public RaresVendor() : base("the custom provisioner") { Item temp; temp = new Shoes(); temp.Hue = 1953; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new LongPants(); temp.Hue = 01; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new Doublet(); temp.Hue = 1953; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new FancyShirt(); temp.Hue = 01; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new FloppyHat(); temp.Hue = 1953; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new Cloak(); temp.Hue = 1953; temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); }
public static Item GetRandomShirt() { Item shirt = null; switch (Utility.Random(5)) { case 0: shirt = new Doublet(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: shirt = new Surcoat(GetRandomHue()); break; case 2: shirt = new Tunic(GetRandomHue()); break; case 3: shirt = new FancyShirt(GetRandomHue()); break; case 4: shirt = new Shirt(GetRandomHue()); break; } return(shirt); }
public RalphSantasElf() { Name = "Ralph"; Title = "Santa's Helper"; Body = 400; Hue = 1002; Blessed = true; this.HairItemID = 0x203D; this.HairHue = 0x3EA; Item Doublet = new Doublet(); Doublet.Hue = 1367; Doublet.Name = "Elf Vest"; AddItem(Doublet); Item FancyShirt = new FancyShirt(); FancyShirt.Hue = 1368; FancyShirt.Name = "Elf Shirt"; AddItem(FancyShirt); Item LongPants = new LongPants(); LongPants.Hue = 1368; LongPants.Name = "Elf Pants"; AddItem(LongPants); Item JesterShoes = new JesterShoes(0x7819); JesterShoes.Hue = 32; JesterShoes.Name = "Elf Shoes"; AddItem(JesterShoes); Item HalfApron = new HalfApron(); HalfApron.Hue = 33; HalfApron.Name = "Elf Apron"; AddItem(HalfApron); Item JesterHat = new JesterHat(); JesterHat.Hue = 2996; JesterHat.Name = "Elf Hat"; AddItem(JesterHat); ShepherdsCrook weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); weapon.Hue = 32; weapon.Movable = false; AddItem(weapon); }
private void CreateClassic() { m_MoveSound = 588; m_CaptureSound = 168; m_DeathSound = 170; m_Piece.Female = false; m_Piece.BodyValue = 0x190; if (m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue) { m_Piece.Hue = Hue; } else { m_Piece.Hue = m_BChessboard.SkinHue; } m_Piece.HairItemID = 0x203D; //Pony Tail m_Piece.HairHue = m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue ? Hue : m_BChessboard.HairHue; Item item = null; item = new PlateLegs(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateChest(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateArms(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateGorget(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateGloves(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Doublet(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Lance(); item.Hue = MinorHue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); Server.Mobiles.Horse horse = new Server.Mobiles.Horse(); horse.BodyValue = 200; horse.Hue = MinorHue; horse.Rider = m_Piece; m_Piece.Direction = Facing; }
public InternalBuyInfo() { Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bolt of Cloth", typeof(BoltOfCloth), BoltOfCloth.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 50, 0xf95, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Scissors", typeof(Scissors), Scissors.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF9F, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Sewing Kit", typeof(SewingKit), SewingKit.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 50, 0xF9D, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Dyes", typeof(Dyes), Dyes.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xFA9, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Dye Tub", typeof(DyeTub), DyeTub.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xFAB, 0)); //Hats Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Skull Cap", typeof(SkullCap), SkullCap.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1544, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bandana", typeof(Bandana), Bandana.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1540, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Floppy Hat", typeof(FloppyHat), FloppyHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1713, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Cap", typeof(Cap), Cap.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1715, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Wide Brim Hat", typeof(WideBrimHat), WideBrimHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1714, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Tall Straw Hat", typeof(TallStrawHat), TallStrawHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1716, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bonnet", typeof(Bonnet), Bonnet.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1719, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Feathered Hat", typeof(FeatheredHat), FeatheredHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x171A, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Tricorne Hat", typeof(TricorneHat), TricorneHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x171B, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Jester Hat", typeof(JesterHat), JesterHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x171C, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Wizards Hat", typeof(WizardsHat), WizardsHat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1718, 0)); //Shirts Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Doublet", typeof(Doublet), Doublet.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1F7B, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Shirt", typeof(Shirt), Shirt.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1517, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Fancy Shirt", typeof(FancyShirt), FancyShirt.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1EFD, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Tunic", typeof(Tunic), Tunic.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1FA1, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Surcoat", typeof(Surcoat), Surcoat.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1FFD, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Jester Suit", typeof(JesterSuit), JesterSuit.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1F9F, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Plain Dress", typeof(PlainDress), PlainDress.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1F01, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Fancy Dress", typeof(FancyDress), FancyDress.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1EFF, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Robe", typeof(Robe), Robe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1F03, 0)); //Pants Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Short Pants", typeof(ShortPants), ShortPants.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x152E, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Long Pants", typeof(LongPants), LongPants.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1539, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Kilt", typeof(Kilt), Kilt.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1537, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Skirt", typeof(Skirt), Skirt.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1516, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Cloak", typeof(Cloak), Cloak.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1515, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Body Sash", typeof(BodySash), BodySash.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1541, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Half Apron", typeof(HalfApron), HalfApron.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x153b, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Full Apron", typeof(FullApron), FullApron.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x153d, 0)); //Shoes Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Sandals", typeof(Sandals), Sandals.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x170D, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Shoes", typeof(Shoes), Shoes.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x170F, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Boots", typeof(Boots), Boots.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x170B, 0)); Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Thigh Boots", typeof(ThighBoots), ThighBoots.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1711, 0)); //TEST: FIX //Add( new GenericBuyInfo( typeof( SpoolOfThread ), 18, 20, 0xFA0, 0 ) ); //Add( new GenericBuyInfo( typeof( Flax ), 156, 20, 0x1A9C, 0 ) ); //Add( new GenericBuyInfo( typeof( Cotton ), 156, 20, 0xDF9, 0 ) ); //Add( new GenericBuyInfo( typeof( Wool ), 78, 20, 0xDF8, 0 ) ); }
public LordSanta() { Name = "Lord Santa"; Title = "the Ruler of the green dudes"; Body = 0x190; CantWalk = true; Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue(); Item Boots = new Boots(); Boots.Hue = 33; Boots.Name = "Santa Boots"; Boots.Movable = false; AddItem(Boots); Item Doublet = new Doublet(); Doublet.Hue = 33; Doublet.Name = "Santa's Doublet"; Doublet.Movable = false; AddItem(Doublet); Item FancyShirt = new FancyShirt(); FancyShirt.Hue = 33; FancyShirt.Name = "Santa's Shirt"; FancyShirt.Movable = false; AddItem(FancyShirt); Item LongPants = new LongPants(); LongPants.Hue = 33; LongPants.Name = "Santa's Pants"; LongPants.Movable = false; AddItem(LongPants); Item WizardsHat = new WizardsHat(); WizardsHat.Hue = 33; WizardsHat.Name = "Santa's Hat"; WizardsHat.Movable = false; AddItem(WizardsHat); int hairHue = 1153; switch (Utility.Random(1)) { case 0: AddItem(new LongHair(hairHue)); break; case 1: AddItem(new LongBeard(hairHue)); break; } Blessed = true; }
private void UpdateMaxDoublet(HalfDoublet[] copy, int length) { Doublet <TLink> doublet = default; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { doublet = new Doublet <TLink>(copy[i - 1].Element, copy[i].Element); UpdateMaxDoublet(ref doublet, copy[i - 1].DoubletData); } }
public void RemoveDoublet(GameObject acc) { Doublet[] ds = acc.GetComponents <Doublet>(); if (ds.Length > 0) { Doublet d = ds[ds.Length - 1]; doublets.Remove(d.doublet); d.Remove(); } UpdateArrow(acc); }
private void UpdateMaxDoublet(ref Doublet <TLink> doublet, LinkFrequency <TLink> data) { var frequency = data.Frequency; var maxFrequency = _maxDoubletData.Frequency; //if (frequency > _minFrequencyToCompress && (maxFrequency < frequency || (maxFrequency == frequency && doublet.Source + doublet.Target < /* gives better compression string data (and gives collisions quickly) */ _maxDoublet.Source + _maxDoublet.Target))) if (_comparer.Compare(frequency, _minFrequencyToCompress) > 0 && (_comparer.Compare(maxFrequency, frequency) < 0 || (_equalityComparer.Equals(maxFrequency, frequency) && _comparer.Compare(Arithmetic.Add(doublet.Source, doublet.Target), Arithmetic.Add(_maxDoublet.Source, _maxDoublet.Target)) > 0))) /* gives better stability and better compression on sequent data and even on rundom numbers data (but gives collisions anyway) */ { _maxDoublet = doublet; _maxDoubletData = data; } }
public Peraniese() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { Name = "Peraniese"; Title = "a Scholar extrodinair"; Body = 400; CantWalk = true; Hue = 33770; CantWalk = true; int hairHue = 0; Blessed = true; switch (Utility.Random(1)) { case 0: AddItem(new LongHair(hairHue)); break; } switch (Utility.Random(1)) { case 0: AddItem(new Vandyke(hairHue)); break; } AddItem(new Server.Items.FurCape(1150)); AddItem(new Server.Items.Sandals(1530)); AddItem(new Server.Items.FurSarong(1530)); Doublet doublet = new Doublet(); doublet.Hue = 1530; doublet.Movable = false; AddItem(doublet); GoldNecklace goldnecklace = new GoldNecklace(); goldnecklace.Hue = 0; goldnecklace.Movable = false; AddItem(goldnecklace); GoldRing goldring = new GoldRing(); goldring.Hue = 0; goldring.Movable = false; AddItem(goldring); Backpack backpack = new Backpack(); backpack.Hue = 1530; backpack.Movable = false; AddItem(backpack); }
private IList <TLink> Compress(IList <TLink> sequence) { if (sequence.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(null); } if (sequence.Count == 1) { return(sequence); } if (sequence.Count == 2) { return(new[] { _links.GetOrCreate(sequence[0], sequence[1]) }); } // TODO: arraypool with min size (to improve cache locality) or stackallow with Sigil var copy = new HalfDoublet[sequence.Count]; Doublet <TLink> doublet = default; for (var i = 1; i < sequence.Count; i++) { doublet = new Doublet <TLink>(sequence[i - 1], sequence[i]); LinkFrequency <TLink> data; if (_doInitialFrequenciesIncrement) { data = _doubletFrequenciesCache.IncrementFrequency(ref doublet); } else { data = _doubletFrequenciesCache.GetFrequency(ref doublet); if (data == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("If you ask not to increment frequencies, it is expected that all frequencies for the sequence are prepared."); } } copy[i - 1].Element = sequence[i - 1]; copy[i - 1].DoubletData = data; UpdateMaxDoublet(ref doublet, data); } copy[sequence.Count - 1].Element = sequence[sequence.Count - 1]; copy[sequence.Count - 1].DoubletData = new LinkFrequency <TLink>(); if (_comparer.Compare(_maxDoubletData.Frequency, default) > 0) { var newLength = ReplaceDoublets(copy); sequence = new TLink[newLength]; for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++) { sequence[i] = copy[i].Element; } } return(sequence); }
public FawnGuard() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 15, 1, 0.1, 0.2) { Title = "the Fawn Guard"; SetStr(1750, 1750); SetDex(150, 150); SetInt(61, 75); SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 120.0, 120.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 120.0, 120.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 120.0, 120.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 120.0, 120.0); SkullCap sc = new SkullCap(); sc.Hue = 902; AddItem(sc); ChainChest cc = new ChainChest(); cc.Hue = 902; AddItem(cc); Doublet doublet = new Doublet(); doublet.Hue = 243; AddItem(doublet); AddItem(new ChainLegs()); Shoes shoes = new Shoes(); shoes.Hue = 902; AddItem(shoes); AddItem(new Broadsword()); if (Female = Utility.RandomBool()) { Body = 401; Name = NameList.RandomName("female"); } else { Body = 400; Name = NameList.RandomName("male"); } Utility.AssignRandomHair(this); }
public void AddDoublet(GameObject acc) { if (acc.GetComponents <Doublet>().Length >= MaxDoublets) { return; // Already to many doublets, Stop adding } Doublet d = acc.AddComponent <Doublet>(); d.Atome = acc; d.DrawDoublet(); doublets.Add(d.doublet); UpdateArrow(acc); }
public TLink Convert(Doublet <TLink> doublet) { var links = _links; var link = links.SearchOrDefault(doublet.Source, doublet.Target); if (_equalityComparer.Equals(link, default)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Link ({doublet}) not found.", nameof(doublet)); } var frequency = _frequencyPropertyOperator.Get(link); if (_equalityComparer.Equals(frequency, default)) { return(default);
public InternalSellInfo() { Add(typeof(BoltOfCloth), BoltOfCloth.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Scissors), Scissors.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(SewingKit), SewingKit.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Dyes), Dyes.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(DyeTub), DyeTub.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(SkullCap), SkullCap.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Bandana), Bandana.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(FloppyHat), FloppyHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Cap), Cap.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(WideBrimHat), WideBrimHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(TallStrawHat), TallStrawHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Bonnet), Bonnet.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(FeatheredHat), FeatheredHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(TricorneHat), TricorneHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(JesterHat), JesterHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(WizardsHat), WizardsHat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Doublet), Doublet.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Shirt), Shirt.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(FancyShirt), FancyShirt.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Tunic), Tunic.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Surcoat), Surcoat.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(JesterSuit), JesterSuit.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(PlainDress), PlainDress.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(FancyDress), FancyDress.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Robe), Robe.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(ShortPants), ShortPants.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(LongPants), LongPants.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Kilt), Kilt.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Skirt), Skirt.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Cloak), Cloak.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(BodySash), BodySash.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(HalfApron), HalfApron.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(FullApron), FullApron.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Sandals), Sandals.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Shoes), Shoes.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(Boots), Boots.GetSBSellValue()); Add(typeof(ThighBoots), ThighBoots.GetSBSellValue()); }
public void InitOutfit() { Item hair = new Item(8251) { Hue = 1148, Layer = Layer.Hair, Movable = false }; AddItem(hair); Item doublet = new Doublet() { Hue = 238, Movable = false }; AddItem(doublet); Item shirt = new FancyShirt() { Hue = 0, Movable = false }; AddItem(shirt); Item pants = new LongPants() { Hue = 1150, Movable = false }; AddItem(pants); Shoes shoes = new Shoes() { Hue = 1754, Movable = false }; AddItem(shoes); PackGold(50, 200); }
private void CreateClassic() { m_MoveSound = 1055; m_CaptureSound = 1068; m_DeathSound = 0; m_CheckSound = 1086; m_CheckMateSound = 1088; m_Piece.Female = false; m_Piece.BodyValue = 0x190; if (m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue) { m_Piece.Hue = Hue; } else { m_Piece.Hue = m_BChessboard.SkinHue; } m_Piece.AddItem(new ShortHair(m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue ? Hue : m_BChessboard.HairHue)); Item item = null; item = new Boots(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new LongPants(Hue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new FancyShirt(Hue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Doublet(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Cloak(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new JesterHat(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Scepter(); item.Hue = MinorHue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); }
public LinkFrequency <TLink> IncrementFrequency(ref Doublet <TLink> doublet) { if (_doubletsCache.TryGetValue(doublet, out LinkFrequency <TLink> data)) { data.IncrementFrequency(); } else { var link = _links.SearchOrDefault(doublet.Source, doublet.Target); data = new LinkFrequency <TLink>(_one, link); if (!_equalityComparer.Equals(link, default)) { data.Frequency = Arithmetic.Add(data.Frequency, _frequencyCounter.Count(link)); } _doubletsCache.Add(doublet, data); } return(data); }
public override void InitOutfit() { base.InitOutfit(); Item doublet = new Doublet(); doublet.Hue = 24; AddItem(doublet); Item leatherskirt = new LeatherSkirt(); leatherskirt.Hue = 24; AddItem(leatherskirt); Item booty = new FurBoots(); booty.Hue = 24; AddItem(booty); AddItem(Utility.RandomBool() ? (Item) new Lantern() : (Item) new Candle()); }
public void InitOutfit() { Shirt shirt = new Shirt(); shirt.Hue = 218; shirt.IsLockedDown = true; shirt.BlessedFor = this; shirt.Movable = false; Doublet doublet = new Doublet(); doublet.Hue = 707; doublet.IsLockedDown = true; doublet.BlessedFor = this; doublet.Movable = false; FancyShirt fancyShirt = new FancyShirt(); fancyShirt.Hue = 333; fancyShirt.IsLockedDown = true; fancyShirt.BlessedFor = this; fancyShirt.Movable = false; Skirt skirt = new Skirt(); skirt.Hue = 518; Boots boots = new Boots(); boots.Hue = 707; boots.IsLockedDown = true; boots.BlessedFor = this; boots.Movable = false; AddItem(skirt); AddItem(fancyShirt); AddItem(doublet); AddItem(boots); }
public DummySuper() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 15, 1, 0.2, 0.6) { // A Dummy Super Mage int iHue = 20 + Team * 40; // int jHue = 25 + Team * 40; // Skills and Stats this.InitStats(125, 125, 125); this.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Base = 120; this.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Base = 120; this.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Base = 120; this.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Base = 120; this.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Base = 120; this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Base = 100; this.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base = 100; // Name this.Name = "Super Mage"; // Equip Spellbook book = new Spellbook(); book.Movable = false; book.LootType = LootType.Newbied; book.Content = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; AddItem(book); LeatherArms lea = new LeatherArms(); lea.Movable = false; lea.LootType = LootType.Newbied; lea.Crafter = this; lea.Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular; AddItem(lea); LeatherChest lec = new LeatherChest(); lec.Movable = false; lec.LootType = LootType.Newbied; lec.Crafter = this; lec.Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular; AddItem(lec); LeatherGorget leg = new LeatherGorget(); leg.Movable = false; leg.LootType = LootType.Newbied; leg.Crafter = this; leg.Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular; AddItem(leg); LeatherLegs lel = new LeatherLegs(); lel.Movable = false; lel.LootType = LootType.Newbied; lel.Crafter = this; lel.Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular; AddItem(lel); Sandals snd = new Sandals(); snd.Hue = iHue; snd.LootType = LootType.Newbied; AddItem(snd); JesterHat jhat = new JesterHat(); jhat.Hue = iHue; AddItem(jhat); Doublet dblt = new Doublet(); dblt.Hue = iHue; AddItem(dblt); // Spells AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.MagicArrowSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.WeakenSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.Third.FireballSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.Third.WallOfStoneSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.First.HealSpell)); }
public DummySuper() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 15, 1, 0.2, 0.6) { // A Dummy Super Mage int iHue = 20 + Team * 40; int jHue = 25 + Team * 40; // Skills and Stats InitStats(125, 125, 125); Skills[SkillName.Magery].Base = 120; Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Base = 120; Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Base = 120; Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Base = 120; Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Base = 120; Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Base = 100; Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base = 100; // Name Name = "Super Mage"; // Equip Spellbook book = new Spellbook { Movable = false, LootType = LootType.Newbied, Content = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF }; AddItem(book); LeatherArms lea = new LeatherArms { Movable = false, LootType = LootType.Newbied, Crafter = this, Quality = ItemQuality.Normal }; AddItem(lea); LeatherChest lec = new LeatherChest { Movable = false, LootType = LootType.Newbied, Crafter = this, Quality = ItemQuality.Normal }; AddItem(lec); LeatherGorget leg = new LeatherGorget { Movable = false, LootType = LootType.Newbied, Crafter = this, Quality = ItemQuality.Normal }; AddItem(leg); LeatherLegs lel = new LeatherLegs { Movable = false, LootType = LootType.Newbied, Crafter = this, Quality = ItemQuality.Normal }; AddItem(lel); Sandals snd = new Sandals { Hue = iHue, LootType = LootType.Newbied }; AddItem(snd); JesterHat jhat = new JesterHat { Hue = iHue }; AddItem(jhat); Doublet dblt = new Doublet { Hue = iHue }; AddItem(dblt); // Spells AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.MagicArrowSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.WeakenSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.Third.FireballSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.Third.WallOfStoneSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.First.HealSpell)); }
private static void WritePlayer(Packet pPacket, DatabaseQuery pQuery) { pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["identifier"]); pPacket.WritePaddedString((string)pQuery["name"], 13); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["gender"]); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["skin"]); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["eyes_identifier"]); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["hair_identifier"]); pPacket.WriteSkip(24); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["level"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["job"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["strength"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["dexterity"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["intellect"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["luck"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["health"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["max_health"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["mana"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["max_mana"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["ability_points"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["skill_points"]); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["experience"]); pPacket.WriteUShort((ushort)pQuery["fame"]); pPacket.WriteSkip(4); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["map_identifier"]); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["map_spawn"]); pPacket.WriteSkip(4); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["gender"]); pPacket.WriteByte((byte)pQuery["skin"]); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["eyes_identifier"]); pPacket.WriteBool(true); pPacket.WriteInt((int)pQuery["hair_identifier"]); SortedDictionary<byte, Doublet<int, int>> equipment = new SortedDictionary<byte, Doublet<int, int>>(); using (DatabaseQuery queryEquipment = Database.Query("SELECT inventory_slot,item_identifier FROM player_item WHERE player_identifier=@player_identifier AND inventory_type=0 AND inventory_slot<0", new MySqlParameter("@player_identifier", (int)pQuery["identifier"]))) { while (queryEquipment.NextRow()) { short slot = (short)(-((short)queryEquipment["inventory_slot"])); if (slot > 100) slot -= 100; Doublet<int, int> pair = equipment.GetOrDefault((byte)slot, null); if (pair == null) { pair = new Doublet<int, int>((int)queryEquipment["item_identifier"], 0); equipment.Add((byte)slot, pair); } else if ((short)queryEquipment["inventory_slot"] < -100) { pair.Second = pair.First; pair.First = (int)queryEquipment["item_identifier"]; } else pair.Second = (int)queryEquipment["item_identifier"]; } } foreach (KeyValuePair<byte, Doublet<int, int>> pair in equipment) { pPacket.WriteByte(pair.Key); if (pair.Key == 11 && pair.Value.Second > 0) pPacket.WriteInt(pair.Value.Second); else pPacket.WriteInt(pair.Value.First); } pPacket.WriteByte(0xFF); foreach (KeyValuePair<byte, Doublet<int, int>> pair in equipment) { if (pair.Key != 11 && pair.Value.Second > 0) { pPacket.WriteByte(pair.Key); pPacket.WriteInt(pair.Value.Second); } } pPacket.WriteByte(0xFF); Doublet<int, int> cashWeapon = equipment.GetOrDefault((byte)11, null); pPacket.WriteInt(cashWeapon == null ? 0 : cashWeapon.First); pPacket.WriteSkip(12); pPacket.WriteBool(false); }
private static void AddCharacterEntry(OutPacket oPacket, DatabaseQuery query) { oPacket .WriteInt(query.GetInt("character_id")) .WritePaddedString(query.GetString("name"), 13) .WriteByte(query.GetByte("gender")) .WriteByte(query.GetByte("skin")) .WriteInt(query.GetInt("face")) .WriteInt(query.GetInt("hair")) .WriteLong() .WriteLong() .WriteLong() .WriteByte(query.GetByte("level")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("job")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("strength")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("dexterity")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("intelligence")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("luck")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("health")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("max_health")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("mana")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("max_mana")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("ability_points")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("skill_points")) .WriteInt(query.GetInt("experience")) .WriteShort(query.GetShort("fame")) .WriteInt() .WriteInt(query.GetInt("map")) .WriteByte(query.GetByte("spawn_point")) .WriteInt(); oPacket .WriteByte(query.GetByte("gender")) .WriteByte(query.GetByte("skin")) .WriteInt(query.GetInt("face")) .WriteBool(true) .WriteInt(query.GetInt("hair")); SortedDictionary <byte, Doublet <int, int> > equipment = new SortedDictionary <byte, Doublet <int, int> >(); using (DatabaseQuery equipmentQuery = Database.Query("SELECT `slot`, `maple_id` FROM `items` WHERE `character_id` = @character_id AND `inventory` = 1 AND `slot` < 0", new MySqlParameter("@character_id", query.GetInt("character_id")))) { while (equipmentQuery.NextRow()) { short slot = (short)(-(equipmentQuery.GetShort("slot"))); if (slot > 100) { slot -= 100; } Doublet <int, int> pair = equipment.GetOrDefault((byte)slot, null); if (pair == null) { pair = new Doublet <int, int>(equipmentQuery.GetInt("maple_id"), 0); equipment.Add((byte)slot, pair); } else if (equipmentQuery.GetShort("slot") < -100) { pair.Second = pair.First; pair.First = equipmentQuery.GetInt("maple_id"); } else { pair.Second = (int)equipmentQuery["maple_id"]; } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, Doublet <int, int> > pair in equipment) { oPacket.WriteByte(pair.Key); if (pair.Key == 11 && pair.Value.Second > 0) { oPacket.WriteInt(pair.Value.Second); } else { oPacket.WriteInt(pair.Value.First); } } oPacket.WriteByte(byte.MaxValue); foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, Doublet <int, int> > pair in equipment) { if (pair.Key != 11 && pair.Value.Second > 0) { oPacket .WriteByte(pair.Key) .WriteInt(pair.Value.Second); } } oPacket.WriteByte(byte.MaxValue); Doublet <int, int> cashWeapon = equipment.GetOrDefault((byte)11, null); oPacket .WriteInt(cashWeapon == null ? 0 : cashWeapon.First) .WriteZero(12) .WriteByte() .WriteBool(); }
public EvilVampire() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { Name = NameList.RandomName("male"); Body = 400; Title = "the Vampire Lord"; BaseSoundID = 0x482;; Hue = 0; SetStr(350, 500); SetDex(100, 105); SetInt(3000, 4000); SetHits(2500, 3750); SetDamage(40, 50); SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 20); SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Cold, 60); SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Energy, 40); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 40, 50); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 30, 40); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 50, 60); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 50, 60); SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 40, 50); SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 150.1, 200.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 150.1, 200.0); SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 200, 250.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 150.0, 200.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 150.0, 200.0); Fame = 20000; Karma = -10000; VirtualArmor = 90; PackGem(); PackGem(); PackGold(5000, 10000); PackScroll(3, 8); PackScroll(3, 8); PackMagicItems(1, 5, 0.80, 0.75); PackMagicItems(3, 5, 0.60, 0.45); PackSlayer(1); AddItem(new BlackStaff()); Item m_ShortPants = new ShortPants(Utility.RandomRedHue()); m_ShortPants.LootType = LootType.Blessed; AddItem(m_ShortPants); Item m_Doublet = new Doublet(Utility.RandomRedHue()); m_Doublet.LootType = LootType.Blessed; AddItem(m_Doublet); Item m_sandals = new Sandals(Utility.RandomRedHue()); m_sandals.LootType = LootType.Blessed; AddItem(m_sandals); AddItem(new PonyTail(Utility.RandomRedHue())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Uri and local file names of the files in the specified uri that match the search pattern. /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="searchPattern"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>[] GetFiles(this Uri uri, string searchPattern, bool recursiveSearch) { if (!uri.IsFileScheme()) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Expecting Uri scheme to be \'{0}\'. Actual scheme is \'{1}\'." , Uri.UriSchemeFile, uri.Scheme)); } string searchFilePath = uri.GetFilePath(); if (!Directory.Exists(searchFilePath)) { return new Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>[0]; } string pattern = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPattern) ? searchPattern : "*"; SearchOption searchOption = (recursiveSearch) ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly; string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(searchFilePath, pattern, searchOption); if (filePaths.Length == 0) { return new Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>[0]; } else { List<Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>> physicalFiles = new List<Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>>(); foreach (string filePath in filePaths) { Doublet<Uri, FileInfo> uriFileInfoPair = new Doublet<Uri, FileInfo>() { First = new Uri(String.Format("{0}:{1}", Uri.UriSchemeFile, filePath)), Second = new FileInfo(filePath) }; physicalFiles.Add(uriFileInfoPair); } return physicalFiles.ToArray(); } }
public VampireCount() : base(AIType.AI_SphereMelee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { Name = "Vampire Count"; Body = 0x0190; Hue = 0x497; SetStr(50); SetDex(50); SetInt(50); SetHits(50); SetStam(50); SetDamage(10, 20); SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 90.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 65.0, 88.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Parry, 75.0, 98.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 67.0, 90.0); SetSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 90.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 150.0); SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 95.0, 100.0); Fame = 0; VirtualArmor = 10; //Here we add his loot. //PackGold(1000, 1500); //PackItem(new VampireHeart()); //PackItem(new VampireBone(10)); HairItemID = 8252; HairHue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); PlateGloves glo = new PlateGloves(); glo.Hue = 0x1; PackItem(glo); Item temp = new Doublet(0x1); temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new ThighBoots(0x1); temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new FancyShirt(0x0496); temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = new ShortPants(0x1); temp.Movable = false; AddItem(temp); temp = null; Spellbook book = new Spellbook(); book.Content = ulong.MaxValue; book.LootType = LootType.Regular; AddItem(book); }
public XmlQuestNPC( int gender ) : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.None, 10, 1, 0.8, 3.0 ) { SetStr( 10, 30 ); SetDex( 10, 30 ); SetInt( 10, 30 ); Fame = 50; Karma = 50; CanHearGhosts = true; SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue(); Title = string.Empty; Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue(); switch( gender ) { case -1: this.Female = Utility.RandomBool(); break; case 0: this.Female = false; break; case 1: this.Female = true; break; } if( this.Female ) { this.Body = 0x191; this.Name = NameList.RandomName( "female" ); Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2045, 0x204A, 0x2046, 0x2049 ) ); hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); hair.Layer = Layer.Hair; hair.Movable = false; AddItem( hair ); Item hat = null; switch( Utility.Random( 5 ) )//4 hats, one empty, for no hat { case 0: hat = new FloppyHat( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 1: hat = new FeatheredHat( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 2: hat = new Bonnet(); break; case 3: hat = new Cap( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; } AddItem( hat ); Item pants = null; switch( Utility.Random( 3 ) ) { case 0: pants = new ShortPants( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 1: pants = new LongPants( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 2: pants = new Skirt( GetRandomHue() ); break; } AddItem( pants ); Item shirt = null; switch( Utility.Random( 7 ) ) { case 0: shirt = new Doublet( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 1: shirt = new Surcoat( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 2: shirt = new Tunic( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 3: shirt = new FancyDress( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 4: shirt = new PlainDress( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 5: shirt = new FancyShirt( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 6: shirt = new Shirt( GetRandomHue() ); break; } AddItem( shirt ); } else { this.Body = 0x190; this.Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" ); Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2048 ) ); hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); hair.Layer = Layer.Hair; hair.Movable = false; AddItem( hair ); Item beard = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x0000, 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2041, 0x2067, 0x2068, 0x2069 ) ); beard.Hue = hair.Hue; beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair; beard.Movable = false; AddItem( beard ); Item hat = null; switch( Utility.Random( 7 ) ) //6 hats, one empty, for no hat { case 0: hat = new SkullCap( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 1: hat = new Bandana( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 2: hat = new WideBrimHat(); break; case 3: hat = new TallStrawHat( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 4: hat = new StrawHat( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 5: hat = new TricorneHat( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; } AddItem( hat ); Item pants = null; switch( Utility.Random( 2 ) ) { case 0: pants = new ShortPants( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 1: pants = new LongPants( GetRandomHue() ); break; } AddItem( pants ); Item shirt = null; switch( Utility.Random( 5 ) ) { case 0: shirt = new Doublet( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 1: shirt = new Surcoat( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 2: shirt = new Tunic( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 3: shirt = new FancyShirt( GetRandomHue() ); break; case 4: shirt = new Shirt( GetRandomHue() ); break; } AddItem( shirt ); } Item feet = null; switch( Utility.Random( 3 ) ) { case 0: feet = new Boots( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 1: feet = new Shoes( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; case 2: feet = new Sandals( Utility.RandomNeutralHue() ); break; } AddItem( feet ); Container pack = new Backpack(); pack.Movable = false; AddItem( pack ); }
public FamousPiratesSuper() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 15, 1, 0.2, 0.6) { // A FamousPirates Super Mage int Hue = 2075; // Skills and Stats this.InitStats(250, 250, 250); this.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Base = 150; this.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Base = 150; this.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Base = 150; this.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Base = 150; this.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Base = 150; this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Base = 100; this.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Base = 100; // Name this.Name = "Captain Jack Sparrow"; // Equip Spellbook book = FullSpellbook(); AddItem(book); LeatherArms lea = new LeatherArms(); lea.Movable = false; lea.LootType = LootType.Regular; lea.Crafter = this; lea.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional; AddItem(lea); LeatherChest lec = new LeatherChest(); lec.Movable = false; lec.LootType = LootType.Regular; lec.Crafter = this; lec.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional; AddItem(lec); LeatherGorget leg = new LeatherGorget(); leg.Movable = false; leg.LootType = LootType.Regular; leg.Crafter = this; leg.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional; AddItem(leg); LeatherLegs lel = new LeatherLegs(); lel.Movable = false; lel.LootType = LootType.Regular; lel.Crafter = this; lel.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional; AddItem(lel); Boots snd = new Boots(); snd.Movable = false; snd.Hue = Hue; snd.LootType = LootType.Regular; AddItem(snd); JesterHat jhat = new JesterHat(); jhat.Movable = false; jhat.Hue = Hue; AddItem(jhat); Doublet dblt = new Doublet(); dblt.Movable = false; dblt.Hue = Hue; AddItem(dblt); // Spells AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.MagicArrowSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.First.WeakenSpell)); AddSpellAttack(typeof(Spells.Sixth.ExplosionSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.Third.WallOfStoneSpell)); AddSpellDefense(typeof(Spells.Fourth.GreaterHealSpell)); }
public SwordPirate() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.175, 0.2) { Title = "the pirate"; Body = 400; Team = 1; Kills = 10; Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue(); SpeechHue = 1153; this.Body = 0x190; this.Name = NameList.RandomName("male"); SetStr(90, 100); SetDex(85, 100); SetInt(10, 20); SetSkill(SkillName.Archery, 95.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 75.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 90.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Healing, 75.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 90.0, 100.0); SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 95.0, 100.0); Fame = 4500; Karma = -4500; VirtualArmor = 0; Item hair = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x203B, 0x2049, 0x2048, 0x204A)); hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); hair.Layer = Layer.Hair; hair.Movable = false; Item beard = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x2040, 0x203E, 0x204C, 0x204B, 0x203F)); beard.Hue = hair.Hue; beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair; beard.Movable = false; AddItem(beard); AddItem(hair); PackGold(70, 95); PackItem(new Bandage(20)); switch (Utility.Random(2)) { case 0: { Item scimitar = new Scimitar(); EquipItem(scimitar); break; } case 1: { Item cutlass = new Cutlass(); EquipItem(cutlass); break; } } switch (Utility.Random(3)) { case 0: { Item fancyshirt = new FancyShirt(); fancyshirt.Hue = Utility.RandomNeutralHue(); EquipItem(fancyshirt); break; } case 1: { Item doublet = new Doublet(); doublet.Hue = Utility.RandomNeutralHue(); EquipItem(doublet); break; } case 2: { break; } } switch (Utility.Random(2)) { case 0: { Item longpants = new LongPants(); longpants.Hue = Utility.RandomNeutralHue(); EquipItem(longpants); break; } case 1: { Item shortpants = new ShortPants(); shortpants.Hue = Utility.RandomNeutralHue(); EquipItem(shortpants); break; } } switch (Utility.Random(4)) { case 0: { Item boots = new Boots(); boots.Hue = 0; EquipItem(boots); break; } case 1: { Item shoes = new Shoes(); shoes.Hue = 1713; EquipItem(shoes); break; } case 3: { Item thighboots = new ThighBoots(); thighboots.Hue = 0; EquipItem(thighboots); break; } case 4: { break; } } switch (Utility.Random(3)) { case 0: { Item Bandana = new Bandana(); Bandana.Hue = Utility.RandomBirdHue(); EquipItem(Bandana); break; } case 1: { Item skullcap = new SkullCap(); skullcap.Hue = Utility.RandomBirdHue(); EquipItem(skullcap); break; } case 3: { break; } } }
private void CreateClassic() { m_MoveSound = 588; m_CaptureSound = 168; m_DeathSound = 170; m_Piece.Female = false; m_Piece.BodyValue = 0x190; if (m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue) { m_Piece.Hue = Hue; } else { m_Piece.Hue = m_BChessboard.SkinHue; } m_Piece.AddItem(new PonyTail(m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue ? Hue : m_BChessboard.HairHue)); Item item = null; if (m_Color == ChessColor.White) { item = new OrderShield(); m_Piece.AddItem(item); } else { item = new ChaosShield(); m_Piece.AddItem(item); } item = new Doublet(MinorHue); m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateLegs(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateChest(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateArms(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateGorget(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new PlateGloves(); item.Hue = Hue; m_Piece.AddItem(item); item = new Lance(); m_Piece.AddItem(item); Server.Mobiles.Horse horse = new Server.Mobiles.Horse(); if (m_Color == ChessColor.White) { horse.BodyValue = 226; horse.Hue = 1150; } else { horse.BodyValue = 179; horse.ItemID = 16055; horse.Hue = 1109; } horse.Rider = m_Piece; m_Piece.Direction = Facing; }
public XmlQuestNPC(int gender, bool clothes) : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.None, 10, 1, 0.8, 3.0) { SetStr(10, 30); SetDex(10, 30); SetInt(10, 30); Fame = 50; Karma = 50; CanHearGhosts = true; SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue(); Title = string.Empty; Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue(); switch (gender) { case -1: this.Female = Utility.RandomBool(); break; case 0: this.Female = false; break; case 1: this.Female = true; break; } if (clothes) { if (this.Female) { this.Body = 0x191; this.Name = NameList.RandomName("female"); Item hair = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2045, 0x204A, 0x2046, 0x2049)); hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); hair.Layer = Layer.Hair; hair.Movable = false; AddItem(hair); Item hat = null; switch (Utility.Random(5))//4 hats, one empty, for no hat { case 0: hat = new FloppyHat(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 1: hat = new FeatheredHat(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 2: hat = new Bonnet(); break; case 3: hat = new Cap(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; } AddItem(hat); Item pants = null; switch (Utility.Random(3)) { case 0: pants = new ShortPants(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: pants = new LongPants(GetRandomHue()); break; case 2: pants = new Skirt(GetRandomHue()); break; } AddItem(pants); Item shirt = null; switch (Utility.Random(7)) { case 0: shirt = new Doublet(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: shirt = new Surcoat(GetRandomHue()); break; case 2: shirt = new Tunic(GetRandomHue()); break; case 3: shirt = new FancyDress(GetRandomHue()); break; case 4: shirt = new PlainDress(GetRandomHue()); break; case 5: shirt = new FancyShirt(GetRandomHue()); break; case 6: shirt = new Shirt(GetRandomHue()); break; } AddItem(shirt); } else { this.Body = 0x190; this.Name = NameList.RandomName("male"); Item hair = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2048)); hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue(); hair.Layer = Layer.Hair; hair.Movable = false; AddItem(hair); Item beard = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x0000, 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2041, 0x2067, 0x2068, 0x2069)); beard.Hue = hair.Hue; beard.Layer = Layer.FacialHair; beard.Movable = false; AddItem(beard); Item hat = null; switch (Utility.Random(7)) //6 hats, one empty, for no hat { case 0: hat = new SkullCap(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: hat = new Bandana(GetRandomHue()); break; case 2: hat = new WideBrimHat(); break; case 3: hat = new TallStrawHat(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 4: hat = new StrawHat(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 5: hat = new TricorneHat(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; } AddItem(hat); Item pants = null; switch (Utility.Random(2)) { case 0: pants = new ShortPants(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: pants = new LongPants(GetRandomHue()); break; } AddItem(pants); Item shirt = null; switch (Utility.Random(5)) { case 0: shirt = new Doublet(GetRandomHue()); break; case 1: shirt = new Surcoat(GetRandomHue()); break; case 2: shirt = new Tunic(GetRandomHue()); break; case 3: shirt = new FancyShirt(GetRandomHue()); break; case 4: shirt = new Shirt(GetRandomHue()); break; } AddItem(shirt); } Item feet = null; switch (Utility.Random(3)) { case 0: feet = new Boots(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 1: feet = new Shoes(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; case 2: feet = new Sandals(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()); break; } AddItem(feet); } Container pack = new Backpack(); //pack.DropItem( new Gold( 0, 50 ) ); pack.Movable = false; AddItem(pack); }
public LinkFrequency <TLink> IncrementFrequency(TLink source, TLink target) { var doublet = new Doublet <TLink>(source, target); return(IncrementFrequency(ref doublet)); }