Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void RayCast()
            _rayActor = null;

            RayCastInput input = _rayCastInput;

            // Ray cast against the dynamic tree.
            _tree.RayCast(RayCastCallback, ref input);

            // Brute force ray cast.
            Actor         bruteActor  = null;
            RayCastOutput bruteOutput = new RayCastOutput();

            for (int i = 0; i < ActorCount; ++i)
                if (_actors[i].ProxyId == -1)

                RayCastOutput output;
                bool          hit = _actors[i].AABB.RayCast(out output, ref input);
                if (hit)
                    bruteActor        = _actors[i];
                    bruteOutput       = output;
                    input.MaxFraction = output.Fraction;

            if (bruteActor != null)
                Debug.Assert(bruteOutput.Fraction == _rayCastOutput.Fraction);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RayCast()
            _rayActor = null;

            RayCastInput input = _rayCastInput;

            // Ray cast against the dynamic tree.
            _tree.RayCast(RayCastCallback, ref input);

            // Brute force ray cast.
            Actor         bruteActor  = null;
            RayCastOutput bruteOutput = default;

            for (int i = 0; i < _actorCount; ++i)
                if (_actors[i].proxyId == DynamicTree <Actor> .NullNode)

                RayCastOutput output;
                bool          hit = _actors[i].aabb.RayCast(ref input, out output);
                if (hit)
                    bruteActor        = _actors[i];
                    bruteOutput       = output;
                    input.MaxFraction = output.Fraction;

            if (bruteActor != null)
                Debug.Assert(bruteOutput.Fraction == _rayCastOutput.Fraction);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void RayCast()
            _rayActor = null;

            RayCastInput input = _rayCastInput;

            // Ray cast against the dynamic tree.
            _tree.RayCast(RayCastCallback, ref input);

            // Brute force ray cast.
            //Actor bruteActor = null;
            //RayCastOutput bruteOutput;
            for (int i = 0; i < e_actorCount; ++i)
                if (_actors[i].proxyId == -1)

                RayCastOutput output;
                bool          hit = _actors[i].aabb.RayCast(out output, ref input);
                if (hit)
                    //bruteActor = _actors[i];
                    //bruteOutput = output;
                    input.maxFraction = output.fraction;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void RayCast()
            _rayActor = null;

            RayCastInput input = _rayCastInput;

            // Ray cast against the dynamic tree.
            _tree.RayCast(RayCastCallback, ref input);

            // Brute force ray cast.
            Actor         bruteActor  = null;
            RayCastOutput bruteOutput = new RayCastOutput();

            for (int i = 0; i < ActorCount; ++i)
                if (_actors[i].ProxyId == -1)

                bool hit = _actors[i].AABB.RayCast(ref input, out RayCastOutput output);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        func = callBack;
        //int count = 0;
        //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        //    var g = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        //    g.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 100), 0, Random.Range(0, 100));
        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        //    Ray r = new Ray();
        //    r.origin = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 50),0, Random.Range(0, 50));
        //    r.direction = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 1f), 0, Random.Range(0, 1f));
        //    r.direction = r.direction.normalized;
        //    var hit = Physics.Raycast(r, 100, -1);
        //   // Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, r.direction*100+r.origin, Color.red, 10);
        //    if (hit) count++;
        //   Debug.Log(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        Vector2d[] vs = new Vector2d[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            var          center = new Vector2d(Random.Range(0, 100), Random.Range(0, 100));
            var          aabb   = new AABB(center, FixedMath.One * 2, FixedMath.One * 2);
            FixtureProxy fp     = new FixtureProxy();
            long         angle  = FixedMath.One * (int)(Random.Range(0, 359));
            Vector2d     a      = -aabb.Extents;
            Vector2d     b      = a + new Vector2d(0, aabb.Height);
            Vector2d     c      = aabb.Extents;
            Vector2d     d      = a + new Vector2d(aabb.Width, 0);
            var          halfw  = aabb.Width / 2;
            var          halfh  = aabb.Height / 2;
            var          radius = FixedMath.Sqrt((halfw).Mul(halfw) + halfh.Mul(halfh));
            a     = RotatePosi(a, angle);
            b     = RotatePosi(b, angle);
            c     = RotatePosi(c, angle);
            d     = RotatePosi(d, angle);
            vs[0] = a;
            vs[1] = b;
            vs[2] = c;
            vs[3] = d;
            Vector2d min = Vector2d.Min(vs) + center;
            Vector2d max = Vector2d.Max(vs) + center;
            var outteraabb = new AABB(center, radius * 2, radius * 2);
            fp.AABB    = aabb;
            fp.Fixture = new Transform2d(ref center, ref angle);
            int id = tree.AddProxy(ref outteraabb, fp);
            tree.MoveProxy(id, ref outteraabb, Vector2d.zero);

        //var bcs = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<BoxCollider>();
        //for (int i = 0; i < bcs.Length; i++)
        //    var bc = bcs[i];
        //    var aabb = new AABB(new Vector2d(bc.transform.position), FixedMath.One, FixedMath.One);
        //    FixtureProxy fp = new FixtureProxy();
        //    fp.AABB = aabb;
        //    long angle = FixedMath.One * (int)(bc.transform.eulerAngles.y);
        //    Vector2d p = new Vector2d(bc.transform.position);
        //    fp.Fixture = new Transform2d(ref p, ref angle);
        //    tree.AddProxy(ref aabb, fp);
        //    DrawFixtureProxy(fp);
        //   sw.Reset();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            RayCastInput input = new RayCastInput();
            input.Point1 = new Vector2d(Random.Range(0, 50) * FixedMath.One, Random.Range(0, 50) * FixedMath.One);
            input.Point2 = new Vector2d(Random.Range(50, 100) * FixedMath.One, Random.Range(50, 100) * FixedMath.One);
            NewSphere(input.Point1.ToVector3(), "start");
            NewSphere(input.Point2.ToVector3(), "end");
            input.MaxFraction = FixedMath.One;
            tree.RayCast(callBack, ref input);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public PhysicsOutput RayCast(RayCastInput input)
     output.EndIndex = 0;
     PhysicsTree.RayCast(RayCastCallback, ref input);