Ejemplo n.º 1

        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y, float time)
            this.resetOnCheckpoint = false;

            //POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);

            //DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.SpikeButton0", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.SpikeButton0.png", GlobalVars.SWITCH_INACTIVE_SPRITE_NAME);
            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.SpikeButton0", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.SpikeButton1.png", GlobalVars.SWITCH_ACTIVE_SPRITE_NAME);

            //COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.SPIKE_SWITCH_COLLIDER), true);

            //Swich Component - Is it a switch? Yes.
            addComponent(new SwitchComponent(startingState), true);

            if (time > -1)
                //Timed Switch Component It's a timed switch!
                addComponent(new TimedSwitchComponent(time), true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void drawBkgEntity(Entity e)
            //Pull out all required components
            PositionComponent posComp  = ( PositionComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.POSITION_COMPONENT_NAME);
            DrawComponent     drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            if (isInView(posComp))
                if (g != null)
                    Image img = drawComp.getImage();

                    //Get center instead of upper left
                    PointF drawPoint = posComp.getLocAsPoint();
                    drawPoint.X -= (posComp.width / 2.0f);
                    drawPoint.Y -= (posComp.height / 2.0f);

                    drawPoint.X -= this.x;
                    drawPoint.Y -= this.y;

                    drawPoint.X *= wRatio;
                    drawPoint.Y *= hRatio;

                    lock ( img ) {
                        //g.DrawImage(img, new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height), new RectangleF(x, y, width, height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        g.DrawImage(img, new RectangleF(x, y, width, height), new RectangleF(x, y, width, height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void RegisterComponent(DrawComponent comp)
Ejemplo n.º 4

        //Here's where you add all the components the entity has.
        //You can just uncomment the ones you want.
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y)
            /*POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);

            /*DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Resources.Creatures.DeadPlayer", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Creatures.DeadPlayer.png", "Main"); //Add image
            drawComp.setSprite("Main");                                                                                                     //Set image to active image

            /* ANIMATION COMPONENT - Does it need animating?
             * The float that this reads in is the amount of time (in seconds) between frames.
             * So, if it was 5, you would be on one frame for 5 seconds, then switch to the next, then 5 seconds later
             * It'd switch to the next etc, etc...
            //addComponent(new AnimationComponent(0.0005f));

            /*VELOCITY COMPONENT - Does it move?
            addComponent(new VelocityComponent(0, 0), true);

            /*COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
             * The second field is the collider type. Look in GlobalVars for a string with the right name.
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.BASIC_SOLID_COLLIDER_TYPE), true);

            /*GRAVITY COMPONENT - Does it have Gravity?
             * There's a standard gravity in GlobalVars
            addComponent(new GravityComponent(0, GlobalVars.STANDARD_GRAVITY), true);
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            // Initial setup
            _state             = State.Inactive;
            transform.position = _model.CameraPose.position;
            transform.rotation = _model.CameraPose.rotation;

            // Prevent opacity flickering on initial load
            SetMaterialOpacity(ImageQuad.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material, 0);
            SetMaterialOpacity(PyramidMesh.material, 0);

            // Load image texture
            _model.Image.OnUpdate += (sender, args) => TryLoadTexture();

            // Create components
            _drawComponent        = ImageQuad.AddComponent <DrawComponent>();
            _surfaceDrawComponent = ImageQuad.AddComponent <SurfaceDrawComponent>();
            _surfaceDrawComponent.CameraPosition = transform;
            _surfaceDrawComponent.TargetPosition = TargetPosition;

            // Attach event listeners
            _drawComponent.OnNewLines        += (sender, list) => _model.DrawLines = list;
            _surfaceDrawComponent.OnNewLines += (sender, list) => _model.SurfaceDrawLines = list;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void createBlockEntity(float x, float y)
            if (level.getCollisionSystem().findObjectsBetweenPoints(x - spawnBlockSize / 2, y - spawnBlockSize / 2, x + spawnBlockSize / 2, y + spawnBlockSize / 2).Count > 0)
            if (level.getCollisionSystem().findObjectsBetweenPoints(x - spawnBlockSize / 2, y + spawnBlockSize / 2, x + spawnBlockSize / 2, y - spawnBlockSize / 2).Count > 0)

            if (spawnBlocks.Count >= maxNumSpawnBlocks)
                spawnBlockEntity   old      = spawnBlocks.Dequeue();
                DrawComponent      drawComp = ( DrawComponent )old.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);
                AnimationComponent animComp = ( AnimationComponent)old.getComponent(GlobalVars.ANIMATION_COMPONENT_NAME);
                if (animComp != null && drawComp != null)
                    ColliderComponent colComp = (ColliderComponent)old.getComponent(GlobalVars.COLLIDER_COMPONENT_NAME);
                    colComp.colliderType = GlobalVars.DESTROYING_SPAWN_BLOCK_COLLIDER_TYPE;
                    animComp.animationOn = true;
            //Entity newEntity = new [YOUR ENTITY HERE](level, x, y);
            spawnBlockEntity newEntity = new spawnBlockEntity(level, x, y);

            level.addEntity(newEntity.randId, newEntity);   //This should just stay the same
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public CircularSaw(Scene scene, TransformComponent tc, DrawComponent dc, Ship ship, int damage, double rotationVelocity) : base(scene, tc, dc)
            Ship             = ship;
            Damage           = damage;
            RotationVelocity = rotationVelocity;

            ship.IsInvincible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    //Base character constructor, called by children
    public Character()
        actions = new List <Skill>();
        actions.Add(new AttackAction());
        Stats = new Stats();

        Graphics = new DrawComponent();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public Booster(Scene scene, DrawComponent dc, TransformComponent tc, BoosterSpecs specs) : base(scene, tc, dc)
            Scene.Game.PM.CreateBoxComponent(new Size(32.0, 32.0), this);

            Direction = specs.Direction;
            Velocity  = specs.Velocity;
            LifeSpan  = specs.LifeSpan;
            Type      = specs.Type;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void setToPreColors()
            this.colorOrbObtained = false;

            foreach (Entity e in sysManager.drawSystem.getApplicableEntities())
                DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public bool isGrass()
            if (!this.hasComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME))
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            return(drawComp.activeSprite == grassSpriteName || drawComp.activeSprite == drawComp.getPrecolorImageName(grassSpriteName));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Laser(Scene scene, TransformComponent tc, LaserSpecs specs) : base(scene, tc, null)
            DC = new DrawComponent(Scene.Game.AM.GetTexture("Laser.png"), new Size(16.0, 16.0));
            Scene.Game.PM.CreateBoxComponent(new Size(16.0, 16.0), this);

            Direction = specs.Direction;
            Velocity  = specs.Velocity;
            Damage    = specs.Damage;
            LifeSpan  = specs.LifeSpan;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public Asteroid(Scene scene, DrawComponent dc, TransformComponent tc, AsteroidSpecs specs) : base(scene, tc, dc)
            Text = new TextComponent(HP.ToString());

            Direction        = specs.Direction;
            Velocity         = specs.Velocity;
            RotationVelocity = specs.RotationVelocity;
            HP        = specs.HP;
            currentHP = specs.HP;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Tooltip(Scene scene, TransformComponent tc, TooltipSpecs specs) : base(scene, tc, null)
            DC = new DrawComponent(null, new Size(50.0, 8.0));

            Direction = specs.Direction;
            Velocity  = specs.Velocity;
            LifeSpan  = specs.LifeSpan;

            Text = new TextComponent(specs.Text);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y)
            //position and velocity
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            //Add image - Use base name for first parameter (everything in file path after Resources. and before the numbers and .png)
            //Then second parameter is full filepath to a default image
            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.GreenSplat", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.GreenSplat.png", "Main");
            drawComp.setSprite("Main");   //Set image to active image
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.BOUNCE_POSTGROUND_COLLIDER_TYPE, defaultWidth - 4, defaultHeight + 3), true);
Ejemplo n.º 16

        //Here's where you add all the components the entity has.
        //You can just uncomment the ones you want.
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y)
            /*POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);

            /*DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
             * You'll need to know the address for your image.
             * It'll probably be something along the lines of "RunningGame.Resources.[      ].png" ONLY png!!
             * First create the component
             * Then add the image
             * Then set the image to the active image
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            //Add image - Use base name for first parameter (everything in file path after Resources. and before the numbers and .png)
            //Then second parameter is full filepath to a default image
            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Other.WhiteSquare", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Other.WhiteSquare.png", "Main");
            drawComp.setSprite("Main");   //Set image to active image

            /* ANIMATION COMPONENT - Does it need animating?
             * The float that this reads in is the amount of time (in seconds) between frames.
             * So, if it was 5, you would be on one frame for 5 seconds, then switch to the next, then 5 seconds later
             * It'd switch to the next etc, etc...
            addComponent(new AnimationComponent(0.2f));

            List <string> anim = new List <string>()
            List <string> animDefaults = new List <string>()

            drawComp.addAnimatedSprite(anim, animDefaults, "MainAnim");

            /*COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
             * The second field is the collider type. Look in GlobalVars for a string with the right name.
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.VISION_ORB_UNLOCK_COLLIDER), true);

            /*GRAVITY COMPONENT - Does it have Gravity?
             * There's a standard gravity in GlobalVars
            addComponent(new GravityComponent(0, GlobalVars.STANDARD_GRAVITY), true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public bool doorSwitch(Entity e, bool active)
            if (active)
                if (e.hasComponent(GlobalVars.COLLIDER_COMPONENT_NAME))
                DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);
                //Check for the player within the door.
                PositionComponent posComp    = (PositionComponent)e.getComponent(GlobalVars.POSITION_COMPONENT_NAME);
                PointF            lowerLeft  = new PointF(posComp.x - posComp.width / 2, posComp.y + posComp.height / 2);
                PointF            upperRight = new PointF(posComp.x + posComp.width / 2, posComp.y - posComp.height / 2);
                List <Entity>     cols       = level.getCollisionSystem().findObjectsBetweenPoints(lowerLeft, upperRight);
                //Don't close on player.
                foreach (Entity ent in cols)
                    if (ent is Player)
                        VelocityComponent velComp    = ( VelocityComponent )ent.getComponent(GlobalVars.VELOCITY_COMPONENT_NAME);
                        PositionComponent playerComp = ( PositionComponent )ent.getComponent(GlobalVars.POSITION_COMPONENT_NAME);

                        float kickOutSpeed = 200.0f;
                        if (playerComp.x > posComp.x)
                            velComp.setVelocity(kickOutSpeed, velComp.y);
                            velComp.setVelocity(-kickOutSpeed, velComp.y);

                if (!e.hasComponent(GlobalVars.COLLIDER_COMPONENT_NAME))
                    e.addComponent(new ColliderComponent(e, GlobalVars.BASIC_SOLID_COLLIDER_TYPE));
                DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            return(true); //Just cuz
Ejemplo n.º 18

        //Here's where you add all the components the entity has.
        //You can just uncomment the ones you want.
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y, int switchId, float width, float height, bool defaultClosed)
            this.resetOnCheckpoint = false;

            /*POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, width, height, this), true);

            /*DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
             * You'll need to know the address for your image.
             * It'll probably be something along the lines of "RunningGame.Resources.[      ].png" or maybe .bmp
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(width, height, level, true), true);

            if (width <= height)
                drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.DoorClosed", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.DoorClosed11.png", GlobalVars.DOOR_CLOSED_SPRITE_NAME);
                drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.DoorOpen", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.DoorOpen11.png", GlobalVars.DOOR_OPEN_SPRITE_NAME);
                drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.WideDoorClosed", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.WideDoorClosed11.png", GlobalVars.DOOR_CLOSED_SPRITE_NAME);
                drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.WideDoorOpen", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.WideDoorOpen11.png", GlobalVars.DOOR_OPEN_SPRITE_NAME);

            if (defaultClosed)

            /*COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
             * The second field is the collider type. Look in GlobalVars for a string with the right name.
            if (defaultClosed)
                addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.BASIC_SOLID_COLLIDER_TYPE), true);

            /*SWITCH LISTENER - It listens for a switch
            string eventType = GlobalVars.DOOR_EVENT_TYPE;

            if (!defaultClosed)
                eventType = GlobalVars.DEFAULT_OPEN_DOOR_EVENT_TYPE;
            addComponent(new SwitchListenerComponent(switchId, eventType), true);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void setFrame(Entity e, int frameNum)
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            if (frameNum < drawComp.getSprite().getNumImages())
                drawComp.getSprite().currentImageIndex = frameNum;
                Console.WriteLine("Trying to change " + e + " sprite to nonexistant frame: " + frameNum);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void UiUpdate()
     if (CurrentGameStatus == GameStatus.Running)
         DrawComponent.DrawCells(new List <TextCell> {
             new TextCell("NOT Running", Map)
Ejemplo n.º 21

        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y, float velX, float velY)
            this.updateOutOfView = true;

            /*POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);

            addComponent(new GravityComponent(0, GlobalVars.STANDARD_GRAVITY / 4), true);

            /*DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
             * NOTE: Was PaintBlob11.png before Bullet11.png
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            List <string> bulletAnimation = new List <string>()

            List <string> bulletAnimDefaults = new List <string>()

            //drawComp.addSprite( "Artwork.Foreground.Bullet", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.Bullet11.png", "Main" );
            drawComp.addAnimatedSprite(bulletAnimation, bulletAnimDefaults, "Main");

            /* ANIMATION COMPONENT - Does it need animating?
            addComponent(new AnimationComponent(0.08f), true);

            /*VELOCITY COMPONENT - Does it move?
            addComponent(new VelocityComponent(velX, velY), true);

            /*COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.BULLET_COLLIDER_TYPE, 10, 10), true);

            /* OUT OF SCREEN COOMPONENT - Destroy on exiting screen.
            addComponent(new ScreenEdgeComponent(3, 3, 3, 3), true);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        //When an entity dies, this is called.
        public void handleDeath(Entity e)
            //------- First check for any special cases

            //Is it the player? If so, reset the level.
            if (e.hasComponent(GlobalVars.PLAYER_COMPONENT_NAME))
                //If the reset level timer hasn't already been set...
                if (levelResetTimer < 0)
                    //Get the player (Who just died)
                    Player pl = ( Player )level.getPlayer();

                    //Grab all necessary components
                    PositionComponent posComp = ( PositionComponent )pl.getComponent(GlobalVars.POSITION_COMPONENT_NAME);
                    VelocityComponent velComp = ( VelocityComponent )pl.getComponent(GlobalVars.VELOCITY_COMPONENT_NAME);

                    //Create a dead player entity
                    DeadPlayerEntity deadPlayer = new DeadPlayerEntity(level, posComp.x, posComp.y);
                    //Set the dead player entity's velocity equal to the velocity of the old player
                    //VelocityComponent deadVelComp = ( VelocityComponent )deadPlayer.getComponent( GlobalVars.VELOCITY_COMPONENT_NAME );
                    //deadVelComp.x = velComp.x;
                    //deadVelComp.y = velComp.y;

                    //If the player was looking left, flip the dead player entity's sprite so it's also looking left
                    if (pl.isLookingLeft())
                        DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )deadPlayer.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);
                        drawComp.rotateFlipSprite("Main", System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX);

                    //Add the dead player entity

                    //Remove the player

                    //Start the red flash
                    level.sysManager.drawSystem.setFlash(System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed, resetTime);

                    //Start the reset timer.
                    levelResetTimer = resetTime * 0.6f;;

            //------- Not a special case? Default to simply destroying the entity
Ejemplo n.º 23

        //Here's where you add all the components the entity has.
        //You can just uncomment the ones you want.
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y, int msg)
            string message = "A MSG";

            switch (msg)
            case (0):
                message = "Left Click to Shoot!";

            case (1):
                message = "Exit the right side of the Level to Continue!";

            case (2):
                message = "You can activate switches by shooting them!";

            case (3):
                message = "Combine powerups in creative\nways for the best effects!";

            case (4):
                message = "Not all enemies are vulnerable to your weapon,\nbut perhaps there are other ways to handle them...";

            /*POSITION COMPONENT - Does it have a position?
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, this), true);
            addComponent(new SignComponent(message), true);

            /*DRAW COMPONENT - Does it get drawn to the game world?
             * You'll need to know the address for your image.
             * It'll probably be something along the lines of "RunningGame.Resources.[      ].png" ONLY png!!
             * First create the component
             * Then add the image
             * Then set the image to the active image
            DrawComponent drawComp = (DrawComponent)addComponent(new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true), true);

            // Add image - Use base name for first parameter (everything in file path after Resources. and before the numbers and .png)
            //Then second parameter is full filepath to a default image
            drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.Sign", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.Sign10.png", "Main");
            drawComp.setSprite("Main"); //Set image to active image

            /*COLLIDER - Does it hit things?
             * The second field is the collider type. Look in GlobalVars for a string with the right name.
            addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.SIGN_COLLIDER_TYPE), true);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void addMyComponents(float x, float y, float width, float height)
            //Position Component
            addComponent(new PositionComponent(x, y, width, height, this), true);

            if (!GlobalVars.fullForegroundImage)
                //Draw component
                DrawComponent drawComp = new DrawComponent(defaultWidth, defaultHeight, level, true);
                drawComp.addSprite("Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Dirt", "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Dirt61.png", dirtSpriteName);
                string grassFile = "placeholder";
                if (!GlobalVars.simpleGround)
                    grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Grass0";
                    Random rand = new Random(this.randId);
                    switch (rand.Next(0, 5))
                    case (1):
                        grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Grass1";

                    case (2):
                        grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Grass2";

                    case (3):
                        grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Grass3";

                    case (4):
                        grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.Grass4";
                    grassFile = "Artwork.Foreground.Grass.SimpGrass";

                drawComp.addSprite(grassFile, "RunningGame.Resources.Artwork.Foreground.Grass61.png", grassSpriteName);
                addComponent(drawComp, true);
            ColliderComponent c = ( ColliderComponent )addComponent(new ColliderComponent(this, GlobalVars.BASIC_SOLID_COLLIDER_TYPE, defaultWidth - 1, defaultHeight - 1));

            c.hasTransparentPixels = false;
            c.collideOnNoSprite    = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override void Initialize()

            player1 = new Entity("Player1");
            DrawComponent     player1DC = new DrawComponent(player1, Content, "Sprites/paddle", Color.White);
            PositionComponent player1PC = new PositionComponent(player1);

            player1PC.position.X = player1PC.origin.X = engine.Width - (player1DC.GetTextureWidth() + 20f);
            player1PC.position.Y = player1PC.origin.Y = (engine.Height / 2f) - (player1DC.GetTextureHeight() / 2f);
            player1.AddCollider(player1PC.origin.X, player1PC.origin.Y, player1DC.GetTextureWidth(), player1DC.GetTextureHeight());

            player2 = new Entity("Player2");
            DrawComponent     player2DC = new DrawComponent(player2, Content, "Sprites/paddle", Color.White);
            PositionComponent player2PC = new PositionComponent(player2);

            player2PC.position.X = player2PC.origin.X = 20f;
            player2PC.position.Y = player2PC.origin.Y = (engine.Height / 2f) - (player2DC.GetTextureHeight() / 2f);
            player2.AddCollider(player2PC.origin.X, player2PC.origin.Y, player2DC.GetTextureWidth(), player2DC.GetTextureHeight());

            ball = new Entity("Ball");
            DrawComponent     ballDC = new DrawComponent(ball, Content, "Sprites/ball", Color.White);
            PositionComponent ballPC = new PositionComponent(ball);

            ballPC.position.X = ballPC.origin.X = (engine.Width / 2f) - (ballDC.GetTextureWidth() / 2f);
            ballPC.position.Y = ballPC.origin.Y = (engine.Height / 2f) - (ballDC.GetTextureHeight() / 2f);
            ball.AddCollider(ballPC.origin.X, ballPC.origin.Y, ballDC.GetTextureWidth(), ballDC.GetTextureHeight());

            Entity            centerLine   = new Entity("centerLine");
            DrawComponent     centerLineDC = new DrawComponent(centerLine, Content, "Sprites/center", Color.White);
            PositionComponent centerLinePC = new PositionComponent(centerLine);

            centerLinePC.position.X = (engine.Width / 2f) - (centerLineDC.GetTextureWidth() / 2f);
            centerLinePC.position.Y = 7f;

Ejemplo n.º 26

        public void beginFire(Entity e, TimedShooterComponent shooterComp, TimerComponent timeComp, DirectionalComponent dir)
            fireItem(e, dir);
            if (shooterComp.currentBurstNum < shooterComp.numShotsPerBurst)
                timeComp.addTimer(shooterComp.fireTimerString, shooterComp.timeBetweenShotsInBurst);
                shooterComp.currentBurstNum = 0;
                timeComp.addTimer(shooterComp.fireTimerString, shooterComp.timeBetweenBursts);
                DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )e.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // Reset

        // Set up component to draw
        if (m_DrawComponent == null)
            m_DrawComponent = new GameObject("DebugStream.DrawComponent", typeof(DrawComponent))
                hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave
            }.GetComponent <DrawComponent>();
            m_DrawComponent.DebugDraw = this;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public override void revertToStartingState()
            SwitchComponent sc = ( SwitchComponent )getComponent(GlobalVars.SWITCH_COMPONENT_NAME);

            sc.setActive(startingState, this);

            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            if (startingState)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void refreshImage(bool left)
            DrawComponent drawComp = ( DrawComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            int spriteNum = drawComp.getSprite().currentImageIndex;

            if (left)

            drawComp.getSprite().currentImageIndex = spriteNum;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        //You must have this, but it may be empty.
        //What should the entity do in order to revert to its starting state?
        //Common things are:
        //Set position back to startingX and startingY
        //NOTE: If doing this, you probably want to use the MovementSystem's teleportToNoCollisionCheck() method
        //rather than the usual changePosition()
        //Set velocity to 0 in both directions
        //Note: Some things, like ground, dont move, and really don't need anything here.
        //Note: Some things, like a bullet, won't ever exist at the start of a level, so you could probably leave this empty.
        public override void revertToStartingState()
            TimedShooterComponent shooterComp = ( TimedShooterComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.TIMED_SHOOTER_COMPONENT_NAME);
            TimerComponent        timerComp   = ( TimerComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.TIMER_COMPONENT_NAME);

            timerComp.addTimer(shooterComp.fireTimerString, shooterComp.timeBetweenBursts);
            PositionComponent posComp = ( PositionComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.POSITION_COMPONENT_NAME);

            level.getMovementSystem().teleportToNoCollisionCheck(posComp, posComp.startingX, posComp.startingY);
            VelocityComponent velComp = ( VelocityComponent )this.getComponent(GlobalVars.VELOCITY_COMPONENT_NAME);

            velComp.setVelocity(0, 0);
            DrawComponent drawComp = (DrawComponent)this.getComponent(GlobalVars.DRAW_COMPONENT_NAME);

            drawComp.setSprite(startingSprite, true);