Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Add drill to database
        public async Task AddDrill(DrillItem drillItem, String n, int s, int t, string sty, string use)
            drillItem.Name    = n;
            drillItem.Sets    = s;
            drillItem.SetTime = t;
            drillItem.Style   = sty;
            drillItem.Use     = use;
            await App.MobileService.GetTable <DrillItem>().InsertAsync(drillItem);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Update drill in database
        public async Task UpdateDrill(String Id, String n, int s, int t, string sty, string use)
            DrillItem drillItem = new DrillItem();

            drillItem.Id      = Id;
            drillItem.Name    = n;
            drillItem.Sets    = s;
            drillItem.SetTime = t;
            drillItem.Style   = sty;
            drillItem.Use     = use;
            await App.MobileService.GetTable <DrillItem>().UpdateAsync(drillItem);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Delete drill from database
        public async Task DeleteDrillAsync(string id)
            MobileServiceInvalidOperationException exception = null;
            DrillItem d = new DrillItem();

            d.Id = id;
            try {
                await drillTable.DeleteAsync(d);
            catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e)
                exception = e;

            if (exception != null)
                await new MessageDialog(exception.Message, "Error deleting item").ShowAsync();
        // Add a new drill to database
        public async void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Drill variables
            DrillItem drillItem = new DrillItem();
            String    Name      = (String)NameBox.Text;
            String    Use       = (String)UseCombo.SelectionBoxItem;
            int       Sets;
            int       Time  = TimeBox.Time.Minutes;
            int       hours = TimeBox.Time.Hours;
            int       i     = 0;

            // convert time for user to mins
            while (i <= hours)
                Time = Time + 60;
                i   += 1;

            // check sets
            bool successfullyParsedSets = int.TryParse(SetsBox.Text, out Sets);

            // Check ints
            if (successfullyParsedSets)
                Sets = Int32.Parse(SetsBox.Text);

            // error checks
            if (Name == null)
                Name = "Empty drill";
            else if (Use == null)
                Use = "Empty equipment";

                // Call ViewModel controller to add to the Model then create the toast to inform user of add
                await ctv.combatDrillsTable.AddDrill(drillItem, Name, Sets, Time, catagory, Use);

                ToastContent content = new ToastContent()
                    Visual = new ToastVisual()
                        BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
                            Children =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = Name + " added to " + catagory,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body

                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = "Refresh the page to see updates!",
                                    HintWrap  = true,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

                // Show custom Toast for success
                var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier();
                notifier.Show(new ToastNotification(content.GetXml()));
                ToastContent content = new ToastContent()
                    Visual = new ToastVisual()
                        BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
                            Children =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = Name + " Failed to be added into " + catagory,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body

                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = "Try checking your connection or trying later!",
                                    HintWrap  = true,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

                // Show custom Toast for failed
                var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier();
                notifier.Show(new ToastNotification(content.GetXml()));
            // Clean up and notify user
            ppup.IsOpen = false;