Ejemplo n.º 1
        // drop statement
        private void HandleStatement(DropStatement statement)
            SchemaRecord schema;

            switch (statement.TargetType)
            case DropTarget.Table:
                schema = _catalogManager.GetTableSchemaRecord(statement.TableName);
                List <SchemaRecord> indices = _catalogManager.GetIndicesSchemaRecord(statement.TableName);
                // drop table
                // drop index trees
                foreach (SchemaRecord index in indices)

            case DropTarget.Index:
                schema = _catalogManager.GetIndexSchemaRecord(statement.IndexName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DropStatementForTable(DropStatement dropStatement)
            bool if_find = false;

            if (this.If_in(dropStatement.TableName))
                for (int i = 0; i < this.tables.Count;)
                    if (this.tables[i].table_name == dropStatement.TableName)
                        if_find = true;
            //delete all the indices that are related to the deleted table
            Catalog_index b = new Catalog_index(_databaseName);

            if (if_find)
                throw new TableOrIndexNotExistsException($"Table {dropStatement.TableName} Not Exists");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //try to drop one table and save the result into the file
        //if succeed, return true
        //if can't find table, return false
        public bool TryDropStatementForTable(DropStatement dropStatement)
            bool if_find = false;

            if (this.If_in(dropStatement.TableName))
                for (int i = 0; i < this.tables.Count;)
                    if (this.tables[i].table_name == dropStatement.TableName)
                        if_find = true;
            //delete all the indices that are related to the deleted table
            Catalog_index b = new Catalog_index(_databaseName);

            return(if_find && b.DeleteIndicesOfTable(dropStatement.TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override object VisitDropTable([NotNull] MiniSQLParser.DropTableContext context)
            DropStatement obj = new DropStatement();

            obj.TargetType = DropTarget.Table;
            obj.TableName  = context.tableRef().GetText();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // try to remove some schema records from file
 // if succeeded, return true. Vice versa
 public bool TryDropStatement(DropStatement dropStatement)
     catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override object VisitDropIndex([NotNull] MiniSQLParser.DropIndexContext context)
            DropStatement obj = new DropStatement();

            obj.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            if (context.tableRef() != null)
                obj.TableName = context.tableRef().GetText();
            obj.IndexName = context.indexRef().GetText();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void DropStatement(DropStatement dropStatement)
     if (dropStatement.TargetType == DropTarget.Table)
         Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);//load the table
         Catalog_index b = new Catalog_index(_databaseName);//load the index
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void DropStatementForIndex(DropStatement dropStatement)
     //if the index hasn't been created before, return false
     if (!this.If_in(dropStatement.IndexName))
         throw new TableOrIndexNotExistsException($"Index {dropStatement.IndexName} Not Exists");
     for (int i = 0; i < index.Count;)
         if (index[i].index_name == dropStatement.IndexName)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static bool CheckDrop()
            //make a drop statement for a index
            //delete this index before delete the table, return true
            DropStatement test_drop_index = new DropStatement();

            test_drop_index.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            test_drop_index.IndexName  = "index_for_student_id";
            bool test4 = icatalog.TryDropStatement(test_drop_index);

            // Console.WriteLine("Delete Index1, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test4);
            Debug.Assert(test4 == true);

            //make a drop statement for a table
            //delete this table and its assotiated indices, return true
            DropStatement test_drop_table = new DropStatement();

            test_drop_table.TargetType = DropTarget.Table;
            test_drop_table.TableName  = "Student";
            bool test3 = icatalog.TryDropStatement(test_drop_table);

            // Console.WriteLine("Delete table, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test3);
            Debug.Assert(test3 == true);

            //make a drop statement for a index
            //delete this
            DropStatement test_drop_index2 = new DropStatement();

            test_drop_index2.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            test_drop_index2.IndexName  = "index2";
            bool test5 = icatalog.TryDropStatement(test_drop_index2);

            // Console.WriteLine("Delete index2 after deleting table, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test5);
            Debug.Assert(test5 == false);

Ejemplo n.º 10
 public bool TryDropStatementForIndex(DropStatement dropStatement)
     //if the index hasn't been created before, return false
     if (!this.If_in(dropStatement.IndexName))
     for (int i = 0; i < index.Count;)
         if (index[i].index_name == dropStatement.IndexName)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // check validation of the statement
        public void CheckValidation(IStatement statement)
            //check validation of createStatement
            if (statement.Type == StatementType.CreateStatement)
                CreateStatement x = (CreateStatement)statement;
                //to create a table
                if (x.CreateType == CreateType.Table)
                    // primary key not exists
                    if (x.PrimaryKey == null || x.PrimaryKey == "")
                        throw new KeyNotExistsException($"Table \"{x.TableName}\" does not have a primary key");
                    //to check whether the table has been created before
                    Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                //to create an index
                    // index key not exists
                    if (x.AttributeName == null || x.AttributeName == "")
                        throw new KeyNotExistsException($"Index \"{x.IndexName}\" does not have a index key");
                    Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                    Catalog_index b = new Catalog_index(_databaseName);
                    //to check whether the table exists
                    bool condition1 = a.If_in(x.TableName);
                    //to check whether the index has been created before
                    bool condition2 = !b.If_in(x.IndexName);
                    //to check whether the attribute is in the attribute list of the table
                    bool condition3 = a.return_table(x.TableName).Has_attribute(x.AttributeName);
                    if (!condition1)
                        throw new TableOrIndexNotExistsException($"Table \"\"{x.TableName}\"\" not exists");
                    if (!condition2)
                        throw new TableOrIndexAlreadyExistsException($"Index \"\"{x.IndexName}\"\" not exists");
                    if (!condition3)
                        throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Attribute \"\"{x.AttributeName}\"\" not exists in table \"\"{x.TableName}\"\"");
            //check validation of a drop statement
            else if (statement.Type == StatementType.DropStatement)
                DropStatement x = (DropStatement)statement;
                Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                Catalog_index b = new Catalog_index(_databaseName);
                //to drop a table,we need to check whether the table exists
                if (x.TargetType == DropTarget.Table)
                //to drop a index,we need to check whether the index exists
                    if (x.TableName != "")

                        if (b.Of_table(x.IndexName) != x.TableName)
                            throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Index \"{x.IndexName}\" is not associated with table \"{x.TableName}\"");

            //check validation of a select statement
            else if (statement.Type == StatementType.SelectStatement)
                SelectStatement x = (SelectStatement)statement;
                //check whether the table is in the tables catalog
                Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                if (x.Condition == null)
                else if (x.Condition.AttributeName == "")
                    if (x.Condition.SimpleMinterms.Count == 0)
                        //if the ands is empty and attribute name is emply, the statement means select * from a table
                        //for each attribute in the egression list(named 'ands')
                        //check whether the attribute is in the attribute list of this table
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Expression> expression_piece in x.Condition.SimpleMinterms)
                            if (!a.return_table(x.FromTable).Has_attribute(expression_piece.Key))
                                throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Attribute \"{expression_piece.Key}\" not exists in table \"{x.FromTable}\"");
                    //check whether the only attribute is one of the table's attributes
                    if (!a.return_table(x.FromTable).Has_attribute(x.Condition.AttributeName))
                        throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Attribute \"{x.Condition.AttributeName}\" not exists in table \"{x.FromTable}\"");
            //check validation of a delete statement
            else if (statement.Type == StatementType.DeleteStatement)
                DeleteStatement x = (DeleteStatement)statement;
                //check whether the table is in the tables catalog
                Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                if (x.Condition == null)
                else if (x.Condition.AttributeName == "")
                    if (x.Condition.SimpleMinterms.Count == 0)
                        //if the ands is empty and attribute name is emply, the statement means select * from a table
                        //for each attribute in the epression list(named 'ands')
                        //check whether the attribute is in the attribute list of this table
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Expression> expression_piece in x.Condition.SimpleMinterms)
                            if (!a.return_table(x.TableName).Has_attribute(expression_piece.Key))
                                throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Attribute \"{expression_piece.Key}\" not exists in table \"{x.TableName}\"");
                    //check whether the only attribute is one of the table's attributes
                    if (!a.return_table(x.TableName).Has_attribute(x.Condition.AttributeName))
                        throw new AttributeNotExistsException($"Attribute \"{x.Condition.AttributeName}\" not exists in table \"{x.TableName}\"");
            //check validation of an insert statement
            else if (statement.Type == StatementType.InsertStatement)
                InsertStatement x = (InsertStatement)statement;

                //check whether the table is in the table list
                Catalog_table a = new Catalog_table(_databaseName);
                //check if the number of the attributes perfectly match the number of the values
                if (x.Values.Count != a.return_table(x.TableName).attribute_list.Count)
                    throw new NumberOfAttributesNotMatchsException($"Number of attributes not matchs. Expected: \"{a.return_table(x.TableName).attribute_list.Count}\"; actual: \"{x.Values.Count}\"");
                //check whether the type of the inserted data well suits the data definition of each attribute
                for (int i = 0; i < x.Values.Count; i++)
                    if (a.return_table(x.TableName).attribute_list[i].type != x.Values[i].Type)
                        throw new TypeOfAttributeNotMatchsException($"Type for attribute \"{a.return_table(x.TableName).attribute_list[i].attribute_name}\" not matches. Expected: \"{a.return_table(x.TableName).attribute_list[i].type}\"; actual: \"{x.Values[i].Type}\"");
                //if all data type suit, return true
            //check validation of a quit statement
            else if (statement.Type == StatementType.QuitStatement)
            //check validation of an exec file statement
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //check if the program can successfully check the validation of each kind of input statement
        static bool CheckValidation()
        {   //since quitstatement and execfile statement are too simple,we skip them here
            Catalog func = new Catalog("test");

            //select statement
            //3 kinds, each with a true and a false version

            //select only from table without any attribute
            SelectStatement select_only_table_true = new SelectStatement();

            // select_only_table_true.Condition = new Expression();
            select_only_table_true.FromTable = "Student";

            SelectStatement select_only_table_false = new SelectStatement();

            // select_only_table_false.Condition = new Expression();
            select_only_table_false.FromTable = "School";

            bool test1 = func.IsValid(select_only_table_false);
            bool test2 = func.IsValid(select_only_table_true);

            // Console.WriteLine(" Wrong select statement that select only 1 table, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test1);
            Debug.Assert(test1 == false);
            // Console.WriteLine(" Right select statement that select only 1 table, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test2);
            Debug.Assert(test2 == true);

            //select from table with 1 attribute
            SelectStatement select_with_1_attribute_true = new SelectStatement();

            select_with_1_attribute_true.FromTable               = "Student";
            select_with_1_attribute_true.Condition               = new Expression();
            select_with_1_attribute_true.Condition.Operator      = Operator.AtomVariable;
            select_with_1_attribute_true.Condition.AttributeName = "ID";

            SelectStatement select_with_1_attribute_false = new SelectStatement();

            select_with_1_attribute_false.FromTable               = "Student";
            select_with_1_attribute_false.Condition               = new Expression();
            select_with_1_attribute_true.Condition.Operator       = Operator.AtomVariable;
            select_with_1_attribute_false.Condition.AttributeName = "Gender";

            bool test3 = icatalog.IsValid(select_with_1_attribute_true);
            bool test4 = icatalog.IsValid(select_with_1_attribute_false);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right select statement that select with 1 attribute, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test3);
            Debug.Assert(test3 == true);
            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong select statement that select with 1 attribute, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test4);
            Debug.Assert(test4 == false);

            // select from table with condition having 3 attribute
            SelectStatement select_with_3_attribute_true = new SelectStatement();

            select_with_3_attribute_true.FromTable = "Student";
            select_with_3_attribute_true.Condition = GetExpression("ID", "Class", "Score");

            SelectStatement select_with_3_attribute_false = new SelectStatement();

            select_with_3_attribute_false.FromTable = "Student";
            select_with_3_attribute_false.Condition = GetExpression("Gender", "Class", "Score");

            bool test5 = icatalog.IsValid(select_with_3_attribute_true);
            bool test6 = icatalog.IsValid(select_with_3_attribute_false);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right select statement that select with 3 attributes, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test5);
            Debug.Assert(test5 == true);
            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong select statement that select with 3 attribute, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(test6);
            Debug.Assert(test6 == false);

            //delete statement
            //3 kinds, each with a true and a false version
            //almost the same as the select statement

            //delete table without any attribute
            DeleteStatement delete_only_table_true = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_only_table_true.TableName = "Student";

            DeleteStatement delete_only_table_false = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_only_table_false.TableName = "School";

            bool tst1 = func.IsValid(delete_only_table_false);
            bool tst2 = func.IsValid(delete_only_table_true);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong delete statement that delete only table, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst1);
            Debug.Assert(tst1 == false);
            // Console.WriteLine("Right delete statement that delete only table, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst2);
            Debug.Assert(tst2 == true);

            //delete from table with 1 attribute
            DeleteStatement delete_with_1_attribute_true = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_with_1_attribute_true.TableName = "Student";
            delete_with_1_attribute_true.Condition = new Expression()
                Operator = Operator.AtomVariable
            delete_with_1_attribute_true.Condition.AttributeName = "ID";

            DeleteStatement delete_with_1_attribute_false = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_with_1_attribute_false.Condition = new Expression()
                Operator = Operator.AtomVariable
            delete_with_1_attribute_false.TableName = "Student";
            delete_with_1_attribute_false.Condition.AttributeName = "Gender";

            bool tst3 = icatalog.IsValid(delete_with_1_attribute_true);
            bool tst4 = icatalog.IsValid(delete_with_1_attribute_false);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right delete statement that delete with 1 attribute, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst3);
            Debug.Assert(tst3 == true);
            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong delete statement that delete with 1 attribute, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst4);
            Debug.Assert(tst4 == false);

            //delete from table with 3 attribute
            DeleteStatement delete_with_3_attribute_true = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_with_3_attribute_true.Condition = GetExpression("ID", "Class", "Score");
            delete_with_3_attribute_true.TableName = "Student";

            DeleteStatement delete_with_3_attribute_false = new DeleteStatement();

            delete_with_3_attribute_false.TableName = "Student";
            delete_with_3_attribute_false.Condition = GetExpression("ID", "Gender", "Score");

            bool tst5 = icatalog.IsValid(delete_with_3_attribute_true);
            bool tst6 = icatalog.IsValid(delete_with_3_attribute_false);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right delete statement that delete with 3 attribute, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst5);
            Debug.Assert(tst5 == true);
            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong delete statement that delete with 3 attribute, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(tst6);
            Debug.Assert(tst6 == false);

            //insert statement
            //3 kinds, only the first is true, others are false

            //all attributes suit
            InsertStatement insert_all_suit = new InsertStatement();

            insert_all_suit.TableName = "Student";

            //make all the values into a list
            List <AtomValue> insert_tmp1      = new List <AtomValue>();
            AtomValue        attribute_value1 = new AtomValue();

            attribute_value1.Type        = AttributeTypes.Char;
            attribute_value1.StringValue = "111";

            AtomValue attribute_value2 = new AtomValue();

            attribute_value2.Type        = AttributeTypes.Char;
            attribute_value2.StringValue = "Lily";

            AtomValue attribute_value3 = new AtomValue();

            attribute_value3.Type       = AttributeTypes.Float;
            attribute_value3.FloatValue = 80.5;

            AtomValue attribute_value4 = new AtomValue();

            attribute_value4.Type         = AttributeTypes.Int;
            attribute_value4.IntegerValue = 5;


            insert_all_suit.Values = insert_tmp1;

            bool insert_test1 = icatalog.IsValid(insert_all_suit);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right insert statement, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(insert_test1);
            Debug.Assert(insert_test1 == true);

            //doesn't match the number of attributes
            InsertStatement insert_wrong_number = new InsertStatement();

            insert_wrong_number.TableName = "Student";

            //get the value list of only 3 attributes when 4 is the right number
            insert_wrong_number.Values = insert_tmp1;
            bool insert_test2 = icatalog.IsValid(insert_wrong_number);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong insert statement for wrong number of attributes, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(insert_test2);
            Debug.Assert(insert_test2 == false);

            //doesn't match the type of attributes
            InsertStatement insert_wrong_type = new InsertStatement();

            insert_wrong_type.TableName = "Student";

            //give attribute 4 type string instead of int
            AtomValue attribute_value5 = new AtomValue();

            attribute_value5.Type        = AttributeTypes.Char;
            attribute_value5.StringValue = "hhhh";
            insert_wrong_type.Values = insert_tmp1;
            bool insert_test3 = icatalog.IsValid(insert_wrong_type);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong insert statement for wrong type of attributes, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(insert_test3);
            Debug.Assert(insert_test3 == false);

            //drop statement
            //2 kind, try to drop a table or an index, each with a true and a false version

            //drop an existing table, true
            DropStatement drop_table_true = new DropStatement();

            drop_table_true.TargetType = DropTarget.Table;
            drop_table_true.TableName  = "Student";
            bool drop_test1 = icatalog.IsValid(drop_table_true);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right drop table statement, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(drop_test1);
            Debug.Assert(drop_test1 == true);

            //drop a table that doesn't exist, false
            DropStatement drop_table_false = new DropStatement();

            drop_table_false.TargetType = DropTarget.Table;
            drop_table_false.TableName  = "School";
            bool drop_test2 = icatalog.IsValid(drop_table_false);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong drop table statement, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(drop_test2);
            Debug.Assert(drop_test2 == false);

            //drop an existing index from the table that doesn't exist, false
            DropStatement drop_index_false1 = new DropStatement();

            drop_index_false1.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            drop_index_false1.IndexName  = "index_for_student_id";
            drop_index_false1.TableName  = "School";
            bool drop_test3 = icatalog.IsValid(drop_index_false1);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong drop index statement that drop from the table that doesn't exist, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(drop_test3);
            Debug.Assert(drop_test3 == false);

            //drop an index that doesn't exist, false
            DropStatement drop_index_false2 = new DropStatement();

            drop_index_false2.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            drop_index_false2.IndexName  = "index_wrong";
            drop_index_false2.TableName  = "Student";
            bool drop_test4 = icatalog.IsValid(drop_index_false2);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong drop index statement that drop an unknown index, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(drop_test4);
            Debug.Assert(drop_test4 == false);

            //drop an index that exits, true
            DropStatement drop_index_true = new DropStatement();

            drop_index_true.TargetType = DropTarget.Index;
            drop_index_true.IndexName  = "index_for_student_id";
            drop_index_true.TableName  = "Student";
            bool drop_test5 = icatalog.IsValid(drop_index_true);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right drop index statement, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(drop_test5);
            Debug.Assert(drop_test5 == true);

            //create statement
            //2 kinds, for index and for table, each with both true and wrong version

            //create a table
            CreateStatement create_table_true = new CreateStatement();

            create_table_true.CreateType = CreateType.Table;
            create_table_true.TableName  = "Home";
            bool create_test1 = icatalog.IsValid(create_table_true);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right create table statement, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(create_test1);
            Debug.Assert(create_test1 == true);

            //create an index, true
            CreateStatement create_index_true = new CreateStatement();

            create_index_true.CreateType    = CreateType.Index;
            create_index_true.TableName     = "Student";
            create_index_true.IndexName     = "second_index_for_student_id";
            create_index_true.AttributeName = "ID";
            bool create_test2 = icatalog.IsValid(create_index_true);

            // Console.WriteLine("Right create index statement, expecting true:");
            // Console.WriteLine(create_test2);
            Debug.Assert(create_test2 == true);

            //create an index that already exists, false
            CreateStatement create_index_false1 = new CreateStatement();

            create_index_false1.CreateType    = CreateType.Index;
            create_index_false1.TableName     = "Student";
            create_index_false1.IndexName     = "index_for_student_id";
            create_index_false1.AttributeName = "ID";
            bool create_test3 = icatalog.IsValid(create_index_false1);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong create index statement, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(create_test3);
            Debug.Assert(create_test3 == false);

            //create an index for an attribute that doesn't eixst
            CreateStatement create_index_false2 = new CreateStatement();

            create_index_false2.CreateType    = CreateType.Index;
            create_index_false2.TableName     = "Student";
            create_index_false2.IndexName     = "index_for_student_home";
            create_index_false2.AttributeName = "Home";
            bool create_test4 = icatalog.IsValid(create_index_false2);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong create index statement that is created on an attribute that does not exist, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(create_test4);
            Debug.Assert(create_test4 == false);

            //create an index for a table that doesn't eixst
            CreateStatement create_index_false3 = new CreateStatement();

            create_index_false3.CreateType    = CreateType.Index;
            create_index_false3.TableName     = "Home";
            create_index_false3.IndexName     = "index_for_student_house";
            create_index_false3.AttributeName = "Street";
            bool create_test5 = icatalog.IsValid(create_index_false3);

            // Console.WriteLine("Wrong create index statement that is created on a table that doesn't exist, expecting false:");
            // Console.WriteLine(create_test5);
            Debug.Assert(create_test5 == false);
