Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Compare the list of users on the Server Site with the provision list of users and make the necessary updates
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="existingSiteUsers"></param>
    private WorkingListSiteUsers Execute_ProvisionUsers(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn)
        //If there are no provisioning instructions, then there is nothing we need to do here
        if (_provisionInstructions.UsersToProvision == null)
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Skipping users/roles provisioning, because there are no instructions for this...");

        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision users/roles in site");
        //Load the set of users for the site...
        var existingUsers = DownloadUsersList.CreateAndExecute(siteSignIn);

        //Keep a list of the remaining users
        var workingListUnexaminedUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);
        var workingList_allKnownUsers  = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);

        //Go through each user in our "to provision" list and see if we need to
        //   1. Add them as a new user
        //   2. Update an exisitng user
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Process explicit users list");
        foreach (var userToProvision in _provisionInstructions.UsersToProvision)
                Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser(userToProvision, siteSignIn, workingListUnexaminedUsers, workingList_allKnownUsers);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error provisioning user (913-1158)" + userToProvision.UserName + ", " + ex.Message);
                CSVRecord_ErrorUpdatingUser(userToProvision.UserName, userToProvision.UserRole, userToProvision.UserAuthentication, "Error provisioning user " + userToProvision.UserName + ", " + ex.Message);

            //If the user was in the working list of users on the site, then remove them (since we have looked at them)

        //Examine all the remaining users and decide if we need to unlicense or delete them
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Process unexpected users list");
        foreach (var unexpectedUser in workingListUnexaminedUsers.GetUsers())
                Execute_UpdateUnexpectedUsersProvisioning_SingleUser(unexpectedUser, siteSignIn, workingList_allKnownUsers);
            catch (Exception exUnxpectedUsers)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error processing unexpected user " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);
                CSVRecord_ErrorUpdatingUser(unexpectedUser.Name, unexpectedUser.SiteRole, unexpectedUser.SiteAuthentication, "Error processing unexpected user " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);

    /// <summary>
    /// Return the set of users in the site
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="signIn"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DownloadUsersList CreateAndExecute(TableauServerSignIn signIn)
        var retObj = new DownloadUsersList(signIn);

    /// <summary>
    /// Provision the groups
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionGroups(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn, WorkingListSiteUsers workingList_allKnownUsers)
        //If there are no provisioning instructions, then there is nothing we need to do here
        if (_provisionInstructions.GroupsToProvision == null)
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Skipping groups provisioning, because there are no instructions for this...");

        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision the specified groups in site");

        //If we do not have it already, load the set of users for the site...we will need this to look up users
        if (workingList_allKnownUsers == null)
            var existingUsers = DownloadUsersList.CreateAndExecute(siteSignIn);

            workingList_allKnownUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);

        //Download the groups
        var downloadGroups = new DownloadGroupsList(siteSignIn);

        downloadGroups.ExecuteRequest(false); //Download the list of groups, but not the membership of the groups (we will only do that for the groups we care about)

        //Go through each of the groups...
        foreach (var thisProvisionGroup in _provisionInstructions.GroupsToProvision)
            Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup(siteSignIn, thisProvisionGroup, downloadGroups, workingList_allKnownUsers);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Download the users in the site
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="onlineLogin"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerable <SiteUser> Execute_DownloadSiteUsers(TableauServerSignIn onlineLogin)
        var onlineUrls = _onlineUrls;

        _statusLog.AddStatusHeader("Request site users");
        DownloadUsersList users = null;

            users = new DownloadUsersList(onlineUrls, onlineLogin);

            //List all the users
            foreach (var singleUser in users.Users)
                _statusLog.AddStatus("user: "******"/" + singleUser.SiteRole + "/" + singleUser.Id.ToString());
        catch (Exception exUsersQuery)
            _statusLog.AddError("Error during users query, " + exUsersQuery.ToString());
    /// <summary>
    /// Follows the instructions for any content ownership changes we want to make
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <param name="workingList_allKnownUsers"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionContentOwnershipChanges(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn, WorkingListSiteUsers workingList_allKnownUsers)
        //If there are no content ownership changes to perform, then just exit this step
        if ((_provisionInstructions.ContentOwnershipToProvision == null) ||
            (_provisionInstructions.ContentOwnershipToProvision.Count == 0))
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Skipping content ownership mapping, because there are no instructions for this...");

        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision content ownership changes");

        //If we do not have it already, load the set of users for the site...we will need this to look up users
        if (workingList_allKnownUsers == null)
            var existingUsers = DownloadUsersList.CreateAndExecute(siteSignIn);

            workingList_allKnownUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);

        //Unlike Workbooks, there is not a simple URL to download the list of Datasources
        //for a single user.  (There is a filter parameter that can be added to the REST
        //API that queries data sources, but that takes a "user name" not a User ID).
        //Here we can query for ALL the data sources pass that to all teh remappign request
        var downloadDataSources = new DownloadDatasourcesList(siteSignIn);

        var allSiteDataSources = downloadDataSources.Datasources;

        //Get the list of flows in the iste
        var downloadFlows = new DownloadFlowsList(siteSignIn);

        var allSiteFlows = downloadFlows.Flows;

        //Go through each of the ownership change instructions...
        foreach (var thisOwnershipChange in _provisionInstructions.ContentOwnershipToProvision)
                thisOwnershipChange, workingList_allKnownUsers,
    /// <summary>
    /// Provision the groups
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionGroups(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn)
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision the specified groups in site");

        //Load the set of users for the site...we will need this to look up users
        var existingUsers = DownloadUsersList.CreateAndExecute(siteSignIn);


        //Download the groups
        var downloadGroups = new DownloadGroupsList(siteSignIn);

        downloadGroups.ExecuteRequest(false); //Download the list of groups, but not the membership of the groups (we will only do that for the groups we care about)

        //Go through each of the groups...
        foreach (var thisProvisionGroup in _provisionInstructions.GroupsToProvision)
            Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup(siteSignIn, thisProvisionGroup, downloadGroups, existingUsers);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Download the ist of users/roles
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    private void GenerateUsersRolesList_FromTableauSite(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn)
        var  downloadUsers   = new DownloadUsersList(siteSignIn);
        bool downloadSuccess = downloadUsers.ExecuteRequest();

        if (!downloadSuccess)
            throw new Exception("1012-358: Fatal error attempting to download users");

        var userRolesManager = this.SetManagerForRoles;

        foreach (var thisUser in downloadUsers.Users)
            var thisProvisioningUser = new ProvisioningUser(
                "Tableau Online site list",

Ejemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Download the users in the site
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="onlineLogin"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerable<SiteUser> Execute_DownloadSiteUsers(TableauServerSignIn onlineLogin)
        var onlineUrls = _onlineUrls;
        _statusLog.AddStatusHeader("Request site users");
        DownloadUsersList users = null;
            users = new DownloadUsersList(onlineUrls, onlineLogin);

            //List all the users
            foreach(var singleUser in users.Users)
                _statusLog.AddStatus("user: "******"/" + singleUser.SiteRole + "/" + singleUser.Id.ToString());
            return users.Users;
        catch (Exception exUsersQuery)
            _statusLog.AddError("Error during users query, " + exUsersQuery.ToString());
            return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Provisioning for a single group
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <param name="thisProvisionGroup"></param>
    /// <param name="existingGroups"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup(
        TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn,
        ProvisioningGroup thisProvisionGroup,
        DownloadGroupsList existingGroups,
        DownloadUsersList siteUsersList)
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision the group: " + thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);

        var thisExistingGroup = existingGroups.FindGroupWithName(thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);
        ICollection <SiteUser> existingUsersInGroup = new List <SiteUser>();

        //If the Group does not exist on server then create it
        if (thisExistingGroup == null)
            var createGroup = new SendCreateGroup(siteSignIn, thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);
            thisExistingGroup = createGroup.ExecuteRequest();

            CSVRecord_GroupModified(thisExistingGroup.Name, "created group", "");
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Created group: " + thisExistingGroup.Name);
            //Download the members of the group
            var downloadGroupMembers = new DownloadUsersListInGroup(siteSignIn, thisExistingGroup.Id);
            existingUsersInGroup = downloadGroupMembers.Users;

        //Keep a list of the remaining users in the Server Site's group
        var workingListUnexaminedUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsersInGroup);

        //Go through each of the users we need to provision, and see if they are in the group
        foreach (var provisionThisUser in thisProvisionGroup.Members)
            var userInGroup = workingListUnexaminedUsers.FindUser(provisionThisUser);
            if (userInGroup != null)
                //The user is already in the group, no need to add them
                //Add the user to the group
                    Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup_AddUser(siteSignIn, provisionThisUser, thisExistingGroup, siteUsersList);
                catch (Exception exAddUserToGroup) //Unexpected error case
                    IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "811-700: Internal error adding user to group: " + exAddUserToGroup.Message);
                    _statusLogs.AddError("811-700: Internal error adding user to group: " + exAddUserToGroup.Message);

        //Remove any remaining users that are in the Server Site's Group but not in
        //our provisioning list
        foreach (var unexpectedUser in workingListUnexaminedUsers.GetUsers())
                Execute_ProvisionGroups_RemoveSingleUser(siteSignIn, unexpectedUser, thisExistingGroup);
            catch (Exception exUnxpectedUsers)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error removing unexpected user in GROUP " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);
                CSVRecord_Error(unexpectedUser.Name, unexpectedUser.SiteRole, unexpectedUser.SiteAuthentication, "Error removing unexpected user in GROUP" + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Add a specific user into the Server Site's group
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="userEmail"></param>
    /// <param name="thisProvisionGroup"></param>
    /// <param name="siteUsersList"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup_AddUser(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn, string userEmail, SiteGroup siteGroup, DownloadUsersList siteUsersList)
        var siteUserToAddToGroup = siteUsersList.FindUserByEmail(userEmail);

        //Sanity test. If the user is not a member of the site, they cannot be added to a group
        if (siteUserToAddToGroup == null)
            CSVRecord_Error(userEmail, "", "", "User not on site. Cannot be added to group");
            _statusLogs.AddError("User not on site. Cannot be added to group, " + userEmail);
            return; //FAILED

        switch (_provisionInstructions.ActionForMissingGroupMembers)
        case ProvisionUserInstructions.MissingGroupMemberAction.Add:
            //Call the server and add the user
            var  addUserToGroup      = new SendAddUserToGroup(siteSignIn, siteUserToAddToGroup.Id, siteGroup.Id);
            bool userGroupAddSuccess = addUserToGroup.ExecuteRequest();
            if (userGroupAddSuccess)
                CSVRecord_GroupModified_WithUser(siteGroup.Name, "added member", siteUserToAddToGroup.Name, "");
                _statusLogs.AddStatus("Group membership: Added " + siteUserToAddToGroup.Name + " to group " + siteGroup.Name);
                CSVRecord_Error(userEmail, "", "", "User could not be added to group " + siteGroup.Name);
                _statusLogs.AddError("Group membership error: Failed to add " + siteUserToAddToGroup.Name + " to group " + siteGroup.Name);

        case ProvisionUserInstructions.MissingGroupMemberAction.Report:
            //We are instructed to NOT REALLY add the user, jsut report
            CSVRecord_GroupModified_WithUser(siteGroup.Name, "SIMULATED added member", siteUserToAddToGroup.Name, "");

            IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "814-433: Unknown action");
            throw new Exception("814-433: Unknown action");