Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ShowData()
            if (tle != null)
                var Location = new LatLon(53.9, 27.56667);
                var dt       = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var JDdate = Utils.Utils.JDtime(dt);
                MJD.Text = JDdate.ToString("f5");
                orbit    = new Orbit(tle);
                Site    site     = new Site(Location.Lat, Location.Lon, 0.290);
                EciTime eci      = orbit.GetPosition(dt);
                Topo    topoLook = site.GetLookAngle(eci);
                main.Altitude.Text = topoLook.ElevationDeg.ToString("f3");
                main.Azimuth.Text  = topoLook.AzimuthDeg.ToString("f3");
                var altAzm = new AltAzm(topoLook.ElevationDeg, topoLook.AzimuthDeg);
                var RaDec  = Utils.Utils.AltAzm2RaDec(altAzm, Location, dt, 0.29);

                var tt2 = Utils.Utils.RaDec2AltAzm2(
                    new Coordinates(16.695, 36.466667),
                    new LatLon(52.5, -1.9166667),
                    new DateTime(1998, 8, 10, 23, 10, 00),
                var ttt = Utils.Utils.RaDec2AltAzm2(RaDec, Location, dt, 0.2);

                RA.Text  = DMS.FromDeg(RaDec.Ra).ToString();
                Dec.Text = DMS.FromDeg(RaDec.Dec).ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Returns the azimuth and elevation from a TLE
        private double[] getSkyCoords(Tle tle)
            double[] array = { -1, -1 };
            //create a viewing site
            Site site = new Site(latitude, longitude, 0.240949);
            //make an orbit out of the tle
            Orbit orbit = new Orbit(tle);
            //get the date
            DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //get the time since the epoch
            TimeSpan ts = orbit.TPlusEpoch(dt);

            //then calculate the position
                EciTime eci      = orbit.GetPosition(dt);
                Topo    topoLook = site.GetLookAngle(eci);
                array[0] = topoLook.AzimuthDeg;
                array[1] = topoLook.ElevationDeg;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Sample code to test the SGP4 and SDP4 implementation. The test
            // TLEs come from the NORAD document "Space Track Report No. 3".

            // Test SGP4
            string str1 = "SGP4 Test";
            string str2 = "1 88888U          80275.98708465  .00073094  13844-3  66816-4 0     8";
            string str3 = "2 88888  72.8435 115.9689 0086731  52.6988 110.5714 16.05824518   105";

            Tle tle1 = new Tle(str1, str2, str3);



            // Test SDP4
            str1 = "SDP4 Test";
            str2 = "1 11801U          80230.29629788  .01431103  00000-0  14311-1       8";
            str3 = "2 11801  46.7916 230.4354 7318036  47.4722  10.4117  2.28537848     6";

            Tle tle2 = new Tle(str1, str2, str3);


            Console.WriteLine("\nExample output:");

            // Example: Define a location on the earth, then determine the look-angle
            // to the SDP4 satellite defined above.

            // Create an orbit object using the SDP4 TLE object.
            Satellite satSDP4 = new Satellite(tle2);

            // Get the location of the satellite from the Orbit object. The
            // earth-centered inertial information is placed into eciSDP4.
            // Here we ask for the location of the satellite 90 minutes after
            // the TLE epoch.
            EciTime eciSDP4 = satSDP4.PositionEci(90.0);

            // Now create a site object. Site objects represent a location on the
            // surface of the earth. Here we arbitrarily select a point on the
            // equator.
            Site siteEquator = new Site(0.0, -100.0, 0); // 0.00 N, 100.00 W, 0 km altitude

            // Now get the "look angle" from the site to the satellite.
            // Note that the ECI object "eciSDP4" has a time associated
            // with the coordinates it contains; this is the time at which
            // the look angle is valid.
            Topo topoLook = siteEquator.GetLookAngle(eciSDP4);

            // Print out the results. Note that the Azimuth and Elevation are
            // stored in the CoordTopo object as radians. Here we convert
            // to degrees using Rad2Deg()
            Console.Write("AZ: {0:f3}  EL: {1:f3}\n",
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes TLE data through SDP4/SGP4.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tle">TLE Data (2 lines + name as line 0)</param>
        /// <param name="utc">Date to interpolate to, in UTC.</param>
        public void ProcessTLE(string[] tle, DateTime utc)
            Satellite sat = new Satellite(new Tle(tle[0], tle[1], tle[2]));
            EciTime   eci = sat.PositionEci(utc);

            RPos = eci.Position;

            RVel  = eci.Velocity;
            RVel *= -1;

            Name = tle[0];
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void showSatInfo()
            //to update the info on the sidebar
                satNameLabel.Text = Target.Name;
                while (satNameLabel.Width < System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(satNameLabel.Text, new Font(satNameLabel.Font.FontFamily, satNameLabel.Font.Size, satNameLabel.Font.Style)).Width)
                    satNameLabel.Font = new Font(satNameLabel.Font.FontFamily, satNameLabel.Font.Size - 0.5f, satNameLabel.Font.Style);
                while (satNameLabel.Width > System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText(satNameLabel.Text, new Font(satNameLabel.Font.FontFamily, satNameLabel.Font.Size, satNameLabel.Font.Style)).Width)
                    satNameLabel.Font = new Font(satNameLabel.Font.FontFamily, satNameLabel.Font.Size + 0.5f, satNameLabel.Font.Style);
            catch (ArgumentException)

            Orbit orbit = new Orbit(Target);
            //get the date
            DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //get the time since the epoch
            TimeSpan ts = orbit.TPlusEpoch(dt);
            //then calculate the position
            EciTime eci = orbit.GetPosition(dt);

             * double e = double.Parse(Target.Eccentricity, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
             * double meanMotion = Convert.ToDouble(Target.Line2.Substring(52, 10));
             * double twothirds = 0.666666666666666;
             * double a = 6.6228 / (Math.Pow(meanMotion, twothirds));
             * double semimajor = a * 6371.1;
             * double apogee = (semimajor * (1.0 + e) - 6371.1);
             * double perigee = (semimajor * (1.0 - e) - 6371.1);

            designatorLabel.Text  = "Int'l Des: " + Target.IntlDescription;
            apogeeLabel.Text      = "Apogee: " + orbit.Apogee.ToString("0.0") + "km";
            perigeeLabel.Text     = "Perigee: " + orbit.Perigee.ToString("0.0") + "km";
            inclinationLabel.Text = "Inclination: " + Target.Inclination;