Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(string name)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //TODO: Implement Command/Query - Remove direct Repository access
                using (var repo = new Repository(User))
                    var domainReference = DomainReference.Parse(name, DomainType.Set);
                    var result          = await repo.DeleteSet(domainReference);

                    if (result.Success)
                        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                            return(new RedirectToRouteResult("UserSets", new RouteValueDictionary()
                                { "pathPrefix", "user" }, { "userName", User.Identity.Name }
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", result.Message);
            return(await Index(name, ""));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <JsonResult> ListChange(string name, string subverse, Domain.Models.SubscriptionAction subscribeAction)
            var domainReference = DomainReference.Parse(name, DomainType.Set);
            //Only user sets can be changed, thus userName never needs to be checked here.
            var cmd    = new SetSubverseCommand(domainReference, subverse, subscribeAction).SetUserContext(User);
            var result = await cmd.Execute();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> Sidebar(string name)
            //TODO: Implement Command/Query - Remove direct Repository access
            using (var repo = new Repository(User))
                var domainReference = DomainReference.Parse(name, DomainType.Set);
                var set             = repo.GetSet(domainReference.Name, domainReference.OwnerName);

                if (set != null)
                    return(PartialView("~/Views/Shared/Sidebars/_SidebarSet.cshtml", set));
                    return(new EmptyResult());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string name, string sort)
            var domainReference = DomainReference.Parse(name, DomainType.Set);

            //var domainReference = new DomainReference(DomainType.Set, name, userName);

            var qSet = new QuerySet(domainReference.Name, domainReference.OwnerName);
            var set  = await qSet.ExecuteAsync();

            if (set == null)
                return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                    Title = "Can't find this set", Description = "Maybe it's gone?", Footer = "Probably yeah"

            var perms = SetPermission.GetPermissions(set, User.Identity);

            if (!perms.View)
                return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                    Title = "Set is Private", Description = "This set doesn't allow viewing. It is private.", Footer = "Sometimes sets are shy around others."

            var options = new SearchOptions(Request.QueryString.Value);

            //Set sort because it is part of path
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sort))
                options.Sort = (SortAlgorithm)Enum.Parse(typeof(SortAlgorithm), sort, true);
                //Set Default Set to Relative if no sort is provided
                if (set.Name.IsEqual("Default") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(set.UserName))
                    options.Sort = SortAlgorithm.Relative;
            //set span to day if not specified explicitly
            if (options.Sort == SortAlgorithm.Top && !Request.Query.ContainsKey("span"))
                options.Span = SortSpan.Day;

            var q      = new QuerySubmissions(domainReference, options).SetUserContext(User);
            var result = await q.ExecuteAsync();

            var model = new ListViewModel <Domain.Models.Submission>();

            model.Items           = new Utilities.PaginatedList <Domain.Models.Submission>(result, options.Page, options.Count);
            model.Items.RouteName = "SetIndex";
            model.Context         = domainReference;
            model.Sort            = options.Sort;// == SortAlgorithm.RelativeRank ? SortAlgorithm.Hot :options.Sort; //UI doesn't want relative rank
            model.Span            = options.Span;

            ViewBag.NavigationViewModel = new NavigationViewModel()
                Description = "Set Description Here",
                Name        = name,
                MenuType    = MenuType.Set,
                BasePath    = model.Context.BasePath(),
                Sort        = model.Sort

            return(View(ViewPath(model.Context), model));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Details(string name)
            //TODO: Implement Command/Query - Remove direct Repository access
            using (var repo = new Repository(User))
                var domainReference = DomainReference.Parse(name, DomainType.Set);
                var set             = repo.GetSet(domainReference.Name, domainReference.OwnerName);
                if (set == null)
                    //Since system sets are not created until needed we show a slightly better error message for front/blocked.
                    if (name.IsEqual(SetType.Front.ToString()))
                        ViewBag.NavigationViewModel = new Models.ViewModels.NavigationViewModel()
                            Description = "Discover Search",
                            Name        = "No Idea",
                            MenuType    = Models.ViewModels.MenuType.Discovery,
                            BasePath    = VoatUrlFormatter.BasePath(domainReference),
                            Sort        = null
                        return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                            Title = "No Subscriptions!", Description = "You don't have any subscriptions so we have to show you this instead", Footer = "Subscribe to a subverse you silly goat"
                    else if (name.IsEqual(SetType.Blocked.ToString()))
                        ViewBag.NavigationViewModel = new Models.ViewModels.NavigationViewModel()
                            Description = "Discover Search",
                            Name        = "No Idea",
                            MenuType    = Models.ViewModels.MenuType.Discovery,
                            BasePath    = VoatUrlFormatter.BasePath(domainReference),
                            Sort        = null
                        return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                            Title = "No Blocked Subs!", Description = "You don't have any blocked subs. Golf clap.", Footer = "Block some subs and this page will magically change!"
                        return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                            Title = "Can't find this set", Description = "Maybe it's gone?", Footer = "Probably yeah"

                var perms = SetPermission.GetPermissions(set.Map(), User.Identity);

                if (!perms.View)
                    return(ErrorView(new ErrorViewModel()
                        Title = "Set is Private", Description = "This set doesn't allow the viewing of its properties", Footer = "It's ok, I can't see it either"

                var options = new SearchOptions(Request.QueryString.Value);
                options.Count = 50;

                var setList = await repo.GetSetListDescription(set.ID, options.Page);

                var model = new SetViewModel();
                model.Permissions    = perms;
                model.Set            = set.Map();
                model.List           = new PaginatedList <Domain.Models.SubverseSubscriptionDetail>(setList, options.Page, options.Count);
                model.List.RouteName = "SetDetails";

                ViewBag.NavigationViewModel = new NavigationViewModel()
                    Name        = domainReference.FullName,
                    Description = set.Description,
                    BasePath    = VoatUrlFormatter.BasePath(domainReference),
                    MenuType    = (set.Type == (int)SetType.Front || set.Type == (int)SetType.Blocked ?  MenuType.Discovery : MenuType.Set)
                return(View("Details", model));