public void MovePirate() { int hexIndex = gameBoard.tiles.IndexOf(gameObject); Player localPlayer = GameObject.Find("Local Player Panel").GetComponent <Player> (); localPlayer.CmdMovePirate(hexIndex); int numOtherPlayerShips = 0; foreach (Edge e in adjacentEdges) { if (e != null && e.transform.childCount > 2 && (e.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeUnit> () != null)) { EdgeUnit ship = e.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent <EdgeUnit> (); if (!ship.owner.isLocalPlayer) { e.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = true; e.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); e.gameObject.GetComponent <Edge> ().waitingBuildDelegate = e.gameObject.GetComponent <Edge> ().StealResource; numOtherPlayerShips++; } } } gameBoard.HexActionRequestEnd(); gameBoard.EnableAllKnightsAndVillagesSelection(false); if (numOtherPlayerShips == 0) { localPlayer.CmdResponseToServer(); } }
public List <Intersection> getValidIntersectionsForPlayer(Player player, bool isKnight) { List <Intersection> allIntersections = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Board").GetComponent <GameBoard>().Intersections.Values.ToList(); List <Intersection> validIntersections = new List <Intersection> (); if (EventTransferManager.instance.setupPhase) { for (int i = 0; i < allIntersections.Count; i++) { List <Intersection> neighborsOfIntersection = allIntersections [i].getNeighborIntersections(); bool validIntersection = true; for (int j = 0; j < neighborsOfIntersection.Count; j++) { if (!allIntersections[i].isSettleable() || neighborsOfIntersection [j].occupier != null || !allIntersections[i].isMainIslandIntersection()) // && neighborsOfIntersection [j].occupier.owner != player) { { validIntersection = false; } } if (validIntersection) { validIntersections.Add(allIntersections [i]); } } } else { allIntersections = new List <Intersection> (); List <Unit> ownedUnits = player.getOwnedUnits(); for (int i = 0; i < ownedUnits.Count; i++) { if (typeof(EdgeUnit).IsAssignableFrom(ownedUnits [i].GetType())) { EdgeUnit tradeUnit = (EdgeUnit)(ownedUnits [i]); Edge relatedEdge = tradeUnit.locationEdge; List <Intersection> neighborIntersections = relatedEdge.getLinkedIntersections(); for (int j = 0; j < neighborIntersections.Count; j++) { if (neighborIntersections [j].occupier == null && neighborIntersections [j].isSettleable() && (neighborIntersections [j].isNotNeighboringIntersectionWithUnit() || isKnight)) { validIntersections.Add(neighborIntersections [j]); } } } } } return(validIntersections); }
public static List <Intersection> getValidIntersectionsForPlayer(Player player) { List <Intersection> allIntersections = GameBoard.getIntersections(); List <Intersection> validIntersections = new List <Intersection> (); if (setupPhase) { for (int i = 0; i < allIntersections.Count; i++) { List <Intersection> neighborsOfIntersection = allIntersections [i].getNeighborIntersections(); bool validIntersection = true; for (int j = 0; j < neighborsOfIntersection.Count; j++) { if (!allIntersections[i].isSettleable() || neighborsOfIntersection [j].occupier != null) // && neighborsOfIntersection [j].occupier.owner != player) { { validIntersection = false; } } if (validIntersection) { validIntersections.Add(allIntersections [i]); } } } else { allIntersections = new List <Intersection> (); List <Unit> ownedUnits = player.getOwnedUnits(); for (int i = 0; i < ownedUnits.Count; i++) { if (typeof(EdgeUnit).IsAssignableFrom(ownedUnits [i].GetType())) { EdgeUnit edgeUnit = (EdgeUnit)(ownedUnits [i]); Edge relatedEdge = edgeUnit.locationEdge; List <Intersection> neighborIntersections = relatedEdge.getLinkedIntersections(); for (int j = 0; j < neighborIntersections.Count; j++) { if (neighborIntersections [j].occupier == null && neighborIntersections [j].isSettleable() && neighborIntersections [j].isNotNeighboringIntersectionWithUnit()) { validIntersections.Add(neighborIntersections [j]); } } } } } return(validIntersections); }
IEnumerator buildTradeUnit2(EdgeUnit edgeUnit, System.Type unitType) { waitingForPlayer = true; List <Edge> validEdgesToBuild = getValidEdgesForPlayer(players[currentPlayerTurn], true); ResourceTuple costOfUnit = resourceManager.getCostOfUnit(unitType); if (costOfUnit == null) { print("costofunit is null, returning."); waitingForPlayer = false; yield break; } if (!setupPhase) { if (!players [currentPlayerTurn].hasAvailableResources(costOfUnit)) // (Road.ResourceValue);//ResourceCost.getResourceValueOf(Road.ResourceValue); { print("Insufficient Resources to build a road!"); waitingForPlayer = false; yield break; } } if (validEdgesToBuild.Count == 0) { print("No possible location to build a road!"); Destroy(edgeUnit); waitingForPlayer = false; yield break; } highlightEdgesWithColor(validEdgesToBuild, true, players [currentPlayerTurn].playerColor); = unitID++; edgeUnit.gameObject.SetActive(false); yield return(StartCoroutine(players [currentPlayerTurn].makeEdgeSelection(validEdgesToBuild))); //, edgeUnit));//new Road(unitID++))); edgeUnit.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer> ().material.color = players[currentPlayerTurn].playerColor; edgeUnit.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (!setupPhase) { players [currentPlayerTurn].spendResources(costOfUnit); uiButtons [2].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Road"; } highlightAllEdges(false); waitingForPlayer = false; }
public List <Edge> getValidEdgesForPlayer(Player player, bool roadBuilt) { //print ("roadBuilt == " + roadBuilt.ToString ()); List <Edge> validEdges = new List <Edge> (); List <Unit> ownedUnits = player.getOwnedUnits(); if (EventTransferManager.instance.setupPhase) { for (int i = 0; i < ownedUnits.Count; i++) { if (typeof(IntersectionUnit).IsAssignableFrom(ownedUnits [i].GetType())) { bool validSet = true; IntersectionUnit intersectionUnit = (IntersectionUnit)(ownedUnits [i]); Intersection relatedIntersection = intersectionUnit.locationIntersection; List <Edge> connectedEdges = relatedIntersection.getLinkedEdges(); for (int j = 0; j < connectedEdges.Count; j++) { if (connectedEdges [j].occupier != null) { validSet = false; } } if (validSet) { for (int j = 0; j < connectedEdges.Count; j++) { if (connectedEdges [j].occupier == null) { validEdges.Add(connectedEdges [j]); } } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ownedUnits.Count; i++) { if (typeof(EdgeUnit).IsAssignableFrom(ownedUnits [i].GetType())) { EdgeUnit tradeUnit = (EdgeUnit)(ownedUnits [i]); Edge relatedEdge = tradeUnit.locationEdge; List <Intersection> connectedIntersections = relatedEdge.getLinkedIntersections(); for (int j = 0; j < connectedIntersections.Count; j++) { if (connectedIntersections [j].occupier == null || connectedIntersections [j].occupier.owner == player) { List <Edge> connectedEdges = connectedIntersections [j].getLinkedEdges(); for (int k = 0; k < connectedEdges.Count; k++) { if (connectedEdges [k].occupier == null && (roadBuilt == connectedEdges [k].isLandEdge() || connectedEdges [k].isShoreEdge())) { if (relatedEdge.occupier.isRoad() == roadBuilt || (connectedIntersections [j].occupier != null && connectedIntersections [j].occupier.owner == player)) { validEdges.Add(connectedEdges [k]); } } } } } } } } if (!roadBuilt) { List <Edge> pirateEdges = getRobberPirateEdges(1); foreach (var edge in pirateEdges) { if (validEdges.Contains(edge)) { validEdges.Remove(edge); } } } return(validEdges); }
IEnumerator buildTradeUnit(EdgeUnit edgeUnit, System.Type unitType) { waitingForPlayer = true; List <Edge> validEdgesToBuild = getValidEdgesForPlayer(players[currentPlayerTurn], unitType == typeof(Road)); ResourceTuple costOfUnit = resourceManager.getCostOfUnit(unitType); System.Type newType = unitType; if (costOfUnit == null) { print("costofunit is null, returning."); waitingForPlayer = false; uiButtons [2].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Road"; uiButtons [5].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Ship"; currentActiveButton = -1; Destroy(edgeUnit.gameObject); removeUnitFromGame(edgeUnit); yield break; } if (!setupPhase) { if (!players [currentPlayerTurn].hasAvailableResources(costOfUnit)) // (Road.ResourceValue);//ResourceCost.getResourceValueOf(Road.ResourceValue); { print("Insufficient Resources to build this trade unit!"); waitingForPlayer = false; uiButtons [2].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Road"; uiButtons [5].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Ship"; currentActiveButton = -1; Destroy(edgeUnit.gameObject); removeUnitFromGame(edgeUnit); yield break; } } if (validEdgesToBuild.Count == 0) { print("No possible location to build this trade unit!"); Destroy(edgeUnit.gameObject); waitingForPlayer = false; uiButtons [2].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Road"; uiButtons [5].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Ship"; currentActiveButton = -1; removeUnitFromGame(edgeUnit); yield break; } highlightEdgesWithColor(validEdgesToBuild, true, players [currentPlayerTurn].playerColor); //highlightEdges (validEdgesToBuild, true); yield return(StartCoroutine(players [currentPlayerTurn].makeEdgeSelection(validEdgesToBuild))); //, edgeUnit));//new Road(unitID++))); print(players [currentPlayerTurn].playerName + " builds a " + unitType.ToString() + " on edge #" + players [currentPlayerTurn]; if (setupPhase && !(players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.isLandEdge() || players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.isShoreEdge())) { GameObject edgeUnitGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabManager.shipPrefab); Ship replacedShip = edgeUnitGameObject.GetComponent <Ship> (); =; removeUnitFromGame(edgeUnit); edgeUnit = replacedShip; unitsInPlay.Add(, edgeUnit); newType = typeof(Ship); } players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.occupier = edgeUnit; edgeUnit.locationEdge = players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection; players [currentPlayerTurn].addOwnedUnit(edgeUnit, newType); edgeUnit.owner = players [currentPlayerTurn]; edgeUnit.transform.position = players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.transform.position; edgeUnit.transform.rotation = players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.transform.rotation; edgeUnit.transform.localScale = players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.transform.localScale; edgeUnit.transform.parent = players [currentPlayerTurn].lastEdgeSelection.transform; edgeUnit.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer> ().material.color = players[currentPlayerTurn].playerColor; edgeUnit.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (!setupPhase) { players [currentPlayerTurn].spendResources(costOfUnit); uiButtons [2].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Road"; uiButtons [5].GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = "Build Ship"; } highlightAllEdges(false); currentActiveButton = -1; waitingForPlayer = false; }