Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void scoreScrollViewer_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
                Genome gen = e.Data.GetData("Object") as Genome;
                if (gen != null && !playbackThread.IsBusy)
                    string   str     = e.Data.GetData("String") as string;
                    string   tempo   = str.Substring(str.IndexOf("|") + 1);
                    string   ksa     = str.Remove(str.IndexOf("|"));
                    Octave[] octaves = e.Data.GetData("MusicNoteLib.Octave[]") as Octave[];

                    DurationCFugue durCF   = (DurationCFugue)(e.Data.GetData("MusicNoteLib.DurationCFugue"));
                    byte[]         barIter = e.Data.GetData("byte[]") as byte[];

                    // If there's an empty bar currently mode-1-selected, replace it with the bar that's being dropped.
                    if (geneticSong != null && selectIndex != -1 && geneticSong.IsEmpty(selectIndex) == true)
                        FillEmptyBar(gen, ksa, octaves, durCF, barIter, tempo);
                    // Else, append to the song the bar that's being dropped.
                        AddBar(gen, ksa, octaves, durCF, barIter, tempo);

            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void AddGenome(string tempo, Genome gen, byte[] octaves, DurationCFugue durCF, byte[] barIter, int pos)
     // If the genome represents a non-empty bar, it is to be appended to the song.
     if (pos == -1)
         AddToParts(tempo, gen);
     // Else, it is to be inserted in its right place.
         tempos.Insert(pos, Convert.ToInt32(tempo));
         songOctaves.Insert(pos, octaves);
         songDurations.Insert(pos, durCF);
         songBarIters.Insert(pos, barIter);
         songGenomes.Insert(pos, gen);
         part1 = "V0 ";
         part2 = "V1 ";
         for (int i = 0; i < songGenomes.Count; i++)
             AddToParts(tempos[i].ToString(), songGenomes[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static double GetRestTopMargin(double restHeight, DurationCFugue duration, byte partIndex)
            double res = GetElementTopMargin(F6[partIndex], restHeight, partIndex);

            switch (duration)
            case DurationCFugue.s:
                res += stepLedgerLine / 2;

            case DurationCFugue.i:
                res += stepLedgerLine * elemPosFactor;

            case DurationCFugue.q:
                res += stepLedgerLine / 2 * elemPosFactor;

            case DurationCFugue.h:
                res = res - stepLedgerLine * elemPosFactor + stepLedgerLine - 1;

            case DurationCFugue.w:
                res = res - stepLedgerLine * elemPosFactor - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the information associated with the list of genomes contained in a field opened by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genomeList"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldParams"></param>
        /// <returns> The list of genomes from a user-opened field.</returns>
        public List <Genome> OpenFieldGenomes(List <List <string[]> > genomeList, List <string> fieldParams)
            byte[]         barIterate = { Parameters.barIterate[0], Parameters.barIterate[1] };
            byte[]         octaves    = { Parameters.octavesByteValues[0], Parameters.octavesByteValues[1] };
            byte           ksIndex    = Parameters.keySignatureIndex;
            DurationCFugue duration   = Parameters.Duration;
            List <Genome>  list       = new List <Genome>();
            byte           numParts   = Parameters.NumParts;

                Parameters.keySignatureIndex    = Convert.ToByte(Controller.StringToEnum <KeySignature>(fieldParams[0] + "Maj"));
                Parameters.octavesByteValues[0] = Convert.ToByte(Controller.StringToEnum <Octave>(fieldParams[2]));
                Parameters.octavesByteValues[1] = Convert.ToByte(Controller.StringToEnum <Octave>(fieldParams[3]));
                Parameters.barIterate[0]        = Convert.ToByte(fieldParams[4]);
                Parameters.barIterate[1]        = Convert.ToByte(fieldParams[5]);
                Parameters.Duration             = Controller.StringToEnum <DurationCFugue>(fieldParams[6]);

                int k;
                foreach (List <string[]> x in genomeList)
                    k = 0;
                    Genome g = new Genome();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
                        g.rhythmChromosome.Add(x[0 + k]);
                        int[] array = new int[16];
                        for (int j = 0; j < x[1 + k].Length; j++)
                            array[j] = Convert.ToInt32(x[1 + k][j]);
                        byte[] array1 = new byte[16];
                        for (int j = 0; j < x[2 + k].Length; j++)
                            array1[j] = Convert.ToByte(x[2 + k][j]);
                        k += 3;

            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("The file you're trying to open is corrupted.");

            Parameters.barIterate[0]        = barIterate[0];
            Parameters.barIterate[1]        = barIterate[1];
            Parameters.octavesByteValues[0] = octaves[0];
            Parameters.octavesByteValues[1] = octaves[1];
            Parameters.keySignatureIndex    = ksIndex;
            Parameters.Duration             = duration;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DrawRestForEachPart(string cFugueDuration, bool hasDot)
            DurationCFugue cFugueFinalDur = LayoutController.StringToEnum <DurationCFugue>(cFugueDuration);

            // First part score.
            DrawRest(cFugueFinalDur, hasDot, 0);
            // Second part score.
            DrawRest(cFugueFinalDur, hasDot, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the CFugue (as data type) duration given the specified CFugue duration string for each note in tie.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cFugueDuration"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DurationCFugue[] GetCFugueDurationsInTie(string cFugueDurationNote1, string cFugueDurationNote2)
            DurationCFugue[] cFugueDurationResult = new DurationCFugue[2];

            cFugueDurationResult[0] = LayoutController.StringToEnum <DurationCFugue>(cFugueDurationNote1);
            cFugueDurationResult[1] = LayoutController.StringToEnum <DurationCFugue>(cFugueDurationNote2);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws extra ledger line(s) when the specified note falls above/below the staff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notePos"></param>
        /// <param name="note"></param>
        /// <param name="octave"></param>
        /// <param name="duration"></param>
        /// <param name="noteLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="partIndex"></param>
        private void DrawExtraLedgerLines(double notePos, Note note, Octave octave, DurationCFugue duration,
                                          double noteLeftMargin, int verticalOffset, byte partIndex)
            double x1 = noteLeftMargin - 4;
            double x2 = noteLeftMargin + LayoutController.ElementWidth["N" + duration];
            double y  = notePos + verticalOffset * LayoutController.stepLedgerLine / 2;

            DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);

            Clef clef = Parameters.Clefs[partIndex];

            // Now add the extra lines.
            if (octave == Octave.Octave3 && note == Note.C)
                y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.E, Octave.Octave3, clef, partIndex);
                DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
            else if (octave == Octave.Octave7)
                if (note == Note.C || note == Note.D)
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.A, Octave.Octave6, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                else if (note == Note.E || note == Note.F)
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.A, Octave.Octave6, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.C, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                else if (note == Note.G || note == Note.A)
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.A, Octave.Octave6, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.C, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.E, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.A, Octave.Octave6, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.C, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.E, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
                    y = LayoutController.GetNotePos(Note.G, Octave.Octave7, clef, partIndex);
                    DrawLine(x1, x2, y, partIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an image resource that is used to represent a specific rest duration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Duration"></param>
        /// <param name="Dot"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BitmapImage GetRest(DurationCFugue Duration, bool Dot)
            var result = from imageSource in RestVisuals
                         where (imageSource.Duration == Duration) && (imageSource.Dot == Dot)
                         select imageSource.Output;
            BitmapImage bmp = new BitmapImage();

            bmp.UriSource = result.First <Uri>();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void FillEmptyBar(string tempo, Genome gen, byte[] octaves, DurationCFugue durCF, byte[] barIter, int pos)
     tempos[pos]        = Convert.ToInt32(tempo);
     songOctaves[pos]   = octaves;
     songDurations[pos] = durCF;
     songBarIters[pos]  = barIter;
     songGenomes[pos]   = gen;
     part1 = "V0 ";
     part2 = "V1 ";
     for (int i = 0; i < songGenomes.Count; i++)
         AddToParts(tempos[i].ToString(), songGenomes[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void DrawRest(DurationCFugue duration, bool dot, byte partIndex)
            Image image = new Image();

            image.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            image.Source = LayoutController.GetRest(duration, dot);
            image.Height = LayoutController.ElementHeight["R" + duration];
            double top = LayoutController.GetRestTopMargin(image.Height, duration, partIndex);

            image.Margin = new Thickness(leftMargin, top, 0, 0);

            Grid.SetRow(image, partIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void AddBar(Genome genome, string ksa, Octave[] octaves, DurationCFugue durCF, byte[] barIter, string tempo)
            if (barCount == 0)
                keySignature = ksa;
                Clefs[0]     = Scales.GetClef(octaves[0]);
                Clefs[1]     = Scales.GetClef(octaves[1]);
                Tempo        = "";
                geneticSong  = new GeneticSong(keySignature);

            if (keySignature == ksa)
                byte[] oct         = { (byte)octaves[0], (byte)octaves[1] };
                int    barPosition = GetBarPosition();
                geneticSong.AddGenome(tempo, genome, oct, durCF, barIter, barPosition);

                if (pause == true)
                    addBarOnPause = true;

                // If the new bar is the first one in the next row.
                if (barCount % individPerRow == 0)

                ScoreStaffs ss = CreateScoreStaffsBar(genome, tempo, barPosition);

                if (addEmptyBar == false)
                    AddBlankBar(ss, barPosition);

                addEmptyBar = false;
                Tempo       = tempo;
                MessageBox.Show("Key signatures must match!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void FillEmptyBar(Genome gen, string keysignature, Octave[] octaves, DurationCFugue durCF, byte[] barIter, string tempo)
            ScoreStaffs ss;

            int ind = scoreWrapPanel.Children.IndexOf(scores[startIndex]);

            ss = ((ScoreStaffs)scoreWrapPanel.Children[ind]);
            ss.staffGrid.Children.RemoveRange(ss.staffGrid.Children.Count - 7, 7);
            ss.AddIndexTag(startIndex + 1);

            byte[] oct = { (byte)octaves[0], (byte)octaves[1] };
            geneticSong.FillEmptyBar(tempo, gen, oct, durCF, barIter, startIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void DrawNoteForEachPart(string noteWordPart0, string noteWordPart1, bool hasDot, string cFugueFinalDuration)
            Octave[] actualOctave = GetActualOctaves(noteWordPart0, noteWordPart1);
            string[] note         = GetNotes(noteWordPart0, noteWordPart1);
            // A clean note is a note without accidentals.
            Note[]         cleanNote      = GetCleanNotes(note, actualOctave);
            char[]         orientation    = GetOrientations(cleanNote, actualOctave);
            string[]       hasAcc         = GetAccidentals(note[0], note[1]);
            DurationCFugue cFugueDuration = LayoutController.StringToEnum <DurationCFugue>(cFugueFinalDuration);

            // First part score.
            DrawNote(cleanNote[0], cFugueDuration, hasDot, actualOctave, orientation[0], hasAcc[0], false, 0);
            // Second part score.
            DrawNote(cleanNote[1], cFugueDuration, hasDot, actualOctave, orientation[1], hasAcc[1], false, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void AddEmptyBar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (!playbackThread.IsBusy)
                    addEmptyBar = true;
                    Genome         gen     = new Genome(0);
                    Octave[]       octaves = { Octave.Octave5, Octave.Octave5 };
                    DurationCFugue dur     = DurationCFugue.s;
                    byte[]         iter    = { 1, 1 };
                    string         tempo   = "120";
                    AddBar(gen, keySignature, octaves, dur, iter, tempo);

            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void DrawNote(Note note, DurationCFugue duration, bool dot, Octave[] actOctave, char orientation,
                              string hasAcc, bool hasTie, byte partIndex)
            double height         = LayoutController.ElementHeight["N" + duration];
            Octave actualOctave   = actOctave[partIndex];
            double notePos        = LayoutController.GetNotePos(note, actualOctave, Parameters.Clefs[partIndex], partIndex);
            double top            = LayoutController.GetNoteTopMargin(notePos, height, orientation, partIndex);
            double noteLeftMargin = leftMargin;

            if (hasAcc != "")
                DrawAccidental(notePos, hasAcc, orientation, partIndex);
                noteLeftMargin += LayoutController.accidentalOffset;
            if (hasTie)
                double notePosOffset = notePos + LayoutController.GetTieOffset(note, actualOctave, partIndex);
                DrawTie(layoutInterval + 2 * unitElementWidth, noteLeftMargin - layoutInterval - unitElementWidth, notePosOffset, orientation, partIndex);

            Image image = new Image();

            image.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            image.Source = LayoutController.GetNote(duration, dot, orientation);
            image.Height = height;
            image.Margin = new Thickness(noteLeftMargin, top, 0, 0);

            Grid.SetRow(image, partIndex);

            string has = LayoutController.HasLine(note, actualOctave);

            if (has != "")
                DrawExtraLedgerLines(notePos, note, actualOctave, duration, noteLeftMargin, Convert.ToInt32(has), partIndex);