Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Decrease the cool down time because when coolDownTimeTicks == 0,
            // the gun is allowed to fire
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            if (coolDownTimeTicks > 0)
                coolDownTimeTicks -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            // If the shoot key is pressed or the Xbox trigger is pulled
            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            if (InputHandler.KeyDown(shootKey) || InputHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.RightTrigger, owner.PlayerIndex) ||
                owner.GetType() == typeof(ComputerPlayer))
                // Only shoot if the gun is cooled down
                if (coolDownTimeTicks < 0)
                    OnTrigger(owner, null);
                    coolDownTimeTicks = coolDownTime;
                    fired             = true;
                fired = false;

            // Here's the bullets's foreach method with a lambda!
            // ---------------------------------------------------
            // Update each of the guns bullets and if the bullet's
            // destroyMe variable returns true, delete the bullet.
            // ---------------------------------------------------
            bullets.ForEach((b) =>
                if (b.DestroyMe)
                    // If the gun is a missile launcher, make an explosion on impact
                    if (this.GetType() == typeof(MissileLauncher))
                        EffectManager.AddExplosion(b.Position, Vector2.Zero, 15, 20, 4, 6, 40f, 50, new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0f, 0.5f), Color.Black * 0f);
                    // Otherwise, make sparks
                        EffectManager.AddSparksEffect(b.Position, new Vector2(400));

                if (b.DestroyMe || b.RemoveMe)
        public static void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            switch (weather)
            // If it's storming, there will be wind and lightning
            // --------------------------------------------------
            case Weather.STORM:
                // Add seconds to the lightning timer
                elapsedLightningTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

                // Add 5 rain drops per update
                // ---------------------------
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    rain.Add(new RainDrop(new Vector2(rand.Next(Game1.GAME_WIDTH) * 1.2f, -4), 0, rainTex));

                // Update each rain drop and destroy it if need be
                // -----------------------------------------------
                for (int i = rain.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (rain[i].DestroyMe)

                // If the lightning should strike, then strike dammit
                // --------------------------------------------------
                if (elapsedLightningTime >= secondsToStrike)
                    // The start location of the lightning bolt
                    var start = new Vector2(rand.Next(Game1.GAME_WIDTH), 0);

                    // A strike will occur again in 2 - 20 seconds
                    secondsToStrike = rand.Next(2000, 20000);

                    // There's a 40 percent chance that the nearest
                    // player will get struck by the lightning bolt
                    // --------------------------------------------
                    if (rand.NextDouble() < .4)
                        // Find which player is closest to the lightning bolt.
                        // It is electricity after all.
                        Player p = GetNearestPlayer(start);

                        // The end position of the lightning bolt should be on the player
                        var end = p.Position;

                        // Add a new lightning bolt there
                        bolts.Add(new LightningBolt(start, end));

                        // Damage the player 250 points

                        // Add a white and blue explosion
                        EffectManager.AddExplosion(end, Vector2.Zero, 15, 20, 3, 5, 30f, 60, Color.White, Color.LightBlue * 0f);
                    // If the lightning bolt is not destined to strike the player
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------
                        // The lightning bolt's end point will be a random point that won't hurt anyone
                        var end = new Vector2(rand.Next(Game1.GAME_WIDTH), rand.Next(Game1.GAME_HEIGHT) / 2);

                        // Add the new lightning bolt
                        bolts.Add(new LightningBolt(start, end));

                    // Reset the time since strike to be 0
                    // -----------------------------------
                    elapsedLightningTime = 0;

                // Update each lightning bolt... Feat. Lambda Expressionz
                // ------------------------------------------------------
                bolts.ForEach(b => b.Update());

            // If it's rainy, there is only rain, nothing else
            // -----------------------------------------------
            case Weather.RAIN:
                // Add 5 rain drops per update
                // ---------------------------
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    rain.Add(new RainDrop(new Vector2(rand.Next(Game1.GAME_WIDTH) * 1.2f, -4), 0, rainTex));

                // Update each rain drop
                // ---------------------
                for (int i = rain.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (rain[i].DestroyMe)


            case Weather.SUNNY:

            case Weather.NORMAL: