Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function subscribed to AutonomousService's ObstacleEvent to handle an ObstacleEvent when it's triggered.
        /// This function gets the Plot representing the detected obstacles and uses the current DriveState's
        /// FindBestGap() to determine the best gap to drive toward. It then issues the corresponding DriveCommand.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e">ObstacleEventArgs that contains the Plot representing the detected obstacles.</param>
        public void HandleObstacleEvent(Object sender, ObstacleEventArgs e)
            DriveCommand driveCommand;
            Plot         obstacles = e.Data;

            // Find the best gap
            Line bestGap = this.driveState.FindBestGap(obstacles);

            // If bestGap exists, drive toward it's midpoint. Otherwise, turn right
            if (bestGap != null)
                Coordinate midpoint = bestGap.FindMidpoint();
                double     angle    = midpoint.Theta;

                driveCommand = new DriveCommand(angle, Speed.CLEAR_OBSTACLE);
                driveCommand = DriveCommand.RightTurn(Speed.CLEAR_OBSTACLE);

            // Send driveCommand
            lock (this.sendDriveCommandLock)
                this.lastObstacleDetected = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Startup(ILogger <Startup> logger, IConfiguration configuration)
     _logger       = logger;
     Configuration = configuration;
     if (_gdrive == null)
         _gdrive = new DriveHandler(logger, configuration);
 private void InitDrives()
     foreach (LogicalDriveViewModel drive in PDrives)
         drive.SubdrivesLoaded     += Register4DriveEvents;
         drive.PathSelectedChanged += SetSelectedPath;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Startup(ILogger <Startup> logger, IConfiguration configuration)
     _logger       = logger;
     Configuration = configuration;
     AppSettings   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
     if (_gdrive == null)
         _gdrive = new DriveHandler(logger, configuration);
Ejemplo n.º 5
#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Startup.Startup(ILogger<Startup>, IConfiguration)'
        public Startup(ILogger <Startup> logger, IConfiguration configuration)
#pragma warning restore CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Startup.Startup(ILogger<Startup>, IConfiguration)'
            _logger       = logger;
            Configuration = configuration;
            if (_gdrive == null)
                _gdrive = new DriveHandler(logger, configuration);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Issue the specified DriveCommand to ROCKS through AscentPacketHandler.
        /// If the SendDriveCommandLock cannot be obtained, do not send the DriveCommand. TODO why? Shore this up
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driveCommand">The DriveCommand to be executed.</param>
        public void Drive(DriveCommand driveCommand)
            // Obtain lock
            bool isLocked = false;

            Monitor.TryEnter(this.sendDriveCommandLock, ref isLocked);

            if (isLocked)
                // Send DriveCommand to AscentPacketHandler

                // Release lock
 public MainViewModel()
     _drives = DriveHandler.GetLogicalDrives();