Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void BrandAddText()
            EfBrandDal addBrand = new EfBrandDal();

            addBrand.Add(new Brand {
                BrandId = 7, BrandName = "Volvo"
            Console.WriteLine("Yeni Model eklendi.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void BrandUpdateText()
            EfBrandDal updateBrand = new EfBrandDal();

            updateBrand.Update(new Brand {
                BrandId = 7, BrandName = "Mercedes-Benz"
            Console.WriteLine("Model Güncellendi");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void BrandDeleted()
            EfBrandDal efBrandDal = new EfBrandDal();
            Brand      brand      = new Brand()
                BrandId   = 6,
                BrandName = "Bmw"

 private ShoesDbContext _context;  // Dependecy Injection
 public UnitOfWork_Class(ShoesDbContext context)
     _context = context;
     CategoryDal    = new EfCategoryDal();
     BrandDal       = new EfBrandDal();
     CarouselDal    = new EfCarouselDal();
     ProductDal     = new EfProductDal();
     ProductSizeDal = new EfProductSizeDal();
     RoleDal        = new EfRoleDal();
     SizeDal        = new EfSizeDal();
     UserDal        = new EfUserDal();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public UnitOfWork(DataAccessLayer.DAL.DatabaseContext context)
     _context = context;
     // ONEMLI!!
     BasketDal      = new EfBasketDal(_context);
     BuyDal         = new EfBuyDal(_context);
     CategoryDal    = new EfCategoryDal(_context);
     ColorsDal      = new EfColorsDal(_context);
     CustomerDal    = new EfCustomerDal(_context);
     FavsDal        = new EfFavsDal(_context);
     ImagesDal      = new EfImagesDal(_context);
     ProductDal     = new EfProductDal(_context);
     RolesDal       = new EfRolesDal(_context);
     SizeDal        = new EfSizeDal(_context);
     SubCategoryDal = new EfSubCategoryDal(_context);
     BrandDal       = new EfBrandDal(_context);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public UnitofWork(DatabaseContext context)
     _context       = context;
     CategoryDal    = new EfCategoryDal(_context);
     BasketDal      = new EfBasketDal(_context);
     BillAdressDal  = new EfBillAdressDal(_context);
     BrandDal       = new EfBrandDal(_context);
     ColorsDal      = new EfColorsDal(_context);
     CommentsDal    = new EfCommentsDal(_context);
     CredicartDal   = new EfCredicartDal(_context);
     CustomerDal    = new EfCustomerDal(_context);
     DiscountDal    = new EfDiscountDal(_context);
     FavDal         = new EfFavDal(_context);
     HomeSliderDal  = new EfHomeSliderDal(_context);
     ImageFilesDal  = new EfImageFilesDal(_context);
     ProductDal     = new EfProductDal(_context);
     SalesDal       = new EfSalesDal(_context);
     SizeDal        = new EfSizeDal(_context);
     SubCategoryDal = new EfSubCategoryDal(_context);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)


            EfBrandDal   brandDal     = new EfBrandDal();
            BrandManager brandManager = new BrandManager(brandDal);

            Brand porsche = new Brand();

            porsche.BrandId   = 3;
            porsche.BrandName = "Porsche";

            //brandManager.Add(new Brand { BrandId = 4, BrandName = "Lamborghini" });
            //brandManager.Add(new Brand { BrandId = 5, BrandName = "Lotus" });
            //brandManager.Add(new Brand { BrandId = 1, BrandName = "Hyundai" });
            //brandManager.Add(new Brand { BrandId = 2, BrandName = "Nissan" });
            //brandManager.Add(new Brand { BrandId = 3, BrandName = "Ford" });

            CarManager carManager = new CarManager(new EfCarDal());

            //foreach(var brand in brandManager.GetAll())
            //    Console.WriteLine("Brand Id: " + brand.BrandId + "      Brand Name: " + brand.BrandName);

            //ColorManager colorManager = new ColorManager(new EfColorDal());

            foreach (var car in carManager.GetCarsByBrandId(2))
                Console.WriteLine("Car: " + car.ColorName + "Brand: " + car.BrandName);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IBrandDal    brandDal    = new EfBrandDal();
            IColorDal    colorDal    = new EfColorDal();
            ICarDal      carDal      = new EfCarDal();
            IRentalDal   rentalDal   = new EfRentalDal();
            IUserDal     userDal     = new EfUserDal();
            ICustomerDal customerDal = new EfCustomerDal();

            ICarService    carManager    = new CarManager(carDal);
            IRentalService rentalManager = new RentalManager(rentalDal);

            //brandDal.Add(new Brand { Id = 2, Description = "wir leiben autos", Name = "Wolksvagen" });
            //colorDal.Add(new Color { Id = 1, Name = "Black" });

            //carManager.AddCar(new Car {Id=6, BrandId=1, ColorId=1, DailyPrice=60000, Description="Passat", ModelYear=2016 });

            // brandDal.Delete(new Brand { Id = 2, Description = "wir leiben autos", Name = "Wolksvagen" });

            //Test(brandDal, colorDal, carDal);

            var details = carManager.GetCarDetails();

            userDal.Add(new User {
                UserId = 1, Email = "*****@*****.**", FirstName = "Ahmet", LastName = "Sonuç", Password = "******"
            customerDal.Add(new Customer {
                UserId = 1, CompanyName = "ahmet inşaat"
            rentalManager.Add(new Rental {
                RentalId = 1, CarId = 2, CustomerId = 1, RentDate = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20)
            foreach (var detail in details.Data)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Marka:{0}, Model:{1}, Renk:{2}, Price:{3}", detail.BrandName, detail.CarName, detail.ColorName, detail.DailyPrice);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            EfCarDal   efCarDal   = new EfCarDal();
            CarManager carManager = new CarManager(efCarDal);

            EfBrandDal   efBrandDal   = new EfBrandDal();
            BrandManager brandManager = new BrandManager(efBrandDal);

            EfRentalDal   efRentalDal   = new EfRentalDal();
            RentalManager rentalManager = new RentalManager(efRentalDal);

            EfUserDal   efUserDal   = new EfUserDal();
            UserManager userManager = new UserManager(efUserDal);

            EfCustomerDal   efCustomerDal   = new EfCustomerDal();
            CustomerManager customerManager = new CustomerManager(efCustomerDal);

            Users user = new Users {
                FirstName = "Ömer", LastName = "Demirhan", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserId = 4
            Customers customer = new Customers {
                CompanyName = "Ömer Demirhan", UserId = 4, CostumerId = 12
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void CarEfMethods1(string test)
            ICarDal     CarDal     = new EfCarDal(); // EfCarDal *DataAccessLayer
            ICarService carManager = new CarManager(CarDal);

            CarRentalContext carRentalContext = new CarRentalContext();

            foreach (Car car in carRentalContext.Cars)
            Car car4 = new Car();

            //car4.Id = 4;
            car4.BrandId     = 5;
            car4.ColorId     = 5;
            car4.DailyPrice  = 0;
            car4.Name        = "A";
            car4.Description = "A";
            Console.WriteLine("EF Cars List");
            foreach (Car car in carRentalContext.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.Id + " - " + car.Description);
            // car4.Description = "Audi A6";
            // carManager.Update(car4);
            CarRentalContext context = new CarRentalContext();

            Console.WriteLine("EF Cars List after Update with context.Cars");
            foreach (Car car in context.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.Id + " - " + car.Description);
            // carManager.Delete(car4);
            Console.WriteLine("EF Cars List after delete with GetAll() ");
            foreach (Car car in carManager.GetAll().Data)
                Console.WriteLine(car.Id + " - " + car.Description);
            // Console.WriteLine("Get By Id 1 " + carManager.GetById(1).Description);
            Console.WriteLine("EF Cars List BrandId=1 ");
            //foreach (Car car in carManager.GetCarsByBrandId(1).Data)
            //    Console.WriteLine(car.Id.ToString() + "-" + car.BrandId.ToString() + " - " + car.Description);
            //Console.WriteLine("EF Cars List ColorId=2 ");
            //foreach (Car car in carManager.GetCarsByColorId(2).Data)
            //    Console.WriteLine(car.Id.ToString() + "-" + car.ColorId.ToString() + " - " + car.Description);
            IColorDal    colorDal     = new EfColorDal();
            ColorManager colorManager = new ColorManager(colorDal);

            //Color color6 = new Color();
            //color1.Id = 1;
            //color1.Name = "White";
            //Color color2 = new Color();
            //color2.Id = 1;
            //color2.Name = "Red";
            //Color color5 = new Color();
            //color5.Id = 6;
            //color5.Name = "Purple";
            Console.WriteLine("EF Color List");
            foreach (Color color in colorManager.GetAll().Data)
                Console.WriteLine(color.Id.ToString() + " - " + color.Name);
            IBrandDal    brandDal     = new EfBrandDal();
            BrandManager brandManager = new BrandManager(brandDal);

            //Brand brand1 = new Brand();
            //brand1.Id = 1;
            //brand1.Name = "Fiat";
            //Brand brand2 = new Brand();
            //brand2.Id = 2;
            //brand2.Name = "Renault";
            //Brand brand3 = new Brand();
            //brand3.Id = 3;
            //brand3.Name = "Mercedes";
            //Brand brand4 = new Brand();
            //brand4.Id = 4;
            //brand4.Name = "Audi";
            Console.WriteLine("EF Brand List");
            foreach (Brand brand in brandManager.GetAll().Data)
                Console.WriteLine(brand.Id.ToString() + " - " + brand.Name);

            //foreach (CarDetailDto carDetailDto in carManager.GetCarDetails().Data)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} / {2} / {3} ", carDetailDto.CarName.ToString() ,carDetailDto.BrandName,carDetailDto.ColorName,carDetailDto.DailyPrice);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 public BrandManager(EfBrandDal efBrandDal)