public Form1()
            ModeCartTraining = ModeRSV2Training = false;
            ModeCartExecutingMetaNetwork = false;
            ModeCartMapping = ModeRSV2Browsing = false;
            ModeRsv2ExecutingMetaNetwork = false;

            server = new EZRoboNetDevice(1, EZRoboNetDevice.t_Node_Station);

            rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            SensorDataRequested = CameraFrameRequested = false;
            rsv2pass = cartpass = 0;

            robosapien = new RobosapienV2(server, 2, rnd);
            cart = new LMMobileRobot(server, 3, rnd);

            cartTrainingFSM = new CartTrainingFSM(cart);
            cartMNExecutingFSM = new CartMetaNetworkFSM(cart);
            rsv2MNExecutingFSM = new RSV2MetanetworkFSM(robosapien);

            // creating mapping and browsing FSMs
            mappingFSM = new MappingFSM(cart, 4, MappingFSM.orSOUTH, 1, 1);
            rsv2BrowsingFSM = new RSV2BrowsingFSM(mappingFSM, robosapien, 0, 1, RSV2BrowsingFSM.orSOUTH);

            rsv2TrainingFSM = new RSV2TrainingFSM(robosapien);


            comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 2;
            comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 2;
        public EZStationPacketFSM(EZRoboNetDevice device, EZFrame frame)
            // registering the Net Device
            NetDevice = device;

            // capturing time of first reception
            ReceptionStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            // acknowledging
            // retrieving sender id

            PacketSenderID = frame.SenderID;
            // calculating total packet length
            ushort packetlength = (ushort)(frame.Payload[3] + 256 * frame.Payload[4] + 5);
            CurrentPacketLength = packetlength;
            // calculating total number of frames required for full packet transmission
            TotalFrames = packetlength / EZRoboNetDevice.MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_LENGTH + 1;
            // allocating memory space for the packet being received
            CurrentPacket = new byte[packetlength];
            // now filling initial space in CurrentPacket
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < frame.PayloadLength; i++)
                CurrentPacket[i] = frame.Payload[i];
            // done copying

            // setting number of frames received to 1
            FramesReceived = 1;
            // sending an acknowledgement frame

            if (FramesReceived < TotalFrames)
            { // need to receive more
                state = EZRoboNetDevice.stReceiving;
                // marrking time of acknowledgement
                FrameReceptionStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                state = EZRoboNetDevice.stPacketReady;
                FramesReceived = 0;
                TotalFrames = 0;
        public RoboEntity(EZRoboNetDevice netdevice, byte avatarnodeid, Random randgen)
            NetDevice = netdevice;
            AvatarNodeID = avatarnodeid;

            // assigning random generator
            RandGen = randgen;

            // initializing the timer
            SyncTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            SyncTimer.Interval = 500; // 0.5 s interval
            SyncTimer.Tick += handleMessages;

            // initializing the incoming packet queue
            ReceivedPackets = new EZPacket[MAX_RECEIVED_PACKETS_NUM];
            ReceivedPacketsNum = 0;

            // registering the entity to the NetDevice server
            EntityID = NetDevice.registerEntity(this);

            // starting the Timer
        // constructor
        public LMMobileRobot(EZRoboNetDevice netdevice, byte avatarnodeid, Random randgen)
            : base(netdevice, avatarnodeid, randgen)
            flagAbstractionDataReady = false;
            flagAbstractionReady = false;

            flagSensorDataAcquired = false;

            AbstractionBytes = 0;

            // creating the sonar array
            SonarArray = new ushort[8];
            PrevSonarArray = new ushort[8];

            // creating the cognitive array
            CogTop = createLMCartCognitiveArray(ref CogSonarNode, ref CogCamLinesNodes);

            state = stIdle;

            flagSonarArrayFiring = flagSonarArrayFiringDone = false;
            flagAbilityDone = flagAbilityExecuting = false;

            RawAbstraction = new byte[ABSTRACTION_FRAME_HEIGHT * ABSTRACTION_FRAME_WIDTH * 3];