/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		protected sealed override void DrawElement(DrawState state)
			if (state.Properties.SupportsHardwareInstancing && instanceCount > HardwareInstancingMinimum)
				using (state.WorldMatrix.PushIdentity())
					vertices.DrawInstances(state, indices, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, state.GetDynamicInstanceBuffer(this.instances, this.instanceCount));
				Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite shader = state.GetShader<Graphics2D.NonInstancingSprite>();

				for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i += NonInstancingRenderCount)
					int count = Math.Min(NonInstancingRenderCount, (instanceCount - i));

					shader.SetInstances(this.instances, (uint)i, 0, (uint)count);

					this.verticesSI.Draw(state, this.indicesSI, PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 2 * count, 0, 0);
		//the child isn't drawn right now, but for every bit of geometry that is visible, the world matrix is stored
		internal void DrawChild(DrawState state)
			if (modelData == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("ModelData is null");

			if (buffers == null)
			ContainmentType cullModel = ContainmentType.Contains;

			//if there is just one geometry object, then the ICullable.CullTest() call will have been suficient.
			bool skipCullTest = this.modelData != null && this.modelData.meshes.Length == 1 && this.modelData.meshes[0].geometry.Length == 1;
			ICuller culler = state as ICuller;

			if (!skipCullTest)
				cullModel = culler.IntersectBox(ref modelData.staticBounds.minimum, ref modelData.staticBounds.maximum);

			int geometryIndex = 0;
			bool drawn = false;

			//loop through the model data
			if (cullModel != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
				for (int m = 0; m < modelData.meshes.Length; m++)
					MeshData mesh = modelData.meshes[m];

					ContainmentType cullMesh = cullModel;

					//cull testing along the way
					if (cullModel == ContainmentType.Intersects && modelData.meshes.Length > 1)
						cullMesh = culler.IntersectBox(ref mesh.staticBounds.minimum, ref mesh.staticBounds.maximum);

					if (cullMesh != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
						for (int g = 0; g < mesh.geometry.Length; g++)
							GeometryData geom = mesh.geometry[g];

							bool cullTest = true;

							if (cullMesh == ContainmentType.Intersects && mesh.geometry.Length > 1)
								cullTest = culler.TestBox(ref geom.staticBounds.minimum, ref geom.staticBounds.maximum);

							//finally, is the geometry visible?
							if (cullTest)
								//add the world matrix to the geometry set
								InstanceBuffer buffer = this.buffers[geometryIndex];

								if (buffer == null)
									buffer = state.GetDynamicInstanceBuffer(childCount);
									this.buffers[geometryIndex] = buffer;

								drawn = true;

						geometryIndex += mesh.geometry.Length;
			if (drawn)