Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool BuildFinally_Prefix(PlanetFactory __instance, Player player, int prebuildId)
            if (!SimulatedWorld.Initialized)

            if (LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient)
                if (!FactoryManager.ContainsPrebuildRequest(__instance.planetId, prebuildId))
                    // This prevents duplicating the entity when multiple players trigger the BuildFinally for the same entity at the same time.
                    // If it occurs in any other circumstances, it means that we have some desynchronization between clients and host prebuilds buffers.
                    Log.Warn($"BuildFinally was called without having a corresponding PrebuildRequest for the prebuild {prebuildId} on the planet {__instance.planetId}");

                // Remove the prebuild request from the list since we will now convert it to a real building
                FactoryManager.RemovePrebuildRequest(__instance.planetId, prebuildId);

            if (LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient || !FactoryManager.EventFromServer)
                LocalPlayer.SendPacket(new BuildEntityRequest(__instance.planetId, prebuildId, FactoryManager.PacketAuthor == -1 ? LocalPlayer.PlayerId : FactoryManager.PacketAuthor));

            if (!LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient && !FactoryManager.EventFromServer)

            return(LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient || FactoryManager.EventFromServer);