Ejemplo n.º 1
         * <p>
         * Used to retrieve real valued eigenvectors.  If an eigenvector is associated with a complex eigenvalue
         * then null is returned instead.
         * </p>
         * @param index Index of the eigenvalue eigenvector pair.
         * @return If the associated eigenvalue is real then an eigenvector is returned, null otherwise.
        public SimpleBase <T> getEigenVector(int index)
            T v = eig.getEigenVector(index);

            if (v == null)
            return(SimpleMatrix <T> .wrap(v));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /** Revises the CMA-ES distribution to reflect the current fitness results in the provided subpopulation. */
        public void UpdateDistribution(IEvolutionState state, Subpopulation subpop)
            // % Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean
            // [arfitness, arindex] = sort(arfitness); % minimization
            // xmean = arx(:,arindex(1:mu))*weights;   % recombination            % Eq.39
            // counteval += lambda;

            // only need partial sort?
            ((List <Individual>)subpop.Individuals).Sort();

            SimpleMatrixD artmp = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, mu);
            SimpleMatrixD xold  = xmean;

            xmean = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                DoubleVectorIndividual dvind = (DoubleVectorIndividual)subpop.Individuals[i];

                // won't modify the genome
                SimpleMatrixD arz = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, 1, true, dvind.genome);
                arz = (arz.minus(xold).divide(sigma));

                for (int j = 0; j < GenomeSize; j++)
                    xmean.set(j, 0, xmean.get(j, 0) + weights[i] * dvind.genome[j]);
                    artmp.set(j, i, arz.get(j, 0));

            // % Cumulation: Update evolution paths

            SimpleMatrixD y         = xmean.minus(xold).divide(sigma);
            SimpleMatrixD bz        = invsqrtC.mult(y);
            SimpleMatrixD bz_scaled = bz.scale(Math.Sqrt(cs * (2.0 - cs) * mueff));

            ps = ps.scale(1.0 - cs).plus(bz_scaled);

            double h_sigma_value =
                ((ps.dot(ps) / (1.0 - Math.Pow(1.0 - cs, 2.0 * (state.Generation + 1)))) / GenomeSize);
            int hsig = (h_sigma_value < (2.0 + (4.0 / (GenomeSize + 1)))) ? 1 : 0;

            SimpleMatrixD y_scaled = y.scale(hsig * Math.Sqrt(cc * (2.0 - cc) * mueff));

            pc = pc.scale(1.0 - cc).plus(y_scaled);

            // % Adapt covariance matrix C
            c = c.scale(1.0 - c1 - cmu);
            c = c.plus(pc.mult(pc.transpose()).plus(c.scale((1.0 - hsig) * cc * (2.0 - cc))).scale(c1));
            c = c.plus((artmp.mult(SimpleMatrixD.diag(weights).mult(artmp.transpose()))).scale(cmu));

            // % Adapt step-size sigma
            sigma = sigma * Math.Exp((cs / damps) * (ps.normF() / chiN - 1.0));

            // % Update B and D from C
            if ((state.Generation - lastEigenDecompositionGeneration) > 1.0 / ((c1 + cmu) * GenomeSize * 10.0))
                lastEigenDecompositionGeneration = state.Generation;

                // make sure the matrix is symmetric (it should be already)
                // not sure if this is necessary
                for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        c.set(j, i, c.get(i, j));

                // this copy gets modified by the decomposition
                DMatrixRMaj copy = c.copy().getMatrix();
                EigenDecomposition <DMatrixRMaj> eig = DecompositionFactory_DDRM.eig(GenomeSize, true, true);
                if (eig.decompose(copy))
                    SimpleMatrixD dinv = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, GenomeSize);
                    for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                        double eigrt = Math.Sqrt(eig.getEigenValue(i).real);
                        d.set(i, i, eigrt);
                        dinv.set(i, i, 1 / eigrt);
                        CommonOps_DDRM.insert(eig.getEigenVector(i), b.getMatrix(), 0, i);

                    invsqrtC = b.mult(dinv.mult(b.transpose()));
                    CommonOps_DDRM.mult(b.getMatrix(), d.getMatrix(), bd);
                    state.Output.Fatal("CMA-ES eigendecomposition failed. ");

            CommonOps_DDRM.scale(sigma, bd, sbd);

            // % Break, if fitness is good enough or condition exceeds 1e14, better termination methods are advisable
            // if arfitness(1) <= stopfitness || max(D) > 1e7 * min(D)
            //   break;
            // end
            if (useAltTermination && CommonOps_DDRM.elementMax(d.diag().getMatrix()) >
                1e7 * CommonOps_DDRM.elementMin(d.diag().getMatrix()))
                state.Evaluator.SetRunCompleted("CMAESSpecies: Stopped because matrix condition exceeded limit.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase)
            base.Setup(state, paramBase);
            IMersenneTwister random = state.Random[0];

            IParameter def = DefaultBase;

            IParameter subpopBase        = paramBase.Pop();
            IParameter subpopDefaultBase = ECDefaults.ParamBase.Push(Subpopulation.P_SUBPOPULATION);

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_SIGMA), def.Push(P_SIGMA)))
                state.Output.Message("CMA-ES sigma was not provided, defaulting to 1.0");
                sigma = 1.0;
                sigma = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_SIGMA), def.Push(P_SIGMA), 0.0);
                if (sigma <= 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If CMA-ES sigma is provided, it must be > 0.0", paramBase.Push(P_SIGMA),

            double[] cvals = new double[GenomeSize];
            string   covarianceInitialization =
                state.Parameters.GetStringWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_COVARIANCE), def.Push(P_COVARIANCE), V_IDENTITY);
            string covs = "Initial Covariance: <";

            for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    covs += ", ";
                if (covarianceInitialization.Equals(V_SCALED))
                    cvals[i] = (MaxGenes[i] - MinGenes[i]);
                else if (covarianceInitialization.Equals(V_IDENTITY))
                    cvals[i] = 1.0;
                    state.Output.Fatal("Invalid covariance initialization type " + covarianceInitialization,
                                       paramBase.Push(P_COVARIANCE), def.Push(P_COVARIANCE));

                // cvals is standard deviations, so we change them to variances now
                cvals[i] *= cvals[i];
                covs     += cvals[i];
            state.Output.Message(covs + ">");

            // set myself up and define my initial distribution here
            int n = GenomeSize;

            b = SimpleMatrixD.identity(n);
            c = new SimpleMatrixD(CommonOps_DDRM.diag(cvals));

            d        = SimpleMatrixD.identity(n);
            bd       = CommonOps_DDRM.identity(n, n);
            sbd      = CommonOps_DDRM.identity(n, n);
            invsqrtC = SimpleMatrixD.identity(n);

            // Here we do one FIRST round of eigendecomposition, because newIndividual needs
            // a valid version of sbd.  If c is initially the identity matrix (and sigma = 1),
            // then sbd is too, and we're done.  But if c is scaled in any way, we need to compute
            // the proper value of sbd.  Along the way we'll wind up computing b, d, bd, and invsqrtC

            EigenDecomposition <DMatrixRMaj> eig = DecompositionFactory_DDRM.eig(GenomeSize, true, true);

            if (eig.decompose(c.copy().getMatrix()))
                SimpleMatrixD dinv = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, GenomeSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                    double eigrt = Math.Sqrt(eig.getEigenValue(i).real);
                    d.set(i, i, eigrt);
                    dinv.set(i, i, 1 / eigrt);
                    CommonOps_DDRM.insert(eig.getEigenVector(i), b.getMatrix(), 0, i);

                invsqrtC = b.mult(dinv.mult(b.transpose()));
                CommonOps_DDRM.mult(b.getMatrix(), d.getMatrix(), bd);
                state.Output.Fatal("CMA-ES eigendecomposition failed. ");
            CommonOps_DDRM.scale(sigma, bd, sbd);

            // End FIRST round of eigendecomposition

            // Initialize dynamic (internal) strategy parameters and constants
            pc   = new SimpleMatrixD(n, 1);
            ps   = new SimpleMatrixD(n, 1);                        // evolution paths for C and sigma
            chiN = Math.Sqrt(n) *
                   (1.0 - 1.0 / (4.0 * n) + 1.0 / (21.0 * n * n)); // expectation of ||N(0,I)|| == norm(randn(N,1))

            xmean = new SimpleMatrixD(GenomeSize, 1);

            bool   meanSpecified = false;
            string val           = state.Parameters.GetString(paramBase.Push(P_MEAN), def.Push(P_MEAN));

            if (val != null)
                meanSpecified = true;
                if (val.Equals(V_CENTER))
                    for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                        xmean.set(i, 0, (MaxGenes[i] + MinGenes[i]) / 2.0);
                else if (val.Equals(V_ZERO))
                    for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                        xmean.set(i, 0, 0); // it is this anyway
                else if (val.Equals(V_RANDOM))
                    for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                        xmean.set(i, 0,
                                  state.Random[0].NextDouble(true, true) * (MaxGenes[i] - MinGenes[i]) + MinGenes[i]);
                    state.Output.Fatal("Unknown mean value specified: " + val, paramBase.Push(P_MEAN), def.Push(P_MEAN));
                state.Output.Fatal("No default mean value specified.  Loading full mean from parameters.",
                                   paramBase.Push(P_MEAN), def.Push(P_MEAN));

            bool nonDefaultMeanSpecified = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize; i++)
                double m_i = 0;
                    m_i = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_MEAN).Push("" + i), def.Push(P_MEAN).Push("" + i));
                    xmean.set(i, 0, m_i);
                    nonDefaultMeanSpecified = true;
                catch (FormatException e)
                    if (!meanSpecified)
                            "No default mean value was specified, but CMA-ES mean index " + i +
                            " is missing or not a number.", paramBase.Push(P_MEAN).Push("" + i),
                            def.Push(P_MEAN).Push("" + i));

            if (nonDefaultMeanSpecified && meanSpecified)
                state.Output.Warning("A default mean value was specified, but certain mean values were overridden.");

            string mes = "Initial Mean: <";

            for (int i = 0; i < GenomeSize - 1; i++)
                mes = mes + xmean.get(i, 0) + ", ";
            mes = mes + xmean.get(GenomeSize - 1, 0) + ">";

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_LAMBDA), def.Push(P_LAMBDA)))
                lambda = 4 + (int)Math.Floor(3 * Math.Log(n));
                lambda = state.Parameters.GetInt(paramBase.Push(P_LAMBDA), def.Push(P_LAMBDA), 1);
                if (lambda <= 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If the CMA-ES lambda parameter is provided, it must be a valid integer > 0",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_LAMBDA), def.Push(P_LAMBDA));

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_MU), def.Push(P_MU)))
                mu = (int)(Math.Floor(lambda / 2.0));
                mu = state.Parameters.GetInt(paramBase.Push(P_MU), def.Push(P_MU), 1);
                if (mu <= 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If the CMA-ES mu parameter is provided, it must be a valid integer > 0",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_MU), def.Push(P_MU));

            if (mu > lambda) // uh oh
                state.Output.Fatal("CMA-ES mu must be <= lambda.  Presently mu=" + mu + " and lambda=" + lambda);

            weights = new double[mu];
            bool weightsSpecified = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                if (state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i), def.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i)))
                    state.Output.Message("CMA-ES weight index " + i +
                                         " specified.  Loading all weights from parameters.");
                    weightsSpecified = true;

            if (weightsSpecified)
                for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                    double m_i = 0;
                        weights[i] = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i),
                                                                def.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i));
                    catch (FormatException e)
                        state.Output.Error("CMA-ES weight index " + i + " missing or not a number.",
                                           paramBase.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i), def.Push(P_WEIGHTS).Push("" + i));
                for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                    weights[i] = Math.Log((lambda + 1.0) / (2.0 * (i + 1)));

            // normalize
            double sum = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                sum += weights[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                weights[i] /= sum;

            // compute mueff
            double sumSqr = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mu; i++)
                sumSqr += weights[i] * weights[i];
            mueff = 1.0 / sumSqr;

            mes = "Weights: <";
            for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length - 1; i++)
                mes = mes + weights[i] + ", ";
            mes = mes + (weights.Length - 1) + ">";

            useAltTermination = state.Parameters.GetBoolean(paramBase.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_TERMINATION),
                                                            def.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_TERMINATION), false);
            useAltGenerator = state.Parameters.GetBoolean(paramBase.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_GENERATOR),
                                                          def.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_GENERATOR), false);
            altGeneratorTries = state.Parameters.GetIntWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_GENERATOR_TRIES),
                                                                   def.Push(P_ALTERNATIVE_GENERATOR_TRIES), DEFAULT_ALT_GENERATOR_TRIES);
            if (altGeneratorTries < 1)
                    "If specified (the default is " + DEFAULT_ALT_GENERATOR_TRIES +
                    "), alt-generation-tries must be >= 1",

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_CC), def.Push(P_CC)))
                cc = (4.0 + mueff / n) / (n + 4.0 + 2.0 * mueff / n); // time constant for cumulation for C
                cc = state.Parameters.GetDoubleWithMax(paramBase.Push(P_CC), def.Push(P_CC), 0.0, 1.0);
                if (cc < 0.0)
                        "If the CMA-ES cc parameter is provided, it must be a valid number in the range [0,1]",
                        paramBase.Push(P_CC), def.Push(P_CC));

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_CS), def.Push(P_CS)))
                cs = (mueff + 2.0) / (n + mueff + 5.0); // t-const for cumulation for sigma control
                cs = state.Parameters.GetDoubleWithMax(paramBase.Push(P_CS), def.Push(P_CS), 0.0, 1.0);
                if (cs < 0.0)
                        "If the CMA-ES cs parameter is provided, it must be a valid number in the range [0,1]",
                        paramBase.Push(P_CS), def.Push(P_CS));

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_C1), def.Push(P_C1)))
                c1 = 2.0 / ((n + 1.3) * (n + 1.3) + mueff); // learning rate for rank-one update of C
                c1 = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_C1), def.Push(P_C1), 0.0);
                if (c1 < 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If the CMA-ES c1 parameter is provided, it must be a valid number >= 0.0",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_C1), def.Push(P_C1));

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_CMU), def.Push(P_CMU)))
                cmu = Math.Min(1.0 - c1, 2.0 * (mueff - 2.0 + 1.0 / mueff) / ((n + 2.0) * (n + 2.0) + mueff));
                cmu = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_CMU), def.Push(P_CMU), 0.0);
                if (cmu < 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If the CMA-ES cmu parameter is provided, it must be a valid number >= 0.0",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_CMU), def.Push(P_CMU));

            if (c1 > (1 - cmu)) // uh oh
                state.Output.Fatal("CMA-ES c1 must be <= 1 - cmu.  You are using c1=" + c1 + " and cmu=" + cmu);
            if (cmu > (1 - c1)) // uh oh
                state.Output.Fatal("CMA-ES cmu must be <= 1 - c1.  You are using cmu=" + cmu + " and c1=" + c1);

            if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_DAMPS), def.Push(P_DAMPS)))
                damps = 1.0 + 2.0 * Math.Max(0.0, Math.Sqrt((mueff - 1.0) / (n + 1.0)) - 1.0) + cs; // damping for sigma
                damps = state.Parameters.GetDouble(paramBase.Push(P_DAMPS), def.Push(P_DAMPS), 0.0);
                if (damps <= 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If the CMA-ES damps parameter is provided, it must be a valid number > 0.0",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_DAMPS), def.Push(P_DAMPS));

            double damps_min = 0.5;
            double damps_max = 2.0;

            if (damps > damps_max || damps < damps_min)
                state.Output.Warning("CMA-ES damps ought to be close to 1.  You are using damps = " + damps);

            state.Output.Message("lambda: " + lambda);
            state.Output.Message("mu:     " + mu);
            state.Output.Message("mueff:  " + mueff);
            state.Output.Message("cmu:    " + cmu);
            state.Output.Message("c1:     " + c1);
            state.Output.Message("cc:     " + cc);
            state.Output.Message("cs:     " + cs);
            state.Output.Message("damps:  " + damps);