Ejemplo n.º 1
         * RunSimulation is used to setup the variables and call the various method to setup the simulation.
         * When the setup is complete it runs a for loop for the amount of Cycles calling the method RunCycle() in each iteration.
        public void RunSimulation(int Width, int Height, int Cycles, double FeedRate_A, double KillRate_B, ELaplacianFunctions laplacianEnum, EShadingAlgorthims shadingEnum, bool displayGrid)
            this.Width          = Width;
            this.Height         = Height;
            this.Cycles         = Cycles;
            this.FeedRate_A     = FeedRate_A;
            this.KillRate_B     = KillRate_B;
            this.laplacianEnum  = laplacianEnum;        //Data Fields are being set
            this.shadingEnum    = shadingEnum;
            this.displayGrid    = displayGrid;
            CurrentCycle        = 0;
            progressbar.Maximum = Cycles;
            progressbar.Value   = 0;
            SeedValue           = 0.25;

            gridDrawer  = new GridDrawer(canvas, Width, Height, shadingEnum);   //Instance of GridDrawer is created which is later used to draw or save the grid.
            LapFactory  = new LaplacianFactory();
            LapFunction = LapFactory.CreateNewLaplacian(laplacianEnum);         //LapFunction instance is created using the CreateNewLaplacian method from LapFactory.
            Diffusion_A = LapFunction.GetDiffusion_A();                         //The Diffusion A and B differ depending upon what Lapacian function is used.
            Diffusion_B = LapFunction.GetDiffusion_B();

            SetCellGrid();                                                      //The CellGrid is set and filled up with a seed;
            SetCellNeighbours();                                                //In the entre grid all the cells are passed the Cells neighbouring them.
            Stop();                                                             //Called so the canvas is cleared

            for (int cycleNum = 0; cycleNum < Cycles; cycleNum++)               //Loops through the cycles calling RunCycle each time.
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * GridDrawer constructer takes in various parameters then sets them to setup the GridDrawer.
 public GridDrawer(Graphics canvas, int Width, int Height, EShadingAlgorthims shadingEnum)
     this.canvas      = canvas;
     this.Width       = Width;
     this.Height      = Height;
     shadingFactory   = new ShadingFactory();                            //Creates an instance of ShadingFactory
     ShadingAlgorithm = shadingFactory.CreateNewShadeing(shadingEnum);   //calls the CreateNewShadeing method of ShadingFactory to return the ShadingAlgorithm requested.
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * CreateNewShadeing takes in a enum representing the ShadingAlgorthim which is wanted.
         * The switch then creates that ShadingAlgorthim and returns it so the GridDrawer class does not need to know how its created.
        public IShading CreateNewShadeing(EShadingAlgorthims shade)
            IShading newShade = null;

            switch (shade)
            case EShadingAlgorthims.GRAYSCALE:
                newShade = new GrayScale();

            case EShadingAlgorthims.SHORT_RAINBOW:
                newShade = new ShortRainbow();

            case EShadingAlgorthims.LONG_RAINBOW:
                newShade = new LongRainbow();

            case EShadingAlgorthims.YELLOW_TO_RED:
                newShade = new YellowToRed();