Ejemplo n.º 1
        void TestTitle()
            int hr;
            DvdParentalLevel pulTParentalLevels;
            int pulNumOfChapters;

            hr = m_idi2.GetNumberOfChapters(1, out pulNumOfChapters);

            Debug.Assert(pulNumOfChapters == 2, "TestTitle");

            hr = m_idi2.GetTitleParentalLevels(1, out pulTParentalLevels);

            Debug.Assert(pulTParentalLevels ==
                         (DvdParentalLevel.Level1 | DvdParentalLevel.Level2 | DvdParentalLevel.Level3 |
                          DvdParentalLevel.Level4 | DvdParentalLevel.Level5 | DvdParentalLevel.Level6 |
                          DvdParentalLevel.Level7 | DvdParentalLevel.Level8),

            DvdDecoderCaps pCaps = new DvdDecoderCaps();

            pCaps.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(pCaps);
            hr           = m_idi2.GetDecoderCaps(ref pCaps);

            Debug.Assert(pCaps.dwAudioCaps ==
                         (DvdAudioCaps.AC3 | DvdAudioCaps.MPEG2 | DvdAudioCaps.DTS | DvdAudioCaps.SDDS),

            DvdMenuAttributes  pMenu  = new DvdMenuAttributes();
            DvdTitleAttributes pTitle = new DvdTitleAttributes();

            hr = m_idi2.GetTitleAttributes(1, out pMenu, pTitle);

            Debug.Assert(pMenu.VideoAttributes.sourceResolutionX == 720, "TestDiskInfo4");
            Debug.Assert(pTitle.ulNumberOfAudioStreams == 1, "TestTitle5");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Called just after invoking the COM method.  The IntPtr is the same one that just got returned
        // from MarshalManagedToNative.  The return value is unused.
        override public object MarshalNativeToManaged(IntPtr pNativeData)
            DvdTitleAttributes dta = m_obj as DvdTitleAttributes;

            // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
            dta.AppMode = (DvdTitleAppMode)Marshal.ReadInt32(pNativeData);
            pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));

            // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
            dta.VideoAttributes = (DvdVideoAttributes)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, typeof(DvdVideoAttributes));
            pNativeData         = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DvdVideoAttributes)));

            // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
            dta.ulNumberOfAudioStreams = Marshal.ReadInt32(pNativeData);
            pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));

            // Allocate a large enough array to hold all the returned structs.
            dta.AudioAttributes = new DvdAudioAttributes[8];
            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
                dta.AudioAttributes[x] = (DvdAudioAttributes)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, typeof(DvdAudioAttributes));
                pNativeData            = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DvdAudioAttributes)));

            // Allocate a large enough array to hold all the returned structs.
            dta.MultichannelAudioAttributes = new DvdMultichannelAudioAttributes[8];
            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                // MultichannelAudioAttributes has nested ByValArrays.  They need to be individually copied.

                dta.MultichannelAudioAttributes[x].Info = new DvdMUAMixingInfo[8];

                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
                    dta.MultichannelAudioAttributes[x].Info[y] = (DvdMUAMixingInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, typeof(DvdMUAMixingInfo));
                    pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DvdMUAMixingInfo)));

                dta.MultichannelAudioAttributes[x].Coeff = new DvdMUACoeff[8];

                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
                    dta.MultichannelAudioAttributes[x].Coeff[y] = (DvdMUACoeff)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, typeof(DvdMUACoeff));
                    pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DvdMUACoeff)));

            // The DvdMultichannelAudioAttributes needs to be 16 byte aligned
            pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + 4);

            // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
            dta.ulNumberOfSubpictureStreams = Marshal.ReadInt32(pNativeData);
            pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));

            // Allocate a large enough array to hold all the returned structs.
            dta.SubpictureAttributes = new DvdSubpictureAttributes[32];
            for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
                // Copy in the value, and advance the pointer
                dta.SubpictureAttributes[x] = (DvdSubpictureAttributes)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pNativeData, typeof(DvdSubpictureAttributes));
                pNativeData = (IntPtr)(pNativeData.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DvdSubpictureAttributes)));

            // Note that 4 bytes (more alignment) are unused at the end

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void FetchDVDInformation_DS(string volumePath)
            IDvdGraphBuilder dvdGraphBuilder =
                Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Filters.DvdGraphBuilder, true))
                as IDvdGraphBuilder;

            AMDvdRenderStatus status;

            dvdGraphBuilder.TryRenderDVD(volumePath, out status);

            if (status.bDvdVolInvalid)
                throw new COMException(ErrDvdVolume, -1);

            object comobj = null;

            dvdGraphBuilder.GetDvdInterface(typeof(IDvdInfo2).GUID, out comobj);

            IDvdInfo2    dvdInfo    = comobj as IDvdInfo2;
            IDvdControl2 dvdControl = comobj as IDvdControl2;

            dvdControl.SetOption(DvdOptionFlag.HMSFTimeCodeEvents, true);       // use new HMSF timecode format
            dvdControl.SetOption(DvdOptionFlag.ResetOnStop, false);

            // Try getting the frame rate and the video size
            dvdInfo.GetVMGAttributes(out _dma);

            this.FrameRate = new FrameRate(_dma.VideoAttributes.frameRate);
            this.VideoSize = new VSize(_dma.VideoAttributes.sourceResolutionX, _dma.VideoAttributes.sourceResolutionY);

            // Try getting the DVD volume name.
            // Stage 1: Get the number of available languages.
            int numLangs = 0;

            dvdInfo.GetDVDTextNumberOfLanguages(out numLangs);

            if (numLangs > 0)
                // Stage 2: Get string count for the first language.
                int            numStrings = 0;
                int            langId     = 0;
                DvdTextCharSet charSet    = DvdTextCharSet.CharSet_Unicode;

                dvdInfo.GetDVDTextLanguageInfo(0, out numStrings, out langId, out charSet);

                // Stage 3: Iterate through the string collection and identify the volume name
                for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++)
                    int maxSize = 4096;

                    StringBuilder     sb      = new StringBuilder(maxSize);
                    int               txtSize = 0;
                    DvdTextStringType textType;

                    dvdInfo.GetDVDTextStringAsUnicode(0, i, sb, maxSize, out txtSize, out textType);

                    // Is this the volume name ?
                    if (textType == DvdTextStringType.DVD_General_Name)
                        // Volume name was found, so exit iteration.
                        _label = sb.ToString();

            // Try getting the titles, chapters and overall duration info
            int         numVolumes = 0, volumeNumber = 0, numTitles = 0;
            DvdDiscSide sideInfo;

            dvdInfo.GetDVDVolumeInfo(out numVolumes, out volumeNumber, out sideInfo, out numTitles);

            for (int i = 1; i <= numTitles; i++)
                int numChapters = 0;
                    DvdMenuAttributes  menuAttr;
                    DvdTitleAttributes titleAttr = new DvdTitleAttributes();

                    if (i == 1)
                        dvdInfo.GetTitleAttributes(i, out menuAttr, titleAttr);

                        for (int j = 0; j < titleAttr.ulNumberOfSubpictureStreams; j++)

                    dvdInfo.GetNumberOfChapters(i, out numChapters);
                catch { }