Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void loadDocumentList(int documentSetUID = 0)
            // Image list
            ImageList imageList = ControllerUtils.GetImageList();

            // Binding
            tvFileList.ImageList = imageList;

            // Clear nodes

            // List Document Set
            documentSet.UID = documentSetUID;
            documentSet.Read(IncludeDocuments: 'Y');

            // Load document in the treeview
            Document root = new Document();

            root.CUID       = "ROOT";
            root.RecordType = FCMConstant.RecordType.FOLDER;
            root.UID        = 0;
            // root.Read();

            // root = RepDocument.Read(false, 0, "ROOT");

            // Using Business Layer
            root = BUSDocument.GetRootDocument();

            DocumentList.ListInTree(tvFileList, documentSet.documentList, root);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// List of documents
        /// </summary>
        public static DocumentSet DocumentSetRead(int documentSetUID)
            DocumentSet documentSet = new DocumentSet();

            documentSet.UID = documentSetUID;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static ResponseStatus AddDocumentToSet(HeaderInfo headerInfo, int documentSetUID, int documentUID)
            // Find Document
            DocumentReadRequest documentReadRequest = new DocumentReadRequest();

            documentReadRequest.headerInfo = headerInfo;
            documentReadRequest.retrieveVoidedDocuments = false;
            documentReadRequest.UID = documentUID;

            var documentReadResponse = BUSDocument.DocumentRead(documentReadRequest);
            var documentSelected     = new Document();

            documentSelected = documentReadResponse.document;

            // Find parent of the document
            var folderReadRequestParent = new DocumentReadRequest();

            folderReadRequestParent.headerInfo = headerInfo;
            folderReadRequestParent.retrieveVoidedDocuments = false;
            folderReadRequestParent.UID = documentSelected.ParentUID; // Reading parent

            var folderParentResponse = BUSDocument.DocumentRead(folderReadRequestParent);
            var folderParent         = new Document();

            folderParent = folderParentResponse.document;

            // Find DocumentSet
            var documentSet = new DocumentSet();

            documentSet.UID = documentSetUID;

            // Create link
            DocumentSetDocument dsd = new DocumentSetDocument();

            dsd.FKDocumentSetUID = documentSet.UID;
            dsd.FKDocumentUID    = documentSelected.UID;
            dsd.EndDate          = System.DateTime.MaxValue;
            dsd.StartDate        = System.DateTime.Today;
            dsd.UID                    = 0;
            dsd.Location               = documentSelected.Location;
            dsd.SequenceNumber         = 1;
            dsd.IsVoid                 = 'N';
            dsd.FKParentDocumentSetUID = documentSet.UID;
            dsd.FKParentDocumentUID    = folderReadRequestParent.UID; // Is this the ID of the parent on the document table or the id of the document on this table?


            return(new ResponseStatus());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load client object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="client"> </param>
        private static void LoadClientObject(MySqlDataReader reader, Client client)
            client.UID           = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.UID]);
            client.RecordVersion = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.RecordVersion]);
            client.ABN           = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.ABN].ToString();
            client.Name          = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Name].ToString();
            client.LegalName     = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.LegalName].ToString();
            client.Address       = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Address].ToString();
            client.EmailAddress  = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.EmailAddress].ToString();
            client.Phone         = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Phone].ToString();
            try { client.FKUserID = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.FKUserID].ToString(); }
            catch { client.FKUserID = ""; }
            try { client.FKDocumentSetUID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.FKDocumentSetUID]); }
            catch { client.FKDocumentSetUID = 0; }
            try { client.Fax = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Fax].ToString(); }
            catch { client.Fax = ""; }
            try { client.Mobile = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Mobile].ToString(); }
            catch { client.Mobile = ""; }
            try { client.Logo1Location = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Logo1Location].ToString(); }
            catch { client.Logo1Location = ""; }
            try { client.Logo2Location = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Logo2Location].ToString(); }
            catch { client.Logo2Location = ""; }
            try { client.Logo3Location = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.Logo3Location].ToString(); }
            catch { client.Logo3Location = ""; }

            try { client.MainContactPersonName = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.MainContactPersonName].ToString(); }
            catch { client.MainContactPersonName = ""; }

            try { client.DisplayLogo = Convert.ToChar(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.DisplayLogo]); }
            catch { client.DisplayLogo = ' '; }

            try { client.UpdateDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.UpdateDateTime].ToString()); }
            catch  { client.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now; }
            try { client.CreationDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.CreationDateTime].ToString()); }
            catch { client.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now; }
            try { client.IsVoid = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.IsVoid].ToString(); }
            catch { client.IsVoid = "N"; }
            try { client.UserIdCreatedBy = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.UserIdCreatedBy].ToString(); }
            catch { client.UserIdCreatedBy = "N"; }
            try { client.UserIdUpdatedBy = reader[FCMDBFieldName.Client.UserIdCreatedBy].ToString(); }
            catch { client.UserIdCreatedBy = "N"; }

            client.DocSetUIDDisplay = "0; 0";
            if (client.FKDocumentSetUID > 0)
                DocumentSet ds = new DocumentSet();
                ds.UID = client.FKDocumentSetUID;
                client.DocSetUIDDisplay = ds.UID + "; " + ds.TemplateType;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Associate documents from selected document set to selected client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientUID"></param>
        /// <param name="clientDocumentSetUID"></param>
        /// <param name="documentSetUID"></param>
        public static void AssociateDocumentsToClient(
            ClientDocumentSet clientDocumentSet,
            int documentSetUID,
            HeaderInfo headerInfo)
            // It is a new client document set
            // It maybe a new client, the client document set MUST be new or empty
            // 1) Instantiate a TREE for the Client Document Set document
            // 2) Instantiate a second tree for the documents related to that document set
            // 3) Now the old copy all starts, all the nodes from the second tree are moved to the new tree
            //    following current process
            // 4) Save happens as per usual

            TreeView tvFileList           = new TreeView();               // This is the list of documents for a client, it should be EMPTY
            TreeView tvDocumentsAvailable = new TreeView();               // This is the list of documents for a client, it should be EMPTY
            string   folderOnly           = clientDocumentSet.FolderOnly; // Contains the folder location of the file

            // Add root folder
            ClientDocument clientDocument = new ClientDocument();

            clientDocument.AddRootFolder(clientDocumentSet.FKClientUID, clientDocumentSet.ClientSetID, clientDocumentSet.FolderOnly);

            // List client document list !!!!!!! Important because the ROOT folder is loaded ;-)

            var documentSetList = new ClientDocument();

            documentSetList.List(clientDocumentSet.FKClientUID, clientDocumentSet.ClientSetID);

            documentSetList.ListInTree(tvFileList, "CLIENT");
            if (tvFileList.Nodes.Count > 0)

            // Load available documents

            // Get document list for a given document set
            DocumentSet documentSet = new DocumentSet();

            documentSet.UID = documentSetUID;
            documentSet.Read(IncludeDocuments: 'Y');

            // Load document in the treeview
            Document.Document root = new Document.Document();

            DocumentList.ListInTree(tvDocumentsAvailable, documentSet.documentList, root);

            while (tvDocumentsAvailable.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count > 0)
                TreeNode tn = tvDocumentsAvailable.Nodes[0].Nodes[0];


            tvFileList.SelectedNode = tvFileList.Nodes[0];

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The documents have been moved from the available to client's tree
            // Now it is time to save the documents
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            Save(clientDocumentSet, documentSetUID, tvFileList);

            ClientDocumentLink cloneLinks = new ClientDocumentLink();

            cloneLinks.ReplicateDocSetDocLinkToClient(clientDocumentSet.FKClientUID, clientDocumentSet.ClientSetID, documentSetUID);