Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// Determines the document type for Rpt style file
            protected void ParseXML(string filePath)
                using (XmlTextReader xr = new XmlTextReader(filePath)) {
                    xr.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;
                    xr.Read(); // Read the XML declaration node, advance to next tag
                    xr.Read(); // Read the root tag
                    switch (xr.Name.ToLower())
                    case "linkdoc":
                        DocumentType = EDocumentType.Link;

                    case "griddef":
                        DocumentType = EDocumentType.DataGrid;

                    case "workspace":
                        DocumentType = EDocumentType.TaskList;

                        throw new DocumentException("Cannot determine document type for file {0}", filePath);
                    Name             = xr.GetAttribute("doc_name");
                    Description      = xr.GetAttribute("doc_description");
                    DocumentFileType = EDocumentFileType.XML;
                    // TODO: Fix this... SecurityClass = xr.GetAttribute("doc_secclass");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SaveDocument(
            [Parameter("The path to the folder in which to save the document")]
            string path,
            [Parameter("The name to give the document")]
            string name,
            [Parameter("The description to give the document")]
            string desc,
            [Parameter("The document type to save the document as")]
            EDocumentType documentType,
            [Parameter("The document file type to save the document as")]
            EDocumentFileType documentFileType,
            [Parameter("The content for the new document")]
            string content,
            [Parameter("The security class to assign the document",
                       DefaultValue = "[Default]")]
            string securityClass,
            [Parameter("If true, the document is saved as a private document; otherwise, it is public",
                       DefaultValue = false)]
            bool isPrivate,
            [Parameter("True to overwrite any existing document with the same name in the folder",
                       DefaultValue = true)]
            bool overwrite)

            HFM.Try("Saving document {0} to {1}", name, path,
                    () => _documents.SaveDocument2(path, name, desc, (int)documentType,
                                                   (int)documentFileType, securityClass,
                                                   content, isPrivate, (int)EDocumentType.All,
            // Update cache
            LoadCache(path, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            /// Determines the document type for Rpt style file
            protected void ParseRpt(string filePath)
                var re = new Regex(@"^(ReportType|ReportLabel|ReportDescription|ReportSecurityClass)=(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(filePath)) {
                    while (r.Peek() >= 0)
                        var line  = r.ReadLine();
                        var match = re.Match(line);
                        if (match.Success)
                            switch (match.Groups[1].Value.ToUpper())
                            case "REPORTDESCRIPTION":
                                Description = match.Groups[2].Value;

                            case "REPORTLABEL":
                                Name = match.Groups[2].Value;

                            case "REPORTSECURITYCLASS":
                                // TODO: Fix this... SecurityClass = match.Groups[2].Value;

                            case "REPORTTYPE":
                                switch (match.Groups[2].Value.ToUpper())
                                case "INTERCOMPANY":
                                    DocumentType     = EDocumentType.IntercompanyReport;
                                    DocumentFileType = EDocumentFileType.ReportDefRPT;

                                case "JOURNAL":
                                    DocumentType     = EDocumentType.JournalReport;
                                    DocumentFileType = EDocumentFileType.ReportDefRPT;

                                case "WEBFORM":
                                    DocumentType     = EDocumentType.WebForm;
                                    DocumentFileType = EDocumentFileType.WebFormDef;

                                case "DATAEXPLORER":
                                    DocumentType     = EDocumentType.DataExplorerReport;
                                    DocumentFileType = EDocumentFileType.XML;
                if (DocumentType == EDocumentType.Invalid)
                    DocumentType = EDocumentType.Custom;
                _log.TraceFormat("File {0} has document type {1}", filePath, DocumentType);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ExtractDocuments(
            [Parameter("The source folder from which document extraction is to take place")]
            string path,
            [Parameter("A document name pattern identifying the documents to extract",
                       DefaultValue = '*')]
            string name,
            [Parameter("The file system path where extracted documents are to be placed")]
            string targetDir,
            [Parameter("A flag indicating whether documents in sub-folders should be included",
                       DefaultValue = false)]
            bool includeSubFolders,
            [Parameter("The document type(s) to be extracted",
                       DefaultValue = EDocumentType.All)]
            EDocumentType documentType,
            [Parameter("The document file type(s) to be extracted",
                       DefaultValue = EDocumentFileType.All)]
            EDocumentFileType documentFileTypes,
            [Parameter("The type of documents to extract (public, private, or both)",
                       DefaultValue = EPublicPrivate.Both)]
            EPublicPrivate visibility,
            [Parameter("Flag indicating whether existing files should be overwritten",
                       DefaultValue = true)]
            bool overwrite,
            IOutput output)
            string tgtPath, filePath;
            int    extracted = 0;

            var docs = EnumDocuments(path, name, includeSubFolders, documentType,
                                     visibility, null);

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))
            output.InitProgress("Extracting documents", docs.Count);
            foreach (var doc in docs)
                tgtPath  = Path.Combine(targetDir, FileUtilities.PathDifference(path, doc.Folder));
                filePath = Path.Combine(tgtPath, doc.DefaultFileName);
                if (doc.IsFolder)
                    if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                        _log.FineFormat("Creating directory {0}", filePath);
                else if (overwrite || !File.Exists(filePath))
                    _log.FineFormat("Extracting document {0} to {1}", doc.Name, filePath);
                    var content = GetDocument(doc.Folder, doc.Name, doc.DocumentType);
                    using (FileStream fs = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
                                                     FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
                        fs.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
                    // Update last modified time to match document timestamp
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(filePath, doc.Timestamp);
                if (output.IterationComplete())
            _log.InfoFormat("Successfully extracted {0} documents to {1}", extracted, targetDir);