Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void GetBusinessReport(HttpContext context)
            string        strWhere  = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        pageIndex = context.Request["page"];
            string        pageSize  = context.Request["pagesize"];

            string unit        = context.Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string timebegin   = context.Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string timeend     = context.Request["timeend"];   //结束日期
            string count_start = context.Request["count_start"];
            string count_end   = context.Request["count_end"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                strWhere += " AND CBDW_MC LIKE '%" + unit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            string havingWhere = " HAVING 1=1 ";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(count_start) > 0)
                havingWhere += " AND SUM(CASE WHEN ISREGARD > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >=" + count_start;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(count_end) > 0)
                havingWhere += " AND SUM(CASE WHEN ISREGARD > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) <=" + count_end;
            string qxWhere = " AND trim(DWBM) = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            int     count            = 0;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseBusinessReport(strWhere, havingWhere, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), "", out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况统计Web, "查询卷宗业务情况统计成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + ds.Tables[0].ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况统计Web, "查询卷宗业务情况统计失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + "[]" + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GetAllBusinessType(HttpContext context)
            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            DataSet ds = bll.GetAllBusinessType();

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private DataSet GetMakeCaseData()
            string pageIndex = Request["page"];
            string pageSize  = Request["pagesize"];
            string b_date   = Request["b_date"];
            string e_date   = Request["e_date"];
            string username = Request["username"];
            string unit     = Request["txt_unit"];

            string where = "";
            List <object> values = new List <object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(b_date))
                //JZ.Cjsj(创建时间) / JZ.JZSCSJ(上传时间)
                where += " and JZ.Cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(b_date).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e_date))
                where += " and JZ.Cjsj <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(e_date).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                where += " and JZ.JZSCRXM LIKE ";
                where += "'%" + username + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_MC LIKE ";
                where += "'%" + unit + "%'";
            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);

            string qxWhere = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            int     count;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseByPerson(where, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), "", out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds == null)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计图表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计图表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private DataSet GetBusinessReport()
            string        strWhere    = "";
            List <object> values      = new List <object>();
            string        pageIndex   = Request["page"];
            string        pageSize    = Request["pagesize"];
            string        unit        = Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        timebegin   = Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend     = Request["timeend"];   //结束日期
            string        count_start = Request["count_start"];
            string        count_end   = Request["count_end"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                strWhere += " AND CBDW_MC LIKE '%" + unit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            string qxWhere     = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";
            string havingWhere = " HAVING 1=1 ";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(count_start) > 0)
                havingWhere += " AND SUM(CASE WHEN ISREGARD > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >=" + count_start;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(count_end) > 0)
                havingWhere += " AND SUM(CASE WHEN ISREGARD > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) <=" + count_end;
            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            int     count            = 0;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseBusinessReport(strWhere, havingWhere, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), "", out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds == null)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况统计Web, "查询卷宗业务情况统计图表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况统计Web, "查询卷宗业务情况统计图表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private DataSet GetUnitCaseData()
            string where = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        pageIndex = Request["page"];
            string        pageSize  = Request["pagesize"];
            string        key       = Request["key"];       //部门受案号
            string        unit      = Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        timebegin = Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = Request["timeend"];   //结束日期

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_MC like ";
                where += "'%" + unit + "%'";
            //strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzml y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";//已关联
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                where += " and SLRQ >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                where += " and SLRQ <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";

            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);
            string qxWhere = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            int count;
            //1-8 修改存储过程
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupByUnit(where, UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), "", out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds == null)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.单位卷宗统计Web, "查询单位卷宗统计图表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.单位卷宗统计Web, "查询单位卷宗统计图表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public object GetMlxx(string mlbh, HttpContext context)
            string        strWhere = "";
            List <object> values   = new List <object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mlbh))
                strWhere += " AND T1.fmlbh = :mlbh";
            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);

            DataTable dt = bll.GetListGroupByM(strWhere, values.ToArray());

            if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            List <object> list = new List <object>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                var d = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    if (dc.ColumnName.ToLower() == "cjsj" || dc.ColumnName.ToLower() == "zhxgsj")
                        d[dc.ColumnName.ToLower()] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[dc.ColumnName]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        d[dc.ColumnName.ToLower()] = dr[dc.ColumnName] == null ? "" : dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString();
                object children = GetWjxx(dr["mlbh"].ToString(), context);
                if (children != null)
                    d["children"] = children;
            //string json = "{\"Rows\":" + dt.ToDatagridJson() + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GetJxx(HttpContext context)
            string        strWhere = "";
            List <object> values   = new List <object>();
            string        mlbh     = context.Request["bmsah"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mlbh))
                strWhere += " AND T1.bmsah = :bmsah";
            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);

            List <object> list = new List <object>();
            DataTable     dt   = bll.GetListGroupByJ(strWhere, values.ToArray());

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                var d = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    if (dc.ColumnName.ToLower() == "cjsj" || dc.ColumnName.ToLower() == "zhxgsj")
                        d[dc.ColumnName.ToLower()] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[dc.ColumnName]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        d[dc.ColumnName.ToLower()] = dr[dc.ColumnName] == null ? "" : dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString();
                object children = GetMlxx(dr["mlbh"].ToString(), context);
                if (children != null)
                    d["children"] = children;
            context.Response.Write("{ Rows :" + new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list) + "}");

            //string json = "{\"Rows\":" + dt.ToDatagridJson() + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private DataSet GetCaseByMouth()
            string where = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        unit      = Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        timebegin = Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeEnd   = Request["timeend"];   //结束日期

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (";
                where += "" + unit.Replace(";", ",") + "";
                where += ")";
            //strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzml y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";//已关联
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                where += " and SLRQ >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeEnd))
                where += " and SLRQ < to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeEnd).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";

            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            string  qxWhere          = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupMouth(where, qxWhere, "mm", values.ToArray());

            if (ds == null)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗月统计图Web, "查询卷宗月统计报表图表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗月统计图Web, "查询卷宗月统计报表图表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, Request);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void GetAjxx(HttpContext context)
            string        strWhere = "";
            List <object> values   = new List <object>();
            string        ajlb_bm  = context.Request["ajlb_bm"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajlb_bm))
                strWhere += " AND trim(T1.ajlb_bm) = :AJLB_BM";
            string key       = context.Request["key"];       //部门受案号
            string casename  = context.Request["casename"];  //案件名称
            string dutyman   = context.Request["dutyman"];   //承办人
            string relevance = context.Request["relevance"]; //是否关联
            string timebegin = context.Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string timeend   = context.Request["timeend"];   //结束日期

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                strWhere += " and T1.BMSAH like :BMSAH";
                values.Add("%" + key + "%");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(casename))
                strWhere += " and T1.AJMC like :AJMC";
                values.Add("%" + casename + "%");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dutyman))
                strWhere += " and T1.CBR like :CBR";
                values.Add("%" + dutyman + "%");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relevance) && relevance != "0")
                if (relevance == "1")
                    strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzjbxx y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";
                else if (relevance == "2")
                    strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzjbxx y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) = 0";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and SLRQ >= :SLRQ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and SLRQ <= :SLRQ1";
            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);

            DataTable dt = bll.GetListGroupByAj(strWhere, values.ToArray());

            string json = "{\"Rows\":" + dt.ToDatagridJson() + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void GetMakeCaseReport(HttpContext context)
            int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["pagesize"]);
            string b_date   = context.Request.Form["b_date"];
            string e_date   = context.Request.Form["e_date"];
            string username = context.Request.Form["username"];
            string unit     = context.Request.Form["unit"];

            string sortname  = context.Request.Form["sortname"];
            string sortorder = context.Request.Form["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "cbdw_mc")
                sortname = "CBDW_BM";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            string where = "";
            List <object> values = new List <object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(b_date))
                //JZ.Cjsj(创建时间) / JZ.JZSCSJ(上传时间)
                where += " and t1.Cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(b_date).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e_date))
                where += " and t1.Cjsj <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(e_date).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                where += " and JZ.JZSCRXM LIKE ";
                where += "'%" + username + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                string dwbms = unit.Replace(";", ",");
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms) + ")";
                //EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQx = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(context.Request);
                //DataSet dsDwQx = bllQx.GetDwList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
                //if (dsDwQx != null && dsDwQx.Tables.Count > 0 && dsDwQx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //    string dwbms = "";
                //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsDwQx.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    {
                //        dwbms += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
                //    }
                //    where += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms.Substring(0, dwbms.Length - 1)) + ")";
                //    // where_dw = " and jz.dwbm in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms.Substring(0, dwbms.Length - 1)) + ")";
                //    where += " and CBDW_BM =" + base.UserInfo.DWBM;
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(context, UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);
            string qxWhere = " AND trim(DWBM) = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            int     count;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseByPerson(where, qxWhere, (pageSize * pageIndex), (pageSize * pageIndex) - pageSize + 1, sortname, out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计列表成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + ds.Tables[0].ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计列表失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                context.Response.Write("{\"Rows\":" + "[]" + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void GetAJReportByUnit(HttpContext context)
            string        strWhere  = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            int           pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]);
            int           pageSize  = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pagesize"]);
            string        key       = context.Request["key"];       //部门受案号
            string        timebegin = context.Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = context.Request["timeend"];   //结束日期
            string        unit      = context.Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        ywbm      = context.Request["ywbm"];
            string        caseajlb  = context.Request["caseajlb"];
            string sortname  = context.Request["sortname"];
            string sortorder = context.Request["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "cbdw_mc")
                sortname = "CBDW_BM";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            // string qxWhere = "";
            //  qxWhere = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";
            EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQx = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(context.Request);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                string dwbms = unit.Replace(";", ",");
                strWhere += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms) + ")";
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                //DataSet dsDwQx = bllQx.GetDwList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
                //if (dsDwQx != null && dsDwQx.Tables.Count > 0 && dsDwQx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //    string dwbms = "";
                //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsDwQx.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    {
                //        dwbms += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
                //    }
                // strWhere += " and AJ.CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms.Substring(0, dwbms.Length - 1)) + ")";
                strWhere += " and AJ.CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";
                ////    where_dw = " and jz.dwbm in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms.Substring(0, dwbms.Length - 1)) + ")";
                //    strWhere += " and AJ.CBDW_BM = " + base.UserInfo.DWBM;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseajlb))
                string caseajlbs = caseajlb.Replace(";", ",");
                strWhere += " and trim(AJ.AJLB_BM) in (" + caseajlbs + ")";
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseajlb))
                //DataSet dsLbQx = bllQx.GetLBList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
                //if (dsLbQx != null && dsLbQx.Tables.Count > 0 && dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //    string ajlbs = "";
                //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    {
                //        ajlbs += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
                //    }
                //    strWhere += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ajlbs.Substring(0, ajlbs.Length - 1)) + ")";
                strWhere += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=1 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ywbm))
                strWhere += " and  LB.YWBM='" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ywbm) + "'";

            //strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzml y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";//已关联
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and aj.cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and aj.cjsj  <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";


            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(context,UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            int count = 0;
            //1-8 修改存储过程
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupByUnit(strWhere, UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, (pageSize * pageIndex), (pageSize * pageIndex) - pageSize + 1, sortname, out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Copy();

                int?isLocalAjxx = EDRS.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("IsLocalAjxx");
                if (isLocalAjxx == 1)
                    string   msg    = "";
                    DateTime?b_date = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                        b_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin);

                    DateTime?e_date = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                        e_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timeend);
                    EDRS.Common.IceServicePrx iceprx = new IceServicePrx();

                    EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX ajbll = new EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(context.Request);
                    msg = ajbll.GetConfiguration(UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, iceprx);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        dr["AJNUM"]  = iceprx.GetAjjbxxCount(null, dr["CBDW_BM"].ToString(), b_date, e_date, true, out msg);
                        dr["WZNUM"]  = int.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString()) - int.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString());
                        dr["ZZLNUM"] = Math.Round((decimal.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString()) / decimal.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString())) * 100, 2);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况Web, "查询单位卷宗统计列表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + dt.ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况Web, "查询单位卷宗统计列表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + "[]" + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void GetBusinessList(HttpContext context)
            //action: "BusinessList",
            //key: $("#txt_key").val(),
            //unit: $("#txt_unit").val(),
            //casename: $("#txt_name").val(),
            //dutyman: $("#txt_dutyman").val(),
            //ywlx: $("#txt_ywlx").val(),
            //timebegin: $('#txt_time_begin').val(),
            //timeend: $('#txt_time_end').val()
            string        strWhere  = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        pageIndex = context.Request["page"];
            string        pageSize  = context.Request["pagesize"];
            string        key       = context.Request["key"];  //部门受案号
            string        unit      = context.Request["unit"]; //承办单位
            string        casename  = context.Request["casename"];
            string        dutyman   = context.Request["dutyman"];
            string        ywlx      = context.Request["ywlx"];
            string        timebegin = context.Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = context.Request["timeend"];   //结束日期

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                strWhere += " AND BMSAH LIKE '%" + key + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                strWhere += " AND CBDW_MC LIKE '%" + unit + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(casename))
                strWhere += " AND AJMC LIKE '%" + casename + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dutyman))
                strWhere += " AND CBR LIKE '%" + dutyman + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ywlx))
                strWhere += " AND LB.YWBM = '" + ywlx + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and CJSJ <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            string qxWhere = " AND trim(DWBM) = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            int     count            = 0;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseBusiness(strWhere, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), "", out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + ds.Tables[0].ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况Web, "查询卷宗业务情况列表成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + "[]" + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗业务情况Web, "查询卷宗业务情况列表失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DeriveData()
            string        strWhere  = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            int           pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
            int           pageSize  = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pagesize"]);
            string        key       = Request["key"];       //部门受案号
            string        timebegin = Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = Request["timeend"];   //结束日期
            string        unit      = Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        ywbm      = Request["ywbm"];
            string        caseajlb  = Request["caseajlb"];
            string sortname  = Request["sortname"];
            string sortorder = Request["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "cbdw_mc")
                sortname = "CBDW_BM";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            // string qxWhere = "";
            //  qxWhere = " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";
            EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQx = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(Request);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                string dwbms = unit.Replace(";", ",");
                strWhere += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms) + ")";
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                strWhere += " and AJ.CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseajlb))
                string caseajlbs = caseajlb.Replace(";", ",");
                strWhere += " and trim(AJ.AJLB_BM) in (" + caseajlbs + ")";
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseajlb))
                strWhere += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=1 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ywbm))
                strWhere += " and  LB.YWBM='" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ywbm) + "'";

            //strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzml y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";//已关联
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                strWhere += " and aj.cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                strWhere += " and aj.cjsj  <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            int count = 0;

            //1-8 修改存储过程
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupByUnit(strWhere, UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, (pageSize * pageIndex), (pageSize * pageIndex) - pageSize + 1, sortname, out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Copy();

                int?isLocalAjxx = EDRS.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("IsLocalAjxx");
                if (isLocalAjxx == 1)
                    string   msg    = "";
                    DateTime?b_date = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                        b_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin);

                    DateTime?e_date = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                        e_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timeend);
                    EDRS.Common.IceServicePrx iceprx = new IceServicePrx();

                    EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX ajbll = new EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(Request);
                    msg = ajbll.GetConfiguration(UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, iceprx);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                        ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, msg, null);

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        dr["AJNUM"]  = iceprx.GetAjjbxxCount(null, dr["CBDW_BM"].ToString(), b_date, e_date, true, out msg);
                        dr["WZNUM"]  = int.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString()) - int.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString());
                        dr["ZZLNUM"] = Math.Round((decimal.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString()) / decimal.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString())) * 100, 2);
                string ExcelFolder = "ExcelFolder";// Assistant.GetConfigString("ExcelFolder");

                //Dictionary<string, string> nameList = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //nameList.Add("CBDW_MC", "承办单位");
                //nameList.Add("AJNUM", ((VersionName)0).ToString()+ "受理数");
                //nameList.Add("ZZNUM", "已制作数");
                //nameList.Add("WZNUM", "未制作数");
                //nameList.Add("ZZLNUM", "制作率");

                //Dictionary<string, object> valueList = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                //valueList.Add("ZZLNUM", "%");


                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls";
                string msgs     = string.Empty;
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    dt.Columns["CBDW_MC"].ColumnName = "承办单位";
                    dt.Columns["AJNUM"].ColumnName   = ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "受理数";
                    dt.Columns["ZZNUM"].ColumnName   = "已制作数";
                    dt.Columns["WZNUM"].ColumnName   = "未制作数";
                    dt.Columns["ZZLNUM"].ColumnName  = "制作率";

                    msgs = DataToExcel_Ex.Export(dt, "卷宗制作率统计", Server.MapPath("/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename));
                    //filename = dte.DataExcel(dt, "卷宗制作率统计", FilePath, nameList, valueList);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msgs))
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.win, "/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename, null));
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, StringPlus.String2Json(msgs), null));
            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "导出失败", null));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void GetMakeCaseReportDetail(HttpContext context)
            string groupType = context.Request["groupType"];
            string pageIndex = context.Request["page"];
            string pageSize  = context.Request["pagesize"];
            string b_date   = context.Request["b_date"];
            string e_date   = context.Request["e_date"];
            string username = context.Request["username"];
            string unit     = context.Request["txt_unit"];

            string sortname  = context.Request["sortname"];
            string sortorder = context.Request["sortorder"];

            if (groupType == "businessType" || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "ywmc"))
                sortname = "YWBM";
            if (groupType == "groupByType" || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "ajlbmc"))
                sortname = "AJLBBM";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            string where = "";
            List <object> values = new List <object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(b_date))
                //JZ.Cjsj(创建时间) / JZ.JZSCSJ(上传时间)
                where += " and JZ.Cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(b_date).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e_date))
                where += " and JZ.Cjsj <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(e_date).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                where += " and JZ.JZSCRXM =";
                where += "'" + username + "'";
                where += " and (JZ.JZSCRXM is null OR JZSCRXM = '')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_BM = ";
                where += "'" + unit + "'";
            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(context, UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);
            string qxWhere = " AND trim(DWBM) = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            int     count;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseByPerson(groupType, where, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), sortname, out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计列表成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + ds.Tables[0].ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗制作工作量统计Web, "查询卷宗制作工作量统计列表失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                context.Response.Write("{\"Rows\":" + "[]" + ",\"Total\":" + count + "}");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DeriveData()
            string where = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        unit      = Request.Form["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        timebegin = Request.Form["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = Request.Form["timeend"];

            string sortname  = Request.Form["sortname"];
            string sortorder = Request.Form["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "mm")
                sortname = "mm";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_BM IN( ";
                where += "" + unit.Replace(";", ",") + ")";
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                where += " and aj.cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                where += " and aj.cjsj < to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            where += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=1 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            string  qxWhere          = "";
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupMouth(where, qxWhere, sortname, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                string ExcelFolder = "ExcelFolder";// Assistant.GetConfigString("ExcelFolder");


                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls";
                string msg      = string.Empty;
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["MM"].ColumnName        = "月份";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["AJCOUNT"].ColumnName   = ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "数量";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["ZZCOUNT"].ColumnName   = "案件制作数";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["JCOUNT"].ColumnName    = "卷数";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["WCOUNT"].ColumnName    = "文件数";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["PAGECOUNT"].ColumnName = "文件页数";
                    msg = DataToExcel_Ex.Export(ds.Tables[0], "卷宗月度统计表", Server.MapPath("/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename));
                    // filename = dte.DataExcel(ds.Tables[0], "卷宗月度统计表", FilePath, nameList, valueList);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.win, "/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename, null));
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, StringPlus.String2Json(msg), null));
            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "导出失败", null));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DeriveData()
            int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["page"]);
            int pageSize  = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["pagesize"]);
            string b_date   = Request.Form["b_date"];
            string e_date   = Request.Form["e_date"];
            string username = Request.Form["username"];
            string unit     = Request.Form["unit"];

            string sortname  = Request.Form["sortname"];
            string sortorder = Request.Form["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "cbdw_mc")
                sortname = "CBDW_BM";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            string where = "";
            List <object> values = new List <object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(b_date))
                //JZ.Cjsj(创建时间) / JZ.JZSCSJ(上传时间)
                where += " and t1.Cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(b_date).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e_date))
                where += " and t1.Cjsj <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(e_date).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                where += " and JZ.JZSCRXM LIKE ";
                where += "'%" + username + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                string dwbms = unit.Replace(";", ",");
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbms) + ")";
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            string qxWhere = " AND trim(DWBM) = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(Request);
            int     count;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseByPerson(where, qxWhere, Convert.ToInt32(pageSize), Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex), sortname, out count, values.ToArray());

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                string ExcelFolder = "ExcelFolder";// Assistant.GetConfigString("ExcelFolder");

                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls";
                string msg      = string.Empty;
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["CBDW_MC"].ColumnName   = "承办单位";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["JZSCRXM"].ColumnName   = "制作人员";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["AJCOUNT"].ColumnName   = ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "数量";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["JCOUNT"].ColumnName    = "卷数";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["WCOUNT"].ColumnName    = "文件数";
                    ds.Tables[0].Columns["PAGECOUNT"].ColumnName = "文件页数";
                    msg = DataToExcel_Ex.Export(ds.Tables[0], "卷宗制作工作量统计", Server.MapPath("/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename));
                    // filename = dte.DataExcel(ds.Tables[0], "卷宗制作工作量统计", FilePath, nameList, null);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.win, "/" + ExcelFolder + "/" + filename, null));
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, StringPlus.String2Json(msg), null));
            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "导出失败", null));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void GetCaseByMouth(HttpContext context)
            string where = "";
            List <object> values    = new List <object>();
            string        unit      = context.Request["unit"];      //承办单位
            string        timebegin = context.Request["timebegin"]; //开始日期
            string        timeend   = context.Request["timeend"];

            string sortname  = context.Request["sortname"];
            string sortorder = context.Request["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname.ToLower() == "mm")
                sortname = "mm";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit))
                where += " and CBDW_BM IN( ";
                where += "" + unit.Replace(";", ",") + ")";
                //EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQxdw = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(context.Request);
                //DataSet dsLbQxdw = bllQxdw.GetDwList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
                //if (dsLbQxdw != null && dsLbQxdw.Tables.Count > 0 && dsLbQxdw.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //    string ajlbs = "";
                //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsLbQxdw.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    {
                //        ajlbs += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
                //    }
                //    where += " and CBDW_BM in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ajlbs.Substring(0, ajlbs.Length - 1)) + ")";
                where += " and CBDW_BM in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=0 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            //strWhere += " and (select count(1) from yx_dzjz_jzml y where y.Bmsah=T1.Bmsah) > 0";//已关联
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                where += " and aj.cjsj >= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                where += " and aj.cjsj < to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1).ToShortDateString() + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            //List<string> unitRoleList = GetDwBm(UserRole.DWBM, UserRole.BMBM, UserRole.JSBM);

            //EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQx = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(context.Request);
            //DataSet dsLbQx = bllQx.GetLBList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
            //if (dsLbQx != null && dsLbQx.Tables.Count > 0 && dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            //    string ajlbs = "";
            //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows)
            //    {
            //        ajlbs += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
            //    }
            //    where += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ajlbs.Substring(0, ajlbs.Length - 1)) + ")";
            where += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX  where 1=1 AND  JSBM IN (" + base.Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=1 AND trim(DWBM) = '" + base.UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM in (" + base.Bmbms + ") )";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(context.Request);
            string qxWhere           = "";// " AND DWBM = '" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND JSBM in (" + Jsbms + ") AND BMBM in (" + Bmbms + ") AND QXLX = 0";

            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupMouth(where, qxWhere, sortname, values.ToArray());

            //ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].DataType = typeof(Int32);
            if (ds == null)
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗月统计图Web, "查询卷宗月统计报表图表数据失败!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗月统计图Web, "查询卷宗月统计报表图表数据成功!", UserInfo, UserRole, context.Request);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                string json = "{\"Rows\":" + ds.Tables[0].ToDatagridJson() + ",\"Total\":" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count + "}";// EDRS.Common.JsonHelper.JsonString(ds.Tables[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取案件统计详细
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetDetailByLb()
            string dwbm      = Request["dwbm"];
            string timebegin = Request["timebegin"];
            string timeend   = Request["timeend"];

            string sortname  = Request["sortname"];
            string sortorder = Request["sortorder"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname) || sortname == "YWMC")
                sortname = "ajlb_bm";
            sortname += " " + sortorder;

            string where = string.Empty;

            object[] values = new object[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                where += " and aj.cjsj >= to_date('" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(timebegin) + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                where += " and aj.cjsj <= to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(timeend)).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','yyyy-mm-dd')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dwbm))
                where += " and cbdw_bm = " + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(dwbm) + "";

            //EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX bllQx = new EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_QX(Request);
            //DataSet dsLbQx = bllQx.GetLBList(base.Jsbms, base.UserInfo.DWBM, base.Bmbms, "");
            //if (dsLbQx != null && dsLbQx.Tables.Count > 0 && dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            //    string ajlbs = "";
            //    foreach (DataRow dr in dsLbQx.Tables[0].Rows)
            //    {
            //        ajlbs += dr["QXBM"] + ",";
            //    }
            //    where += " and trim(aj.ajlb_bm) in (" + StringPlus.ReplaceSingle(ajlbs.Substring(0, ajlbs.Length - 1)) + ")";
            where += " and aj.ajlb_bm in (select distinct QXBM FROM XT_DM_QX where JSBM IN (" + Jsbms + ") AND QXLX=1 AND trim(DWBM)='" + UserInfo.DWBM + "' AND BMBM IN (" + Bmbms + ")) ";

            EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report bll = new EDRS.BLL.EDRS_Report(this.Request);
            int     count            = 0;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetCaseGroupByUnitLb(where, UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, int.MaxValue, 1, "ajlb_bm", out count, values);

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0].Copy();

                //int? isLocalAjxx = EDRS.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("IsLocalAjxx");
                //if (isLocalAjxx == 1)
                //    string msg = "";
                //    DateTime? b_date = null;
                //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin))
                //        b_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin);

                //    DateTime? e_date = null;
                //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend))
                //        e_date = Convert.ToDateTime(timeend);
                //    EDRS.Common.IceServicePrx iceprx = new IceServicePrx();

                //    EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX ajbll = new EDRS.BLL.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(Request);
                //    msg = ajbll.GetConfiguration(UserInfo.DWBM, UserInfo.GH, iceprx);
                //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                //        Response.Write(msg);

                //    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //    {
                //        dr["AJNUM"] = iceprx.GetAjjbxxCount(new List<string> { dr["ajlb_bm"].ToString() }, dwbm, b_date, e_date, true, out msg);
                //        dr["WZNUM"] = int.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString()) - int.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString());
                //        dr["ZZLNUM"] = Math.Round((decimal.Parse(dr["ZZNUM"].ToString()) / decimal.Parse(dr["AJNUM"].ToString())) * 100, 2);
                //    }

                //    return "{\"Total\":0,\"Rows\":" + JsonHelper.JsonString(dt) + "}";
                DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                dv.Sort = sortname;
                return("{\"Total\":" + count + ",\"Rows\":" + JsonHelper.JsonString(dv.ToTable()) + "}");

            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "未找到统计信息", null));