Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static EVMExecutionResult Execute(State state, EVMMessage message, Memory <byte> code)
            // Backup the state.
            StateSnapshot snapshot = state.Snapshot();

            // If we're supposed to transfer value, then transfer it. If our balance is insufficient, we exit early and say our transaction succeeded.
            if (message.IsTransferringValue && !state.TransferBalance(message.Sender, message.To, message.Value))
                return(new EVMExecutionResult(null, null, message.Gas, true));

            // Initialize an EVM instance
            MeadowEVM evm = new MeadowEVM();

            // Otherwise, we continue with our VM execution.
            evm.ExecuteInternal(state, message, code);

            // Restore all states here if our results say we failed.
            if (!evm.ExecutionState.Result.Succeeded)
                // Revert any changes since we didn't succeed.

            // Return our evm after it has successfully executed.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ExecuteInternal(State state, EVMMessage message)
            // Obtain the code from our account if it's not a precompile address we're calling.
            byte[] codeSegment = null;
            if (!EVMPrecompiles.IsPrecompileAddress(message.CodeAddress))
                codeSegment = state.GetCodeSegment(message.CodeAddress);

            // Execute on it
            ExecuteInternal(state, message, codeSegment);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static EVMExecutionResult Execute(State state, EVMMessage message)
            // Obtain the code from our account if it's not a precompile address we're calling.
            byte[] codeSegment = null;
            if (!EVMPrecompiles.IsPrecompileAddress(message.CodeAddress))
                codeSegment = state.GetCodeSegment(message.CodeAddress);

            // Execute on it
            return(Execute(state, message, codeSegment));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Execute()
            // Obtain the values for our call value, and call data memory.
            BigInteger value            = Stack.Pop();
            BigInteger inputMemoryStart = Stack.Pop();
            BigInteger inputMemorySize  = Stack.Pop();

            // We'll want to charge for memory expansion first
            Memory.ExpandStream(inputMemoryStart, inputMemorySize);

            // If we're in a static context, we can't self destruct
            if (Message.IsStatic)
                throw new EVMException($"{Opcode.ToString()} instruction cannot execute in a static context!");

            // Verify we have enough balance and call depth hasn't exceeded the maximum.
            if (EVM.State.GetBalance(Message.To) >= value && Message.Depth < EVMDefinitions.MAX_CALL_DEPTH)
                // Obtain our call information.
                byte[]     callData     = Memory.ReadBytes((long)inputMemoryStart, (int)inputMemorySize);
                BigInteger innerCallGas = GasState.Gas;
                if (Version >= EthereumRelease.TangerineWhistle)
                    innerCallGas = GasDefinitions.GetMaxCallGas(innerCallGas);

                // Create our message
                EVMMessage         message       = new EVMMessage(Message.To, Address.ZERO_ADDRESS, value, innerCallGas, callData, Message.Depth + 1, Address.ZERO_ADDRESS, true, Message.IsStatic);
                EVMExecutionResult innerVMResult = MeadowEVM.CreateContract(EVM.State, message);
                if (innerVMResult.Succeeded)
                    // Push our resulting address onto the stack.
                    EVM.ExecutionState.LastCallResult = null;
                    // We failed, push our fail value and put the last call data in place.
                    ExecutionState.LastCallResult = innerVMResult;
                // We didn't have a sufficient balance or call depth so we push nothing to the stack. We push 0 (fail)

                // Set our last call result as null.
                ExecutionState.LastCallResult = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Execute()
            // Obtain all of our values for the call (the value variable is only used in some calls, and is zero otherwise)
            BigInteger gas = Stack.Pop(); // The base amount of gas we allocate to the call.
            Address    to  = Stack.Pop(); // The address we're making the call to.

            BigInteger value = 0;

            if (Opcode == InstructionOpcode.CALL || Opcode == InstructionOpcode.CALLCODE)
                value = Stack.Pop();

            // Obtain the values for where our input memory comes from, and where our output memory will go to.
            BigInteger inputMemoryStart  = Stack.Pop();
            BigInteger inputMemorySize   = Stack.Pop();
            BigInteger outputMemoryStart = Stack.Pop();
            BigInteger outputMemorySize  = Stack.Pop();

            // CALL opcode can only make static calls with a zero value.
            if (Opcode == InstructionOpcode.CALL && Message.IsStatic && value != 0)
                throw new EVMException($"Cannot use opcode {Opcode.ToString()} in a static context call with any value but zero.");

            // Gas: Pre-Expand Memory (since it should be charged for expansion, then the call should be made, then written to)
            Memory.ExpandStream(inputMemoryStart, inputMemorySize);
            Memory.ExpandStream(outputMemoryStart, outputMemorySize);

            // Gas: Calculate extra gas costs based off of forks and what kind of call this is.
            BigInteger extraGasCost = 0;

            // Gas: If this is a call and the account doesn't exist
            if (Opcode == InstructionOpcode.CALL && !EVM.State.ContainsAccount(to))
                // If the value is above zero (or if we're pre-spurious dragon) we charge for calling a new account.
                if (value > 0 || Version < EthereumRelease.SpuriousDragon)
                    extraGasCost = GasDefinitions.GAS_CALL_NEW_ACCOUNT;

            // If we are transferring a value, we charge gas
            if (value > 0)
                extraGasCost += GasDefinitions.GAS_CALL_VALUE;

            // Tangerine whistle introduces new inner call gas limits
            // Source: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-150.md
            if (Version < EthereumRelease.TangerineWhistle)
                // Prior to tangerine whistle, we need the provided gas + extra gas available
                GasState.Check(gas + extraGasCost);
                // After tangerine whistle, we check that the desired gas amount for the call doesn't exceed our calculated max call gas (or else it's capped).
                gas = BigInteger.Min(gas, GasDefinitions.GetMaxCallGas(GasState.Gas - extraGasCost));

            // Define how much gas our inner message can take.
            BigInteger innerCallGas = gas;

            if (value > 0)
                innerCallGas += GasDefinitions.GAS_CALL_VALUE_STIPEND;

            // Verify we have enough balance and call depth hasn't exceeded the maximum.
            if (EVM.State.GetBalance(Message.To) >= value && Message.Depth < EVMDefinitions.MAX_CALL_DEPTH)
                // We're going to make an inner call, so we charge our gas and extra gas.
                GasState.Deduct(gas + extraGasCost);

                // Obtain our call data.
                byte[] callData = Memory.ReadBytes((long)inputMemoryStart, (int)inputMemorySize);

                // Create our message
                EVMMessage innerMessage = null;
                switch (Opcode)
                case InstructionOpcode.CALL:
                    innerMessage = new EVMMessage(Message.To, to, value, innerCallGas, callData, Message.Depth + 1, to, true, Message.IsStatic);

                case InstructionOpcode.DELEGATECALL:
                    innerMessage = new EVMMessage(Message.Sender, Message.To, Message.Value, innerCallGas, callData, Message.Depth + 1, to, false, Message.IsStatic);

                case InstructionOpcode.STATICCALL:
                    innerMessage = new EVMMessage(Message.To, to, value, innerCallGas, callData, Message.Depth + 1, to, true, true);

                case InstructionOpcode.CALLCODE:
                    innerMessage = new EVMMessage(Message.To, Message.To, value, innerCallGas, callData, Message.Depth + 1, to, true, Message.IsStatic);

                // Execute our message in an inner VM.
                EVMExecutionResult innerVMResult = MeadowEVM.Execute(EVM.State, innerMessage);

                // Refund our remaining gas that the inner VM didn't use.

                // Set our last call results
                ExecutionState.LastCallResult = innerVMResult;

                // Push a status indicating whether execution had succeeded without reverting changes.
                if (!innerVMResult.Succeeded)

                // Determine how much we want to copy out.
                int returnCopyLength = Math.Min(ExecutionState.LastCallResult?.ReturnData.Length ?? 0, (int)outputMemorySize);
                if (returnCopyLength == 0 || ExecutionState.LastCallResult?.ReturnData == null)

                // Copy our data out
                Memory.Write((long)outputMemoryStart, ExecutionState.LastCallResult.ReturnData.ToArray());
                // We didn't have a sufficient balance or call depth so we push nothing to the stack. We push 0 (fail)

                // Set our last call result as null.
                ExecutionState.LastCallResult = null;

                // Since we couldn't make an inner message call, we charge all the other extra charges, but not the inner message call cost. (Note: inner call gas comes from gas, so we put it here to offset potential extra cost from stipend)
                GasState.Deduct(gas + extraGasCost - innerCallGas);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static EVMExecutionResult CreateContract(State state, EVMMessage message)
            // If this message to create didn't come from the transaction origin, we increment nonce
            if (state.CurrentTransaction.GetSenderAddress() != message.Sender)

            BigInteger newNonce = state.GetNonce(message.Sender) - 1;

            message.To = Address.MakeContractAddress(message.Sender, newNonce);

            // If we're past the byzantium fork, we want to make sure the nonce is 0 and there is no code (making sure the address we're creating doesn't already exist). Otherwise we fail out.
            if (state.Configuration.Version >= EthereumRelease.Byzantium)
                byte[] existingCode = state.GetCodeSegment(message.To);
                if (state.GetNonce(message.To) > 0 || existingCode.Length > 0)
                    return(new EVMExecutionResult(null, null, 0, false));

            // If this is an existing account, remove existing values attached to it.
            BigInteger balance = state.GetBalance(message.To);

            if (balance > 0)
                state.SetBalance(message.To, balance);
                state.SetNonce(message.To, 0);
                state.SetCodeSegment(message.To, Array.Empty <byte>());

            // Obtain our code from our message data
            byte[] code = message.Data;

            // Set our message data to a blank array
            message.Data = Array.Empty <byte>();

            // Back up the state.
            StateSnapshot snapshot = state.Snapshot();

            // If spurious dragon version
            if (state.Configuration.Version >= EthereumRelease.SpuriousDragon)
                state.SetNonce(message.To, 1);
                state.SetNonce(message.To, 0);

            // Execute our message
            EVMExecutionResult result = Execute(state, message, code);

            // If we should revert
            if (!result.Succeeded)
                // Revert our changes

                // Return our execution result
                // If we have no return data, our return data is the To address.
                if (result.ReturnData.Length == 0)
                    // Record an exception here (although this is technically not an exception, it is acceptable behavior, but in any real world case, this is undesirable, so we warn of it).
                    state.Configuration.DebugConfiguration?.RecordException(new Exception("Contract deployment ended up deploying a contract which is zero bytes in size."), false);

                    // Return early to avoid processing more code.
                    return(new EVMExecutionResult(result.EVM, message.To.ToByteArray(), result.RemainingGas, true));

                // Obtain our code
                code = result.ReturnData.ToArray();

                // Calculate cost based off every byte in our contract
                BigInteger remainingGas = result.RemainingGas;
                BigInteger extraGasCost = result.ReturnData.Length * GasDefinitions.GAS_CONTRACT_BYTE;

                // Verify we have enough gas to create the contract, and we pass the the size constraint for contracts introduced in spurious dragon.
                bool passSizeContraint = (state.Configuration.Version < EthereumRelease.SpuriousDragon || code.Length <= EVMDefinitions.MAX_CONTRACT_SIZE);

                // Allow contract to be over the size limit if the debug/testing option for it has been set
                if (!passSizeContraint && state.Configuration.DebugConfiguration.IsContractSizeCheckDisabled)
                    passSizeContraint = true;

                if (result.RemainingGas < extraGasCost || !passSizeContraint)
                    // Store our code length
                    var codeSize = code.Length;

                    // Set our code array as blank
                    code = Array.Empty <byte>();

                    // If we are past homestead, we revert here.
                    if (state.Configuration.Version >= EthereumRelease.Homestead)
                        // Report an exception here.
                        string exceptionMessage = null;
                        if (!passSizeContraint)
                            exceptionMessage = $"Out of gas: Contract size of {codeSize} bytes exceeds the maximum contract size of {EVMDefinitions.MAX_CONTRACT_SIZE} bytes.";
                            exceptionMessage = $"Out of gas: Not enough gas to pay for the cost-per-byte of deployed contract. Gas: {result.RemainingGas} / Cost: {extraGasCost}";

                        // Record an exception here.
                        state.Configuration.DebugConfiguration?.RecordException(new Exception(exceptionMessage), false);

                        // Revert our changes

                        // Return our execution result
                        return(new EVMExecutionResult(result.EVM, null, 0, false));
                    // We could pay for the creation, remove the gas cost from our remaining gas.
                    remainingGas -= extraGasCost;

                // Set our code segment.
                state.SetCodeSegment(message.To, code);

                // Return our result
                return(new EVMExecutionResult(result.EVM, message.To.ToByteArray(), remainingGas, true));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void ExecuteInternal(State state, EVMMessage message, Memory <byte> code)
            // Set our current state and message
            State   = state;
            Message = message;

            // Create a fresh execuction state.
            ExecutionState = new EVMExecutionState(this);
            GasState       = new EVMGasState(Message.Gas);
            Code           = code;

            // Record our call's execution start

            // We'll want to wrap our actual execution in a try block to catch any internal VM exceptions specifically
            bool isPrecompile   = EVMPrecompiles.IsPrecompileAddress(Message.CodeAddress);
            bool threwException = false;

                // Check if address is in precompiles. If so, we execute precompile instead of the provided code.
                if (isPrecompile)
                    // Execute our precompiled code.
                    EVMPrecompiles.ExecutePrecompile(this, Message.CodeAddress);
                    // Register our code coverage for this contract (if we're not mining).
                    CoverageMap = State.Configuration.CodeCoverage.Register(Message, Code);

                    // Execute until we have an execution result.
                    while (ExecutionState.Result == null)
                        // Run another instruction.
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Record our exception. If we're not a precompile, we mark it as being an in-contract-execution exception.
                State.Configuration.DebugConfiguration.RecordException(exception, true);

                // If our exception is an evm exception, we set our execution result.
                if (exception is EVMException)
                    // An internal VM exception occurred, we'll want to return nothing, burn all the gas, and revert any changes.
                    ExecutionState.Result = new EVMExecutionResult(this, null, 0, false);
                    // If it's any other type of exception, throw it.

                threwException = true;

            // If we didn't succeed, record an exception indicating we failed and will revert.
            if (State.Configuration.DebugConfiguration.ThrowExceptionOnFailResult && !ExecutionState.Result.Succeeded && !threwException)
                State.Configuration.DebugConfiguration.RecordException(new Exception("Execution returned a failed result. REVERTING..."), true);

            // Record our call's execution end