();
            var         mutation      = new UniformMutation(true);
            var         chromosome    = new MazeSolverChromosome(NumberOfGenes);
            var         reinsertion   = new ElitistReinsertion();
            var         population    = new Population(50, 100, chromosome);
            var         fitness       = new MazeWalkerFitness(maze);
            IChromosome best          = chromosome;

            best.Fitness = fitness.Evaluate(best);

            var ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(population, fitness, selection, crossover, mutation);

            ga.MutationProbability = MutationRate;
            ga.Reinsertion         = reinsertion;
            ga.Termination         = new OrTermination(
                new FitnessStagnationTermination(this.stagnationThreshold),
                new TimeEvolvingTermination(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(this.maxRunTimeInSeconds)));
            ga.CrossoverProbability = CrossOverRate;
            ga.TaskExecutor         = new SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor()
                MinThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount,
                MaxThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount
            ga.GenerationRan += (sender, eventargs) =>
                if (this.generateUpdateImages)
                    if (ga.GenerationsNumber == 1 || ga.GenerationsNumber % this.updateImageFrequency == 0)
                        var winnerSteps = FillMazeStepsWalked(maze, ga.BestChromosome);
                        ImageDraw(winnerSteps, $"gen{ga.GenerationsNumber}.png");
                if (ga.GenerationsNumber % 10 == 0)
                        $"{ga.GenerationsNumber} generations completed. Best fitness: {ga.BestChromosome.Fitness}.  Best so far: {best.Fitness}. Time evolving: {ga.TimeEvolving.TotalMinutes} min.");

                if (ga.BestChromosome.Fitness > best.Fitness)
                    best = ga.BestChromosome.Clone();

                    // ga.Population.CurrentGeneration.Chromosomes.Add(best);
            ga.TerminationReached += (sender, eventargs) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Termination Reached");
                var winnerSteps = FillMazeStepsWalked(maze, best);
                ImageDraw(winnerSteps, "best.png");

                var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string[]));
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter("bestchromosome.xml"))
                    serializer.Serialize(sw, best.GetGenes().Select(g => g.Value as string).ToArray());

                if (this.animate)

            if (this.generateUpdateImages)
                this.ImageDraw(maze, "gen0.png");
