Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void CreateTimings(ELogFlags InLoggingFlags)
     LoggingFlags = InLoggingFlags;
     if ((LoggingFlags & ELogFlags.LOG_TIMINGS) != 0)
         bPerfTimerInstanceActive = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		static int SwarmOpenConnection(FConnectionCallback CallbackFunc, IntPtr CallbackData, ELogFlags LoggingFlags, IntPtr OptionsFolder)
				return GInstance.OpenConnection(CallbackFunc, CallbackData, (ELogFlags)LoggingFlags, FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(OptionsFolder));
			catch(Exception Ex)
				DebugLog.Write(Ex.Message + "\n" + Ex.ToString());
				return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		Int32 TryOpenConnection(FConnectionCallback CallbackFunc, IntPtr CallbackData, ELogFlags LoggingFlags)
				// Allocate our new connection wrapper object
				Connection = new IAgentInterfaceWrapper();

				// Make sure the agent is alive and responsive before continuing
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, "[TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent");
				Hashtable InParameters = null;
				Hashtable OutParameters = null;
				bool AgentIsReady = false;
				while (!AgentIsReady)
						// Simply try to call the method and if it doesn't throw
						// an exception, consider it a success
						Connection.Method(0, InParameters, ref OutParameters);
						AgentIsReady = true;
					catch (Exception ex)
						// Wait a little longer
						EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, "[TryOpenConnection] Waiting for the agent to start up ...");
						EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ex.ToString());

				// Request an official connection to the Agent
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, "[TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent");
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, "[TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString());

				StartTiming("OpenConnection-Remote", false);
				ConnectionHandle = Connection.OpenConnection(AgentProcess, AgentProcessOwner, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, LoggingFlags, out ConnectionConfiguration);

				if (ConnectionHandle >= 0)
					Log(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Green, "[Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established");

					// Spawn a thread to monitor the message queue
					MessageThreadData ThreadData = new MessageThreadData();
					ThreadData.Owner = this;
					ThreadData.Connection = Connection;
					ThreadData.ConnectionHandle = ConnectionHandle;
					ThreadData.ConnectionCallback = CallbackFunc;
					ThreadData.ConnectionCallbackData = CallbackData;
					ThreadData.ConnectionConfiguration = ConnectionConfiguration;

					// Launch the message queue thread
					ConnectionMessageThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(MessageThreadProc));
					ConnectionMessageThread.Name = "ConnectionMessageThread";
					ConnectionMessageThread.Start( ThreadData );

					// Launch the agent monitor thread
					ConnectionMonitorThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(MonitorThreadProc));
					ConnectionMonitorThread.Name = "ConnectionMonitorThread";

					// Save the user's callback routine
					ConnectionCallback = CallbackFunc;
					ConnectionCallbackData = CallbackData;
					ConnectionLoggingFlags = LoggingFlags;
			catch (Exception Ex)
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, "[TryOpenConnection] Error: " + Ex.Message);
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, Ex.ToString());
				ConnectionHandle = Constants.INVALID;
				Connection = null;

			return ConnectionHandle;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		// A duplication of the IAgentInterface API which this class wraps
		public Int32 OpenConnection(Process AgentProcess, bool AgentProcessOwner, Int32 LocalProcessID, ELogFlags LoggingFlags, out AgentConfiguration NewConfiguration)
			OpenConnectionDelegate DOpenConnection = Connection.OpenConnection;
			// Set up the versioned hashtable input parameters
			Hashtable InParameters = new Hashtable();
			InParameters["Version"] = ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0;
			InParameters["ProcessID"] = LocalProcessID;
			InParameters["ProcessIsOwner"] = (AgentProcessOwner == true ? true : false);
			InParameters["LoggingFlags"] = LoggingFlags;
			Hashtable OutParameters = null;
			IAsyncResult Result = DOpenConnection.BeginInvoke(InParameters, ref OutParameters, null, null);
			// This will wait with an occasional wake up to check to see if the
			// agent process is still alive and kicking (avoids infinite wait,
			// allows for very long start up times while debugging)
			Int32 StartupSleep = 1000;
			while ((Result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(StartupSleep) == false) &&
			      (AgentProcess.HasExited == false) &&
			      (AgentProcess.Responding == true))
				// While the application is alive and responding, wait
				DebugLog.Write("[OpenConnection] Waiting for agent to respond ...");

			if (Result.IsCompleted)
				// If the invocation didn't fail, end to get the result
				Int32 ReturnValue = DOpenConnection.EndInvoke(ref OutParameters, Result);
				if (OutParameters != null)
					if ((ESwarmVersionValue)OutParameters["Version"] == ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0)
						NewConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();
						NewConfiguration.AgentProcessID = (Int32 )OutParameters["AgentProcessID"];
						NewConfiguration.AgentCachePath = (String )OutParameters["AgentCachePath"];
						NewConfiguration.AgentJobGuid = (AgentGuid )OutParameters["AgentJobGuid"];
						if (OutParameters.ContainsKey("IsPureLocalConnection"))
							NewConfiguration.IsPureLocalConnection = (bool)OutParameters["IsPureLocalConnection"];
						// Complete and successful
						return ReturnValue;
			// Otherwise, error
			NewConfiguration = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		 * Opens a new connection to the Swarm
		 * @param CallbackFunc The callback function Swarm will use to communicate back to the Instigator
		 * @return An INT containing the error code (if < 0) or the handle (>= 0) which is useful for debugging only
		public virtual Int32 OpenConnection(FConnectionCallback CallbackFunc, IntPtr CallbackData, ELogFlags LoggingFlags, string OptionsFolder)
			// Checked here so we can time OpenConnection
			if ((LoggingFlags & ELogFlags.LOG_TIMINGS) == ELogFlags.LOG_TIMINGS)
				PerfTimerInstance = new PerfTimer();

			StartTiming("OpenConnection-Managed", true);

			// Establish a connection to the local Agent server object
			ConnectionHandle = Constants.INVALID;
			Int32 ReturnValue = Constants.INVALID;
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, "[OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel ...");

				// Start up network services, by opening a network communication channel
				NetworkChannel = new TcpClientChannel();
				ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(NetworkChannel, false);

				// See if an agent is already running, and if not, launch one
				if (AgentProcess != null)
					EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, "[OpenConnection] Connecting to agent ...");
					ReturnValue = TryOpenConnection(CallbackFunc, CallbackData, LoggingFlags);
					if (ReturnValue >= 0)
						AgentCacheFolder = ConnectionConfiguration.AgentCachePath;
						if (AgentCacheFolder.Length == 0)
							EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, "[OpenConnection] Agent cache folder with 0 length.");
							ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_FILE_FOUND_NOT;
					EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, "[OpenConnection] Failed to find Swarm Agent");
                    ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_FILE_FOUND_NOT;
			catch (Exception Ex)
				EditorLog(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, "[OpenConnection] Error: " + Ex.Message);
				ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_EXCEPTION;

			// Finally, if there have been no errors, assign the connection handle 
			if (ReturnValue >= 0)
				ConnectionHandle = ReturnValue;
				// If we've failed for any reason, call the clean up routine

			return ReturnValue;
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Used by an agent to open a remote connection to another agent. Remote
         * connections are bi-directional and this routine, along with its pair,
         * ConfirmRemoteConnection, are used to resolve all handshaking. Remote
         * connections are used by Agents to work on Tasks for Jobs they're
         * managing on behalf of a LocalConnection.
        public Int32 OpenRemoteConnection( string RequestingAgentName, Int32 ConnectionHandle, ELogFlags LoggingFlags, bool IsAssigned, DateTime AssignedTimestamp )
            // Always wait until the agent is fully initialized

            Int32 RemoteConnectionHandle = Constants.INVALID;

            CreateTimings( LoggingFlags );
            StartTiming( "OpenRemoteConn-Internal", true );

            // Make sure we only have one thread in here at a time
            lock( Connections )
                // Reject any incoming remote connection if:
                // we're in standalone mode
                // of if the CPU is already busy
                // or if a restart/exit has been requested
                if( ( AgentApplication.Options.EnableStandaloneMode ) ||
                    ( CurrentState == AgentState.Busy ) ||
                    ( AgentIsShuttingDown ) )
                    return Constants.INVALID;
                    // Determine if this is a request for a connection or an assignment
                    if( IsAssigned )
                        // Make sure the assignment isn't stale
                        if( AssignedTimestamp <= LastAssignedTime )
                            return Constants.INVALID;
                        if( Connections.Count != 0 )
                            // If there are any active jobs running in which the owner is the instigator,
                            // meaning that this agent is connected directly to the instigator, reject
                            foreach( AgentJob Job in ActiveJobs.Values )
                                if( Job.OwnerIsInstigator )
                                    return Constants.INVALID;

                            // Close any existing remote connections in favor of this incoming one
                            foreach( Connection ExistingConnection in Connections.Values )
                                if( ExistingConnection is RemoteConnection )
                                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Orange, "[Connection] Detected incoming assigned remote connection, closing existing remote connection" );
                                    Hashtable OldInParameters = null;
                                    Hashtable OldOutParameters = null;
                                    CloseConnection( ExistingConnection.Handle, OldInParameters, ref OldOutParameters );
                        // For connection requests, any other connection at all will cause a rejection
                        if( Connections.Count != 0 )
                            return Constants.INVALID;

                // First, ping the remote host to make sure we can talk to it,
                // starting with verifying the Agent with the Coordinator
                    if( ( Coordinator != null ) &&
                        ( CoordinatorResponding ) &&
                        ( AgentApplication.Options.EnableStandaloneMode == false ) )
                        AgentInfo RequestingAgentInfo = null;

                        Hashtable RequestedConfiguration = new Hashtable();
                        RequestedConfiguration["Version"] = new Version( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                        RequestedConfiguration["RequestingAgentName"] = Environment.MachineName;
                        List<AgentInfo> PotentialRemoteAgents = Coordinator.GetAvailableAgents( RequestedConfiguration );
                        foreach( AgentInfo NextAgentInfo in PotentialRemoteAgents )
                            if( NextAgentInfo.Name == RequestingAgentName )
                                RequestingAgentInfo = NextAgentInfo;

                        if( RequestingAgentInfo != null )
                            Debug.Assert( RequestingAgentInfo.Configuration.ContainsKey( "IPAddress" ) );
                            string RequestingAgentIPAddress = RequestingAgentInfo.Configuration["IPAddress"].ToString();


                            // Now, ping the Agent
                            if( PingRemoteHost( RequestingAgentName, RequestingAgentIPAddress ) )
                                // Get the remote agent's interface object and wrap it
                                string RemoteAgentURL = String.Format( "tcp://{0}:{1}/SwarmAgent",
                                    Properties.Settings.Default.AgentRemotingPort.ToString() );

                                Agent RequestingAgentInterface = ( Agent )Activator.GetObject( typeof( Agent ), RemoteAgentURL );
                                RemoteConnectionInterfaceWrapper WrappedRequestingAgentInterface = new RemoteConnectionInterfaceWrapper( ConnectionHandle, RequestingAgentName, RequestingAgentIPAddress, RequestingAgentInterface );
                                Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Green, "[Connect] Remote agent connection object obtained: " + RequestingAgentName );

                                // Confirm the connection
                                    // Send the connection GUID back to the requesting agent as
                                    // confirmation that we've received the request and plan to
                                    // accept it after the handshaking is complete
                                    RemoteConnectionHandle = WrappedRequestingAgentInterface.ConfirmRemoteConnection( ConnectionHandle );
                                    if( RemoteConnectionHandle >= 0 )
                                        // Create the new remote connection object
                                        RemoteConnection NewRemoteConnection = new RemoteConnection( ConnectionHandle,
                                                                                                     WrappedRequestingAgentInterface );

                                        // There are times we want to ensure no new connections are coming online
                                        // where we'll lock the Connections dictionary (see MaintainCache). Note
                                        // that we're already in the lock above...
                                        Connections.Add( ConnectionHandle, NewRemoteConnection );
                                        NewRemoteConnection.CurrentState = ConnectionState.CONNECTED;

                                        // Update our state and ping the coordinator
                                        CurrentState = AgentState.Working;
                                        WorkingFor = RequestingAgentName;
                                        if( IsAssigned )
                                            // Successful assignment
                                            LastAssignedTime = AssignedTimestamp;
                                        PingCoordinator( true );

                                        Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Green, "[Connect] Remote agent connection confirmed: " + RequestingAgentName );
                                catch( Exception Ex )
                                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] OpenRemoteConnection: " + Ex.ToString() );
                                    RemoteConnectionHandle = Constants.ERROR_EXCEPTION;
                                // Failed to ping, simply return with an appropriate error code
                                Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Failed to ping " + RequestingAgentName + " at " + RequestingAgentIPAddress + " to confirm the remote connection" );
                                RemoteConnectionHandle = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;
                            // Failed to find the Agent info for the requesting Agent, simply return with an appropriate error code
                            Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Failed to lookup " + RequestingAgentName + " in the Coordinator" );
                            RemoteConnectionHandle = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;
                        // Could not contact the Coordinator, simply return with an appropriate error code
                        Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Failed to contact the Coordinator" );
                        RemoteConnectionHandle = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;
                catch( Exception Ex )
                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Verbose, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Remote agent connection failed: " + RequestingAgentName );
                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Verbose, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Exception details: " + Ex.ToString() );

                if( RemoteConnectionHandle < 0 )
                    // If we get here, we have failed to create the connection
                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Connect] Remote agent connection failed: " + RequestingAgentName );

            return RemoteConnectionHandle;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Int32 OpenRemoteConnection( string RequestingAgentName, Int32 ConnectionHandle, ELogFlags LoggingFlags, bool IsAssigned, DateTime AssignedTimestamp )
     Int32 ReturnCode = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;
     if( RemoteInterfaceAlive )
             OpenRemoteConnectionDelegate DOpenRemoteConnection = new OpenRemoteConnectionDelegate( RemoteInterface.OpenRemoteConnection );
             IAsyncResult Result = DOpenRemoteConnection.BeginInvoke( RequestingAgentName, ConnectionHandle, LoggingFlags, IsAssigned, AssignedTimestamp, null, null );
             // Double the timeout, since this requires round-trip communication
             Int32 RemoteAgentTimeout = ( AgentApplication.DeveloperOptions.RemoteAgentTimeout >= 0 ? 2 * AgentApplication.DeveloperOptions.RemoteAgentTimeout * 1000 : Timeout.Infinite );
             WaitHandle.WaitAny( new WaitHandle[2] { Result.AsyncWaitHandle, RemoteInterfaceDropped }, RemoteAgentTimeout );
             if( Result.IsCompleted )
                 ReturnCode = DOpenRemoteConnection.EndInvoke( Result );
                 // If opening the remote connection is successful, start monitoring for drops
                 if( ReturnCode >= 0 )
         catch( Exception )
     return ReturnCode;