Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void loadMessages(EMDRData edata, bwWorkerArgs bwinargs)
            emdrDSTableAdapters.emdrHistoryDataTableAdapter hisTblAdptr= new emdrDSTableAdapters.emdrHistoryDataTableAdapter();
            emdrDSTableAdapters.emdrOrderDataTableAdapter ordTblAdptr = new emdrDSTableAdapters.emdrOrderDataTableAdapter();

            hisTblAdptr.Connection.ConnectionString = bwinargs.ConnStr;
            ordTblAdptr.Connection.ConnectionString = bwinargs.ConnStr;

            foreach (Rowset rs in edata.Rowsets)
                if (bwinargs.CaptureHistory)
                    foreach (History hs in rs.HistoryRows)
                        hisTblAdptr.insEmdrHistoryData((int)rs.RegionID, rs.TypeID, hs.Date, hs.DateLocalTime,
                            hs.Orders, hs.Quantity, hs.High, hs.Low, hs.Average);

                if (bwinargs.CaptureOrders)
                    foreach (Order or in rs.OrderRows)
                        if (bwinargs.MergeDupes)
                            //We are merging duplicates (i.e. keeping newest record only)
                            ordTblAdptr.mergeEMDROrderData((int)rs.RegionID, rs.TypeID,
                                rs.GeneratedAt, rs.GeneratedAtLocalTime,
                                or.IssueDate, or.IssueDateLocalTime, (int)or.SolarSystemID,
                                or.StationID, or.OrderID, or.Range, or.VolEntered, or.VolRemaining, or.MinVolume, or.Price,
                                or.Duration, BitConverter.GetBytes(or.Bid)[0]);
                            //Capturing everything, something else is dealing with the multiple rows per orderid
                            ordTblAdptr.Insert((int)rs.RegionID, rs.TypeID,
                                rs.GeneratedAt, rs.GeneratedAtLocalTime,
                                or.IssueDate, or.IssueDateLocalTime, (int)or.SolarSystemID,
                                or.StationID, or.OrderID, or.Range, or.VolEntered, or.VolRemaining, or.MinVolume, or.Price,
                                or.Duration, BitConverter.GetBytes(or.Bid)[0]);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void getMarketData(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            //int recCnt = 0;
            bwWorkerArgs inArgs = (bwWorkerArgs)e.Argument;
            Int64 histcnt = 0;
            Int64 ordcnt = 0;

            using (var context = new Context())
                using (var sub = context.Socket(SocketType.SUB))
                    List<EMDRData> emdr = new List<EMDRData>();

                    BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

                    //Connect to the first publicly available relay.

                    // Disable filtering.
                    sub.SetSockOpt(SocketOpt.SUBSCRIBE, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(""));

                    while (worker.CancellationPending == false)

                            // Receive compressed raw market data.
                            var receivedData = sub.Recv();

                            // The following code lines remove the need of 'zlib' usage;
                            // 'zlib' actually uses the same algorith as 'DeflateStream'.
                            // To make the data compatible for 'DeflateStream', we only have to remove
                            // the four last bytes which are the adler32 checksum and
                            // the two first bytes which are the 'zlib' header.
                            byte[] decompressed;
                            byte[] choppedRawData = new byte[(receivedData.Length - 4)];
                            Array.Copy(receivedData, choppedRawData, choppedRawData.Length);
                            choppedRawData = choppedRawData.Skip(2).ToArray();

                            // Decompress the raw market data.
                            using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(choppedRawData))
                            using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
                                DeflateStream outZStream = new DeflateStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
                                decompressed = outStream.ToArray();

                            // Transform data into JSON strings.
                            string marketJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressed);

                            // Un-serialize the JSON data to a dictionary.
                            var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                            //emdr[recCnt] = new EMDRData(serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(marketJson));
                            EMDRData eData = new EMDRData(serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(marketJson));

                            loadMessages(eData, inArgs);

                            foreach (Rowset rs in eData.Rowsets)
                                histcnt += rs.HistoryRows.Count;
                                ordcnt += rs.OrderRows.Count;

                            worker.ReportProgress(1, new bwResponse(histcnt, ordcnt));

                        catch (ZMQ.Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                    e.Cancel = true;