Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void Process_AddLibraryItem()
        PermissionData security_data;
        //Dim folder_data As FolderData
        LibraryConfigData lib_setting_data;
        Collection pagedata;
        string strOperation = "";
        string strLibType = "";
        string strContentId = "";
        long CurrentUserID = 0;
        Ektron.Cms.Library.EkLibrary m_refLibrary;
        string FileName = "";
        string NewFilename = "";
        string MediaPath = "";
        string Extensions = "";
           string[] FilenameArray;
        bool ret = false;
        bool uploadok = false;
          string[] ExtensionArray; //, gtLibraries
           int iLoop;
        bool bThumbnail = true;
        object szPhysicalPath; // ,ThumbLBString
           string actErrorString;

        CurrentUserID = _ContentApi.UserId;
        m_refLibrary = _ContentApi.EkLibraryRef;

        Ektron.Cms.DataIO.EkLibraryRW dataLibObj;
        dataLibObj = new Ektron.Cms.DataIO.EkContentRW(_ContentApi.RequestInformationRef);
        Collection cItemInfo = new Collection();

            if ((_Type == "images") || (_Type == "files"))

                int fileLength = frm_filename.PostedFile.ContentLength;
                byte[] fileData = new byte[fileLength];
                frm_filename.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, fileLength);
                Stream stream = new MemoryStream(fileData);
                if (EkFunctions.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(frm_filename.PostedFile.FileName)))
                    if (!EkFunctions.isImageStreamValid(stream))
                        throw new Exception("The image is corrupted or not in correct format.");

                _FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["frm_folder_id"]);
                strLibType = Request.Form["frm_libtype"];
                strOperation = Request.Form["frm_operation"];
                FileName = (string)(frm_filename.PostedFile.FileName.Substring((frm_filename.PostedFile.FileName).LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));
                FileName = FileName.Replace("%", "");
                lib_setting_data = _ContentApi.GetLibrarySettings(_FolderId);
                security_data = _ContentApi.LoadPermissions(_FolderId, "folder", 0);
                strContentId = Request.Form["frm_content_id"];
                pagedata = new Collection();
                pagedata.Add(_FolderId, "ParentID", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_library_id"], "LibraryID", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(strLibType, "LibraryType", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_title"], "LibraryTitle", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(strContentId, "ContentID", null, null);
                NewFilename = Strings.Trim(Request.Form["frm_oldfilename"]);

                if (((strOperation.ToLower() != "overwrite") && (((security_data.CanAddToImageLib) && (strLibType == "images")) || ((security_data.CanAddToFileLib) && (strLibType == "files")) || ((security_data.CanAddToHyperlinkLib) && (strLibType == "hyperlinks")) || ((security_data.CanAddToQuicklinkLib) && (strLibType == "quicklinks")))) || ((security_data.CanOverwriteLib) && (strOperation.ToLower() == "overwrite")))
                    pagedata.Add(CurrentUserID, "UserID", null, null);
                    FilenameArray = FileName.Split('.');
                    if (strLibType == "images")
                        Extensions = lib_setting_data.ImageExtensions;
                        MediaPath = lib_setting_data.ImageDirectory;
                        Extensions = lib_setting_data.FileExtensions;
                        MediaPath = lib_setting_data.FileDirectory;
                    if ((FilenameArray.Length - 1) >= 1)
                        ExtensionArray = Extensions.Split(',');
                        for (iLoop = 0; iLoop <= (ExtensionArray.Length - 1); iLoop++)
                            if (Strings.LCase(FilenameArray[FilenameArray.Length - 1]).Trim() == Strings.LCase((string)(ExtensionArray[iLoop])).Trim())
                                uploadok = true;
                        if (uploadok == true)
                            if (strOperation.ToLower() == "overwrite")
                                pagedata.Add("OverwriteLib", "UpdateLibData", null, null);
                                strOperation = "overwrite";
                                strOperation = "makeunique";

                            szPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(MediaPath);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(szPhysicalPath.ToString()))

                            if (strOperation == "overwrite")
                                actErrorString = NewFilename;
                                actErrorString = FileName;

                            string strTmpFilename;
                            string strTmpFileExtn;
                            int iUnqueNameIdentifier =0 ;
                            FileInfo CheckFile;
                            actErrorString = Strings.Replace(actErrorString.ToString(), "/", "\\", 1, -1, 0);
                            string[] st = Strings.Split(actErrorString.ToString(), "\\", -1, 0);
                            strTmpFilename = st[st.Length-1];
                            if ((Strings.Right(szPhysicalPath.ToString(), 1) != "\\"))
                                szPhysicalPath = szPhysicalPath + "\\";

                            actErrorString = strTmpFilename;
                            strTmpFileExtn = actErrorString.Substring(actErrorString.LastIndexOf("."));
                            strTmpFilename = Strings.Replace(actErrorString.ToString(), strTmpFileExtn.ToString(), "", 1, -1, 0);
                            if (strOperation == "makeunique")
                                CheckFile = new FileInfo(szPhysicalPath + actErrorString);
                                if (CheckFile.Exists)
                                    while (CheckFile.Exists)
                                        iUnqueNameIdentifier = iUnqueNameIdentifier + 1;
                                        actErrorString = strTmpFilename + "(" + iUnqueNameIdentifier + ")" + strTmpFileExtn;
                                        CheckFile = new FileInfo(szPhysicalPath + actErrorString);

                            if (!Directory.Exists(szPhysicalPath.ToString()))

                                if ((strOperation.ToLower() != "overwrite") && (strLibType == "images" || strLibType == "files"))
                                    cItemInfo = dataLibObj.GetChildLibraryItemByTitlev2_0(Convert.ToString( Request.Form["frm_title"]), _FolderId, strLibType,Convert.ToInt32( EkEnumeration.CMSContentType.LibraryItem));
                                    if ((cItemInfo.Count > 0) && (Convert.ToInt32( cItemInfo["ContentLanguage"]) == _ContentApi.RequestInformationRef.ContentLanguage))
                                        Utilities.ShowError(_MessageHelper.GetMessage("com: library entry already exists"));
                            catch (Exception)


                            frm_filename.PostedFile.SaveAs(szPhysicalPath + actErrorString);

                            if (strLibType == "images")
                                    Utilities.ProcessThumbnail(Server.MapPath(MediaPath), actErrorString.ToString());
                                catch (Exception)
                                    bThumbnail = false;
                                bThumbnail = false;
                            //----------------- Load Balance ------------------------------------------------------
                            LoadBalanceData[] loadbalance_data;
                            int i = 0;
                            loadbalance_data = _ContentApi.GetAllLoadBalancePathsExtn(_FolderId, strLibType);
                            if (!(loadbalance_data == null))
                                for (i = 0; i <= loadbalance_data.Length - 1; i++)
                                    szPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(loadbalance_data[i].Path);
                                    if ((Strings.Right(szPhysicalPath.ToString(), 1) != "\\"))
                                        szPhysicalPath = szPhysicalPath + "\\";
                                    frm_filename.PostedFile.SaveAs(szPhysicalPath + actErrorString);
                                    if (bThumbnail)
                                        Utilities.ProcessThumbnail(szPhysicalPath.ToString(), actErrorString.ToString());

                            pagedata.Add(MediaPath + actErrorString, "LibraryFilename", null, null);
                            throw (new Exception(_MessageHelper.GetMessage("error: invalid extension")));
                        throw (new Exception(_MessageHelper.GetMessage("error: invalid extension")));
                    throw (new Exception(_MessageHelper.GetMessage("com: user does not have permission")));
                pagedata = new Collection();
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_folder_id"], "ParentID", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_libtype"], "LibraryType", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_title"], "LibraryTitle", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_filename"], "LibraryFilename", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(Request.Form["frm_content_id"], "ContentID", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(_ContentLanguage, "ContentLanguage", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(CurrentUserID, "UserID", null, null);
            if (_Type != "quicklinks" && _Type != "forms")
                pagedata.Add(GetFormTeaserData(), "ContentTeaser", null, null);
                pagedata.Add(CollectMetaField(), "ContentMetadata", null, null);

            //Adding the Taxonomy category info
            if ((Request.Form["TaxonomyOverrideId"] != null) && Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["TaxonomyOverrideId"]) != 0)
                TaxonomyOverrideId = Convert.ToInt64( Request.Form["TaxonomyOverrideId"]);
                TaxonomyTreeIdList = Convert.ToString( TaxonomyOverrideId);

            if ((Request.Form[taxonomyselectedtree.UniqueID] != null) && Request.Form[taxonomyselectedtree.UniqueID] != "")
                TaxonomyTreeIdList = Request.Form[taxonomyselectedtree.UniqueID];
                if (TaxonomyTreeIdList.Trim().EndsWith(","))
                    TaxonomyTreeIdList = TaxonomyTreeIdList.Substring(0, TaxonomyTreeIdList.Length - 1);
            if (TaxonomyTreeIdList.Trim() == string.Empty && TaxonomySelectId > 0)
                TaxonomyTreeIdList = Convert.ToString( TaxonomySelectId);
            pagedata.Add(TaxonomyTreeIdList, "Taxonomy", null, null);

            if (strOperation == "overwrite")
                ret = m_refLibrary.UpdateLibraryItemByIDv2_0(pagedata, 0, -1);
                FolderData folder_data = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(_FolderId);
                if (folder_data.FolderType == Convert.ToInt32( EkEnumeration.FolderType.Catalog))
                    LibraryData library_data = null;
                    library_data = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID(_Id, _FolderId);
                    FileName = library_data.FileName.Substring(System.Convert.ToInt32((library_data.FileName).LastIndexOf("/") + 1));
                    Ektron.Cms.Commerce.ProductTypeData productTypeData = new Ektron.Cms.Commerce.ProductTypeData();
                    Ektron.Cms.Commerce.ProductType productType = new Ektron.Cms.Commerce.ProductType(_ContentApi.RequestInformationRef);
                    long xmlConfigurationId = folder_data.XmlConfiguration[0].Id;

                    productTypeData = productType.GetItem(xmlConfigurationId);
                    szPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(MediaPath);

                    if (productTypeData.DefaultThumbnails.Count > 0)
                        EkFileIO thumbnailCreator = new EkFileIO();
                        bool thumbnailResult = false;
                        string sourceFile = (string)(szPhysicalPath + FileName);
                        foreach (ThumbnailDefaultData thumbnail in productTypeData.DefaultThumbnails)
                            string fileNameNoExtension = FileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName), "");
                            string fileNameExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName);
                            string thumbnailFile = (string)(szPhysicalPath + "\\" + fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title + fileNameExtension);
                            thumbnailResult = thumbnailCreator.CreateThumbnail(sourceFile, thumbnailFile, thumbnail.Width, thumbnail.Height);
                    LibraryData librarydata = new LibraryData();
                    int iThumbnail = 0;
                    if (productTypeData.DefaultThumbnails.Count > 0)
                        string sourceFile = (string)(szPhysicalPath + FileName);
                        foreach (ThumbnailDefaultData thumbnail in productTypeData.DefaultThumbnails)
                            string fileNameNoExtension = FileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName), "");
                            string fileNameExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName);
                            string thumbnailPath = library_data.FileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(library_data.FileName), "");
                            string thumbnailFile = fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title + fileNameExtension;
                            NewFilename = Strings.Trim(Request.Form["frm_oldfilename"]);

                            librarydata =  new LibraryData();
                            librarydata.Type = "images";
                            librarydata.FileName = thumbnailPath + thumbnailFile;
                            librarydata.Title = library_data.Title + thumbnail.Title;
                            librarydata.ParentId = _FolderId;
                            librarydata.Id = _Id + iThumbnail;
                            actErrorString = NewFilename;

                            Collection ThumbnailData = new Collection();
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.ParentId, "ParentID", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.Id, "LibraryID", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.Type, "LibraryType", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.Title, "LibraryTitle", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(strContentId, "ContentID", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(CurrentUserID, "UserID", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add("OverwriteLib", "UpdateLibData", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.FileName, "LibraryFilename", null, null);
                            ThumbnailData.Add(librarydata.OriginalLibraryId, "OriginalLibraryId", null, null);


                if (_ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES)
                    _ContentApi.ContentLanguage = _ContentApi.DefaultContentLanguage;
                ret = m_refLibrary.AddLibraryItemv2_0(pagedata, 0);

                // process tag info
                ProcessTags(Convert.ToInt64( pagedata["LibraryID"]), _ContentApi.ContentLanguage);

            if (strOperation.ToLower() == "overwrite")
                Response.Redirect("library.aspx?LangType=" + _ContentLanguage + "&action=ViewLibraryItem&id=" + pagedata["LibraryID"] + "&parent_id=" + pagedata["ParentID"] + "&reload=true", false);
                Response.Redirect((string)("library.aspx?LangType=" + _ContentLanguage + "&action=ViewLibraryByCategory&id=" + _FolderId + "&type=" + strLibType), false);
        catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                _ImageId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["imageId"]);
                _ProductTypeData = _ProductType.GetItem(long.Parse(Request.QueryString["productTypeId"]));

                LibraryData imageData = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID_UnAuth(_ImageId);
                FolderData folderData = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(imageData.ParentId);

                if (folderData.PrivateContent == false)
                    string uploadImagePath = _ContentApi.GetPathByFolderID(_ProductData.Id);

                    //Dim sPhysicalPath As String = Server.MapPath(sWebPath)

                    string sFileName = imageData.FileName.Substring(System.Convert.ToInt32(imageData.FileName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1), System.Convert.ToInt32((imageData.FileName.Length - 1) - imageData.FileName.LastIndexOf("/")));
                    string sWebPath = imageData.FileName.Replace(sFileName, string.Empty);
                    sWebPath = sWebPath.Replace("//", "/");
                    string sPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(imageData.FileName.Replace(sFileName, ""));

                    //Begins: Generate thumbnails. Generates thumbnails for various pixes sizes.
                    if (_ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails.Count > 0)
                        EkFileIO thumbnailCreator = new EkFileIO();
                        bool thumbnailResult = false;
                        //Dim sourceFile As String = Server.MapPath(_LibraryConfigData.ImageDirectory) & sFileName
                        string sourceFile = Server.MapPath(imageData.FileName);
                        foreach (ThumbnailDefaultData thumbnail in _ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails)
                            string fileNameNoExtension = sFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName), "");
                            string fileNameExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName);
                            string thumbnailFile = sPhysicalPath + "\\" + "thumb_" + fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension;
                            thumbnailResult = thumbnailCreator.CreateThumbnail(sourceFile, thumbnailFile, thumbnail.Width, thumbnail.Height);

                            //766 load balancing handled by service - no code needed for load balancing

                            _Thumbnails.Add(new ThumbnailData((string) ("thumb_" + fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension), (string) (sWebPath.TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()) + "/"), fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension, fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension));
                    //Ends : Generate Thumbnails.

                    System.Drawing.Bitmap libraryImage;
                    string libraryPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(_LibraryConfigData.ImageDirectory);
                    libraryImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Server.MapPath(imageData.FileName));

                    // Add media image
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "  var newImageObj = {" + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      id: \"" + imageData.Id.ToString() + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      title: \"" + imageData.Title + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      altText: \"" + imageData.Title + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      path: \"" + imageData.FileName.Replace("//", "/") + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      width:" + libraryImage.Width + "," + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "      height:" + libraryImage.Height;

                    int i = 0;
                    if (_Thumbnails.Count > 0)
                        string sourceFile = sPhysicalPath + sFileName;
                        this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "," + Environment.NewLine;
                        this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "     Thumbnails: [" + Environment.NewLine;
                        for (i = 0; i <= _Thumbnails.Count - 1; i++)
                            this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "         {";
                            this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "             title: \"" + _Thumbnails[i].Title + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                            this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "             imageName: \"" + _Thumbnails[i].ImageName + "\"," + Environment.NewLine;
                            this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "             path: \"" + _Thumbnails[i].Path + "\"" + Environment.NewLine;
                            this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "         }";
                            if (i != _Thumbnails.Count - 1)
                                this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "," + Environment.NewLine;
                        this.litAddMediaJS.Text += Environment.NewLine + "] " + Environment.NewLine;

                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "}" + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "parent.CommerceMediaTabAddLibraryImage(newImageObj);";
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "</script>";


                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + Environment.NewLine;
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "alert(\'Images in this folder are private and cannot be added to a catalog\');";
                    this.litAddMediaJS.Text += "</script>";


            catch (Exception ex)
                string reason = ex.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string parentId = "";
                if ((Request.QueryString["catalogid"] != null)&& Request.QueryString["catalogid"] != "")
                    parentId = Request.QueryString["catalogid"];

                if (txtTitle.Text.IndexOfAny(new char[]{'<','>'}) > -1)
                    throw (new Ektron.Cms.Exceptions.SpecialCharactersException());
                if (txtAlt.Text.IndexOfAny(new char[]{'<', '>'}) > -1)
                    throw (new Ektron.Cms.Exceptions.SpecialCharactersException());


                    if (!(fuImage.PostedFile == null))
                        // file was sent
                        HttpPostedFile myFile = fuImage.PostedFile;
                        string sFileExt = "";

                        // Get and check size of uploaded file
                        int nFileLen = myFile.ContentLength;

                        //get and check name and extension
                        string sFileName = myFile.FileName;

                        string sShortName = "";
                        sFileName = sFileName.Replace("%", "");
                        if (sFileName.IndexOf("\\") > -1)
                            string[] aFilename = sFileName.Split('\\');
                            // take the very last one
                            if (aFilename.Length > 0)
                                sFileName = aFilename[aFilename.Length - 1];

                        //make safe
                        sFileName = sFileName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("\'", "");

                        string[] aFileExt = sFileName.Split('.');
                        if (aFileExt.Length > 1)
                            sFileExt = (string) (aFileExt[(aFileExt.Length - 1)].Trim().ToLower()); //use the LAASSTT one.
                            if (sFileExt == "tif" || sFileExt == "bmp")
                                throw (new Exception("The extension \"" + sFileExt + "\" is not allowed."));
                            sShortName = sFileName.Substring(0, System.Convert.ToInt32(sFileName.Length - (sFileExt.Length + 1)));
                            throw (new Exception("The extension \"" + sFileExt + "\" is not allowed."));

                        if (aFileExt.Length > 0)
                            bool bGo = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i <= (aFileExt.Length - 1); i++)
                                if (sFileExt == aFileExt[i].Trim().ToLower())
                                    bGo = true;
                            if (bGo == false)
                                throw (new Exception("The extension \"" + sFileExt + "\" is not allowed."));
                            throw (new Exception("The extension \"" + sFileExt + "\" is not allowed."));

                        // Allocate a buffer for reading of the file
                        byte[] myData = new byte[nFileLen + 1];

                        // Read uploaded file from the Stream
                        myFile.InputStream.Read(myData, 0, nFileLen);

                        //check for existence of file.
                        FileInfo CheckFile;
                        int iUnqueNameIdentifier = 0;
                        string uploadImagePath = _ContentApi.GetPathByFolderID(Convert.ToInt64(parentId));
                        string sWebPath = (string) (lib_settings_data.ImageDirectory.TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()) + uploadImagePath.Replace("\\", "/") .Replace(" ", "_") .Replace(".", "") .TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()));
                        string sPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(sWebPath);

                        if (! Directory.Exists(sPhysicalPath))

                        CheckFile = new FileInfo(sPhysicalPath + "\\" + sFileName);
                        if (CheckFile.Exists)
                            while (CheckFile.Exists)
                                sFileName = sShortName + "(" + iUnqueNameIdentifier + ")." + sFileExt;
                                CheckFile = new FileInfo(sPhysicalPath + sFileName);

                        WriteToFile(sPhysicalPath + "\\" + sFileName, myData);
                        Utilities.ProcessThumbnail(sPhysicalPath, sFileName);

                        //Begins: Generate thumbnails. Generates thumbnails for various pixes sizes.
                        if (_ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails.Count > 0)
                            EkFileIO thumbnailCreator = new EkFileIO();
                            bool thumbnailResult = false;
                            string sourceFile = sPhysicalPath + "\\" + sFileName;
                            foreach (ThumbnailDefaultData thumbnail in _ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails)
                                string fileNameNoExtension = sFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName), "");
                                string fileNameExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName);
                                string thumbnailFile = sPhysicalPath + "\\" + "thumb_" + fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension;
                                thumbnailResult = thumbnailCreator.CreateThumbnail(sourceFile, thumbnailFile, thumbnail.Width, thumbnail.Height);

                                //766 load balancing handled by service - no code needed for load balancing

                                _Thumbnails.Add(new ThumbnailData((string) ("thumb_" + fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension), (string) (sWebPath.TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()) + "/"), fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension, fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension));
                        //Ends : Generate Thumbnails.

                        //upload this file to library.
                        LibraryData librarydata = new LibraryData();
                        long libraryId = 0;
                        librarydata.FileName = (string) ((sWebPath.Replace("/\\", "\\") + "/" + sFileName).Replace(" ", "_"));
                        librarydata.Type = "images";
                        if (txtTitle.Text == "")
                            librarydata.Title = sShortName;
                            librarydata.Title = (string) txtTitle.Text;
                        librarydata.ParentId = Convert.ToInt64(parentId);
                        libraryId = _ContentApi.AddLibraryItem(ref librarydata);

                        LibraryData retLibraryData = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID(libraryId, Convert.ToInt64(parentId));

                        //Uploading image to libray ends.
                        System.Drawing.Bitmap imageUpload;
                        imageUpload = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(sPhysicalPath + "\\" + sFileName);

                        // Add media image
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "var newImageObj = {";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        id: \"" + libraryId.ToString() + "\",";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        title: \"" + retLibraryData.Title + "\",";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        altText: \"" + txtAlt.Text + "\",";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        path: \"" + librarydata.FileName + "\",";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        width:" + imageUpload.Width + ",";
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "        height:" + imageUpload.Height;

                        int x = 0;
                        if (_Thumbnails.Count > 0)
                            string sourceFile = sPhysicalPath + sFileName;
                            ltrAddMediaJS.Text += ",";
                            ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "Thumbnails: [";
                            for (x = 0; x <= _Thumbnails.Count - 1; x++)
                                ThumbnailData thumbnail = _Thumbnails[x];
                                string fileNameNoExtension = sFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName), "");
                                string fileNameExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName);
                                string thumbnailPath = retLibraryData.FileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(retLibraryData.FileName), "");
                                string thumbnailFile = fileNameNoExtension + thumbnail.Title.Replace("[filename]", "") + fileNameExtension;

                                ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "{";
                                ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "     title: \"" + thumbnail.Title + "\",";
                                ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "     imageName: \"" + thumbnail.ImageName + "\",";
                                ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "     path: \"" + thumbnail.Path + "\"";
                                ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "}" + Environment.NewLine;
                                if (x != _Thumbnails.Count - 1)
                                    ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "," + Environment.NewLine;


                            ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "] " + Environment.NewLine;


                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "  }" + Environment.NewLine;
                        ltrAddMediaJS.Text += "parent.Ektron.Commerce.MediaTab.Images.addNewImage(newImageObj);";

                        //766 LOAD BALANCING HANDLED BY SERVICE
                        //'----------------- Load Balance ------------------------------------------------------
                        //Dim loadbalance_data As LoadBalanceData()
                        //loadbalance_data = _ContentApi.GetAllLoadBalancePathsExtn(parentId, "images")
                        //If (Not (IsNothing(loadbalance_data))) Then
                        //    For j As Integer = 0 To loadbalance_data.Length - 1
                        //        sPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(loadbalance_data(j).Path)
                        //        If (Right(sPhysicalPath, 1) <> "\") Then
                        //            sPhysicalPath = sPhysicalPath & "\"
                        //        End If
                        //        WriteToFile(sPhysicalPath & "\" & sFileName, myData)
                        //    Next
                        //    'Begins: Generate thumbnails. Generates thumbnails for various pixes sizes.
                        //    If _ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails.Count > 0 Then
                        //        Dim thumbnailCreator As New EkFileIO
                        //        Dim thumbnailResult As Boolean = False
                        //        Dim sourceFile As String = sPhysicalPath & "\" & sFileName
                        //        For Each thumbnail As ThumbnailDefaultData In _ProductTypeData.DefaultThumbnails
                        //            Dim fileNameNoExtension As String = sFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName), "")
                        //            Dim fileNameExtension As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileName)
                        //            Dim thumbnailFile As String = sPhysicalPath & "\" & fileNameNoExtension & Replace(thumbnail.Title, "[filename]", "") & fileNameExtension
                        //            thumbnailResult = thumbnailCreator.CreateThumbnail(sourceFile, thumbnailFile, thumbnail.Width, thumbnail.Height)
                        //        Next
                        //    End If
                        //    'Ends : Generate Thumbnails.
                        //End If
                        throw (new Exception("No File"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    litError.Text = ex.Message;
                    ltrErrorJS.Text += "justtoggle(document.getElementById(\'dvErrorMessage\'), true);" + Environment.NewLine;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void ProcessThumbnail(string SrcPath, string SrcFile, int Width, int height, int ThumbSize, string prefix)
     string strSrcLoc = "";
     string strDesLoc = "";
     string strExtn = "png";
     bool result = false;
         strSrcLoc = SrcPath + "\\" + SrcFile;
         strExtn = SrcFile.Substring(SrcFile.Length - 3, 3);
         strExtn = strExtn.ToLower();
         if ("gif" == strExtn)
             strExtn = "png";
             if (ThumbSize == 0)
                 strDesLoc = SrcPath + "\\thumb_" + SrcFile.Substring(0, SrcFile.Length - 3) + strExtn;
                 strDesLoc = SrcPath + "\\thumb" + ThumbSize + "_" + SrcFile.Substring(0, SrcFile.Length - 3) + strExtn;
             if (ThumbSize == 0)
                 strDesLoc = SrcPath + "\\thumb_" + SrcFile;
                 strDesLoc = SrcPath + "\\thumb" + ThumbSize + "_" + SrcFile;
         EkFileIO obj = new EkFileIO();
         result = obj.CreateThumbnail(strSrcLoc, strDesLoc, Width, height);
         if (result == false)
             throw (new Exception("<p style=\'background-color:red\'>ERROR Initializing:  </p>"));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw (new Exception(ex.Message));