public ContinuumElement3D CreateElement(CellType cellType, IReadOnlyList<Node> nodes,
			ElasticMaterial3D commonMaterial, DynamicMaterial commonDynamicProperties)
			int numGPs = integrationsForStiffness[cellType].IntegrationPoints.Count;
			var materialsAtGaussPoints = new ElasticMaterial3D[numGPs];
			for (int gp = 0; gp < numGPs; ++gp) materialsAtGaussPoints[gp] = commonMaterial.Clone();
			return CreateElement(cellType, nodes, materialsAtGaussPoints, commonDynamicProperties);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ContinuumElement3DElasticMaterialDynamicConsistent()
            IList <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();

            // Create Model
            var model = new Model();

            // Create Subdomain
            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(subdomainID, new Subdomain(subdomainID));

            // Create Elastic Material
            var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Create Dynamic Material
            var dynamicMaterial = new DynamicMaterial(density, 0, 0, true);

            DefineContinuumElement3DLinear(model, solidMaterial, dynamicMaterial);


            // Choose linear equation system solver
            var           solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            SkylineSolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Choose the provider of the problem -> here a structural problem
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Choose child analyzer -> Linear
            var childAnalyzer = new LinearAnalyzer(model, solver, provider);

            // Choose parent analyzer -> Parent: Static
            var parentAnalyzerBuilder = new NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer, 1.0, 100.0);

            NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer parentAnalyzer = parentAnalyzerBuilder.Build();

            // Request output
            childAnalyzer.LogFactories[subdomainID] = new LinearAnalyzerLogFactory(new int[] { monitorDof });

            // Run the analysis

            // Check output
            DOFSLog log           = (DOFSLog)childAnalyzer.Logs[subdomainID][0];
            double  computedValue = log.DOFValues[monitorDof];
            double  expectedValue = 0.531178; // consistent: 0.531178 // lumped: 0.894201

            Assert.Equal(expectedValue, computedValue, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public static void EmbeddedElementsBuilder(Model model)
                // define mechanical properties
                double youngModulus     = 1.0;
                double shearModulus     = 1.0;
                double poissonRatio     = (youngModulus / (2 * shearModulus)) - 1;
                double area             = 1776.65;      // CNT(20,20)-LinearEBE-TBT-L = 10nm
                double inertiaY         = 1058.55;
                double inertiaZ         = 1058.55;
                double torsionalInertia = 496.38;
                double effectiveAreaY   = area;
                double effectiveAreaZ   = area;

                // Geometry
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(9, new Node(id: 9, x: 0.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(10, new Node(id: 10, x: 10.00, y: 0.00, z: 0.00));

                // Create new 3D material
                var beamMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                    YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                    PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

                // Create new Beam3D section and element
                var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);
                // element nodes
                var elementNodes = new List <Node>();

                var beam        = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, beamMaterial, 7.85, beamSection);
                var beamElement = new Element {
                    ID = 2, ElementType = beam

                beamElement.NodesDictionary.Add(9, model.NodesDictionary[9]);
                beamElement.NodesDictionary.Add(10, model.NodesDictionary[10]);

                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(beamElement.ID, beamElement);
        public static (double[], double[], double[], double[], IVector, IVector) Check05bStressIntegrationObje_Integration()
            //Origin: SeparateCodeCheckingClass.Check05bStressIntegration
            //modifications: tha xrhsimopoithei h nea microstructure me obje kapoia subdomainCalculations

            double E_disp = 3.5; /*Gpa*/ double ni_disp = 0.4; // stather Poisson
            var    material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = E_disp, PoissonRatio = ni_disp,

            double[,] DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.10, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            double[] GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            //double[] stressesCheck1 = material1.Stresses;
            double[] stressesCheck1 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2],
                material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]
            DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.20, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            double[] stressesCheck2 = material1.Stresses;

            IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderNonLinear();
            //IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderCheckEnaHexa();

            var microstructure3 = new MicrostructureDefGrad3D(homogeneousRveBuilder1,
                                                              model => (new SkylineSolver.Builder()).BuildSolver(model), false, 1);

            //IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3copyConsCheck = new Microstructure3copyConsCheckEna(homogeneousRveBuilder1);
            double[,] consCheck1 = new double[6, 6];
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++)
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
                    consCheck1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck3 = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector uInitialFreeDOFs_state1 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.20, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck4          = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector  uInitialFreeDOFs_state2 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.txt");

            return(stressesCheck1, stressesCheck2, stressesCheck3, stressesCheck4, uInitialFreeDOFs_state1, uInitialFreeDOFs_state2);
        private static void BuildCantileverModel(Model model, double load_value)
            //xrhsimopoiithike to  ParadeigmataElegxwnBuilder.HexaCantileverBuilder(Model model, double load_value)
            // allagh tou element kai tou material

            //ElasticMaterial3DTemp material1 = new ElasticMaterial3DTemp()
            //    YoungModulus = 1353000,
            //    PoissonRatio = 0.3,

            //VonMisesMaterial3D material1 = new VonMisesMaterial3D(1353000, 0.30, 1353000, 0.15);
            var material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                PoissonRatio = 0.3, YoungModulus = 1353000

            double[,] nodeData = new double[, ] {
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 }

            int[,] elementData = new int[, ] {
                { 1, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6 },
                { 3, 16, 15, 13, 14, 12, 11, 9, 10 },
                { 4, 20, 19, 17, 18, 16, 15, 13, 14 },

            // orismos shmeiwn
            double correction = 10;// +20;

            for (int nNode = 0; nNode < nodeData.GetLength(0); nNode++)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nNode + 1, new Node(nNode + 1, nodeData[nNode, 0] + correction, nodeData[nNode, 1] + correction, nodeData[nNode, 2] + correction));

            // orismos elements
            Element e1;
            int     subdomainID = Hexa8Continuum3DLinearCantilever.subdomainID;

            int[] ContinuumHexa8NodesNumbering = new int[8] {
                7, 8, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2
            };                                                                      // { 2, 3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 8, 5 };
            for (int nElement = 0; nElement < elementData.GetLength(0); nElement++)
                DynamicMaterial DynamicMaterial = new DynamicMaterial(1, 0, 0);
                //Dictionary<int,Node3D >
                List <Node> nodeSet = new List <Node>(8);
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    int nodeID = elementData[nElement, j + 1];

                var factory = new ContinuumElement3DFactory(material1, DynamicMaterial);

                //e1 = factory.CreateElement(CellType3D.Hexa8, nodeSet);
                e1 = new Element()
                    ID          = nElement + 1,
                    ElementType = factory.CreateElement(CellType.Hexa8, nodeSet)  // dixws to e. exoume sfalma enw sto beambuilding oxi//edw kaleitai me ena orisma to Hexa8
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    int nodeID = elementData[nElement, j + 1];
                    e1.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, model.NodesDictionary[nodeID]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e1.ID, e1);

            // constraint vashh opou z=-1
            for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++)
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

            // fortish korufhs
            Load load1;

            for (int k = 17; k < 21; k++)
                load1 = new Load()
                    Node   = model.NodesDictionary[k],
                    DOF    = StructuralDof.TranslationX,
                    Amount = 1 * load_value
        private static void BuildCantileverModel(Model model, double load_value)
            var material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                PoissonRatio = 0.3, YoungModulus = 1353000

            double[,] nodeData = new double[, ] {
                //{-0.250000,-0.250000,-1.000000}, {0.250000,-0.250000,-1.000000}, {-0.250000,0.250000,-1.000000}, {0.250000,0.250000,-1.000000},
                //{-0.250000,-0.250000,-0.500000}, {0.250000,-0.250000,-0.500000}, {-0.250000,0.250000,-0.500000}, {0.250000,0.250000,-0.500000},
                //{-0.250000,-0.250000,0.000000}, {0.250000,-0.250000,0.000000}, {-0.250000,0.250000,0.000000}, {0.250000,0.250000,0.000000},
                //{-0.250000,-0.250000,0.500000}, {0.250000,-0.250000,0.500000}, {-0.250000,0.250000,0.500000}, {0.250000,0.250000,0.500000},
                //{-0.250000,-0.250000,1.000000}, {0.250000,-0.250000,1.000000}, {-0.250000,0.250000,1.000000}, {0.250000,0.250000,1.000000},

                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -2.000000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, -2.000000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, -2.000000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, -2.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -1.500000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, -1.500000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, -1.500000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, -1.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 1.500000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, 1.500000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, 1.500000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, 1.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 2.000000 }, { 0.250000, -0.250000, 2.000000 }, { -0.250000, 0.250000, 2.000000 }, { 0.250000, 0.250000, 2.000000 },

            int[,] elementData = new int[, ] {

                { 1, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6 },
                { 3, 16, 15, 13, 14, 12, 11, 9, 10 },
                { 4, 20, 19, 17, 18, 16, 15, 13, 14 },
                { 5, 24, 23, 21, 22, 20, 19, 17, 18 },
                { 6, 28, 27, 25, 26, 24, 23, 21, 22 },
                { 7, 32, 31, 29, 30, 28, 27, 25, 26 },
                { 8, 36, 35, 33, 34, 32, 31, 29, 30 },

            // Put nodes and nodal coordinates in model
            for (int nNode = 0; nNode < nodeData.GetLength(0); nNode++)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nNode + 1, new Node(id: nNode + 1, x: nodeData[nNode, 0], y:  nodeData[nNode, 1], z: nodeData[nNode, 2]));

            // Define elements
            Element e1;
            int     subdomainID = Hexa8NonLinearCantilever.subdomainID;

            for (int nElement = 0; nElement < elementData.GetLength(0); nElement++)
                e1 = new Element()
                    ID          = nElement + 1,
                    ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(material1, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3)) // dixws to e. exoume sfalma enw sto beambuilding oxi//edw kaleitai me ena orisma to Hexa8
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    e1.NodesDictionary.Add(elementData[nElement, j + 1], model.NodesDictionary[elementData[nElement, j + 1]]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e1.ID, e1);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].Elements.Add(e1.ID, e1);

            // Constrain nodes at z = -1
            for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++)
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

            // Top load
            Load load1;

            //for (int k = 17; k <= 20; k++)
            for (int k = 33; k <= 36; k++)
                load1 = new Load()
                    Node   = model.NodesDictionary[k],
                    DOF    = StructuralDof.TranslationY,
                    Amount = 1 * load_value
        private static void BuildCantileverModel(Model model, double load_value)
            //xrhsimopoiithike to  ParadeigmataElegxwnBuilder.HexaCantileverBuilder(Model model, double load_value)
            // allagh tou element kai tou material

            //ElasticMaterial3DTemp material1 = new ElasticMaterial3DTemp()
            //    YoungModulus = 1353000,
            //    PoissonRatio = 0.3,

            //VonMisesMaterial3D material1 = new VonMisesMaterial3D(1353000, 0.30, 1353000, 0.15);
            var material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                PoissonRatio = 0.3, YoungModulus = 1353000

            double[,] nodeData = new double[, ] {
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 }

            int[,] elementData = new int[, ] {
                { 1, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6 },
                { 3, 16, 15, 13, 14, 12, 11, 9, 10 },
                { 4, 20, 19, 17, 18, 16, 15, 13, 14 },

            // orismos shmeiwn
            for (int nNode = 0; nNode < nodeData.GetLength(0); nNode++)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nNode + 1, new Node(id: nNode + 1, x: nodeData[nNode, 0], y: nodeData[nNode, 1], z: nodeData[nNode, 2]));

            // orismos elements
            Element e1;
            int     subdomainID = Hexa8NonLinearCantilever.subdomainID;

            for (int nElement = 0; nElement < elementData.GetLength(0); nElement++)
                e1 = new Element()
                    ID          = nElement + 1,
                    ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(material1, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3))                     // dixws to e. exoume sfalma enw sto beambuilding oxi//edw kaleitai me ena orisma to Hexa8
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    e1.NodesDictionary.Add(elementData[nElement, j + 1], model.NodesDictionary[elementData[nElement, j + 1]]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e1.ID, e1);

            // constraint vashh opou z=-1
            for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++)
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

            // fortish korufhs
            Load load1;

            for (int k = 17; k < 21; k++)
                load1 = new Load()
                    Node   = model.NodesDictionary[k],
                    DOF    = StructuralDof.TranslationX,
                    Amount = 1 * load_value
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void CNT_4_4_DisplacementControl()
            double youngModulus      = 16710.0;
            double poissonRatio      = 0.034;
            double nodalDisplacement = 23.73;
            double area             = 5.594673861218848e-003;
            double inertiaY         = 2.490804749753243e-006;
            double inertiaZ         = 2.490804749753243e-006;
            double torsionalInertia = inertiaY / 2.0;
            double effectiveAreaY   = area;
            double effectiveAreaZ   = area;

            string workingDirectory     = @"..\..\..\Resources\Beam3DInputFiles";
            string geometryFileName     = "CNT-4-4-L=25-Geometry.inp";
            string connectivityFileName = "CNT-4-4-L=25-ConnMatr.inp";
            int    increments           = 20;

            int nNodes        = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + geometryFileName).Count();
            int nElems        = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + connectivityFileName).Count();
            int monitorNode_1 = nNodes - 1;
            int monitorNode_2 = nNodes;

            // Create new 3D material
            var material_1 = new ElasticMaterial3D
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            var material_2 = new ElasticMaterial3D
                YoungModulus = 100.0 * youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Model creation
            Model model = new Model();

            // Subdomains
            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(1, new Subdomain(1));

            // Node creation
            IList <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();

            using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + geometryFileName))
                for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
                    string   text   = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] bits   = text.Split(',');
                    int      nodeID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                    double   nodeX  = double.Parse(bits[1]);
                    double   nodeY  = double.Parse(bits[2]);
                    double   nodeZ  = double.Parse(bits[3]);
                    nodes.Add(new Node(id: nodeID, x: nodeX, y:  nodeY, z: nodeZ));
                    model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, nodes[i]);

            // Constraints
            IList <Node> constraintsNodes = new List <Node>();

            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[2 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[617 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[618 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1029 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1030 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1441 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1442 - 1]);
            constraintsNodes.Add(nodes[1649 - 1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                int iNode = constraintsNodes[i].ID;
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.RotationX
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.RotationY
                model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.RotationZ

            // Applied displacement
            model.NodesDictionary[monitorNode_2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY, Amount = nodalDisplacement

            // Create new Beam3D section and element
            var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);

            // Generate elements
            using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + connectivityFileName))
                for (int i = 0; i < (nElems - 16); i++)
                    string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                    int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                    int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]);
                    int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]);
                    // element nodes
                    IList <Node> elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                    // create element
                    var beam_1  = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, material_1, 7.85, beamSection);
                    var element = new Element {
                        ID = elementID, ElementType = beam_1
                    // Add nodes to the created element
                    // beam stiffness matrix
                    var a = beam_1.StiffnessMatrix(element);
                    // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                    model.ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);
                for (int i = (nElems - 16); i < nElems; i++)
                    string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                    int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                    int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]);
                    int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]);
                    // element nodes
                    IList <Node> elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                    // create element
                    var beam_2  = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, material_2, 7.85, beamSection);
                    var element = new Element {
                        ID = elementID, ElementType = beam_2
                    // Add nodes to the created element
                    // beam stiffness matrix
                    var a = beam_2.StiffnessMatrix(element);
                    // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                    model.ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);

            // Choose linear equation system solver
            var     solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            ISolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Choose the provider of the problem -> here a structural problem
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Choose child analyzer -> Child: NewtonRaphsonNonLinearAnalyzer
            var subdomainUpdaters    = new[] { new NonLinearSubdomainUpdater(model.SubdomainsDictionary[1]) };
            var childAnalyzerBuilder = new DisplacementControlAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, increments);
            var childAnalyzer        = childAnalyzerBuilder.Build();

            // Choose parent analyzer -> Parent: Static
            var parentAnalyzer = new StaticAnalyzer(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer);

            // Request output
            //int monDOF = linearSystems[1].Solution.Length - 5;  //(6 * monitorNode_2 - 4);
            int monDOF = 9841;

            childAnalyzer.LogFactories[1] = new LinearAnalyzerLogFactory(new int[] { monDOF });

            // Run the analysis

            // Check output
            DOFSLog log = (DOFSLog)childAnalyzer.Logs[1][0]; //There is a list of logs for each subdomain and we want the first one

            Console.WriteLine($"dof = {monDOF}, u = {log.DOFValues[monDOF]}");
            //Assert.Equal(-21.2328445476855, log.DOFValues[monDOF], 8);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void MakeCantileverBeam(Model model, double startX, double startY, double startZ, int startNodeID,
                                              int startElementID, int subdomainID)

            int nodeID = startNodeID;

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                if (nodeID % 2 == 0)
                    model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: startX, y:  startY + 0.25, z: startZ + 0.25 * (j / 2)));
                    model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: startX, y:  startY, z: startZ + 0.25 * (j / 2)));
                model.NodesDictionary[nodeID].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[nodeID].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[nodeID].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ


            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    if (nodeID % 2 == 0)
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: startX + 0.25 * (i + 1), y:  startY + 0.25, z: startZ + 0.25 * (k / 2)));
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: startX + 0.25 * (i + 1), y:  startY, z: startZ + 0.25 * (k / 2)));

            int     elementID = startElementID;
            Element e;
            var     material = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = 2.0e7,
                PoissonRatio = 0.3

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Hexa8(material)

                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 4, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 4]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 5, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 5]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 1, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 1]);

                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 2, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 2]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 6, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 6]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 7, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 7]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + 4 * i + 3, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + 4 * i + 3]);

                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static (int[], int[], int[]) Check_Graphene_rve_parallel() //palio "Check_Graphene_rve_Obje_Integration()"
            //Origin h methodos Check_Graphene_rve_serial() tou parontos
            //Origin: SeparateCodeCheckingClass4.Check_Graphene_rve_Obje_Integration apo to branch: example/ms_development_nl_elements_merge
            //modifications: update kai tha xrhsimopoithei o GrapheneReinforcedRVEBuilderExample35fe2boundstiffHostTestPostData
            //o opoios exei kai antistoixo ddm: GrapheneReinforcedRVEBuilderExample35fe2boundstiffHostTestPostDataDdm pou tha trexei akrivws apo katw
            //PROSOXH gia na elegxei kai h defterh iteration u_sunol_micro_2 prepei na valoume ston graphenebuilder Addgraphenesheet xwris to bondslip.

            //mporoun na ginoun delete:
            double            E_disp = 3.5; /*Gpa*/ double ni_disp = 0.4; // stather Poisson
            ElasticMaterial3D material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = E_disp, PoissonRatio = ni_disp,

            double[,] DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.10, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            double[] GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            //double[] stressesCheck1 = material1.Stresses;
            double[] stressesCheck1 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2],
                material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]
            DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.20, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            double[] stressesCheck2 = material1.Stresses;

            // den xreiazetai poia VectorExtensions.AssignTotalAffinityCount();
            var grapheneRveBuilder1 = new RveGrShMultipleSeparated(1);
            //IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderCheckEnaHexa();

            // pros to paron
            var ModelAndNodes = grapheneRveBuilder1.GetModelAndBoundaryNodes();

            int[] hexaPrint  = grapheneRveBuilder1.hexaPrint;
            int[] cohePrint  = grapheneRveBuilder1.cohePrint;
            int[] shellPrint = grapheneRveBuilder1.shellPrint;
            return(hexaPrint, cohePrint, shellPrint);

            IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3 = new MicrostructureDefGrad3D(grapheneRveBuilder1,
                                                                                      model => (new SkylineSolver.Builder()).BuildSolver(model), false, 1);

            //IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3copyConsCheck = new Microstructure3copyConsCheckEna(homogeneousRveBuilder1);
            double[,] consCheck1 = new double[6, 6];
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++)
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
                    consCheck1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.05, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck3 = microstructure3.Stresses;
            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck4 = microstructure3.Stresses;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static (double[], double[], double[, ], IVector, IVector) Check_Graphene_rve_serial() //palio "Check_Graphene_rve_Obje_Integration()"
            //Origin: SeparateCodeCheckingClass4.Check_Graphene_rve_Obje_Integration apo to branch: example/ms_development_nl_elements_merge
            //modifications: update kai tha xrhsimopoithei o GrapheneReinforcedRVEBuilderExample35fe2boundstiffHostTestPostData
            //o opoios exei kai antistoixo ddm: GrapheneReinforcedRVEBuilderExample35fe2boundstiffHostTestPostDataDdm pou tha trexei akrivws apo katw
            //PROSOXH gia na elegxei kai h defterh iteration u_sunol_micro_2 prepei na valoume ston graphenebuilder Addgraphenesheet xwris to bondslip.
            //mporoun na ginoun delete:
            double E_disp = 3.5; /*Gpa*/ double ni_disp = 0.4; // stather Poisson
            var    material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = E_disp, PoissonRatio = ni_disp,

            double[,] DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.10, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            double[] GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            //double[] stressesCheck1 = material1.Stresses;
            double[] stressesCheck1 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2],
                material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]
            DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.20, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            double[] stressesCheck2 = material1.Stresses;

            // den xreiazetai poia VectorExtensions.AssignTotalAffinityCount();
            IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new RveGrShMultiple(1);
            //IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderCheckEnaHexa();

            var microstructure3 = new MicrostructureDefGrad3D(homogeneousRveBuilder1,
                                                              model => (new SkylineSolver.Builder()).BuildSolver(model), false, 1);

            //IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3copyConsCheck = new Microstructure3copyConsCheckEna(homogeneousRveBuilder1);
            double[,] consCheck1 = new double[6, 6];
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++)
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
                    consCheck1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.05, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck3 = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector uInitialFreeDOFs_state1 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck4          = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector  uInitialFreeDOFs_state2 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(stressesCheck3, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\stressesCheck3.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(stressesCheck4, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\stressesCheck4.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFile(consCheck1, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\consCheck1.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.txt");

            return(stressesCheck3, stressesCheck4, consCheck1, uInitialFreeDOFs_state1, uInitialFreeDOFs_state2);
        private static void BuildCantileverModel(Model model, double load_value)
            //xrhsimopoiithike to  ParadeigmataElegxwnBuilder.HexaCantileverBuilder(Model model, double load_value)
            // allagh tou element kai tou material

            //ElasticMaterial3DTemp material1 = new ElasticMaterial3DTemp()
            //    YoungModulus = 1353000,
            //    PoissonRatio = 0.3,

            //VonMisesMaterial3D material1 = new VonMisesMaterial3D(1353000, 0.30, 1353000, 0.15);
            var material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                PoissonRatio = 0.3, YoungModulus = 1353000

            double[,] nodeData = new double[, ] {
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 1.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.2500000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, -0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.2500000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.1250000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, -0.1250000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { -0.1250000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.5000000000000000 },
                { 0.0000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000, 0.7500000000000000 },

            //int[] take_msolve_nodes_from_adina_tade_nodes = new int[] { 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 7, 8, 6, 9, 4 };

            int[,] elementData = new int[, ] {
                { 33, 2, 1, 88, 35, 13, 34, 90, 89, 97 },
                { 33, 3, 2, 88, 36, 14, 35, 91, 90, 97 },
                { 33, 4, 3, 88, 37, 15, 36, 92, 91, 97 },
                { 33, 1, 4, 88, 34, 16, 37, 89, 92, 97 },
                { 48, 1, 2, 88, 50, 13, 49, 89, 90, 98 },
                { 48, 2, 10, 88, 49, 26, 52, 90, 94, 98 },
                { 48, 10, 9, 88, 52, 21, 51, 94, 93, 98 },
                { 48, 9, 1, 88, 51, 25, 50, 93, 89, 98 },
                { 53, 2, 3, 88, 55, 14, 54, 90, 91, 99 },
                { 53, 3, 11, 88, 54, 27, 57, 91, 95, 99 },
                { 53, 11, 10, 88, 57, 22, 56, 95, 94, 99 },
                { 53, 10, 2, 88, 56, 26, 55, 94, 90, 99 },
                { 58, 3, 4, 88, 60, 15, 59, 91, 92, 100 },
                { 58, 11, 3, 88, 61, 27, 60, 95, 91, 100 },
                { 58, 12, 11, 88, 62, 23, 61, 96, 95, 100 },
                { 58, 4, 12, 88, 59, 28, 62, 92, 96, 100 },
                { 63, 4, 1, 88, 65, 16, 64, 92, 89, 101 },
                { 63, 12, 4, 88, 66, 28, 65, 96, 92, 101 },
                { 63, 9, 12, 88, 67, 24, 66, 93, 96, 101 },
                { 63, 1, 9, 88, 64, 25, 67, 89, 93, 101 },
                { 43, 9, 10, 88, 44, 21, 45, 93, 94, 102 },
                { 43, 10, 11, 88, 45, 22, 46, 94, 95, 102 },
                { 43, 11, 12, 88, 46, 23, 47, 95, 96, 102 },
                { 43, 12, 9, 88, 47, 24, 44, 96, 93, 102 },
                { 43, 10, 9, 103, 45, 21, 44, 105, 104, 112 },
                { 43, 11, 10, 103, 46, 22, 45, 106, 105, 112 },
                { 43, 12, 11, 103, 47, 23, 46, 107, 106, 112 },
                { 43, 9, 12, 103, 44, 24, 47, 104, 107, 112 },
                { 68, 9, 10, 103, 70, 21, 69, 104, 105, 113 },
                { 68, 10, 6, 103, 69, 30, 72, 105, 109, 113 },
                { 68, 6, 5, 103, 72, 17, 71, 109, 108, 113 },
                { 68, 5, 9, 103, 71, 29, 70, 108, 104, 113 },
                { 73, 10, 11, 103, 75, 22, 74, 105, 106, 114 },
                { 73, 11, 7, 103, 74, 31, 77, 106, 110, 114 },
                { 73, 7, 6, 103, 77, 18, 76, 110, 109, 114 },
                { 73, 6, 10, 103, 76, 30, 75, 109, 105, 114 },
                { 78, 11, 12, 103, 80, 23, 79, 106, 107, 115 },
                { 78, 7, 11, 103, 81, 31, 80, 110, 106, 115 },
                { 78, 8, 7, 103, 82, 19, 81, 111, 110, 115 },
                { 78, 12, 8, 103, 79, 32, 82, 107, 111, 115 },
                { 83, 12, 9, 103, 85, 24, 84, 107, 104, 116 },
                { 83, 8, 12, 103, 86, 32, 85, 111, 107, 116 },
                { 83, 5, 8, 103, 87, 20, 86, 108, 111, 116 },
                { 83, 9, 5, 103, 84, 29, 87, 104, 108, 116 },
                { 38, 5, 6, 103, 39, 17, 40, 108, 109, 117 },
                { 38, 6, 7, 103, 40, 18, 41, 109, 110, 117 },
                { 38, 7, 8, 103, 41, 19, 42, 110, 111, 117 },
                { 38, 8, 5, 103, 42, 20, 39, 111, 108, 117 },

            // orismos shmeiwn
            for (int nNode = 0; nNode < nodeData.GetLength(0); nNode++)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nNode + 1, new Node(id: nNode + 1, x: nodeData[nNode, 0], y:  nodeData[nNode, 1], z: nodeData[nNode, 2]));

            // orismos elements
            Element e1;
            var     adinaOrder  = new AdinaElementLocalNodeOrdering();
            int     subdomainID = Tet10ContinuumNonLinearCantilever.subdomainID;

            for (int nElement = 0; nElement < elementData.GetLength(0); nElement++)
                DynamicMaterial DynamicMaterial = new DynamicMaterial(1, 0, 0);
                //Dictionary<int,Node3D >
                List <Node> nodeSet = new List <Node>(10);
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    int nodeID = elementData[nElement, j];

                var factory = new ContinuumElement3DFactory(material1, DynamicMaterial);

                var nodeSet1 = adinaOrder.ReorderNodes(nodeSet, CellType.Tet10);
                e1 = new Element()
                    ID          = nElement + 1,
                    ElementType = factory.CreateNonLinearElement(CellType.Tet10, nodeSet1, material1, DynamicMaterial)

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    int LocalNode = adinaOrder.GetNodeForLocalMsolveNode(j, CellType.Tet10);
                    e1.NodesDictionary.Add(elementData[nElement, LocalNode], model.NodesDictionary[elementData[nElement, LocalNode]]);

                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e1.ID, e1);

            int[] constrainedIds = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 };

            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < constrainedIds.Length; k1++)
                int k = constrainedIds[k1];
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

            // fortish korufhs
            Load load1;

            for (int k = 5; k < 9; k++)
                load1 = new Load()
                    Node   = model.NodesDictionary[k],
                    DOF    = StructuralDof.TranslationX,
                    Amount = 1 * load_value
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double youngModulus = 200.0e06;
            double poissonRatio = 0.3;
            double nodalLoad    = 25.0;

            // Create a new elastic 3D material
            ElasticMaterial3D material = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Node creation
            IList <Node> nodes = CreateNodes();

            // Model creation
            Model model = new Model();

            // Add a single subdomain to the model
            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(1, new Subdomain()
                ID = 1

            // Add nodes to the nodes dictonary of the model
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(i + 1, nodes[i]);

            // Constraint bottom nodes of the model

            // Create a new Hexa8 element
            var element = new Element()
                ID          = 1,
                ElementType = new Hexa8(material)

            // Add nodes to the created element

            // Add Hexa element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
            model.ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);
            model.SubdomainsDictionary[1].ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);

            // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = -nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[5], DOF = DOFType.Z
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = -nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[6], DOF = DOFType.Z
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = -nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[7], DOF = DOFType.Z
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = -nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[8], DOF = DOFType.Z

            // Needed in order to make all the required data structures

            // Choose linear equation system solver
            SolverSkyline solver = new SolverSkyline(model);

            // Choose the provider of the problem -> here a structural problem
            ProblemStructural provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver.SubdomainsDictionary);

            // Choose parent and child analyzers -> Parent: Static, Child: Linear
            Analyzers.LinearAnalyzer childAnalyzer  = new LinearAnalyzer(solver, solver.SubdomainsDictionary);
            StaticAnalyzer           parentAnalyzer = new StaticAnalyzer(provider, childAnalyzer, solver.SubdomainsDictionary);

            // Choose dof types X, Y, Z to log for node 5
            childAnalyzer.LogFactories[1] = new LinearAnalyzerLogFactory(new int[] {

            // Analyze the problem

            // Write results to console
            Console.WriteLine("Writing results for node 5");
            Console.WriteLine("Dof and Values for Displacement X, Y, Z");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static bool HexaCantileverBuilderDispControl(Model model, double load_value)
            var material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = 1353000,
                PoissonRatio = 0.3,

            double[,] nodeData = new double[, ] {
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, -0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 0.500000 },
                { -0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, -0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { -0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 },
                { 0.250000, 0.250000, 1.000000 }

            int[,] elementData = new int[, ] {
                { 1, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2 },
                { 2, 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6 },
                { 3, 16, 15, 13, 14, 12, 11, 9, 10 },
                { 4, 20, 19, 17, 18, 16, 15, 13, 14 },

            // orismos shmeiwn
            for (int nNode = 0; nNode < nodeData.GetLength(0); nNode++)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nNode + 1, new Node(id: nNode + 1, x: nodeData[nNode, 0], y:  nodeData[nNode, 1], z: nodeData[nNode, 2]));

            // orismos elements
            Element e1;
            int     subdomainID = 1;

            for (int nElement = 0; nElement < elementData.GetLength(0); nElement++)
                e1 = new Element()
                    ID          = nElement + 1,
                    ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(material1, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3)) // dixws to e. exoume sfalma enw sto beambuilding oxi//edw kaleitai me ena orisma to Hexa8
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    e1.NodesDictionary.Add(elementData[nElement, j + 1], model.NodesDictionary[elementData[nElement, j + 1]]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e1.ID, e1);

            // constraint vashh opou z=-1
            for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++)
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

            // thetoume constraint tous prescribed
            //Load load1;
            for (int k = 17; k < 21; k++)
                //load1 = new Load()
                //    Node = model.NodesDictionary[k],
                //    DOF = DOFType.X,
                //    Amount = 1 * load_value
                model.NodesDictionary[k].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX

        public static (double[], double[], double[, ], IVector, IVector) Check_Graphene_rve_Obje_Integration()
            //Origin: SeparateCodeCheckingClass4.Check05bStressIntegrationObje_Integration parontos
            //modifications: tha xrhsimopoithei o GrapheneBuilder...35...v2 gia epilush enos paradeigmatos GrapheneReinforcedRVEBuilderCHECK
            //gia elegxo twn newn domwn
            //PROSOXH gia na elegxei kai h defterh iteration u_sunol_micro_2 prepei na valoume ston graphenebuilder Addgraphenesheet xwris to bondslip.

            double E_disp = 3.5; /*Gpa*/ double ni_disp = 0.4; // stather Poisson
            var    material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = E_disp, PoissonRatio = ni_disp,

            double[,] DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.10, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            double[] GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            //double[] stressesCheck1 = material1.Stresses;
            double[] stressesCheck1 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2],
                material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]
            DGtr = new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.20, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
            GLVec = Transform_DGtr_to_GLvec(DGtr);
            double[] stressesCheck2 = material1.Stresses;

            IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new RveGrShOne(1);
            //IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderCheckEnaHexa();

            var microstructure3 = new MicrostructureDefGrad3D(homogeneousRveBuilder1,
                                                              model => (new SkylineSolver.Builder()).BuildSolver(model), false, 1);

            //IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3copyConsCheck = new Microstructure3copyConsCheckEna(homogeneousRveBuilder1);
            double[,] consCheck1 = new double[6, 6];
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++)
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
                    consCheck1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.05, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck3 = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector uInitialFreeDOFs_state1 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[9] {
                1.10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck4          = microstructure3.Stresses;
            IVector  uInitialFreeDOFs_state2 = microstructure3.uInitialFreeDOFDisplacementsPerSubdomain[1].Copy();

            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(stressesCheck3, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\stressesCheck3.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(stressesCheck4, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\stressesCheck4.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFile(consCheck1, @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\consCheck1.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state1.txt");
            //PrintUtilities.WriteToFileVector(uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.CopyToArray(), @"C:\Users\turbo-x\Desktop\notes_elegxoi\MSOLVE_output_2\uInitialFreeDOFs_state2.txt");

            return(stressesCheck3, stressesCheck4, consCheck1, uInitialFreeDOFs_state1, uInitialFreeDOFs_state2);
            public static void MatrixModelBuilder(Model model)
                string workingDirectory = @"E:\GEORGE_DATA\DESKTOP\input files"; //@"D:\George\Desktop\input files"; //

                string MatrixGeometryFileName = "MATRIX_3D-L_x=10-L_y=10-L_z=100-1x1x10-Geometry_EBE_MSolve.inp";

                string MatrixGonnectivityFileName = "MATRIX_3D-L_x=10-L_y=10-L_z=100-1x1x10-ConnMatr_EBE_MSolve.inp";

                int matrixNodes    = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGeometryFileName).Count();
                int matrixElements = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGonnectivityFileName).Count();

                // Nodes Geometry
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGeometryFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < matrixNodes; i++)
                        string   text   = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits   = text.Split(',');
                        int      nodeID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                        double   nodeX  = double.Parse(bits[1]);
                        double   nodeY  = double.Parse(bits[2]);
                        double   nodeZ  = double.Parse(bits[3]);
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: nodeX, y:  nodeY, z: nodeZ));

                // Create Material
                var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                    YoungModulus = 1.00,
                    PoissonRatio = 0.30,

                // Generate elements
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGonnectivityFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < matrixElements; i++)
                        string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                        int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                        int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]);
                        int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]);
                        int      node3     = int.Parse(bits[3]);
                        int      node4     = int.Parse(bits[4]);
                        int      node5     = int.Parse(bits[5]);
                        int      node6     = int.Parse(bits[6]);
                        int      node7     = int.Parse(bits[7]);
                        int      node8     = int.Parse(bits[8]);
                        // Hexa8NL element definition
                        var hexa8NLelement = new Element()
                            ID          = elementID,
                            ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(solidMaterial, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3))
                        // Add nodes to the created element
                        // Add Hexa element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);
                        //model.SubdomainsDictionary[0].ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);

                // Boundary Conditions - Left End [End-1]
                for (int iNode = 1; iNode <= 4; iNode++)
                    //model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint { DOF = DOFType.X });
                    //model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint { DOF = DOFType.Y });
                    model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                        DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

                // Boundary Conditions - Bottom End [End-3]
                for (int iNode = 1; iNode <= 41; iNode += 4)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        model.NodesDictionary[iNode + j].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                            DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY

                // Boundary Conditions - Bottom End [End-5]
                for (int iNode = 1; iNode <= 43; iNode += 2)
                    model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                        DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX

                // Boundary Conditions - Bottom End [End-6]
                for (int iNode = 2; iNode <= 44; iNode += 2)
                    model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                        DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX

                // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
                //for (int iNode = 161; iNode <= 164; iNode++) //(int iNode = 338001; iNode <= 338026; iNode++) //(int iNode = 3601; iNode <= 3606; iNode++) //(int iNode = 2603551; iNode < 2603601; iNode++)
                //    model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[iNode], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1801], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = 2, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1802], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = 2, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1803], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = 2, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1804], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = 2, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1805], DOF = DOFType.Y });
                //model.Loads.Add(new Load() { Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1806], DOF = DOFType.Y });

                // Compression Loading
                double nodalLoad = -25.0;                  //0.40;

                for (int iNode = 41; iNode <= 44; iNode++) //[End-4]
                    model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                        Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[iNode], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

                //// Applied Displacements
                //double nodalDisplacement = -10.0;
                //for (int iNode = 41; iNode <= 44; iNode++) //[End-4]
                //    model.NodesDictionary[iNode].Constraints.Add(new Constraint { DOF = DOFType.Z, Amount = nodalDisplacement });
            public static void EBEModelBuilder(Model model)
                // define mechanical properties
                double youngModulus = 1.0;
                double shearModulus = 1.0;
                double poissonRatio = 0.034;  //0.30; // (youngModulus / (2 * shearModulus)) - 1;
                double area         = 694.77; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm
                //1218.11; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-EBT-L=10nm
                //694.77; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm

                double inertiaY = 100.18; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm
                //177.51; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-EBT-L=10nm
                //100.18; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm

                double inertiaZ = 100.18; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm
                //177.51; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-EBT-L=10nm
                //100.18; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm

                double torsionalInertia = 68.77; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm
                //168.25; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-EBT-L=10nm
                //68.77; //CNT(8,8)-LinearEBE-TBT-L=10nm

                double effectiveAreaY   = area;
                double effectiveAreaZ   = area;
                string workingDirectory = @"E:\GEORGE_DATA\DESKTOP\input files"; //@"D:\George\Desktop\input files"; //

                string CNTgeometryFileName = "EmbeddedCNT-8-8-L=100-h=3-k=1-EBE-L=10-NumberOfCNTs=1-Geometry_beam.inp";

                string CNTconnectivityFileName = "EmbeddedCNT-8-8-L=100-h=3-k=1-EBE-L=10-NumberOfCNTs=1-ConnMatr_beam.inp";

                int CNTNodes = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTgeometryFileName).Count();
                int CNTElems = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTconnectivityFileName).Count();

                // Geometry
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTgeometryFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < CNTNodes; i++)
                        string   text   = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits   = text.Split(',');
                        int      nodeID = int.Parse(bits[0]) + 44; // matrixNodes
                        double   nodeX  = double.Parse(bits[1]);
                        double   nodeY  = double.Parse(bits[2]);
                        double   nodeZ  = double.Parse(bits[3]);
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: nodeX, y:  nodeY, z: nodeZ));

                // Create new 3D material
                var beamMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D
                    YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                    PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

                // Create new Beam3D section and element
                var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);

                // element nodes

                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTconnectivityFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < CNTElems; i++)
                        string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                        int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]) + 10; // matrixElements
                        int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]) + 44; // matrixNodes
                        int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]) + 44; // matrixNodes

                        // element nodes
                        var elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                        // create element
                        var beam_1      = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, beamMaterial, 7.85, beamSection);
                        var beamElement = new Element {
                            ID = elementID, ElementType = beam_1
                        // Add nodes to the created element
                        // beam stiffness matrix
                        // var a = beam_1.StiffnessMatrix(beamElement);
                        // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(beamElement.ID, beamElement);
                        //model.SubdomainsDictionary[0].ElementsDictionary.Add(beamElement.ID, beamElement);
		public ContinuumElement3DFactory(ElasticMaterial3D commonMaterial, DynamicMaterial commonDynamicProperties)
			this.commonDynamicProperties = commonDynamicProperties;
			this.commonMaterial = commonMaterial;
        public static void WriteStiffnessOfContinuum3DStructure()
            //    _____ ____
            //   /    /    /|
            //  /____/____/ |
            //  |    |    | |
            //  |____|____|/|
            //  |    |    | /
            //  |____|____|/

            // Model with 1 subdomain
            var model = new Model();

            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(subdomainID, new Subdomain(subdomainID));

            // Material
            var material = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = 2.1E7,
                PoissonRatio = 0.3
            var dynamicProperties = new DynamicMaterial(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);

            // Generate mesh
            double lengthX       = 2.0;
            double lengthY       = 2.4;
            double lengthZ       = 2.2;
            var    meshGenerator = new UniformMeshGenerator3D <Node>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, lengthX, lengthY, lengthZ, 10, 10, 10);

            (IReadOnlyList <Node> vertices, IReadOnlyList <CellConnectivity <Node> > cells) =
                meshGenerator.CreateMesh((id, x, y, z) => new Node(id: id, x: x, y:  y, z: z));

            // Add nodes to the model
            for (int n = 0; n < vertices.Count; ++n)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(n, vertices[n]);

            // Add Quad4 elements to the model
            var factory = new ContinuumElement3DFactory(material, dynamicProperties);

            for (int e = 0; e < cells.Count; ++e)
                ContinuumElement3D element = factory.CreateElement(cells[e].CellType, cells[e].Vertices);
                var elementWrapper         = new Element()
                    ID = e, ElementType = element
                foreach (Node node in element.Nodes)
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e, elementWrapper);

            // Solver
            var           solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            SkylineSolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Structural problem provider
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Linear static analysis
            var childAnalyzer  = new LinearAnalyzer(model, solver, provider);
            var parentAnalyzer = new StaticAnalyzer(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer);

            // Run the analysis to build the stiffness matrix

            // Print the stiffness matrix
            //var writer = new MatlabWriter();
            var writer = new RawArraysWriter();

                                        outputDirectory + @"\hexa8_10x10x10_stiffness.txt");
            public static void HostElementsBuilder(Model model)
                // Nodes Geometry
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(1, new Node(id: 1, x: 10.00, y:   2.50, z:  2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(2, new Node(id: 2, x:  0.00, y:   2.50, z:  2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(3, new Node(id: 3, x:  0.00, y:  -2.50, z:  2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(4, new Node(id: 4, x: 10.00, y:  -2.50, z:  2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(5, new Node(id: 5, x: 10.00, y:   2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(6, new Node(id: 6, x:  0.00, y:   2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(7, new Node(id: 7, x:  0.00, y:  -2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(8, new Node(id: 8, x: 10.00, y:  -2.50, z: -2.50));

                // Boundary Conditions
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

                // Create Material
                var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                    YoungModulus = 3.76,
                    PoissonRatio = 0.3779,

                // Hexa8NL element definition
                var hexa8NLelement = new Element()
                    ID          = 1,
                    ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(solidMaterial, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3))

                // Add nodes to the created element

                // Add Hexa element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);

                // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[4], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[5], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[8], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
Ejemplo n.º 21
            public static void HostElementsBuilder(Model model)
                // Nodes Geometry
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(1, new Node(id: 1, x: 10.00, y: 2.50, z: 2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(2, new Node(id: 2, x: 0.00, y: 2.50, z: 2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(3, new Node(id: 3, x: 0.00, y: -2.50, z: 2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(4, new Node(id: 4, x: 10.00, y: -2.50, z: 2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(5, new Node(id: 5, x: 10.00, y: 2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(6, new Node(id: 6, x: 0.00, y: 2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(7, new Node(id: 7, x: 0.00, y: -2.50, z: -2.50));
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(8, new Node(id: 8, x: 10.00, y: -2.50, z: -2.50));

                // Boundary Conditions
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[2].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[3].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[6].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
                model.NodesDictionary[7].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                    DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ

                // Create Material
                var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                    YoungModulus = 3.76,
                    PoissonRatio = 0.3779,

                DynamicMaterial DynamicMaterial = new DynamicMaterial(1, 0, 0);
                var             factory         = new ContinuumElement3DFactory(solidMaterial, DynamicMaterial);
                // Hexa8NL element definition
                List <Node> nodeSet = new List <Node>(8);

                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                var hexa8NLelement = new Element()
                    ID          = 1,
                    ElementType = // factory.CreateNonLinearElement(CellType.Hexa8, nodeSet, solidMaterial, DynamicMaterial)
                                  new Hexa8NonLinear(solidMaterial, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3))
                                  // = new ContinummElement3DNonLinear(nodeSet, solidMaterial, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3), ISAAR.MSolve.FEM.Interpolation.InterpolationHexa8.UniqueInstance)

                // Add nodes to the created element

                // Add Hexa element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);

                // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[1], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[4], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[5], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
                model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                    Amount = 25, Node = model.NodesDictionary[8], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
            public static void HostElementsBuilder(Model model)
                string workingDirectory = @"E:\GEORGE_DATA\DESKTOP\input files"; //"..\..\..\Resources\Beam3DInputFiles";

                string MatrixGeometryFileName = "MATRIX_3D-L_x=10-L_y=10-L_z=100-9x9x100-Geometry_MSolve.inp";

                string MatrixGonnectivityFileName = "MATRIX_3D-L_x=10-L_y=10-L_z=100-9x9x100-ConnMatr_MSolve.inp";

                int matrixNodes    = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGeometryFileName).Count();
                int matrixElements = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGonnectivityFileName).Count();

                // Nodes Geometry
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGeometryFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < matrixNodes; i++)
                        string   text   = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits   = text.Split(',');
                        int      nodeID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                        double   nodeX  = double.Parse(bits[1]);
                        double   nodeY  = double.Parse(bits[2]);
                        double   nodeZ  = double.Parse(bits[3]);
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: nodeX, y:  nodeY, z: nodeZ));

                // Create Material
                var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                    YoungModulus = 1.00,
                    PoissonRatio = 0.30,

                // Generate elements
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + MatrixGonnectivityFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < matrixElements; i++)
                        string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                        int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]);
                        int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]);
                        int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]);
                        int      node3     = int.Parse(bits[3]);
                        int      node4     = int.Parse(bits[4]);
                        int      node5     = int.Parse(bits[5]);
                        int      node6     = int.Parse(bits[6]);
                        int      node7     = int.Parse(bits[7]);
                        int      node8     = int.Parse(bits[8]);
                        // Hexa8NL element definition
                        var hexa8NLelement = new Element()
                            ID          = elementID,
                            ElementType = new Hexa8NonLinear(solidMaterial, GaussLegendre3D.GetQuadratureWithOrder(3, 3, 3))
                        // Add nodes to the created element
                        // Add Hexa element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);
                        //model.SubdomainsDictionary[0].ElementsDictionary.Add(hexa8NLelement.ID, hexa8NLelement);
        private static void TestBeam3DElasticNonlinearNewmarkDynamicAnalysisExample()
            double youngModulus     = 21000.0;
            double poissonRatio     = 0.3;
            double nodalLoad        = 20000.0;
            double area             = 91.04;
            double inertiaY         = 2843.0;
            double inertiaZ         = 8091.0;
            double torsionalInertia = 76.57;
            double effectiveAreaY   = 91.04;
            double effectiveAreaZ   = 91.04;
            double density          = 7.85;
            int    nNodes           = 3;
            int    nElems           = 2;
            int    monitorNode      = 3;

            // Create new 3D material
            var material = new ElasticMaterial3D
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Node creation
            IList <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();
            Node         node1 = new Node(id: 1, x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0);
            Node         node2 = new Node(id: 2, x: 300.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0);
            Node         node3 = new Node(id: 3, x: 600.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0);


            // Model creation
            Model model = new Model();

            // Add a single subdomain to the model
            int subdomainID = 0;

            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(subdomainID, new Subdomain(subdomainID));

            // Add nodes to the nodes dictonary of the model
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(i + 1, nodes[i]);

            // Constrain bottom nodes of the model
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationX
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationY
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationZ
            // Generate elements of the structure
            int iNode = 1;

            for (int iElem = 0; iElem < nElems; iElem++)
                // element nodes
                IList <Node> elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                elementNodes.Add(model.NodesDictionary[iNode + 1]);

                // Create new Beam3D section and element
                var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);
                var beam        = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, material, density, beamSection);

                // Create elements
                var element = new Element()
                    ID          = iElem + 1,
                    ElementType = beam

                // Add nodes to the created element
                element.AddNode(model.NodesDictionary[iNode + 1]);

                var a = beam.StiffnessMatrix(element);
                var b = beam.MassMatrix(element);

                // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);

            // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[monitorNode], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY

            // Solver
            var     solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            ISolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Problem type
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Analyzers
            int increments           = 10;
            var childAnalyzerBuilder = new LoadControlAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, increments);

            childAnalyzerBuilder.MaxIterationsPerIncrement     = 120;
            childAnalyzerBuilder.NumIterationsForMatrixRebuild = 500;
            //childAnalyzerBuilder.SubdomainUpdaters = new[] { new NonLinearSubdomainUpdater(model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID]) }; // This is the default
            LoadControlAnalyzer childAnalyzer = childAnalyzerBuilder.Build();
            var parentAnalyzerBuilder         = new NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer, 0.28, 3.36);

            parentAnalyzerBuilder.SetNewmarkParametersForConstantAcceleration();             // Not necessary. This is the default
            NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer parentAnalyzer = parentAnalyzerBuilder.Build();


            Assert.Equal(148.936792350562, solver.LinearSystems[subdomainID].Solution[7], 12);
            public static void EmbeddedElementsBuilder(Model model)
                // define mechanical properties
                double youngModulus     = 16710.0;                  // 5490; //
                double shearModulus     = 8080.0;                   // 871; //
                double poissonRatio     = 2.15;                     // 0.034; //(youngModulus / (2 * shearModulus)) - 1;
                double area             = 5.594673861218848d - 003; // CNT(20,20)-LinearEBE-TBT-L = 10nm
                double inertiaY         = 2.490804749753243D - 006; //1058.55;
                double inertiaZ         = 2.490804749753243D - 006; // 1058.55;
                double torsionalInertia = 4.981609499506486D - 006; //496.38;
                double effectiveAreaY   = area;
                double effectiveAreaZ   = area;
                string workingDirectory = @"E:\GEORGE_DATA\DESKTOP\input files"; //"..\..\..\Resources\Beam3DInputFiles";

                string CNTgeometryFileName = "CNT-8-8-L=100-h=3-Geometry.inp";

                string CNTconnectivityFileName = "CNT-8-8-L=100-h=3-ConnMatr.inp";

                int CNTNodes = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTgeometryFileName).Count();
                int CNTElems = File.ReadLines(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTconnectivityFileName).Count();

                // Geometry
                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTgeometryFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < CNTNodes; i++)
                        string   text   = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits   = text.Split(',');
                        int      nodeID = int.Parse(bits[0]) + 10100; // matrixNodes
                        double   nodeX  = double.Parse(bits[1]);
                        double   nodeY  = double.Parse(bits[2]);
                        double   nodeZ  = double.Parse(bits[3]);
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node(id: nodeID, x: nodeX, y:  nodeY, z: nodeZ));

                // Create new 3D material
                var beamMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D
                    YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                    PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

                // Create new Beam3D section and element
                var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);

                // element nodes

                using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(workingDirectory + '\\' + CNTconnectivityFileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < CNTElems; i++)
                        string   text      = reader.ReadLine();
                        string[] bits      = text.Split(',');
                        int      elementID = int.Parse(bits[0]) + 8100;  // matrixElements
                        int      node1     = int.Parse(bits[1]) + 10100; // matrixNodes
                        int      node2     = int.Parse(bits[2]) + 10100; // matrixNodes
                        // element nodes
                        var elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                        // create element
                        var beam_1      = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, beamMaterial, 7.85, beamSection);
                        var beamElement = new Element {
                            ID = elementID, ElementType = beam_1
                        // Add nodes to the created element
                        // beam stiffness matrix
                        // var a = beam_1.StiffnessMatrix(beamElement);
                        // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(beamElement.ID, beamElement);
                        //model.SubdomainsDictionary[0].ElementsDictionary.Add(beamElement.ID, beamElement);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static void Check3DscaleTransitionsAndMicrostructure()
            double E_disp = 3.5; /*Gpa*/ double ni_disp = 0.4; // stather Poisson
            var    material1 = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = E_disp, PoissonRatio = ni_disp,

            double[] GLVec = new double[6] {
                0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck1 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2], material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]
            GLVec = new double[6] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0
            double[] stressesCheck2 = new double[6] {
                material1.Stresses[0], material1.Stresses[1], material1.Stresses[2], material1.Stresses[3], material1.Stresses[4], material1.Stresses[5]

            IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderLinear();
            //IRVEbuilder homogeneousRveBuilder1 = new HomogeneousRVEBuilderCheckEnaHexa();

            IContinuumMaterial3D microstructure3 = new Microstructure3D(homogeneousRveBuilder1,
                                                                        model => (new SkylineSolver.Builder()).BuildSolver(model), false, 1);

            //IContinuumMaterial3DDefGrad microstructure3copyConsCheck = new Microstructure3copyConsCheckEna(homogeneousRveBuilder1);
            double[,] consCheck1 = new double[6, 6];
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; i1++)
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
                    consCheck1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[6] {
                0.010, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck3 = new double[6] {
                microstructure3.Stresses[0], microstructure3.Stresses[1], microstructure3.Stresses[2], microstructure3.Stresses[3], microstructure3.Stresses[4], microstructure3.Stresses[5]
            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[6] {
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020, 0
            double[] stressesCheck4 = new double[6] {
                microstructure3.Stresses[0], microstructure3.Stresses[1], microstructure3.Stresses[2], microstructure3.Stresses[3], microstructure3.Stresses[4], microstructure3.Stresses[5]

            microstructure3.UpdateMaterial(new double[6] {
                0.030, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            double[] stressesCheck5 = new double[6] {
                microstructure3.Stresses[0], microstructure3.Stresses[1], microstructure3.Stresses[2], microstructure3.Stresses[3], microstructure3.Stresses[4], microstructure3.Stresses[5]
            var Matrix1 = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++)

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++)
                    Matrix1[i1, i2] = microstructure3.ConstitutiveMatrix[i1, i2];

            Assert.True(NRNLAnalyzerDevelopTest.AreDisplacementsSame(stressesCheck1, stressesCheck3));
            Assert.True(NRNLAnalyzerDevelopTest.AreDisplacementsSame(stressesCheck2, stressesCheck4));
            Assert.True(NRNLAnalyzerDevelopTest.AreDisplacementsSame(new double[6] {
                3 * stressesCheck1[0], 3 * stressesCheck1[1], 3 * stressesCheck1[2], 3 * stressesCheck1[3], 3 * stressesCheck1[4], 3 * stressesCheck1[5]
            Assert.True(AreDisplacementsSame(consCheck1, material1.ConstitutiveMatrix));
            Assert.True(AreDisplacementsSame(Matrix1.CopyToArray2D(), material1.ConstitutiveMatrix));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void ContinuumElement3DNonLinearElasticMaterialDynamicLumped()
            IList <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();

            // Create Model
            var model = new Model();

            // Create Subdomain
            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(subdomainID, new Subdomain(subdomainID));

            // Create Elastic Material
            var solidMaterial = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Create Dynamic Material
            var dynamicMaterial = new DynamicMaterial(density, 0, 0, false);

            DefineContinuumElement3DNonLinear(model, solidMaterial, dynamicMaterial);


            // Choose linear equation system solver
            var           solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            SkylineSolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Choose the provider of the problem -> here a structural problem
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Choose child analyzer -> Child: NewtonRaphson - LoadControl
            var subdomainUpdaters    = new[] { new NonLinearSubdomainUpdater(model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID]) };
            var childAnalyzerBuilder = new LoadControlAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, increments)
                MaxIterationsPerIncrement     = 50,
                NumIterationsForMatrixRebuild = 1,
                ResidualTolerance             = 1E-06,
            var childAnalyzer = childAnalyzerBuilder.Build();

            // Choose parent analyzer -> Parent: Static
            var parentAnalyzerBuilder = new NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer, 1.0, 100.0);

            NewmarkDynamicAnalyzer parentAnalyzer = parentAnalyzerBuilder.Build();

            // Request output
            childAnalyzer.LogFactories[subdomainID] = new LinearAnalyzerLogFactory(new int[] { monitorDof });

            // Run the analysis

            // Check output
            DOFSLog log           = (DOFSLog)childAnalyzer.Logs[subdomainID][0];
            double  computedValue = log.DOFValues[monitorDof];
            double  expectedValue = 2.97084;

            Assert.Equal(expectedValue, computedValue, 3);
        public void CantileverYBeam3DQuaternionNonlinearTest()
            double youngModulus     = 21000.0;
            double poissonRatio     = 0.3;
            double nodalLoad        = 20000.0;
            double area             = 91.04;
            double inertiaY         = 2843.0;
            double inertiaZ         = 8091.0;
            double torsionalInertia = 76.57;
            double effectiveAreaY   = 91.04;
            double effectiveAreaZ   = 91.04;
            int    nNodes           = 3;
            int    nElems           = 2;
            int    monitorNode      = 3;

            // Create new 3D material
            var material = new ElasticMaterial3D
                YoungModulus = youngModulus,
                PoissonRatio = poissonRatio,

            // Node creation
            IList <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();
            Node         node1 = new Node(id: 1, x:   0.0, y:  0.0, z: 0.0);
            Node         node2 = new Node(id: 2, x: 100.0, y:  0.0, z: 0.0);
            Node         node3 = new Node(id: 3, x: 200.0, y:  0.0, z: 0.0);


            // Model creation
            Model model = new Model();

            // Add a single subdomain to the model
            model.SubdomainsDictionary.Add(1, new Subdomain(1));

            // Add nodes to the nodes dictonary of the model
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i)
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(i + 1, nodes[i]);

            // Constrain bottom nodes of the model
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationX
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationZ
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationX
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationY
            model.NodesDictionary[1].Constraints.Add(new Constraint {
                DOF = StructuralDof.RotationZ

            // Generate elements of the structure
            int iNode = 1;

            for (int iElem = 0; iElem < nElems; iElem++)
                // element nodes
                IList <Node> elementNodes = new List <Node>();
                elementNodes.Add(model.NodesDictionary[iNode + 1]);

                // Create new Beam3D section and element
                var beamSection = new BeamSection3D(area, inertiaY, inertiaZ, torsionalInertia, effectiveAreaY, effectiveAreaZ);
                var beam        = new Beam3DCorotationalQuaternion(elementNodes, material, 7.85, beamSection);

                // Create elements
                var element = new Element()
                    ID          = iElem + 1,
                    ElementType = beam

                // Add nodes to the created element
                element.AddNode(model.NodesDictionary[iNode + 1]);

                var a = beam.StiffnessMatrix(element);
                //var writer = new FullMatrixWriter();
                //writer.WriteToFile(a, output);

                // Add beam element to the element and subdomains dictionary of the model
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(element.ID, element);

            // Add nodal load values at the top nodes of the model
            model.Loads.Add(new Load()
                Amount = nodalLoad, Node = model.NodesDictionary[monitorNode], DOF = StructuralDof.TranslationY

            // Solver
            var     solverBuilder = new SkylineSolver.Builder();
            ISolver solver        = solverBuilder.BuildSolver(model);

            // Problem type
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Analyzers
            int increments           = 10;
            var childAnalyzerBuilder = new LoadControlAnalyzer.Builder(model, solver, provider, increments);

            childAnalyzerBuilder.ResidualTolerance = 1E-3;
            //childAnalyzerBuilder.SubdomainUpdaters = new[] { new NonLinearSubdomainUpdater(model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID]) }; // This is the default
            LoadControlAnalyzer childAnalyzer = childAnalyzerBuilder.Build();
            var parentAnalyzer = new StaticAnalyzer(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer);

            // Request output
            childAnalyzer.LogFactories[1] = new LinearAnalyzerLogFactory(new int[] { 7 });


            // Check output
            DOFSLog log = (DOFSLog)childAnalyzer.Logs[1][0]; //There is a list of logs for each subdomain and we want the first one

            Assert.Equal(148.936792350562, log.DOFValues[7], 2);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static void MakeBeamBuilding(Model model, double startX, double startY, double startZ, double beamWidth, double beamHeight,
                                            int startNodeID, int startElementID, int subdomainID, int floors, bool isInHexaSoil, bool hasPiles)
            const int nodesPerFloor = 18;

            int nodeID = startNodeID;

            // Construct node structure
            if (!isInHexaSoil)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                            ID = nodeID, X = startX + k * beamWidth, Y = startY, Z = startZ + j * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 2 * beamWidth, Y = startY, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 3 * beamWidth, Y = startY, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 4 * beamWidth, Y = startY, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth

            for (int i = 1; i <= floors; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                        model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                            ID = nodeID, X = startX + k * beamWidth, Y = startY + i * beamHeight, Z = startZ + j * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 2 * beamWidth, Y = startY + i * beamHeight, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 3 * beamWidth, Y = startY + i * beamHeight, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth
                model.NodesDictionary.Add(nodeID, new Node()
                    ID = nodeID, X = startX + 4 * beamWidth, Y = startY + i * beamHeight, Z = startZ + 3 * beamWidth
            List <Node>       groundNodes = new List <Node>();
            int               elementID   = startElementID;
            Element           e;
            int               fibers   = 400;
            double            b        = 0.3;
            double            h        = 0.1;
            ElasticMaterial3D material = new ElasticMaterial3D()
                YoungModulus = 2.1e5,
                PoissonRatio = 0.35,

            if (isInHexaSoil)
                List <Node> sub1Nodes = new List <Node>();
                List <Node> sub2Nodes = new List <Node>();
                // Get ground and sub nodes
                for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerFloor; i++)
                    groundNodes.Add(GetNodeUnderNode(model, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i]));
                    sub1Nodes.Add(GetNodeUnderNode(model, groundNodes[i]));
                    sub2Nodes.Add(GetNodeUnderNode(model, sub1Nodes[i]));

                if (hasPiles)
                    // Create sub2 piles
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerFloor; i++)
                        Node[] sub1AdjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(model, sub1Nodes[i]);
                        Node[] sub2AdjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(model, sub2Nodes[i]);
                        e = new Element()
                            ID = elementID, ElementType = new Beam3D(material, sub2AdjacentNodes, sub1AdjacentNodes)
                                Density          = 7.85,
                                SectionArea      = b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(sub2Nodes[i].ID, sub2Nodes[i]);
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(sub1Nodes[i].ID, sub1Nodes[i]);
                        foreach (Node node in sub2AdjacentNodes)
                            e.NodesDictionary.Add(node.ID, node);
                        foreach (Node node in sub1AdjacentNodes)
                            e.NodesDictionary.Add(node.ID, node);
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                        model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                    // Create sub1 piles
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerFloor; i++)
                        Node[] sub1AdjacentNodes   = GetAdjacentNodes(model, sub1Nodes[i]);
                        Node[] groundAdjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(model, groundNodes[i]);
                        e = new Element()
                            ID          = elementID,
                            ElementType = new Beam3D(material, sub1AdjacentNodes, groundAdjacentNodes)
                                Density          = 7.85,
                                SectionArea      = b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(sub1Nodes[i].ID, sub1Nodes[i]);
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(groundNodes[i].ID, groundNodes[i]);
                        foreach (Node node in sub1AdjacentNodes)
                            e.NodesDictionary.Add(node.ID, node);
                        foreach (Node node in groundAdjacentNodes)
                            e.NodesDictionary.Add(node.ID, node);
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                        model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerFloor; i++)
                    groundNodes.Add(model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i]);
                startNodeID += nodesPerFloor;

            // Create ground-to-1st-floor beams
            for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerFloor; i++)
                Node[] groundAdjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(model, groundNodes[i]);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, isInHexaSoil ? groundAdjacentNodes : null, null)
                        Density          = 7.85,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(groundNodes[i].ID, groundNodes[i]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i]);
                if (isInHexaSoil)
                    foreach (Node node in groundAdjacentNodes)
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(node.ID, node);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);

            for (int i = 0; i < floors; i++)
                double dens = i == floors - 1 ? 10 : 7.85;
                // Horizontal elements
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        e = new Element()
                            ID          = elementID,
                            ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                                Density          = dens,
                                SectionArea      = b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j * 5 + k, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j * 5 + k]);
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j * 5 + k + 1, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j * 5 + k + 1]);
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                        model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                        Density          = dens,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 1, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 1]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                        Density          = dens,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 1, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 1]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 2, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 3 * 5 + 2]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                // Vertical elements
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        e = new Element()
                            ID          = elementID,
                            ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                                Density          = dens,
                                SectionArea      = b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                                MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + k * 5 + j, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + k * 5 + j]);
                        e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + (k + 1) * 5 + j, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + (k + 1) * 5 + j]);
                        model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                        model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                        Density          = dens,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 2, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 2]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 5, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 5]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                        Density          = dens,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 3, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 3]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 6, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 6]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                e = new Element()
                    ID          = elementID,
                    ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                        Density          = dens,
                        SectionArea      = b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                        MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 4, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 4]);
                e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 7, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + 2 * 5 + 7]);
                model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                // Floor-to-floor beams
                if (i == floors - 1)
                for (int j = 0; j < nodesPerFloor; j++)
                    e = new Element()
                        ID          = elementID,
                        ElementType = new Beam3D(material, null, null)
                            Density          = dens,
                            SectionArea      = b * h,
                            MomentOfInertiaY = b * b * b * h,
                            MomentOfInertiaZ = b * h * h * h,
                    e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + i * nodesPerFloor + j]);
                    e.NodesDictionary.Add(startNodeID + (i + 1) * nodesPerFloor + j, model.NodesDictionary[startNodeID + (i + 1) * nodesPerFloor + j]);
                    model.ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);
                    model.SubdomainsDictionary[subdomainID].ElementsDictionary.Add(e.ID, e);