Ejemplo n.º 1
 ReleaseDracoAttribute(DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Returns the DracoAttribute at index in mesh. On input, attribute must be
 // null. The returned attr must be released with ReleaseDracoAttribute.
 [DllImport("dracodec_unity")] private static extern bool GetAttribute(
     DracoMesh *mesh, int index, DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // Release data associated with DracoAttribute.
 [DllImport("dracodec_unity")] private static extern void ReleaseDracoAttribute(DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 GetAttributeByUniqueId(DracoMesh *mesh, int unique_id,
                        DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // Returns the DracoAttribute with unique_id in mesh. On input, attribute
 // must be null.The returned attr must be released with
 // ReleaseDracoAttribute.
 [DllImport("dracodec_unity")] private static extern bool GetAttributeByUniqueId(DracoMesh *mesh, int unique_id, DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Returns the DracoAttribute of type at index in mesh. On input, attribute
 // must be null. E.g. If the mesh has two texture coordinates then
 // GetAttributeByType(mesh, AttributeType.TEX_COORD, 1, &attr); will return
 // the second TEX_COORD attribute. The returned attr must be released with
 // ReleaseDracoAttribute.
 [DllImport(DRACODEC_UNITY_LIB)] private static extern bool GetAttributeByType(
     DracoMesh *mesh, AttributeType type, int index, DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 // Returns the DracoAttribute at index in mesh. On input, attribute must be
 // null. The returned attr must be released with ReleaseDracoAttribute.
 [DllImport(DRACODEC_UNITY_LIB)] unsafe static extern bool GetAttribute(
     DracoMesh *mesh, int index, DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private static extern bool GetAttributeByType(
     DracoMesh *mesh, AttributeType type, int index, DracoAttribute **attr);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private static extern bool GetAttribute(
     DracoMesh *mesh, int index, DracoAttribute **attr);