Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult Drawing([FromBody] DrawingModel drawing)
            var numbers = drawing.DrawnNumbers.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();

            if (numbers.Count != numbers.Distinct().Count())
                return(BadRequest("You got duplicates. Fix it"));

            return(Ok("Numbers are published."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult SubDrawingDetail(DrawingModel drawing)
            using (DrawingContext context = new DrawingContext())
                Drawing editDrawing = context.Drawing.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Drawing_id == drawing.Drawing_id);
                if (editDrawing == null)
                    Drawing addrawing = new Drawing()
                        Drawing_id     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Drawing_author = drawing.Drawing_author,
                        Drawing_title  = drawing.Drawing_title,
                        Drawing_time   = DateTime.Now,
                        Drawing_type   = drawing.Drawing_type,
                        Drawing_mine   = drawing.Drawing_mine,
                    editDrawing.Drawing_id     = drawing.Drawing_id;
                    editDrawing.Drawing_title  = drawing.Drawing_title;
                    editDrawing.Drawing_author = drawing.Drawing_author;
                    editDrawing.Drawing_time   = DateTime.Now;
                    editDrawing.Drawing_type   = drawing.Drawing_type;
                    editDrawing.Drawing_mine   = drawing.Drawing_mine;

                int flg = context.SaveChanges();
                if (flg > 0)
                        Success = true,
                        Message = "操作成功"
                    Success = false,
                    Message = "操作失败"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public PencilCommand(DrawingModel model, DrawingAction action)
     _model  = model;
     _action = action;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // This is a constructor method for the DrawIt class.  Notice that it has the same name ("DrawIt") as the class,
        // and does not have a return type.  That's how we know it's a constructor method.
        public DrawIt()
            // This may look familiar from last week's "create a Windows Forms application" assignment.
            // It is generated by Visual Studio to do the initial setup of the controls on your Windows Form.

            // This line creates a SimpleDrawActionSource(), which is a class that very minimally
            // implements IUndoRedoActionSource with an action type of IDrawAction.
            // This won't support Undo or Redo, so the buttons will always be disabled, but it
            // will allow us to use the interface (since it has been implemented), and later we can
            // replace it with a more advanced implementation.
            _actions = new SimpleActionSource<IDrawAction>();

            // This line creates a BrokenDrawActionSource(), with the behavior
            // we saw at the beginning of class (in DrawIt 1.0).  It appears to
            // allow Undo and Redo, but if you Undo some actions and then
            // start drawing more circles, it redraws the undone actions
            // before it starts drawing the new circles.
            //_actions = new BrokenActionSource<IDrawAction>();

            // Homework: Create an actual UndoRedoDrawActionSource() and make sure
            // that it has the proper Undo() and Redo() semantics.
            //_actions = new UndoRedoDrawActionSource();
            _actions= new UndoRedoActionSource<IDrawAction>();

            // This line says, "I want to listen to ActionsChanged events from this IActionSource.
            // Every time the ActionsChanged event happens, I want my UpdateUi() method to be called.
            // Note the use of "+=" instead of "=".  That's how delegates are assigned to events.  Instead
            // of using "=", which would imply that only one delegate could listen to an event, we use "+=",
            // which basically says "Add my UpdateUi method as a listener to this event, along with any other
            // listeners who are listening to this event."  This is a good thing, because while we're listening
            // to the ActionsChanged event to update our UI, the DrawingModel will be listening to the same
            // ActionsChanged event to know when to redraw.
            // Note also that I did *NOT* put parentheses after the "UpdateUi" in the line below.  Parentheses
            // indicate a method call -- that I'm actually invoking the method.  In this line, I'm NOT invoking
            // UpdateUi.  Instead, I'm talking about it.  I'm actually giving the event a reference to the method,
            // rather than calling the method.  I'm treating "UpdateUi" as if it were just another value, to be
            // assigned.  This is one of the great things about C#: a method can be treated as just another value,
            // assigned to a variable, passed around to another method as a parameter, etc.  It's a very powerful
            // and advanced language feature, which we're using here to set up our "UpdateUi" method as a listener
            // ("delegate") on the ActionsChanged event of our actions model.
            _actions.ActionsChanged += UpdateUi;

            // This adds ANOTHER event handler ("event listener") on the ActionsChanged
            // event of the _actions object.  When the _actions object fires its
            // ActionsChanged event, it will also call UpdateClearButton()
            _actions.ActionsChanged += UpdateClearButton;

            // This line creates a new DrawingModel which wraps around and encapsulates
            // the CanvasPanel, and then stores that DrawingModel into the instance variable
            // _canvasModel.
            // Since _canvasModel is an "instance variable" (declared as part of the DrawIt
            // class, above), all of the "instance methods" here in DrawIt (also declared as
            // part of the DrawIt class) will be able to see it.  Anything that wants to draw
            // something on the canvas can say _canvasModel.DrawLine() or _canvasModel.DrawCircle() or...
            // I have implemented versions of HandleMouseDown() and HandleMouseMoved() below
            // that draw simple circles on the canvas, and a circular cursor to show where
            // the next circle will be drawn, to illustrate how to use the DrawingModel.
            _canvasModel = new DrawingModel(CanvasPanel, _actions)
                Background = new DrawBackgroundAction(_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

            // This creates the Pen intance that draws lines on the canvas.
            _pen = new Pen(_COLOR, _LINE_WIDTH);

            // This creates the Pen instance that draws the cursor.
            _cursorPen = new Pen(_CURSOR_COLOR, _LINE_WIDTH);

            // This starts us out with a dark gray background on the canvas (so the user can see
            // where to draw).

            // These three lines add "event handlers" to the canvas so that we get told when the user
            // does something with the mouse.  An "event handler" is just a method that knows how to
            // respond to an event (something that happened).  You can watch the extra session from
            // this Thursday if you want to see how to create a method like this.
            CanvasPanel.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;
            CanvasPanel.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp;
            CanvasPanel.MouseMove += HandleMouseMoved;
            CanvasPanel.MouseLeave += HandleMouseLeave;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public DrawingPresenter(IView _drawingView)
            drawingView = _drawingView;
            _model      = new DrawingModel();

            printDialog = new PrintDialog();
            pd          = new PrintDocument();
            ppd         = new PrintPreviewDialog();

            ppd.Document         = pd;
            printDialog.Document = pd;

            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
            pd.PrintPage += Pd_PrintPage;

            drawingView.Print += (object o, EventArgs e) =>
                if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            drawingView.Preview         += (object o, EventArgs e) => { ppd.ShowDialog(); };
            drawingView.LoadFile        += DrawingView_LoadFile;
            drawingView.CreateNewFile   += DrawingView_CreateNewFile;
            drawingView.SaveCreatedFile += DrawingView_SaveCreatedFile;
            drawingView.CloseFile       += (bool b) =>
                drawingView.CurrentFileName = "";
                drawingView.TableTxt        = "";
                if (b == true)
            drawingView.InitGraphic += (object s, EventArgs e) =>
            drawingView.PlotAction    += DrawingView_PlotAction;
            drawingView.PlotMouseDown += (object o, MouseEventArgs e) =>
                drawingView.graph.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
            drawingView.PlotMouseUp      += (object o, MouseEventArgs e) => drawingView.graph.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            drawingView.ApdateCurvesList += DrawingView_PlotAction;
            drawingView.FillCurveFields  += (string s) =>
                foreach (Curves c in _model.gr.GraphCurves)
                    if (c.Legend == s)
                        drawingView.CurveColor   = c.CurveColor;
                        drawingView.DotsSettings = c.DotsType;
                        drawingView.Thikness     = c.CurveThickness;

                        if (c.DashStyle == System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash)
                            drawingView.dashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
                        else if (c.DashStyle == System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot)
                            drawingView.dashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot;
                        else if (c.DashStyle == System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot)
                            drawingView.dashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot;
                        else if (c.DashStyle == System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot)
                            drawingView.dashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
                            drawingView.dashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
            drawingView.SetCurveColor += (object o, EventArgs e) =>
                using (ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog())
                    cd.Color = drawingView.CurveColor;
                    DialogResult res = cd.ShowDialog();
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        drawingView.CurveColor = cd.Color;
            drawingView.ShowCurvePoints   += (string s) => { drawingView.TableTxt = _model.ShowCurvePoints(s); };
            drawingView.AddNewCurve       += DrawingView_PlotAction;
            drawingView.Zoom              += DrawingView_PlotAction;
            drawingView.InitDiagramParams += (object s, EventArgs e) =>
                drawingView.Title     = _model.gr.Title;
                drawingView.TitlePos  = _model.gr.TitlePosition;
                drawingView.TitleSize = _model.gr.TitleSize;

                drawingView.OXName  = _model.gr.Config.OXName;
                drawingView.OXSize  = _model.gr.Config.OXNameSize;
                drawingView.OXPos   = _model.gr.Config.OXNamePosition;
                drawingView.OXPrice = _model.gr.Config.PriceForPointOX;

                drawingView.OYName  = _model.gr.Config.OYName;
                drawingView.OYSize  = _model.gr.Config.OYNameSize;
                drawingView.OYPos   = _model.gr.Config.OYNamePosition;
                drawingView.OYPrice = _model.gr.Config.PriceForPointOY;

                drawingView.Grid   = _model.gr.Config.Grid;
                drawingView.Smooth = _model.gr.Config.SmoothAngles;
            drawingView.ApdateDiagramParams += (object s, EventArgs e) =>
                _model.gr.Title         = drawingView.Title;
                _model.gr.TitlePosition = drawingView.TitlePos;
                _model.gr.TitleSize     = (int)drawingView.TitleSize;

                _model.gr.Config.OXName          = drawingView.OXName;
                _model.gr.Config.OXNamePosition  = drawingView.OXPos;
                _model.gr.Config.OXNameSize      = drawingView.OXSize;
                _model.gr.Config.PriceForPointOX = drawingView.OXPrice;

                _model.gr.Config.OYName          = drawingView.OYName;
                _model.gr.Config.OYNamePosition  = drawingView.OYPos;
                _model.gr.Config.OYNameSize      = drawingView.OYSize;
                _model.gr.Config.PriceForPointOY = drawingView.OYPrice;

                _model.gr.Config.Grid         = drawingView.Grid;
                _model.gr.Config.SmoothAngles = drawingView.Smooth;
            drawingView.DrawSpiral += (bool b) =>
                PointF[] pt = _model.GenerateSpiral(drawingView.OmegaSpiral, drawingView.CoefSpiral, drawingView.StartSpiral, drawingView.LenghtSpiral, b);
            drawingView.SpiralAction += (bool b) =>
                if (b)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public DrawingViewModel(DrawingModel drawingModel)
     _drawingModel = drawingModel;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Button(DrawingModel drawingModel)
     _drawingModel = drawingModel;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public DrawingCommander(DrawingModel model)
     _model        = model;
     _undoCommands = new Stack <IDrawingCommand>();
     _redoCommands = new Stack <IDrawingCommand>();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // This is a constructor method for the DrawIt class.  Notice that it has the same name ("DrawIt") as the class,
        // and does not have a return type.  That's how we know it's a constructor method.
        public DrawIt()
            // This may look familiar from last week's "create a Windows Forms application" assignment.
            // It is generated by Visual Studio to do the initial setup of the controls on your Windows Form.
            _actions = new UndoRedoActionSource<IDrawAction>();
            _actions.ActionsChanged += UpdateUi;
            _actions.ActionsChanged += UpdateClearButton;

            _canvasModel = new DrawingModel(CanvasPanel, _actions)
                Background = new DrawBackgroundAction(_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

            // This creates the Pen intance that draws lines on the canvas.
            _drawingPen = new Pen(_COLOR, _LINE_WIDTH);

            // This creates the Pen instance that draws the cursor.
            _cursorPen = new Pen(_CURSOR_COLOR, _LINE_WIDTH);
            //_brush = new SolidBrush(_COLOR);
            _brush = new SolidBrush(_COLOR);

            // This starts us out with a dark gray background on the canvas (so the user can see
            // where to draw).

            // These three lines add "event handlers" to the canvas so that we get told when the user
            // does something with the mouse.  An "event handler" is just a method that knows how to
            // respond to an event (something that happened).  You can watch the extra session from
            // this Thursday if you want to see how to create a method like this.
            CanvasPanel.MouseDown += HandleMouseDown;
            CanvasPanel.MouseUp += HandleMouseUp;
            CanvasPanel.MouseMove += HandleMouseMoved;
            CanvasPanel.MouseLeave += HandleMouseLeave;

            KeyDown += HandleKeyDown;