Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task TestMinimalSelects(IDatabase database)
            await DatabaseUnitTest.TruncateData(database);

            using (DynamicViewSet dynamicViewSet = new DynamicViewSet(database, listener: dataEventTransaction => {
            })) {
                DynamicView departmentDynamicView = dynamicViewSet.CreateDynamicView("department");
                DynamicView employeeDynamicView   = dynamicViewSet.CreateDynamicView("employee");
                await dynamicViewSet.StartAsync();

                await Task.Delay(200);

                int preSelectCount = database.SelectCount;
                await database.InsertAndCommitAsync <string>("employee", new {
                    name          = "Joe Sales",
                    department_id = 1,

                await Task.Delay(200);

                // Should require doing two SELECTs to handle this INSERT (before and after SELECT)
                Assert.AreEqual(preSelectCount + 1, database.SelectCount);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task TestInsertUpdateDeleteEvents(IDatabase database, object salesDepartmentId, string selectSourceSql, string updateField, object updateValue, int initialCount, int insertCount, int updateCount, int deleteCount, string[] keyFieldNames = null)
            List <DataEventTransaction> dataEventTransactionCollector = new List <DataEventTransaction>();

            using (DynamicViewSet dynamicViewSet = new DynamicViewSet(database, listener: dataEventTransaction => {
            })) {
                DynamicView employeeDynamicView = dynamicViewSet.CreateDynamicView(selectSourceSql, name: "xyz", keyFieldNames: keyFieldNames);
                await dynamicViewSet.StartAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(1, dataEventTransactionCollector.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(initialCount, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents.Length);
                Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.InitialBegin, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[0].dataEventType);
                Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Initial, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[1].dataEventType);
                Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Initial, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[2].dataEventType);
                Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Initial, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[3].dataEventType);
                Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.InitialEnd, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents.Length - 1].dataEventType);

                // Confirm that an insert event is created
                string joeSalesEmployeeId;
                using (ITransaction transaction = await database.BeginTransactionAsync()) {
                    // Add Joe Sales employee
                    joeSalesEmployeeId = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("employee", new {
                        name          = "Joe Sales",
                        department_id = salesDepartmentId,

                    await transaction.CommitAsync();
                await Task.Delay(500);

                Assert.AreEqual(insertCount, dataEventTransactionCollector.Count);
                if (insertCount > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents.Length);
                    Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Insert, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[0].dataEventType);

                // Confirm that an update event is created
                using (ITransaction transaction = await database.BeginTransactionAsync()) {
                    // Update Joe Sales employee
                    await transaction.UpdateAsync($"UPDATE employee SET {updateField}=@{updateField} WHERE id=@id", new Dict {
                        ["id"]        = joeSalesEmployeeId,
                        [updateField] = updateValue

                    await transaction.CommitAsync();
                await Task.Delay(200);

                Assert.AreEqual(updateCount, dataEventTransactionCollector.Count);
                if (updateCount > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents.Length);
                    Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Update, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[0].dataEventType);
                    Assert.AreEqual(updateValue, (dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[0] as RecordDataEvent).record[updateField]);

                // Confirm that a delete event is created
                using (ITransaction transaction = await database.BeginTransactionAsync()) {
                    // Delete Joe Sales employee
                    await transaction.DeleteAsync("DELETE FROM employee WHERE id=@id", new {
                        id = joeSalesEmployeeId,

                    await transaction.CommitAsync();
                await Task.Delay(200);

                Assert.AreEqual(deleteCount, dataEventTransactionCollector.Count);
                if (deleteCount > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents.Length);
                    Assert.AreEqual(DataEventType.Delete, dataEventTransactionCollector[0].dataEvents[0].dataEventType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static async Task Run(IDatabase database)
            // Create sample data
            Console.WriteLine("Creating sample data...");
            string spongebobId, patrickId;
            string todo1Id, todo2Id, todo3Id, todo4Id;

            using (var transaction = await database.BeginTransactionAsync()) {
                await transaction.TruncateAsync("user");

                await transaction.TruncateAsync("todo");

                // Create Spongebob and Patrick user records
                spongebobId = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("user", new {
                    name = "Spongebob",

                patrickId = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("user", new {
                    name = "Patrick",

                // Create some todo records
                todo1Id = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Todo #1",
                    user_id = spongebobId,
                    is_done = "N",

                todo2Id = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Todo #2",
                    user_id = spongebobId,
                    is_done = "N",

                todo3Id = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Todo #3",
                    user_id = spongebobId,
                    is_done = "Y",

                todo4Id = await transaction.InsertAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Todo #4",
                    user_id = patrickId,
                    is_done = "N",

                // Don't forget to commit the changes
                await transaction.CommitAsync();

            // Create a DynamicViewSet that...
            // - Uses a SELECT statement to define a resultset joining the todo and user tables filtered by isDone="N"
            // - Echoes all data events to the Console
            // Note that all the initial matching records are echoed to the Console as Initial events.
            using (DynamicViewSet dynamicViewSet = await CreateDynamicViewSet(database, "N")) {
                // This will echo an Insert data event to the Console because it matches the SELECT criteria
                Console.WriteLine("Inserting Task #5...");
                await database.InsertAndCommitAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Task #5",
                    user_id = spongebobId,
                    is_done = "N",

                await Task.Delay(2500);

                // This will NOT echo an Insert data event to the Console because it does NOT match the SELECT criteria
                Console.WriteLine("Inserting Task #6...");
                await database.InsertAndCommitAsync <string>("todo", new {
                    name    = "Task #6",
                    user_id = spongebobId,
                    is_done = "Y",

                await Task.Delay(2500);

                // This will echo an Update data event to the Console because it matches the SELECT criteria
                Console.WriteLine("Updating task name to 'Updated Task #1'...");
                await database.UpdateAndCommitAsync("todo", new {
                    id   = todo1Id,
                    name = "Updated Task #1"

                await Task.Delay(2500);

                // This will echo multiple Update data events to the Console because it impacts multiple records in the resultset
                // Yes, that's pretty cool :)
                Console.WriteLine("Updating user name to 'Mr. Spongebob'");
                await database.UpdateAndCommitAsync("user", new {
                    id   = spongebobId,
                    name = "Mr. Spongebob"

                await Task.Delay(2500);