Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IncludedSections">EDL Sections to include</param>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY Who Version ID Number Description
        // -------- --- ------- -- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------
        // 11/21/13 DLG 3.50.07           Overriding here to add ICS related tables.
        // 01/15/14 DLG 3.50.25           Added table 2529.
        // 03/14/14 AF  3.50.49 WR 464163 Call SetUpForICMEvents instead of Events to prevent the tables from being read twice.
        // 05/12/14 AF  3.50.92 WR 503772 Removed table 2529 from the list. It's not supported by the CE dll so no point in adding it.
        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList         = base.GetTablesToRead(IncludedSections);
            DateTime      startTime         = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
            byte          byDataRecordCount = 0;
            byte          byStatRecordCount = 0;
            byte          byDataRecordSize  = 0;

            ICSCommModule ICSModule = CommModule as ICSCommModule;

            if (ICSModule != null)
                TableList.Add(2510);            // ICS ERT Dimension Table
                TableList.Add(2509);            // ICS ERT Configuration Table

                    // Send the command to the meter to update the ERT data tables.
                    ICSModule.UpdateERTDataTables(out byDataRecordCount, out byStatRecordCount, out byDataRecordSize);
                    //Something went wrong. Make sure counts are zero.
                    byDataRecordCount = 0;
                    byStatRecordCount = 0;
                    byDataRecordSize  = 0;

                //Only add the tables if procedure indicates that there is data in them.
                if (0 < byDataRecordCount)
                    TableList.Add(2508);        // ICS ERT Data Table

                if (0 < byStatRecordCount)
                    TableList.Add(2511);        // ICS ERT Statistics Table

                if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.HistoryLog) == EDLSections.HistoryLog)
                    if (ProcedureResultCodes.COMPLETED == SetUpForICMEvents())
                        TableList.Add(2521);    // ICS Events Actual
                        TableList.Add(2522);    // ICS Events ID
                        TableList.Add(2523);    // ICS Events Log Control
                        TableList.Add(2524);    // ICS Log Data Table

                TableList.Add(2512);            // ICS Module Configuration Table
                TableList.Add(2515);            // ICS Module Data Table
                TableList.Add(2516);            // ICS Module Status Table
                TableList.Add(2517);            // ICS Cellular Configuration Table
                TableList.Add(2518);            // ICS Cellular Data Table
                TableList.Add(2519);            // ICS Cellular Status Table

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an EDL file that contains all of the data for a meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">The file name that will be used to store the file.</param>
        /// <returns>CreateEDLResult code.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 07/06/10 AF  2.42.02         Created
        public override CreateEDLResult CreateEDLFromMeter(string FileName)
            EDLSections AllSections = EDLSections.HistoryLog
                                      | EDLSections.NetworkTables
                                      | EDLSections.LANandHANLog;

            return(CreateEDLFromMeter(FileName, AllSections));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 05/12/09 RCG	2.20.04			Created

        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList = base.GetTablesToRead(IncludedSections);

            TableList.Add(2169); // LED Configuration

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 05/12/09 RCG	2.20.04			Created

        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList = base.GetTablesToRead(IncludedSections);

            TableList.Add(2091); // SiteScan Toolbox Table

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an EDL file that contains all of the data for a meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">The file name that will be used to store the file.</param>
        /// <returns>CreateEDLResult code.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/19/06 RCG	7.40.00			Created
        // 07/06/10 AF  2.42.02         Made virtual for use in the M2 Gateway

        public override CreateEDLResult CreateEDLFromMeter(string FileName)
            // EDLSections AllSections = EDLSections.HistoryLog
            //    | EDLSections.LoadProfile
            //    | EDLSections.NetworkTables
            //    | EDLSections.VoltageMonitoring
            //    | EDLSections.LANandHANLog;

            EDLSections AllSections = (EDLSections.HistoryLog | EDLSections.LoadProfile | EDLSections.VoltageMonitoring);

            return(CreateEDLFromMeter(FileName, AllSections));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter when creating EDL file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IncludedSections">EDL Sections to include</param>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue#   Description
        //  -------- --- ------- -------- -------------------------------------------
        //  12/12/13 jrf 3.50.16 TQ9527   Created.
        //  06/13/14 jrf 3.51.00 WR519359 Bridge meters need to remove certain tables.
        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList = base.GetTablesToRead(IncludedSections);

            if (null != m_BridgeDevice)

                foreach (ushort Table in m_BridgeDevice.GetTablesToRemove())

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an EDL file with the specified sections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">Path to the file where the EDL file will be written.</param>
        /// <param name="IncludedSections">The sections to include in the EDL file.</param>
        /// <returns>CreateEDLResult Code.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 07/06/10 AF  2.42.02         Created
        public override CreateEDLResult CreateEDLFromMeter(string FileName, EDLSections IncludedSections)
            GatewayTables MeterTables = new GatewayTables();

            List <ushort>   TablesToRead;
            int             iFileNameStart;
            string          strDirectory;
            CreateEDLResult Result     = CreateEDLResult.SUCCESS;
            PSEMResponse    PSEMResult = PSEMResponse.Ok;

            // First check to make sure we can create the file
            iFileNameStart = FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (iFileNameStart > 0)
                strDirectory = FileName.Substring(0, iFileNameStart);

                if (Directory.Exists(strDirectory) == false)
                    Result = CreateEDLResult.INVALID_PATH;

            // Make sure we will be able to write to the file
            if (Result == CreateEDLResult.SUCCESS && File.Exists(FileName) == true)
                FileInfo OutputFile = new FileInfo(FileName);

                if ((OutputFile.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
                    Result = CreateEDLResult.INVALID_PATH;

            if (Result == CreateEDLResult.SUCCESS)
                // Read the data from the meter
                TablesToRead = GetTablesToRead(IncludedSections);

                OnShowProgress(new ShowProgressEventArgs(1, TablesToRead.Count, "Creating EDL file...", "Creating EDL file..."));

                foreach (ushort TableID in TablesToRead)
                    if (PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Ok)
                        // Read the table if it exists
                        if ((Table00.IsTableUsed(TableID) == true))
                            if (MeterTables.GetTableDependencies(TableID).Contains(TableID) || MeterTables.GetTableLength(TableID) > 0)
                                PSEMResult = ReadTable(TableID, ref MeterTables);

                                if (PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Bsy ||
                                    PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Dnr ||
                                    PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Iar ||
                                    PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Onp ||
                                    PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Err)
                                    // We can't read the table but we should be able to continue we just need to
                                    // clear out anything that is there.
                                    PSEMResult = PSEMResponse.Ok;

                        OnStepProgress(new ProgressEventArgs());

                if (PSEMResult == PSEMResponse.Isc)
                    Result = CreateEDLResult.SECURITY_ERROR;
                else if (PSEMResult != PSEMResponse.Ok)
                    Result = CreateEDLResult.PROTOCOL_ERROR;

#if (WindowsCE)
            //The saving of the EDL file on the handheld can take over 6 seconds so we need
            //to send a wait before.

            // Generate the EDL file
            if (Result == CreateEDLResult.SUCCESS)
                XmlWriterSettings WriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                WriterSettings.Encoding        = Encoding.ASCII;
                WriterSettings.Indent          = true;
                WriterSettings.CheckCharacters = false;

                XmlWriter EDLWriter = XmlWriter.Create(FileName, WriterSettings);

                MeterTables.SaveEDLFile(EDLWriter, null, AllowTableExport, AllowFieldExport);

            OnHideProgress(new EventArgs());

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 07/06/10 AF  2.42.03         Created
        // 07/28/10 AF  2.42.08         Moved table 71 to always read because it is
        //                              needed by 2048 and removed unsupported tables.
        // 03/09/12 AF  2.53.48 194187  Added HAN2 log tables and other missing tables
        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList = new List <ushort>();

            TableList.Add(0);       // General Configuration
            TableList.Add(1);       // Manufacturer Identification
            TableList.Add(4);       // Pending Status
            TableList.Add(5);       // Device Identification
            TableList.Add(6);       // Utility Information
            TableList.Add(30);      // Dimension Display
            TableList.Add(31);      // Actual Display
            TableList.Add(32);      // Display Source
            TableList.Add(34);      // Secondary Display List
            TableList.Add(51);      // Actual Time and TOU
            TableList.Add(52);      // Clock
            TableList.Add(53);      // Time offset
            TableList.Add(55);      // Clock State
            TableList.Add(71);      // Actual Log

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.HistoryLog) == EDLSections.HistoryLog)
                TableList.Add(72);      // Events Identification
                TableList.Add(73);      // History Logger Control
                TableList.Add(74);      // History Logger Data
                TableList.Add(75);      // Event logger control
                TableList.Add(76);      // Event logger data

            TableList.Add(120);     // Dim Network Table
            TableList.Add(121);     // Actual Network Table
            TableList.Add(123);     // Exception Report Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
                TableList.Add(122);     // Interface Control Table
                TableList.Add(125);     // Interface Status Table
                TableList.Add(126);     // Registration Status Table
                TableList.Add(127);     // Network Statistics Table

            TableList.Add(2048);    // Manufacturer Configuration Table

            TableList.Add(2062);    // C12.22 Status Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
                TableList.Add(2064);  //Comm Module General Config Table

                if (CommModule is RFLANCommModule)
                    TableList.Add(2078);    // RFLAN Neighbor Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
                TableList.Add(2098);    // HAN Dimension Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2099);    // Actual HAN Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2100);    // HAN Client Configuration
                TableList.Add(2102);    // HAN Transmit Data Table
                TableList.Add(2103);    // HAN Recieve Data Table
                TableList.Add(2104);    // HAN Network Info Table

            TableList.Add(2106);    // HAN Config Paramaters
            TableList.Add(2108);    // MCU Information

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.LANandHANLog) == EDLSections.LANandHANLog)
                TableList.Add(2158);    // Communications Log Dimension Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2159);    // Communications Log Actual Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2160);    // Communications Events Identification Table
                TableList.Add(2161);    // Communications Log Control Table
                TableList.Add(2162);    // LAN Log Data Table
                TableList.Add(2163);    // HAN Communications Log Control Table
                TableList.Add(2164);    // HAN Log Data Table

            TableList.Add(2190);    // Communications Config
            TableList.Add(2193);    // Enhanced Security Table

            TableList.Add(2239);    // Actual HAN Event Log Table
            TableList.Add(2240);    // HAN Events Identification Table
            TableList.Add(2241);    // HAN Events Control Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.LANandHANLog) == EDLSections.LANandHANLog)
                TableList.Add(2242);    // HAN Upstream Log Table
                TableList.Add(2243);    // HAN Downstream Log Table

            TableList.Add(2260);    // SR 3.0 Config Table
            TableList.Add(2261);    // Fatal Error Recovery Status Table
            TableList.Add(2265);    // Non Metrological Configuration Data Table

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of tables to read from the meter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of tables to read.</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/19/06 RCG	7.40.00			Created
        // 05/05/08 jrf 1.50.22 114166  When network tables are not included
        //                              tables 121 and 123 still need to be included
        //                              since they are part of the EDL configuration.
        //                              This keeps the EDL viewer from throwing an exception.
        // 05/20/08 KRC 1.50.26 115111  Remove Table 24 from EDL creation since it causes an error
        //                              in the firmware and is not needed since it is not supported.
        // 10/10/08 KRC 2.00.00         Add 2062 - C12.22 Status Table
        // 08/04/09 jrf 2.20.20 137693  Adding 2064 - Comm Module General Config Table.
        protected override List <ushort> GetTablesToRead(EDLSections IncludedSections)
            List <ushort> TableList = new List <ushort>();

            TableList.Add(0);       // General Configuration
            TableList.Add(1);       // Manufacturer Identification
            TableList.Add(3);       // Mode and Status
            TableList.Add(4);       // Pending Status
            TableList.Add(5);       // Device Identification
            TableList.Add(6);       // Utility Information
            TableList.Add(11);      // Actual Sources
            TableList.Add(12);      // Unit of Measure
            TableList.Add(13);      // Demand Control
            TableList.Add(14);      // Data Control
            TableList.Add(15);      // Constant
            TableList.Add(16);      // Source Definition
            TableList.Add(21);      // Actual Registers
            TableList.Add(22);      // Data selection
            TableList.Add(23);      // Current Register Data
            TableList.Add(24);      // Previous Season Data
            TableList.Add(25);      // Previous Demand Reset Data
            TableList.Add(26);      // Self Read Data
            TableList.Add(27);      // Present Register Selection
            TableList.Add(28);      // Present Register Data
            TableList.Add(51);      // Actual Time and TOU
            TableList.Add(52);      // Clock
            TableList.Add(53);      // Time offset
            TableList.Add(54);      // Calendar
            TableList.Add(55);      // Clock State

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.LoadProfile) == EDLSections.LoadProfile)
                TableList.Add(61);      // Actual Load Profile
                TableList.Add(62);      // Load Profile Control
                TableList.Add(63);      // Load Profile status
                TableList.Add(64);      // Load Profile data set 1

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.HistoryLog) == EDLSections.HistoryLog)
                TableList.Add(71);      // Actual Log
                TableList.Add(72);      // Events Identification
                TableList.Add(73);      // History Logger Control
                TableList.Add(74);      // History Logger Data
                TableList.Add(75);      // Event logger control
                TableList.Add(76);      // Event logger data

            // TableList.Add(120);     // Dim Network Table
            // TableList.Add(121);     // Actual Network Table
            TableList.Add(123);     // Exception Report Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
                TableList.Add(122);     // Interface Control Table
                TableList.Add(125);     // Interface Status Table
                TableList.Add(126);     // Registration Status Table
                TableList.Add(127);     // Network Statistics Table

            TableList.Add(2048);    // Manufacturer Configuration Table
            TableList.Add(2053);    // Next to last demand reset snap shot

            // TableList.Add(2062);    // C12.22 Status Table

            //if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
            //    TableList.Add(2064);  //Comm Module General Config Table

            //    if (CommModule is RFLANCommModule)
            //    {
            //        TableList.Add(2078);    // RFLAN Neighbor Table
            //    }

            // TableList.Add(2090);    // Calendar Config

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.NetworkTables) == EDLSections.NetworkTables)
                TableList.Add(2098);    // HAN Dimension Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2099);    // Actual HAN Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2100);    // HAN Client Configuration
                TableList.Add(2102);    // HAN Transmit Data Table
                TableList.Add(2103);    // HAN Recieve Data Table
                TableList.Add(2104);    // HAN Network Info Table

            // TableList.Add(2106);    // HAN Config Paramaters
            TableList.Add(2108);    // MCU Information

            // TableList.Add(2138);    // Dimension Limiting Disconnect Switch Table
            // TableList.Add(2139);    // Actual Limiting Disconnect Switch Table
            // TableList.Add(2140);    // Disconnect Switch Status Table
            // TableList.Add(2141);    // Disconnect Seitch Configuration Table
            // TableList.Add(2142);    // Disconnect Override Table
            // TableList.Add(2143);    // Service Limiting Failsafe Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.VoltageMonitoring) == EDLSections.VoltageMonitoring)
                TableList.Add(2148);    // Voltage Monitoring Dimension Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2149);    // Voltage Monitoring Actual Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2150);    // Voltage Monitoring Control Table
                TableList.Add(2151);    // Voltage Monitoring Status Table
                TableList.Add(2152);    // Voltage Monitoring Data Set Table

            if ((IncludedSections & EDLSections.LANandHANLog) == EDLSections.LANandHANLog)
                TableList.Add(2158);    // Communications Log Dimension Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2159);    // Communications Log Actual Limiting Table
                TableList.Add(2160);    // Communications Events Identification Table
                TableList.Add(2161);    // Communications Log Control Table
                TableList.Add(2162);    // LAN Log Data Table
                TableList.Add(2163);    // HAN Communications Log Control Table
                TableList.Add(2164);    // HAN Log Data Table

            TableList.Add(2168);    // Meter Swap Out Table
            TableList.Add(2190);    // Communications Config
            TableList.Add(2193);    // Enhanced Security Table
            TableList.Add(2260);    // SR 3.0 Config Table
            TableList.Add(2261);    // Fatal Error Recovery Status Table

            //Temporary solution to table 2262 timing out when trying to read it in non-HW3.0 meter.
            //Accelerometer tables are only valid for HW 3.0 and up anyway.
            if (0 <= Utilities.VersionChecker.CompareTo(HWRevision, HW_VERSION_3_0))
                TableList.Add(2262); // Tamper/Tap Status Table
                TableList.Add(2263); // Tamper/Tap Data Table
            TableList.Add(2264);     // Program State Table
